The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 15, 1898, Image 4

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THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL THE HUSTLER OF ROME Established, 1890. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established, 1895. Issued every evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL G BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. ortloe, Wilkerson |Block, Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION Dally and Sunuay.per year #5 <M "nndar, yer vear .. $l.O Weekly (Tas Rome Courier) pei year 50 BY CARRIER IN CITY AND 6VBUI Ds'ty and Sunday, lOcenfa per weal, Rpmit bv bank draft, oxprsn. tnoaey order or registered letter Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL, ROME, GA. Entered at the Postolflce at Rome, Ga.- as secono class matter. Advertirlng rates and sample copies forth asking. BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALLEN D. CANDLER, ofHall. For Secretary of State, PHIL COOK, of Lee. For Comptroller-General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. For Attorney-General. ’JOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merriwether. For Treasurer, W. M. SPEER, of Fuiton, For Commissioner of Agriculture, 0. B. STEPHENS, of Terrell. For School Commissioner, G. R. GLENN, of Bibb. The “Circular Letter.” About 1000 burros are to bt shipped from Seattle, Washing ton, to Japan for pack animals. Let’s see to it that Georgia’s next Governor, Allen D. Candler, is given an ovation when hf comes to Rome. They insinuated the Consti tution had lied and dared it to give the names. They got Jthi names and now they are like tin famous kid the kaff run over. A Madrid newspaper com plains that ’‘despite adverse cur rents, General Lee stands like a proud rock, defying the ele ments” —meaning, of course, the element of treachery in tin Spanish character. Berner seems to be determined to array the rich against tin poor, the masses against the classes. He won’t get 50 votes in a white primary in Floyd county, —nor will Atkinson double that number. The Bob Berner organs an “pestered a heap.” They are afraid that the fact that Bob held office under Cleveland and that he usetowas a gold bug wont, be appreciated among the masses and they are—howling. Great Britian has provided an expenditure of $127,000,000 for the betterment of her navy this year, while we have set aside $50,000,000 to preserve the peace on this side of the water. This represents the difference be tween the cost of war peace. De Lome’s successor declares that Spain intends to do every thing that is honorable to avoid war. And it is now suggested that the new minister will confer a favor upon the American peo ple if he will define define “hon orable from the Spanish stand point. HOW THEY STAND. The Rome Tribune liees to an nounce that the prtss of the state is behind the gubernatorial race of Spencer Atkinson. Yesterday’s Constitution, however explodes that statement by giving the names cf the weekly editors who say their papers are, as follows: For Allen I). Candler 76. “ S. R. Atkinson 22. “ Bob Berner 21. Undecided 29. Candler will be the next Gover nor —mark that prediction. STARTLING? The startling rumor reached Waycross this morning that Mc- Kinley had declared his inde pendence of Hanna. Will it cause war? That’s the question. —Waycross Herald. War or no war, the fakir who started that rumor must be the same man who started the ru mor that Spencer Atkinsoil was not going to take Sam Jones’ ad vise, and that he was going to resign. But the author of the ru mor was only a fluent falsifier, The snuff combination will yet set the country a sneezing. Our motto: The very best pa per we can get out every day in the week. Uncle Sam needs more Cramps—in the navy yards of this country. Rockmart and the Kimball house are running rival slate mines just now. Willie Hohenzollern may be a peach but he’s not much stucx on American fruit. Since the success of the Cis neros rescue the Journal might try its hand on the liberation of Dreyfus. Now if there is anything at all left that Mr. Berner is not against we suppose that is what he is for. Weyler the Sprinter, alias the Spanish Fly, is training to lead the Spaniards--out of th” first battle wll Americans. The fellow with heart trouble has no business monkeying with the gubernatorial situation in Georgia this year. - The first street railway in Amer ica started on the Bowery. New York, and ran from Prince street to Fourteenth street, in 1831. A civilized nation over which.a war cloud is not now hanging is the exception. What is the mat ter with the people of this earth anyhow? From recent events it 'would seem that the blood of Judas and of Annanias had met and mingled and come down through the centuries. The Plowboy of Pigeon Roost, is harrowing—gee, Spence I—for the Capitol City Club, later on lie will put on his sweep—haw haw, Bob !—and clean up the whole field by layin-by time. The Kentucky legislator be lieves that fighting, like charity, should begin at home—this is meant as a charitable construc tion placed on recent warlike events transpiring on the floor of the Kentucky home. Will the politicians who are howling for Atkinson name one race he ever made before the people in which he was elected or in winch he ever carried his home county? Strong I—as a sand foundation in highwater district. A BYRD’S EYE VIEW, Seab Davis, the hustling man ager of the E. E. Forbses Rome branch house, showed me a big shipment of’97 models, also a big consignment of second hand and “traled in” wheels he has just received, in all obout 60.1 These wheels looked to me to be in fine shape. **» There were ladies’ and gents, boys and girls wheels. And they range in price from $lO up. Mr. Davis remarked : “lam going to close these wneels out right away. They are good machines, but I must have room for new stock right away.” *** In addition to this particular shipment of goods, Seab Davis has any and everything in all the very latest improved wheels and he tells me that he under sells the lowest. He i» doing business in the Kincaid build ing. ♦ Major Lavender, the courte ous and efficient Freight Agent of the Southern Railway for Rome, tells me that while the general business of his road is better, much better this season than last, that the fertilizer bus iness this year is oft’ about 40 per cent from last season. *** This is a splendid indication and promises much for the plant ers of this section. “But,” re marked Major Lavender, “you must remember that last sea son’s receipts for fertilizers were extraordinarily heavy.” I asked him how this season would compare with seasons pri or to last year. “This season’s receipts have been considerably lighter than any I know of.” said he. *♦* Continuing, he said: “But while the farmers are curtailing their guano purchases they are buying corn very heavily, about 30 cars of Westorn grain coming to Rome in the past few weeks. This is unusually heavy. » * * I write this merely to show the trend of the who buys on time and depends on the supply merchant—he is de cidedly too numerous in the land. *** Looking at it from a broad and retrospective point of view, the recent fire in the Moseley building was a blessing in dis guise—though a little warm. * * * The insurance has been ad justed and already Capt. A. B. S. Moseley has let contracts and has material on hand for the work of replacing. * * * The new building, for virtual ly it will be new, will be put on the city grade. The old front is to be torn out and a red, press ed prick front is to go in. Capt. A. B. S. Moseley is public spirited and practical When he “comes up” out of the mud, and Capt. J. B. Nevin puts the opera house on the grade, as he is going to do at once, then the Rhodes building will be the only “depression” up to No. 329, the old “Kash Shoe Store,” now the Singer of fice. *** And when No. 329 and Dr. Trevitt’s No. 321, and Capt J. H. Rhodes “come up,” then that block will be rid of “hills and hollows” and will have been lit erally jacked out of the high water. Rome is alright—like a la boring man you can’t keep her from thriving. Its amusing to note how and-; denly 'he Macon Telegraph, at-| ter the Tom Hight letter, abun-l doned the “Coop-trapper” fea'tre| of its “disinteieattd” plan of ! campaign -- “Norsk Kviiidestemmeretaforen ing” is the name of tr.e woman’s suffrage society of Norway. No wonder the mail are at raid to give i their Norwegian s stera equal rights. Considering the alleged physi cal disabilities of Uncle Sain’s pensioners, isn’t it a bit strange that opposition to the publishing of the pension list should be so able bodied? France and Germany, allied with Spain, would feel mighty uncomfortable if they had to, fight to the tune of Hail Colum bia on one flank and Rule Bri tannia on the other. The Cuban wars would prove an asylum of peace, for the anti- Candler politicians, before the people get through mopping up the Georgia encampment with them in the campaign now on. Mme. Carnot, it is said, has had a chapel arranged in her apartment in Paris, where she has placed around the portrait of her husband all the souvenirs sent to her after his assassina tion. It would seem that, the Berner itee and the Alkinsonites are each trying to make the other come down so tuat all forces can be concentrated upon Mr. Candler. It is no use. They might as well quit right now as the people want a free and uutrammeled man to occupy the gubernatorial chair and in Allen D. Candler they recognize that man. —Americus Herald, “A curious innovation,*’ says I the Boston Transcript, “at the coming Omaha Exposition will be a Bureau of Courtesy. Not only is the idea novel, but it is surprising to learn that nearly all the people in Omaha will be enrolled in the committee. Ev ery member will wear a badge, and visitors will be at liberty to address any one who wears the badge and ask for information just as much as he likes. The member, on the oilier hand, will be pledged to treat the visitor visitor courteously and answer his questions, or put him in the way of getting them answered.” Do You Like Fine Butter?— We have just received a spipment of the finest] butter ever brought to Rome. It is the famous Ele gant Creamery, called the Little Butter Cup, fre-h. sweet and solid packed in hondsome one pound bricks, full weight. In order to ntreduce this butter we are going •ell it at 25s lb. All we p&k is that you try one pound. Lloyd’s. DIFFICULTIES REMOVED. “My father, my brother and myself were all troubled with loss of appetite and took Hood’s Sar saparilla with great benefit, I have suffered for years with eruptions, but since taking Hood’s Sarsapar 11a I have had no trouble of this Kind. It has also cured nib of in. digestion.” Ernest N. Jennings, Bogart, Geoigia. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easy to operate, Cure indigestion, h eaadac h e. Jervis & Wright, the up town druggist, have in old stale stuff to oiler you, but their stock is clean and fresh and they will do as much for your in their way of service, prices, etc., as any one. Bear this in mind and you will be g!»d of it. They allow no one to undersell them. Insure with H. D. Cothran & Co. Do not wait u itil after the fire. One Large Scar Is AH That Remains of Great Scrofula Seres Neightorn Could Not Bear to Look Upon Ker —A Grand, Complete Cure ?>y Rood’s Sarsaparilla After Others Failed. “I was taken with neuralgia in my I head a• 1 eyu. Net long after this, n scrofula sore appeared on my left cheek, < ■ tendit: : from my upper lip to my eye. Other so\s cime on iny neck and on my right arm and of my limbs. They were very troublesome and painful and soon became great running sores. My j I face look'd so bad that some of my . neighbors could not bear to look at me and advised me to wear a bandage, but I • feared this would irritate the sore and i m ike it w urso. be I Could Not Hide tho Sores. My niece, who was familiar w'ith a case | similar to mine, which had been cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, urged me to try it. Finally I was persuaded to do ho, and in a short time I saw it was helping me. I The sores began to heal and the neu r.lgia in my head was better. In a few months the sores on my arms and limbs alt he hd; those on my neck gradually di appear. J a id now they are all gone. I cave never h ri any symptom of scrofula r i ice. Ore laryo scar on my right arm is I the sign tha. remains of my terrible ..lotion. The ueura'gfa is also cured.” c .a?. J. M. latc i. lit m, New Hampshire. Sarsa- SU’vy & pariila the best—hi f:iet the One True Blood Purifier. U md’c Or •> r are th" only pills to take i-od- d M with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured. The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST YEAR. It supplies schools and colleges with competent teachers of Pen manship and principals of commer cial departments; sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography or Bookkeeping. Address all letters to the Principal, 11. S. Shockley, Rome, Ga. LET’ERS OF ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA Fl OYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern : Farris P. Nixon having id proper ; form applied to me for permanent | letters of administration on the estate of Dr. W. C. Nixon late of said county deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next, of kin of Dr. W. C Nixon to be and appear at my of fice within the time allowed by law and show cause if .any they they can why permanent adminis tration should not he granted to Farris P. Nixon on Dr. W. C. Nix ons estate. Witness noy hand and official signature this 10th day of Feb. 1898. John P, Davis Ordinary, APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY, Whereas T. A. Thrash. Admin istrator of Mrs V. F. Thrash, de ceased, represei ts tj the court in his petition duly filed that he has administered Mrs. V. F. Thrash’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned kindred and creditors to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from his administra tion ai d receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in May 1898. This Feb. 7lh 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia, Floyd county. To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a supplimental year's support to L. F. George and R. E. George, minor children of J. A George, deceased, h ive filed their award and unless good and suffi cient cause is shown the same will be made the judgement of the court at the April term, 1898, of the court of ordinary. This March 10th, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. Have you seen the uewestfad, those plaid hose alCaker’s. FREE OF Cli ( - ■ 1' I:' . ‘ 'H-l Cut this out a: ■ your druggist ' to ■ bottle free us • ■ ■ ■ Discovery, f ( , ' ■ Coughs and <■ ask you to i,|. 1 :,,|! vt ■ This will show . ■ merits of tins . _ H and show you • ." ' ■ complished I, <k- ■ bottle. r l L‘ s >ze H and would I-.' I|||,|l! > H proprietor.-,.,’ it would iiiy;,' of the best using it i n " novH great, results. . ' "UliH it in most > 11 1 guaranteed. " at Currv-A- < - ' ' Store. Regular - u and SIOO. '' 1 II E < 11 • . j,I her ImA.u.J : ■ I •Oman v.-l, ■ -v>il 1... ’, ■ ro’l'b'wu r, ! I>,! I ' lite, heiul.u-L. fainting or most womit : r these women i - I .. p Tlß.us'iu.a Lame Back .an ■ rise up and • is the FemrJe cotr,!/. ... .■ troubles of ai lieved by the Bitters. Deli. - . keep this i . ■ build up the ■ ’ li; ■ per bottle. , Arringtcn (hh ’ B slepu:: <.. . Rome to Si. : ern railwnv, U The Soin 1. nection wun ■ Cres'-ent roir through s'ei a tween .Jack'< i h - I. via Louisville. TT- - . pel’ll passes Koin.e a arrives St. !.• • .■ \tß morning. ■ This will all •• commolatioiis i ; meM to all points M also to Florida. H For furtli'n’ on or ad.t (J. P. and I'. - tel. Telepiio. ■ H CHEA llal f B New B Count Mar February 2d t tn v " casi'.n the will so’l B above ■ 21st, at the r. M the round i n turning utiii Uor'tieki’l- lion, cad 1 on Harrison, ci | Armstrong 39. J: ■ X—" 1 . . 50 YEARS’ -KiENCE ■ ' Trade M* rkS Designs Anyone sending n . , ( •/ ‘ n quickly ascertain < nr . ■ • • invention is ptohab. . , . >: i< sent free. Oldest :i;-’ ■ Co. r^ eIVO Patents taken tlir- ■ ... •> ’’Scientific .ostriwit. A handsomely IHn’tr dilution of any - n . .... • year: four m-mths. *1 lit J /'ll! tIftUNN & BrauchOrtiv. •'•• 1 . CITATION -i'- '■ 111 ' 1JJ GEORGIA. FLOYD ' " To all Whom it 1 ( w. A. Barnet Dole Adams, dec form applie for 1' ave to iog to ihe • and said »pP on th- hr>t M Tl ““ NOTICE. The iii tu ° f solved by mutual u> ( us will please Belt ' ; Seay Watson, a* l acconuts have been >- a Feb. ISya