The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 14, 1898, Image 4

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PROGRAM Os the Nome District Preach er’s Meeting. BEGINS TUESDAY NIGHT. At The First Methodist Church in Rome. The Rome district preachers’ meeting will be held in the First Methodist church. Rome, Ga., beginning Tuesday night. March 15th, 1898. PROGRAMME. Tuesday, 7 :3O p. m. —Sermon by Rev. C. C. Carey. Subject, “The Baptism of the Holy Ghost.” Wednesday, 8:35 a. m.—Pray er and praise meeting, led by Rev. John M. Crow. 9 a. m —“ The need of a Re vival and How to Secure it.” Led by Revs. S. R. Belk, W. C. Fox, G. L. Chastain and J. P. Burgess. 10 :00 a. m. —“The Relation of the Sunday School and Ep worth League to Revival Work.” Led hy Revs. C. A. Jamison and S, 11. Dimon. 11:30 a. m. Sermon by Rev. W. A. Harris. 3:00p. m. Providence in Mis sions. Ist. “The Removal of Barri ers.” Led by Revs. C. C. Cary and A . A. Tilley. 2nd. “The Preparation of the Church.” Led by Revs. W. A. Harris and A. 11. S. Bugg. 7 :30 p. m. Sermon by Rev. B. P.Allen. Subject: —Missions. Thursday 8 :30 a. in. Prayer and Praise meeting. Led by Rev. W. L* Singleton. 9:00 a. m. The Foreign Field. Ist. China. Led by Revs. C. M. Verdell and W. C. Fox. 2nd. Japan and Corea. Led by Revs. S. 11. Dimon and W. L. Singleton. 3rd. Brazil. Led by Revs. J. T. Rakes and J. A. Spraberry. 4th. Mexico. Led by Revs. A. A. Tilly and A. 11. S. Bugg. 11:00 a. in. Sermon by Rev. E. W. Ballenger. 3:00 p. m. The Woman’s For eign Missionary Society, its Work and Possibilities. Papers by Mrs. Judson Crabb and Mrs. J. M. Gregory. 4:00 p. ni. The Woman’s Parsonage and Home Mission Society, with special reference to Mission work. Papers by Mrs. H. H. McClure and Mrs. S. 11. Dimon. 7:30 p. in. Sermon by Rev. C. M. Verdell. Friday 9 :00 a. m. Missionary Experience meeting. Led by J. 11. Eakes and S. R. Belk. 10: 00 am. Missions and Ed ucation. Led by Revs. E. W. Ballenger and John W. Bale. 11:00 a, in. Sermon by Rev. W.C. Fox. 7:30 p.m. Sermon by J. 11. Eakes. Homes will be provided for all. Send names to Rev. S. R. Belk, Rome, Ga. J. 11. Eakes, P. E. YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia, Fix,yd County: To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a year’s support to Mary 'l'. Wade, the widow of J. L. Wade, deceased, have tiled their award, and unless good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the judgment of the court at the April term, 1898, of the court of ordinary. March 7th 1898. John P. Davis, Ro Ordinary. ■‘NOTHANKS.” “We Do Not Gate To Make Any Alliances.” ANSWER OF SENATORS " 1 V" “We Do Not Need Any Aid,’’ Said Senator Cullom. ■ r Washington, March 12. —Re ports of a possible alliance with England are received with no fa vor in congressional circles. “Such an alliance,” said Sen ator Davis, “would be unwise, and a departure from the policy we have observed from the day of W sshington.” “If we can help England,” Senator Chandler said, “in secur ing open ports in China without getting into a quarrel with our traditional friends, France and Dussia, we might do so. In trou ble with Spain we would not need her help.” Senator Lodge said: “We can not fight with her or for her bnt there are many ways in which ou moral support and influence could be exercised in an effective man ner. I doubt whether anything will ever come of the proposition. Senator Cullom: “vVhilo we would be glad if England gave us her sympathy, we do not need her aid.” INJUNCTION SUIT. - Gordon Lee Files Bill Against H. F- Stone of New Jersey. Gordon Lee, through lifs at torneys, Glenn & Ropndtree, to day filed a bill in the United States court against Henry Fred erick Stone, of New Jersey, to enjoin an ejectment suit which was instituted in December. The original suit was for the purpose of ejecting Lee from 1,000 acres of land in Dade and Walker counties, of which it was alleged he was wrongfully in possession. Under an order of Judge New man the ejectment proceedings have been held up pending the hearing, which is set for March 20.—Atlanta Journal. The Convention. The twentieth annual conven tion of the Young Men’s Chris tian Association of Georgia will convene in Americus on March 17th and close on Sunday night, March 20th. The people of Americus will entertain the delegates at their homes tree of cost, and Mr. Lee M. Hansford of that city has the matter in hand. The state association officers especially request that Sunday, March 13th be observed as a day of special prayer for this con vention. Jervis & Wright, the up town druggist, have m old stale stuff to ofler you, but their stock is clean and fresh and they will do as much for your in their way of servic e, prices, etc., as any one. Bear thia in mind and you will be glad They allow no one to undersell them. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. Georgia, Floyd County : To all whom it may concern : George W. Williaman having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of admin istration on the estate of R. W. Richardson, late of said county, deceased. ’This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of R. W. Richardson to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can,, why permanent administration should not be granted to George W. Williaman o.i R. W. Rich ardson’s estate. Witness my hand add official signature this 7th day of March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. Too • Much Knife! The use of the Burgeon’s knife is be coming so general, resulting fatally in such a large number of cases, as to occasion general alarm. Mr. William Walpole, of Walshtown, South Dakota, writes; “About three years ago, there came under my left eye a little blotch about the size of a small pea. It grew rapidly,and n shooting pains ran m bi every direction. W . .jjr I became alarmed > x ax, d consulted a z T-. Bfczjgl good doctor, who ZjJL pronounced it can- llifflCßte’xcer, and said that it nlllst be cut out. PIfXX / This I would not ‘\W' J consent to, having little faith in the indiscriminate use of the knife. Read ing of the many cures made by S. S. S., I determined to give that medicine a trial, and after I had taken it a few days, the cancer became irritated and began to discharge. This after awhile ceased, leaving a small scab, which finally dropped off, and only a healthy little scar remained to mark the place where the destroyer had held full sway. A Real Blood Remedy* Cancer is in the blood and it is folly toexpect an operation to cure it. 5.5.3. (guaranteed purely vegetable} is a real remedy for every diseased the blood. Books mailed free; ml address Swift Spe cific Co., Atlanta, Ga. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. STATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY, — George W. Thomas i Libel for di ve >vorcein Floyd L. P. Thomas 1 Super’r Court State of Georgia, No. 33 January term 1898. , To L. P. Thomas, —The defend ant is hereby required personally cr by attorney, to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for said county on the thirl Monday in July next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s demand in an action of libel for divorce, as in default thereof said court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable VV. Hen’}’, Judge of said court, this 9th day of February 1898, Wm. E. Beysiegel, C. C. upe - rior Court, Floyd county Oa. VV E oo longer supply our seeds to dealers to ’ sell again. At the same time, any one who has bought our seeds of their local dealer during either 1896 or 1897 will be sent our Manual of “ Everything for the Garden ” for 1898 Uppp provided they apply by letter FIvCC and give the name of the focal merchant from whom they bought. To all others, this magnifi cent Manual, every copy of which costs us JO cents to place in your hands, will be sent free on receipt of 10 cents (stamps) to cover postage. Nothing like this Manual has ever been seen here or abroad; it is a book of 200 pages, contains 500 engravings of seeds and plants, mostly new, and these are supplemented by 6 full size colored plates of the best novelties of the season, finally, OUR SOUVENIR’ 1 SEED COLLECTION will also be sent without charge to all appli cants sending 10 cts. for the Manual whe will state where they saw this advertisetnent. Postal Card Applications Will Receive No Attention. Annual Sales 0ver6,000,000 Boxes t’OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach. Giddiness, Fulness after meals. Head iche. Dizziness. Drowsiness, Flushings of lloat. Loss of Appetite. Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and nil- Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTER Every sufferer will acknowledge them to lie A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. IIEECHAM'H PILUS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Mrk Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have thn LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine In the World, 25c. at all Drug Stores. The finest of umbrellas for both ladies and gent’s at J. K. Williamson’s. Call | and see them. $5,000 In actual cash offered to the sub- 1 scribers of the Weekly Coinmer- 1 cial Appeal. Every one sending 1 50 cents for a year’s subscription 1 to The Weekly Commercial Ap- (i peal will be allowed a guess on the number of bales of cotton re- , ceived in Memphis from Sep tember 1, 1897, to April 15, . 1898. The first correct or nearest | correct guess will get, if the guess is received in January, $2,500;if in February, $1,500; if in March, $500; the second correct or nearest correct guess will get, if it is received in Jan uary, $1,500; if in February, $500; if in March, $250; the the third correct guess will get, if it is received in January, $1,000; if in February, $250; if in March, SIOO. This contest closes on march 31, but the guess is on the number of bales of cot ton received in Memphis from September 1, 1897, to April 15, 1898. In those months in ’95 and ’96, the numbers received was 407,260 : between that time in ’96 and ’97, 542,244 bales were received. This will help you form an estimate on you guess- The first three prizes make an aggregate amount actually offer ed of $5,000 in cash- A man stands no chance of be ing elected to the mayorship of a city unless he enjoys the the confi dence and esteem of his neighbors. Geo. W. Murphey is the popular mayor of Swanton, Ohio, and un derdate of Jan. 17, 1896. he writes as follows. “This is to certify to our application of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy My family and neighbors have tested it, and we know it is an excelent remedy for coughs and cods—George W. Humphrey.” Sold’ey all Drug- TH IN K A BOUT YO URHE ALT H This Is The Time To Give Attkn tion To Your Physical Condition The warmer weather which will come with the approaching spring months should find you strong and in robust health, your blood pure and your appetite good. Otherwise you will be in danger of serious illness. Purify and enrich your blood with Hood’s Sarsaparilla and thus “prepare for spring.” This medicine makes rich, red blood and gives vigor and vitality. Itwil 1 guard you against danger from the changes which will soon take place. z ■ • QUICK TIME. Through Sleeping Car Service To Jacksonville. Tampa and Florida Points. The Southern railway has re sumed its fast winter schedule between Rome, Ga., Jackson ville, Tampa and Florida points, leaving Rome 8 :20 p. m., ar riving Tampa 6 :15 p. m., mak ing the quickest time between these points. This is a solid train carryin elegant day coach es and Pullman sleeping car, Rome to Jacksonville, without change ; also Pullman sleeping car Rome to Tampa, without change. Winter tourist tickets are now on sale to all principal winter resorts in Florida. For information, call on J. N. Harrison, City Ticket Agent, Armstrong hotel. Telephone No. 39. YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY’ : To all whom it may corcerm: Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a jear’s support to Mrs. Henry T. Clark, the widow of Henry T. Clark, deceased, have filled their awar^ 1 , and un'ess good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the judge ment of the court at the April term, 1898, of the Court of Ordi nary. This March 7th, 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia. HE WANTS TO KEEP WELL. I Mr. Smith laid today that he and his wife dreidtd last night that when they wei t to house- i keeping they would buy thei Soothing Syrup, Castoria, Malin’s. Food, Paregoric and other Drugs from Jervis A Wright, the popular Druggists. | i Repairing || •Don’t Walk On ! • Tour Uppers! t : W. A -MU L LI N1 : .usl a Moment Pl® The Opportunity of a Life-time For Big Dividend— Paying x Investment 1 / THE ALASKA GOLD PLACER MACHINE MININGCOMPANY Capital stock $5,000,000 —full paid—andnon-assessable.Promises to be as good as the Beel Telephjne, Westinghouse Air Brake. Grapho phone or Phonograph and other similar industrial enterprises which ire paying thousands in profits to their shareholders. This is an industrial rather than a Mining Company. We have •he only Hydraulic Machine Mining System (patented)that will work in the frozen ground of the Klondike and the Northwest, where we take our machines and extract the gold from the claims of others, just as thrashing in chines ere taken into the wheat country lo hresh out the farmer's wheat. One of our machines does the w irk of over 1,000 men each day and we save the 40% of gold that is usual ly lost by other methods, so it can readily be seer, what enormous profits we will earn in the fabulously rich, gold mines of the Klondike and the Northwest, with which every one must be acquainted. Every prospector th re is cur prospector, for he must eventually come to us to Lave his claim worked. Therefore we believe we shall in time be payin as large dividends as the world-fain en terprises mentioned above. Ours is a similar ind istrial stock wli" h an only bj had for a li n tel tim> at th i Very low price of $2.50 or SIO.OO share. This is an opportunity of a li c e ‘I n x Not e/- ery day does Fott me kr«oc< a one’s.d >or r * / T-, The Gnl/ svst f n of \ Sys ten ’T" X. th it Wl H y c ra u "x- *” / work 1 r & North (paten’d) - e3st< OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS PRESIDED r.’lL P. Townley, New York Hj.i, L Bridt >rd P itun, Sinti Fo X w ' ,e - Manager of th-i Eq litable,Life Assurance So President International Mining Coure< IST VICE PRES,Hon.J N Hnston. New York Hon. John P. H >yt Seitt’o, was Ex-Treasurer of the United States Fx-Chief ,fustics, St it >o“ v ‘ 11 p - 0 ND VI tE PRkS E. Partnly Brown,New York Geo. McLain, Mm ifaotu-er. Pi-su .' J Treas, Andrew WeLoin. Wg’ rPmiie, x. I. Juathin 3 >ur.i), Fr.Mi.titg Capital P .t-1 >»• Secty and Ass't Treas. 1, Now Y >rk James W. Clise, 1 Seattle, Washing^* l Auditor an I Counsel, w’n R. vVoekt.N tw V >rk Ch of Mining Q >ni Chairbnr of Comnieseo Consulting Etgineer Win.r.Lv, NjwY>-< L ■•. Brun Pr Tni. Field, v ar u. N. V Ires Lay System Hydraulic P.acjr Mining C> C ilonel V. C. s'tsk New Y«: K Liwrance P. Brown, New York. The business ability financial standing of our Directors are amm* the best evidences of our success. To raise lhe capitol to place several plants in (he Khmdi** o a small block cf stock is now offered to the public at the \e'y |uw rate of of 25 cen'e on the dollar or $2,50 for each $lO Whan this black is sold, no mare will bj offered at less than or $lO per share An investment of $26 to SSO in this stock should very soon return larg» profits—Even 100 to 1— and thus afortuuj for the sa gacious inveeton. Certificates are in very attractive F orm, called “G »id-B icks’’ and are trausferab’e from hand to nand. Send for illustrated Prospectus where full explmotion is given of, g how we can earn eueh eti 'rnouj profits by the Liy System. Read! Reflect! Investigate i Invest! All information cheerfully given hy ths Sicretary. Call or write—Alaska Gold Placer Machine Moiing C>. II .nt rllicts, Washington Building, No. 1 Broadway New Y irk, N. Y. I Ours is the Most Complete! your wants from ® f Department Nursery IT 1 W - to Mnel Trees at *4' Ms in Tile U« Sa low rates. We publish one of 7 the leading Seed, Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, which will be mailed free. Send for it now, it will . * save you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends far and near. Have hundreds of carloads of • I # FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. • We send by mail postpaid. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival and satisfaction guaranteed; larger by express or freight. 44th year. 32 greenhouses, acres. .THE STORRS 4c HARRISON CO., Bex 528. Painesville, 0.