The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 15, 1898, Image 7

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2.® Hn [OLE CLUB I P«Uj J. *■ ’ ,- ~ ’ rO ; *7’' f'l , »J, r L d t i eHB ./ Make <■ /,MW • 3n yßunning ;*"■ ' Time II # i ''L - _ , . u || lir l caraplete line of jewelry, iuclu- - H IALTY. I Williamson [ iv * lili ;o ( . ...••<uui» “. ■: i "' |( l * n n 1 * “'■mn/ir y “*i*in lin '! Am i Yp:ir* ’■iii[i\ii &riiinuui“ ,?± , . ra i Fire and Life'V’ Negotiated on Real Estate l’ !!^W nev ’C J| ',_ a iu l Brokers. Cad to see ( city and county. Fire In- Solicited—Agents C surance at cut rates, 20 to ‘ } 25 per cent. 103 r . i ■smoke © | I Romemade | I CIGARS i I ■ r-.-’UUWUtKZZUWt ./ ■J.. - ? ■MCoim. Wis., Hyannis, Nebr., K I Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,1898. ■Il would not be I regard PISO’S JJIJ Jh CURE FOR CON ' c ; - all SUMPTION as the P ‘ £ n,lht Me Sr gSiS , P “H best Cough medi- ; -Ti-X'gfglSlglSraiMgHgSil cine on the market, B|® i .;horCold it i< h ■ having used it for jnd all others. 15 years. IB: C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER. ■“ The Best Cough Medicine.” ||||||g| * ►.,. -.i.-.w rr ■ ' ■ ** K H I I. Stark, : ■* 7 M ■> K& M H I nin HiMim nw B H' x ■* Daugherty Bidg, 2nd Ave « I* M R x I; Best White LEGHORNS! S p s J'e very best breed and most wit 1 '? !y mar ked fowls, leave orders t ou ch &. Co,, $3 per trio. ■H P <-n id cockerels only $l. LD - CAILLIARD. JI Going to church accords with all of a woman ’e plan in life. all her hopes, all h°r ambitions. At church is heard the wedding march and it is the church that encour ages matrimony. It is not sur prising. therefore, that the church draws its largest patronage from women. o o o Colonel \V\ A. Charters is now the possessor of a Baptist church, which was recently purchased from Mrs. Miller Patton, and, as has been stated herefure, was erected on the wrong lot, and had become the properly of Mrs. Pat ton in this way. Some of the members of this church were in town last week endeavoring to get enough money contributed for the purpose of purchasing it from the Colonel, so as to enable them to commence serving tbe Lord in it at an early day.'—Dahlonega Nugget. Col. Fletch Johnson should secure Bill Charters a set of preachers license—and there by remove his strongest opponent in the Solicitors race now on. “Rev, Willie Charters would preach to large congregations . o o o Joe Bennet as judge wil 1 be a long step in the direction of better political conditions. Brunswick Times. Candler and Bennet are run ning well in Floyd. Judge Beuntt will be one of the best Judicial officers under the Candler admin istration. Mark that prediction. o o o Dollars for scents remarked the young man who turned loose his cash and gathered in roses for bis best girl. o o o St. Patrick’s Day will arrive on schedule time and will find Uncle Sam with his Irish up. o o o N), Jane, dear, tbe Georgia Slates do not all come from Rock mart. o o o If the fake correspondent could only be forced to use an inkless pen and made to write on space, there would yet be hopes for the Georgia penitentiary system. o o o A strange meeung occured re cently in Eastern Oregon. At a public meeting a speaker was in troduced to the audience as “Mr. Booth the son of the sheriff who hanged Jahn Brown, of O-sawat omie, at Harper’s f erry.” In the course of the meeting Mr. Booth was presented to a man whote name was Solomon Browc. They talked for a minnte or two. “Mr. Booth,” said Mr. Brown, “was it your father who hanged Juhn Brown at Harper’s Ferry?” “Yes,” said Mr. Booth. “He was sheriff at the time, and it was his duty to officiate at the ex ecution. No relative of yours. I hope?” “Only my father,” was the reply. o o o In a recent address in London Geeree Bernard Shaw remarked that the English people have no brainsno artistic feeling few ideas and enormous capacity for the as similation of lies. George is abou half right—see how every body reads the war news, o o o The only absolutely new thing in “social functions” this winter comes from Louisville, where a man before committing suicide sent out very courteous invita tions to all his friends to be pres ent at his funeral . o o o With the announcement of a steady upward movement in the wheat market comes the interes ting news from Chicago that young i Mr. Leiter is “holding bis nerve.” 1 Leiter has found how, by working with th 1 grain he can freeze on to I the other fel ovs “dough” —ln this wheat buy and buy. • 'a I iißgggywiii i . | window it ' J y° u ’ d natu —h—Jr rall y sa / he AzX-TfA- I—. 1 —. IS a dead =-A r JF —-J man. Well, _ perhaps he _ iL I is and then 1 I again, per- “A-h haps not. Something w - may save r X him. There ■mN'E, ./ may be a Xtly-- \IV friendly awn- WuX //JffS. ing that will ’Mpr 1 't him down S® easy, so he V ma J' be sound well to- C VV morrow. You never know what may save a man who seems to be as good as dead. Many a man who seemed to be dying of consumption, and whom the doctors pro nounced just as good as dead, has got wel’ and strong and hearty again by using or. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery This wonderful medicine has shown the doctors that consumption isn’t always a fatal dis ease. It can be cured if you get at the germs of it tn the blood an<! clear them out oughly. That is what this “ Discovery” does. It makes new blood, —healthy blood. The genus of consumption can’t exist in healthy blood. They simply let go their hold and are carried out of the system ; then the new blood builds up new tissue, new flesh, new power, new life. It carries vitality to the lungs, the bronchial tubes and every other part of the body. It cures people after cod liver oil has failed, because their digestive organs are too weak to digest fat-foods. The “ Discov ery ” makes the digestion strong. For thin and pale and emaciated people there is no flesh-builder in the world to compare with it. It doesn’t make flabby fat, but hard, healthy flesh. It builds nerve power and force and endurance. It is never safe to pronounce any one “dying of con sumption,” or any other wasting disease, until this marvelous “ Discovery ” has been given a fair trial. Dr. Pierce’s thousand page illustrated book, “The People’s Common Sense Med ical Adviser ” will be sent free paper-bound for the cost of mailing only, 21 one-cent stamps. Cloth-bound, >0 stamps extra. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. In the ep’-ing a livelier iris comes upon the burnished dove, and it may be noticed this season that the Amerioan Eegle is getting up pretty Iri-h himself. J FOR CASH. 1 We will for a few ] days make big reduc- i tion in prices. Same i prices to all. No un- < derliand work for us- ( Curry-Arrington Co. Hon. L. A. Dean spent the day in the city. Mr. J. A. Me Vrver, of Lyerl , was here last night. Mr. Rosser Thomas, of Adairs 1 ville spent the day in the city t Mr. U. R Brown, of Gayles- ’ ville, Ala., is At the Central. Ex-Mayor C. C. Smith, of i, Seney, spent the day in the city. ] Mr.F. G. Govan has returned J from an extended visit to Atlanta. Clever Charley Patterson, ol j Cartersville, was in Rome j day and last night. j County Commissioner Smiley Johnson, of Etowah, spent the day in the city. Mr. G. 11. Aibea, of Cave Spring is in the city this weik attending city court. Ordinary John P. Davis return ed from| an official business trip to Cave Spring, last night. Rome Masons are delighted W'th thi first volume of The Crafts man, just issued from Atlanta. With toilet soap down two and three cakes for a nickle the Cum -Arlington Co are prepared to bluff every tramp that head this way. Dr. M L. Palmer, President of the State Farmer's alliance left this afternoon to be president at populist pow wou in Atlanta to morrow. Dr Howard Felton.|of Carters ville, arri’» lin the city last night and i s a guest of his father in-law Mr. W, Grimm the Rome Racket store man. Mr. Alix White, of Vans Valley was in the city today. Mr. White says he succeeded in finishing the B owing of his clover field Satur day afteriioo > and that then the rains fell—he is happy. NOW IS THE TIME- Come right along with your cash and take advantage of the low prices, Curry-Ar rington Co. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Rome Light Guard.—The reg ular company meeting will beheld tonight in the armory «t 7.30 o’clock. 'By order of W. A. Patton, Caplai n. Epworth League Postponed The Epworth League of the Sec ond Methodiet church has post poned its meeting from tonight until Tuesday week. The league will meet at the home ol Alderman C. \V. Morris. Removing Maine.—The Water Cjmmissioners are having the six inch water system on Broad Streit from 6th. Ave. n rrth and will ; t ooce lay it along Sixth Ave. East First, and along Eas First to Kounsavilles warehouse. This line will be connected wi h the present wafer system and will give better fire protection in this- teritory than it has ever enjoyed tr fore. The Commissioners are the right men in the right place. “Wang” May C' me, —Mr Janus B, Nevin is now in correspondance with the original New York Comic Opera Co., for a magnificient pro duction of “Wang” at an early SUM THINGS 1 SEE. @ Alcohol,purified wood for lamps&c Balls, bats and foot balls Benzin Bird seed, Blacking and shoe dressing. Botls and flasks, gallon to dram. Brushes, clothes. p’<int, and shoe Cards, 10c 15c 25c 35c and 50 Castile soap Castor oil, two grades Cha'k, “ Spanhish Whiting” Chemicals, a full line garettes and cigars L’Xhes cleaning compound .jmbs, fine and coarse >< ndensed milk of sirups, all kinds Cruches f >r long and short Drugs and sundries Dum bels, large and small e-ishiug tackl Garden seeds and flower seeds Gelatin Glycerol (Glycerin) Gum, chewing, all Kinds Hair dye, oil, pomade and tonic Harness oil Horse, catl and chicken powder Indian clubs Ink, black blue, red and violet lodin, tincture of Maches Machine oils , caster,golden, sperm j Marbles, china and glass Mustache pmde,black,brown,white Cash! Everybody!! All The Time!!! FRANK WRIGHT. Farmacist. ip TOxjpmwx inn wnof hclll)olSlipßliß »D > 4, «<< We are pioneers in the school books and school sup- <<« 0 Ph business and we are also right up-ro-da f e in every- <<<« thing that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. SW <w 11 Will PAPER, j «« «« No house m th 1 Stit p car. serve vou better when vo i d? <\<s <«< sire to invest in a new covering fcr tn° dear ?id walls o ’ your homo. See our stock on hand and samp'es I H. A. SMITH, || THF OLD RELI ABLE BOOK STOKE. >| d ite. This is the brightest of all comic opera and the company p'aying it is one ot most complete in America. They carry their own splendid orchestra. It will require a big guarantee to get them and if Mr. Nevin can get it by sub* scriptiou,—he will book the com* pany, Capt. J. L. Bass.—Capt. Joe Bass, after a fortnight spent in New York and the East, has re turned to the city. Capt’ Bass bought big stocks for the Bass stores 111 Georgia. He reports a successful trip—and that means that he secured stacks of bar gains. THE BIRTH PLACE- Everybody knows that Frank Wright is the druggist who is puling prices down and wil keep them down, not “for a few days” but forever if you wil stick to him. Trade elswhere and you kil the goose that is laying the golden eg, and prices go back up. Farmacyat Norton’s old cor ner, opposit Masonic Tempi. Mucilage, 4c and 12c Nafthalin (balls) for moths Nou-secret medicines at half price Nutmegs, cloves and cinnamon Oil of Turpentine “Spirits” Paints and varnishes Pencils, carbon “ied” and slate Perfumery extracts, bay rum. etc Pimenta (Allspice) Pipes, clay and wood Plasters, BeUadcnna, Cantharides, Capsicum, Mustard,Strengthening Potassium Bitartrate(cream’tart<r Potassium Nitrate (Salt Peter) Potassium Bromid and lodid Prepared chala and crayon Putty and glaziers points Quinin Sulfate, bottled and in 1 2,3, 4, ands grain capsules i Rubber combs, nipls, syringes Sodium Carbonate (sal soda) Sodium Borate (Borax) Stationary, fine and cheap Sulfur, flowers and roll Suspendory bandages Syringes, glass and ruber Thermometers, house Toilet paper Toilet soaps 5c 10c 15c end 25c Trusses, hard rubber and lether Turnip seeds all kinds Varnishes, asphaltum,coach,copal Water botls White Led small can and up Window glass.