The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 14, 1898, Image 2

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MELSON MELLANGE. _ < Melson, Ga., March 14. Our farming people are quite I forward with farm wqrk, from ! four to six weeks ahead of last season. Everyone seems hopeful and in high expectation of a “big” crop, Yes, a cotton crop too. More guano, more acres and better implements to culti vate cotton. There is no talk of reducing the number of acres. All want more bales of cotton. Wheat and oats are beginning to grow as the opening of spring approaches. Gardens are back ward. No blue birds yet. Mr. Sheldon Simms, professor of mathematics in The Synodi cal school, in Rome, with his wife and little daughter, Susan, spent two days of last week with the parents of the former. Mr. P. B. ’Simms, principal of Fincherville High School, is visiting his parents at Melson. The outbreak of smallpox caus ed him to suspend his school for an indefinite time. Letters received from Fincherville say the disease is rapidly spreading. Melson High School is in its tenth year, and is now a better school than ever. Mrs. M. E . Sheldon has’been quite sick but is better. Seed cotton is being hauled to the gin of Mr. R. B. Simms, so you see the cotton crop of 1897 is not all sold. Mr. Jefferson Trammell has been sick a long time but it is hoped he is better now. More anon. Busy Man. BACK FROM NEW YORK Mr. J. A Gammon Returned Yesterday. Mr. J. head of th< gents furnishing and ready madt clothing house of J. A, Gammon Co. arrived home from Nev York yesterday afternoon. Major Gammon has been away for near a fortnight having spent a couple of days most p'easantly in Augusta, enroute to to Goth am. To a Hustler-Commercial re porter Mr. Gammon stated'this morning that he had bought one of the best selected, best stocks to be shipped south this sea-on. He took his own time in making selections, and from years of ex perience in the business knew ex actly what to buy for Romani “and that is the Lest and most stylish” said he. The goods will begin to arrive in a few days and from then on you can reckon on J. A. Gammon & Co. for being head quarters for everything worn by men. Making Powder Day And Night Wilmington. Del., March 14. The powder works of the Dupont DeNemouas Company is now working day and night on a gov ernment order for hexagonal pow der for the big guns. In addition some of the buildings are being enlarged and additional machin ery is being put in. The daily capacity of the works is said to be ten tons of hexagonal powder: You are frequently trying to make sumthing, but too often it ends in failure. Come to my Farmacy and consult my Scien entitle American Cyclopaedia of Receipts, containing 12,500 rec ipes, cuvering every department of human industry, and lern to do it right. The New Stand ard Dictionary (the acknowledg ed authority) and S4OO worth of other valuabl works at your ser vice. Find ANYTHING YOU WANT to know. Frank Wright. Far macist, at Norton’s old corner, opposit Masonic Tempi. Insure with H. D. Cothran & Co. Do not wait until after the fire. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. A Good “Sevbod.”—This section ba« enjoyed a good “season” since Saturday, the vain falling quite steadily for a number of hours this forenoon . Farmers and truck gardeners wear sunshine in their faces even though the clouds hang heavy. To Put In New Machinery.— Messrs. J. 11. Ludvig of Charlott. N, C. and Paul Nuckolas of Fay ette Ala., arrived yesterday to put ..nine new machinery in the R< m» Cotton Factory. These experts know their busines and for th* month they remain here will doubtless form many pleasant acquaintances. They are guests at the Central. Mud, Mud, Mud.—Owing to the damp drizzles and wet raiusof the past 36 hours the alleged chert on Broad St. and the plain old sash ioned dirt on the other streets have been considerably worked up today Tne average little 2x4 politician who enjoys a mud slinging contest can find all the amunition he wnits —any wlnre—off of Col. Dick Denny’s parlorkept pave ments. Sproull Fouche lll.—The many friends of Mr. Sproull Fouche will regret to learn that he is quite ill at his father’s home on Second Ave. Sproull Fouche, as citizen and lawyer, has won an enviable reputation for his years. The Hustler-Com mercial wishes him a speedy re covery and predicts for him a bright and most successful fu ture. Order of Mystic Chain.— Messrs. T. L. Ackerman and B, J. Smith, of Richmond, Va., ar rived in the city today and are stopping at the Central. These gentlemen are clothed with the proper authority and are here for the purpose of organizing a chapter of the Knights of the Mystic Chain. The order is a splendid one and it is to be hop ed that they will succeed in their work for Rome. City Court.—The regular March term of the city court, Judge George Harris on the bench, convened at 10o’clock in the city court room this morning. The court was organized and prayer offered by Rev. A. A Tilley, the eloquent young Meth odist minister. On account of the illness of Col.Sproull Fouche. who had cases set for trial today, the court was recessed over un til 8:30 tomorrow morning. Judge Harris will dispose of business on the civil docket this week. A Brooklyn Farmer.— Mr. Peter Wyckoff, of Brooklyn, N Y., accompanied by Mr. Arthur Green, of Berlin, N. Y., are at the Armstrong. Mr. Wyckoff is about the only man living who can afford to run a farm in the heart of a city like Brooklyn, N Y. These capitalists are in Rome for a few days, and while here will inspect the matchless natu ral resources of the city and sec tion. Rome and Romans bid them welcome and wish their visit may be beheficial in every way. Admitted to The Bar.—Mr. J. Sandy Crawford, one of the best stenographers in this sec tion and a hustling law student underwent a rigid examination before his Honor, Judge Henry, and a committee of able lawyers of the Rome bir and was admit ted to practice, this afternoon. Sandy Crawford has lived in Rome for the past two years and in that time has made many friends. They will congratulate him on his success in today’s ex amination and in the lucrative practice he is certain to build U P- Fora good smoke try Waf ers’ “Extra Good’* cigars. S O EB i o 3 cz? to go regardless of OIOISIT FIRIHOIB. You can get just what you want of K. E. FOIBUSSs. We have NEW Bicycles from TWELVE DOLLARS UP and they will be sold at prices to suit the purchaser. Pianos -- 0 rga 11 s and several makes of SEWING BUIES. which will be sold at prices never before known H Rome We also have in stock 1,000 copies POPULARSHEETMUSIG at ioc per copy, Ssnd for catalogue of this music. We also handle MANDOLIN SA GUITARS, VIOLINS, ; STRINGS; aid will rent pianos or organs with purchasing privileges. Our piano-case organs are great sellers. Call and see them. E E Forbes 0327 BROAD srREET - S. F*. DAVIS, Manager. OQO<OOOOOOOWOOOOC>OOOC joooooc OOOOCJOOCXDCXDOmOOOOOOOOOOOOC 88. F Montgomery | | E o ->8 227, BROAD ST. C O SICK, ACCIDENT AND LlFb g Insurance j o WE NUMBER AMONG OUR RISKS MANY OF THE Q VERE BEST PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. Q WANTED: —We want wide-awake agents to represent q our companies in the counties of Polk, Bartow, Floyd, Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, Whitfield, Cat;?osa and Dade. Call on or address us at our Rome office, O ‘B. F. MONTGOMERY Qen’l Agt, Q OC > > OOOOOOOC"" r ' -< 2 O ooocxdoooco xdOoooooooooooooo HAVE TO /AAW Qswearoff. | ) f The na t ura ] wa y to stop tobacco Kp -oW ®is to get a distaste for it. Don’t j Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your 71 Life Away and go on suffering !F/f i( , I from nervous troubles that make / Z ; ® Strong men weak, impotent and ICy / ' unable to do the right thing at 1. J I'P /'•' ‘-‘'••'A the right time, all because the BPrSI blood is tobacco poisoned. ’’l \X-o? I ■ No-To-Bac makes it easy to J ®Stop this brain-weakening, nerve- u ruining tobacco disease. You run rxPjKo ' jSfT /TtS oY no risk for your own druggist will sell, under guarantee. ’ guaranteed (rallU I U DAb tobacco cure® ® urge you to test No-To-Bac. Do It to-day’ Over a million boxes ' sold In two years and 300,000 cures tell the story of merit No-To-Bac will not only kill the desire for tobacco, eliminate nicotine andsttady AkllSfrl the nerves, but because of its great med i<’in.ll qualities it will the blood pure and rich, tingling with new life and energy Gloomy days will begone, the sunshine will be brighter, the old man in footing XL made young again—and happy. ®DRUCCIST’S GUARANTEE. sell No-10-iUc under absoluteguarantee to euro. Our written gear- free sample of No-To-Bac, Book let cal led "Don't Tobacco Kplt . S JS°. k , e y° ur Life Away” mailed free. Address THE .STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., New York 63 ioThb wj o tb O O C/O ftfiCftMRFTQ ean dy cathartic cur® constipation. Purely vegetable smooth and • easy, mid by druggists every where, guaranteed to ctre. Only 10b |7l7pn£-3f7n''p . r a i va LXLLLE3LJI ... . Why Suffer Agony? i When DON'S COMPLETE PILE CURE i guaranteed tocure you. It is the discovery of an eminent physician. ' No Knife I No Interruption of Business I I The first treatment brings immediate relief. It has I cured thousands, and will cure you. MIL T. S. WILCOX, prominent merchant, politician I and chief of the Chattanooga Fire Department, sav : “ After years of suffering, DON’S PILE OINTMENT was rec ommended to me. The use ot one box effected a permanent e . , . I voluntarily give you this statement, hoping it will be the m ans of bringing your wonderful remedy to the attention of others suf. fenng with piles.’’ Price SI.OO, Prepaid to any Address. DON CHEMICAL COMPANY, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. • t OBT W P ° 1 Be • 1 ' W ®J a I 'T'" < - 4 vIctVS EEDS “ -THREE RAMBLER ROSES Will mako a magnificent hedge, beautiful shade for the piazza, or a charming bed. Constant 1 I mem per fectly hardy. One plant will produce thousands of flowers. One eneb, only 40 rent*, delivered. miQ Garden aud pillhU The Busy Man'« Catalogue and the Ladies' Gardener and Advlier. 0 Floral . . vUIULi. The on!v one containing full Descriptions and Directions for planting and culture: so comprehensive, condensed, classified and indexed that He Who Kun* Hay Rend. Many illustrations from nature Colored platen of Sweet Nasturtlnmi Tuberous Begonias, Golden Dav Lily, Cactus Dahlias, Daybreak Afters. beautifully ei;>! ussed cover; 120 large pages completely filled with honest illustrations I- R El- upon applicant n. Vick's Seeds Never Disappoint. JAMES Vi< RS SO.X\ - Rochester, N. Y. FREE! (po o s.£) mTOrateTMonthly Magazine h a veritable mln«> of Information about Flowere. Vegetables nnd Fruits, and how to grow »rvl care for th. m rmcessfullT A farm bouse may be brightened at .slight expense and the groat >s made alt,a. utssrtof bare and forbidding. The price of VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE is l ift,- ( not psi year l.ut II you Will return (hl. Coupon with atx two-cent .Innip. th» marizine wi.l he tor six mouths f.i trial. Writ, at once to VICK PUBLISHING CO.. Roches.-r, N. ZX”THREE RAMBLER ROSES ~ Will make a magnificent hedge, beautiful shade for the piazza, or a charming bed. Constant bloomers, perfectly hardy. One plant will produce 1,000 flowers. Only 4Oc, delivmi. n'O Harden and fJ'TDP The Busy Man’s Catalogna and Iho I.ndies’ Gardener and Arlrivr. D Floral . . vUll/Ui The only one containing full Descriptions aud Direcaous for plantingauii culture; so comprehensive, condensed, classified and indexed that He Who Runs liny Rend. Many illustrations from nature. Colored plates nf Sw* T‘ - Tuberous Bigonias, Golden Day Lily, Cactus Dahlias, Daybreak Ast<-:s !• mt illy «cover; 112 large pages completely filled with honest illustr/.liuris. FREE upon application. Rochester, N. ¥• JAMES VICKS SONS. A. _ - FREE! Vick’s Illustrated Montlily Magazine K-/IKX. Is a veritable mine of information about Flowers, Vegetables and Fruits, and how to grow nnd care for them successfully. A farm house may be brightened at a slight expense and the grounds made atti... live, insteadof bare and forbidding. The price of VICK’S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE i Fifty (’♦ n’- .er year but if you will return clilh Coupon with nlx two-cent mlnnip* the magazine will be maib u rtvuar t for six mouths for trial. Write at ouce to __ VILK PUBLISHING CO.. Rochester, N, Y. Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC’CURE. Tl] surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, 1 ire 50cenB per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. | THE DR. WHITEHALL MEGRIMINE CO., South Bend, Indiaafl PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNEYS. J, BRANHAM, Law Office, 2)0 e st First Street, lOME GA. uCMAS, W, UNDERWOOD, Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. Corporation Law Only. M B B LTBA-iNTFO, Atterney at Law. < flics ,u King Building. K line, ..a :w ii bint intis, Attorrey at Law Will Practice in al’ courts Oflice, Masonic Temple, koine, Ga, W J. NEEL, Attorney at law. Will practice in all courts, .special attention given to commercial law tud the examication ct land titles, office in King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.’s. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office 2401-2 Broad. * Over cantred & Owens J. L. PENNINGTON. D D.S..M .D. DENTIST: Office, 305 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur uiture Co. PHYSICIANS. XV. A. JOHNSON, M. D, Physician and Surgeon. Rome, Ga. Officein Medical Building. Residence, No. 963 Broad street, a Hamilton m id., Physician and Surgeon. Office, Medical Building, Rome, Ga. Office ’phone No. 69. IL. F HAMMOND. M. ID., Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medical building. Residence, No. 4'13 West First st. Gffice ’phone No 62. LUMPKIN & PRINUTP, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rome ’ : = = Georgia General practice throughout North Georgia Correspondence solicited. Special attention to mercantile collections. attention Insure before the fire with Cothran &. Co. ■ ■ - -a - [prow :.. S Write for oiir interesting b ks ‘ 'lnvent Sor’sHclp” and “How you swindles ) Send us a rough sketch or model of raj > invention or impr v< att nt ve will ml > you free our opi >i< n i to whether itl . probably patentable. W< m.-.k aspect! >of nppll atfons rejt ctcd in ie> ; Highest referenc f i: :ii ? MAP.IT.I c- MZ ETON < PATENT SOLICITORS & EXPIKTS » civil ,t Mechanical En hu r ■ ■*of th > Polytechnic School ol En in ■ elision ii ) Applied Scicir.'cs. 1. > M \ Patent Law ~,n. Amerii u ■ it rWtd < Assoeintion. New England Wat <P. Q. Surveyor! Association, At c. Mi berM ( Society of Civil Engineers. > Offices; WASitrNGTov.D.C. ( Montreal, Can. APPLICATION FOR LETTE OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas Win. A.Wright execut of Mrs. Mary W, Qu i:’i repress to the court in his petition du filed that he has administered Mi Mary W. Quinn estate. 1 his h cite all persons concerned kindn and creditors to show cause if al they can why said adminisFa* should not be discharged f' n his administration ar.ii recH letters of dismission on s he f* l Monday in June 1898. I hie Man 7th 1898. John P. Davis Ordinal YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concff Notice is hereby given that 1 appraisers appointed to set ap> and assign a year’s eupp rt *" S rah O. Murdock the wido w of h M. Murdock,deceased, have fik their award and unless good at sufficient cause is shown the ?at wiil be made the judg tDl D ‘ the court at the April term. D • , Til of the court of ordinary. March 7th 1898. John I* Ordinary' Sm >ke Waiters ‘ 1 (,v Best s noke on the market- You should go > ,9W sure against fire with t-oiu & Co. Smoko Waters“ Extra b'” beat smoke on the nraJV» cl -