The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 14, 1898, Image 6

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THE HOMCOIKML THE HUSTLER OF ROME Established, IS9O. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. IHBS. Issued every evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. ortlce, Wilkerson ißlock. Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION Daily and Sunday,per year Snndar, per year Weekly (The RomeCoukikr) pei year 50 BY CARRIER IN CITY AND SUBUJ 16. D»‘<y and Sunday, locents ]>er weej, Remit by bank draft, exprsjj, money order or registered letter Add-ess THE HUSTLER-COMMERGIAL. ROME, GA. Entered at the PostolTlce at Roma, Ga.. as second class matter. Advertiaing rates and sample coplea forth asking. BUSINESS OFFICE PHONE 85 THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALLEN D. CANDLER, of Hall For Secretary of State, PHIL COOK, of Lee. For Comptroller-Generali W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. For Attorney-General. JOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merriwether. For Treasurer, W. M. SPEER, of Fulton, For Commissioner of Agriculture, O. B. STEPHENS, of Terrell. For School Commissioner, G. R. GLENN, of Hibb. Cuba Libre is the watch word. Berner has made his opening speech—but, though a Berner— the woods were not set afire. Let the farmers of Floyd re member that in case of war they can’t eat cotton and the stull won’t sell. In bidding against Uncle San' for foreign built war.-hip» Spain is likely to seek with exceptional keenness the poignant grief of being a poor man at a cash sale. The Gazette is for Hon. Alien D. Candler for governor. Hon. Fleming Gdu Bignou was Sou’.l Georgia’s choice but as he is no* out of it why we an for Candler. — Darien Gazette, The “war lord” of Germany swears that Uncle Sam shall not take possession of Cuba while he is Emperor of the Fatherland Billy might try “rough on rats” —if he must die so young. Editor Douglas Glessner is dead sure to elect “his man this tim< as he has climbed upon each o' the three gubersatorial bano wagons successively since th< circus opened.— Americus Record er. The Impartial of Madrid says. “We have won one great batth and a hat is the most worthy of praise is that this victory has beee obtained witn only the small amount of powder contained in e torpedo.” This is a characteristic of Span iards. Exultation over the result of a treacherous act is not a trait of Columbian’s sons. By the appointment of Judge W.J. Calhoun of Illinois instead of Paxson of Pennsylvania to the to the yacancy in the Interstate Commerce Commission tbe Pres ident seems to have taken advan tage of the War scare to slip out of the bands of his old time friend Pierpoint Morgan. Tbat is some thing accomplished even if the excitemoLt does the country no other good. DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH, It is an ill wind that blows no good, and the present war ex citement has brought about ac tion by the war department that Atlanta has been petitioning for several years. Yesterday the war department in Washington established the department of the south with headquarters in Atlanta, aban doning the department of Texas, and withdrawing the southern states from the department of the east to which they have here tofore (with the exception of Texas) been attached. Without any reference to war. this change means much for Atlanta, and will add greatly to her importance as a military post. It is a natural change to have made, and one that will add much to the efficiency and prompt mobilization of this de partment of the army.—Augus ta Chronicle. THE CHOICE OF THE PEOPLE The Thomasville Times-Enter prise, edited by Colonel Triple't, has this to say in a recent issue about the gubernatorial campaign. “The plane hunters, h> pro fessional office holders and office seekers, the men who “manipu late” things, are against Candler. They know they can’t use or con trol him. And this is the secret of Col. Candler’s popu'anty with the masses, with those who are more interested in a strong, con servative economical administra tion of the state’s affaire, than in dishing out offices to pay politi cal debts.” And this comes from way down in South Georgia—down where Spencer Atkinsou is supposed to be stronger than auy where else— and it goes to show that tbe sen timent of the people all over the state, that is, the great masses of the people are for the rugged, hon *st statesman—Allen D, Candler. The people know he will make 'hem an executive of whom they will feel proud—a Governor aud arc going to nominate him. He is holding his own in the contest md is serenely conducting his campaign upon tbe high plane upon which be pitched it in the letter to the Clarke county demo cracy accepting the nomination. The people have rallied arouud Alien D. Candler before, and they have not yet lost one bit of that old time enthusiasm when rally ng arround such a leader.— Gainesville Cracker. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. When a man gets the ague it soon gives him the shake. A man and a strange umbrella often go without saying. It is exceedingly hard to get along with a balky horse. The principal apartment in a gambling house is the ante room. The wedding of a deaf and dumb couple is always a quiet affair. Modern prophets should con fide their predictions to general ities. • « When looking for lodgings a man must either inquire within or without. There is always room at the top —but in case of fire it is bet ter to be at the bottom. There is nothing dearer to a man than a good wife—with the possible exception of her shop ping expeditions. “The man who trusts another educates him,” says a writer. If he keeps right on trusting, he will also add to his own stock of knowledge.—Chicago News. There is a world of difference between a politician being a •‘h—l of a great innocent” and just a “h—l of an innocent.” A BYRD S EYE VIEW. The Hustler Commercial begins its second week today. We are “eminently” satisfied with the progress made, and, while we are sawing wood aud saving—very little, we are get ting*thet*e with both pedal ex tremities and sixteen wide-awake hustling route boys. If you don’t get your paper, kick and kick promptly. You can’t afford to have your life robbed of such material pleasure. Tell the fel low who wants to borrow that now is the time to subscribe. * ♦ ♦ Have you noticed how “sud den” has been the peach bloom this year? On Saturday after noon scarce a flower, on Sun lay morning whole orchards of beautiful blossoms. ♦** Think of Queen Elberta—if Jack Frost does not slip his nippers around her wrist and abduct her hence. * Speaking of Col. Frost, re minds m® that should he play another farewell tour this spring, seed houses might show fine gate receipts, but he would get lots of “sass” from the gardeus. * ♦ * He would not hurt me much, but just over my garden fence he would find much tender truck in the gardens of my neighbors, “Dock” Lowry and Clarence Todd. Ike Hume, like myself, is a leetle slow on triggers this year. * * * This warm rain, which has fallen after a long “dry spell,” puts the early gardener and the enterprising farmer in fine spir its. There are but few of any other kind of planters in this neck of tbe woods. * » * 1 was passing along East First street with Judge Mat Henry a few days ago. When opposite the palatial homes of Mr. H. A. Smith, the veteran book man, and Major Lavender, the South ern’s clever freight depot agent for Rome, the Judge called my attention to the magnificent wa ter-oaks aud remarked: *>* “It seems to me that there are more green leaves on the water oaks this spring than I have ev er before observed in this sec tion of the state.” The fact that the trees have retained so much of their last seasons’ suit speaks volumes for the open winters of North Georgia. ♦ ♦ ♦ I had not noticed those leaves before, though I have for a long time had a jumbled conviction in my mind that, as the ballet season advanced, the trees had a habit of shaking their habits same like some female folks, or vice—a verse or two. Anyway, these days begin to tempt a fellow to shed his flan nels. *•* Spanish onions should not be eaten by any patriotic American girl—who is acquiring the kiss ing habit. Onions are bad, but to a young Cuban sympathizer, the odor of a Spanish onion is hateful even on the breath of the fairest maiden.—There are others. * « • Race horses may feel their oats, but it’s the wild oats that the young race track betters sow and are harvested by the horse owner, that gives tiiat gentle man such a sleek appearance. The foxey spring poet seems to be backward about coming forward-—perhaps he has no shoes for his feet and don’t care to soar a sole-less strain. * * * Mrs. Charles Garrard has gone to market. This is a big news item for the ladies of Rome, not because Mrs. Garrard goes to market so seldom, but because she not only goes regularly but when she goes she always se cures the very latest in all milli nery novelties and styles—thus enabling the Roman matrons and maidens to enjoy just as pretty goods as though they were convenient to metropolitan fashion centers. Let Liberty apply her torch to the campfires of freedom. Jerry Simpson has joined the choir and is now singing to Dinglev : “Where Did You Get That Hat. ” Should war come, cotton will decline, food staples adv nee in price. Tne wise farmer will pitch his ci ops accordingly, War prepara'ions continue to enjoy a boom Sundays nut except ed and s'ib the President and his advisers tell us there will be no war. The streets of Rome have been neglected long enough. Let the Seay administration make its name famed for putting the streets in good fix. Since one of the Pullman boys shucked his coat, rolled his sleeves and went to work he has been besieged with love letters. You can’t keep a working man down—or out of a union. About the only Spaniard who has anything to gain from war with toe United States is Don Carlos. On stepping stones of his dead countrymen he might rise to the throne. The Macon News says : “The difference in the way which the democratic and populist guber natorial nominations are being sought represents the differences in the chances of the two par ties.” The exports of breadstuff, cotton cattle, hogs and provisions during February all show a considerable increase as coinpaired with tne exports for February, 1596 the gross increase having amounted to over sl4 000,000. There was a comparative decrease of $1,500,- 000 during the same time in the export of petroleum. And now the gratifying an nouncement is made that Gen. Wade Hampton was misquoted when he was reported as saving that in case of war the south would confine its attention to the defense of its coast line. The south is more loyal, thinks the Knoxville Sentinel, than Gen. Hampton’s purported remarks would have given reason to be lieve. But at any rate, he has denied that he made any such utterance. Those of our readers who find themselves growing uncomfort ably stout and are wondering what can he done to relieve this undesirable condit ion, will find encouragement in the article upon obesity in the February number of the Monthly Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine, We are Jold here tbat fat people, “who are pale, soft and flabby and inclined to oedema lose weight rapidly from treatment with the extract thyroid gland that oxidation is increased and nutrition improved” Charr'ii reports a reduction of forty pounds in one of his cases by this treatmeu it is not however a universal specific as in some cases it has faded to produce the desired results. For a good smoke try War-; era’ “Extra Good” cigars, ' —ma- ‘ ——- -t - * One Large Scar Is All That Remains of Great Scrofula Sores Neighbors Could Not Dear to Look Upon Her —A Grand, Complete Cure by Hood’s Sarsaparilla At tor Others Failed. “I was taken with neuralgia in my head and eyes. Not long after this, a scrofula sore appeared on my left cheek, extending from my upper lip to my eye. Other sores camo on my neck and on my right arm and one of my limbs. They were very troublesome and painful and soon became great running sores. My face locked bo bad that some of my neighbors could not bear to look at me and advised me to wear a bandage, but I feared this would irritate the sore and make it worse. So I Could Not Hide the Sores. My niece, who was familiar with a case similar to mine, which had been cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, urged me to try it. Finally I was persuaded to do so, and in a short time I saw it was helping me. The sores began to heal and the neu ralgia in my head was better. In a few months the sores on my arms and limbs all healed; those on my neck gradually disappeared and now they are all gone. I have never had any symptom of scrofula ice. One large scar cn my right arm is I! the sign that remains of my terrible fiction. The neuralgia is also cured.” 1 RS. J. M. HATCH, Etna, New Hampshire. HOOd’S farina .sthe best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hnod’s Hie only pills to take 1 IWU » . Ill* with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured. The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST YEAR. It supplies schools and colleges with competent teachers of Pen manship and principals of commer cial departments; sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography or Bookkeeping. Address all letters to the Principal, 11. S. Shockley, Rome, Ga. Fresh Eggs Are Nice.—ls you like nice fresh eggs, we can just give you a pointer. We have made special arrangements wiih about a dozen different leliahle farmer to bring us all their eg> s every week. By this means we are able to gurantee all our eggs to bestrictly fresh and new. We d<> not buy shipped or I ig lots of.egg, therefore if you always wish the best, just send us your orders. Lloyd & Co. BEST OF ALL To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Springtime comes, use the true and perfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. One bottle will answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents. Buy the genuine. Manu factured by tne California Fig Syrup Company only, and for sale by all druggists. Such a pity to see a man like | Frank XVright wearing his life away trying to sei $1 Sarsapa rilla for 50c cash, while others get the dollar right along sim ply by charging them. Farmacy at old Norton corner opposit masonic temple, where you can allmost allways save money if you hav the cash. Do You Like Fine Butter?— We have just received a spipment of the finest butter ever brought to Rome. It is the famous Ele gant Creamery, called the Little Butter Cup, fresh, sweet and solid packed in hondsome one pound bricks, full weight. In order to introduce this butter, we are going sell it at 25c lb. All we aok is that you try one pound . Ll< yd’s. Please 'don’t stop the Spanish war I’ve got about forty pairs r,f cruches that I want toselsumbody [at cost.] Frank Wright, Farmacisf, at o'd Nori on corner opfosit Masonic Tempi. FR E E OFC H A RGE TO st • p FERS. K Cut this out and take it ♦ . your druggist and get a 1 bottle free of Dr. King’, Discovery for Co n9 u raptio „ Coughs and Colds. They <1 ()11 ’ ! ask you to buy before tryin? • This will show you the i merits of this wonderful remedy and show you what can be J ’ complished by the regular B j Zft ' bottle. This is no experiment . and would bo disastrous to t ] 1( J ’ proprietors, did they net know [ it would invariably cure. Many , of the best physicians are now , using it in their practice with > great results, and are relying < n it in most severe cases. It ig 1 guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington Co. Drug , St ° I re AA? egular size 50 cents jlikl $ 100. THE COMING WOxMAN. Who goes to the club while her husband tends the baby, as well as the good old-fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times get run down in health. They will be troubled with loss of appe tite, headaches, sleeplessness fainting or dizzy spells. The most wonderful remedy for these women is Electric Bitters. Thousands of sufferers from Lame Back and Weak Kidneys rise up and call it blessed. It is the medicine for women. Female complaints and Nervous; troubles of all kinds are soon re j lieved by the use of Electric , Bitters. Delicate women should ’ keep this remedy on hand to , build up the system. Only 50c. L per bottle. For sale by Currv i Arrington Co’s., Drug Store. SLEEPING CAR i Rome to St, Louis, via South- • ern railway, without change. The Southern railway, in con ’ nection with the Queen and Crescent route, operates daily a ( through sleeping car line be tween Jacksonville and St. Louis . via Louisville. This sleeper , passes Home at 7:27 am., and arrives St. Louis 6 :55 the next morning. This will afford excellent ac commodations to parties en route to all points west and northwest also to Florida. For further information call on or address J.N Harrison, C. P. and I'. A., Armstrong hu -1 tel. Telephone 39. DIFFICULTIES REMOVED. “My father, my brother and myself were ad troubled with loss of appe ite and took Hood’s Sar saparilla with great benefir, I huve suffered for years with eruptions, but since takn g Hood’s Sarsapar 11a I have had no trouble of this ’ kind. It has also cured me of in -1 digestion. ” Ernest N. Jennings, “ Bogart, Georgia. Hood's Pills are easy to take, 1 easy to operate, Cure mdigesiioo, ■ heaadache. 1 A PROMINENT MINISTER SPEAKS. From a personal test and a thorough cutside observation, I am prepared to recc.nnmend Chen ey’s as a positive remedy i° r coughs and colds, croup, etc. Rev. Henry Buchanan. Jonesboro, Ga. It is, or should he, the highest aim of every merchant to please his customers, and that tho wide awake drug firm of Mayers & Esh leman, Sterling, 111., is doing so, is proven by the following, fr onl Mr. Eshleman: “In my sixteen years’ experience in the drug I’ ll9 ' iness I have never seen or sold or tried a medicine that gave as g<’oi satisfaction as Chamberlain’s Col fl, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bani edy.” Sold by all Druggists. Take The Hustler-Commercial. Bicycles, Bicvcles, Bicycles $5000.00 worth of bicycles to be closed out at prices never before known to retail trade. E. B. Forbes. NOTICE. The firm of Chidsey & Seay is this da> ■ ‘‘j 9 solved by mutual consent. All parties < us will plea-e settle the same With Mrs. . Seay Vt atson. as the entire stock, books acconuls have been transferred to her Feb. 38, GHID3EY it SLAr-