The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 17, 1898, Image 3

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r nsiis woman thought to A KIiDBWB , r. £* “. °" e °\ ,hu d,.»»H. lll O .».k 9 ">0 th.Og ~. , M li.lio »nJ «“• hl ’ r “ th "“ r | As his ino’ber emerged L tbe be blexed w.y, ~d thought h.' fortunately rma- L her he came near rearing her 10 death. She will never play burglar again. 0 0 0 Ybill has been introduced in congress “that the sum of fifteen lboUgl .nd dollars be and hereby js appropriated for the purchase of tffo hundred and fifty acres of land upon wnich are situated the fortifications, redoubts, breast works and battle grounds known juFrench and Indian and Revol utionary ware as Fort Ticonder oga, that the secretary of war be, and hereby is empowered to take potion of the same and to pre serve from further vandalism and ths ravages ot time, out of the money above appropriated, the fortifications, r doubts and breast works of the above named fort. ” o o o The Macon News says : The Hon Kid McCoy cannot justly claim the championship heltuntil he has communicated with Judge Berry, of Atlanta. o o o Hasatyone seen the Griffin News since last Sunday? If so who ie D mglaes Glessner support ing for governor, this week? 0 0 0 When Roger Q. Mills quits the senate at the end of his present term he will have been in congress twenty-four years. Yet he will not have left his imprint upon a •.single act of legislation for the god of the people, notes the Birmingham Age-Herald. 0 0 0 If the wisdom of Senator John ’T. Morgan of Alabama , has beet, heeded by the Cleveland adminis tration there would have been no Maine disaster, nor would the country be mourning the death of 253 brav-eand patriotic American seamen sent to enter.iity by Spani h treachery.— Americus limes Recorder. 0o o * Mark Hanna, Andrew Carnegie anil other Northern producers are forming a pig jy >n trust as a final resurt in their effort to overcome Southern comp-titioa, notes the Birmingham News. o o o The Nashville American pays Ihn Allowing tribute to woman. "Thenew woman is not much in evidence in the war excitement 'it i! war comes the woman whom "*have known since Eve’s time *ll play her old part of inspiring ’7 " ra v e and nursing the wound ed, ’ 000 Smith’s paper expresses bit opinion that the people ’ °uld hear speeches from demo lJatic h-adeis who do agree with [ •.'“■i. In other woidsthey should lnviteH to disburden him- B '* For one, the Ishmaelite asks excused. -Sparta Ishmae- 000 remarked some days ag . 11 who considered David • a dead cock in the poli 1. . I" 1 * )a dly mistaken.—At &uta Jour lia [. Uu/tb.’ j Und 7 , the ira P r9B9io “ u.ii, j 111 "al first announced 8j " I lt ' Csl d.ath several years engaged in 0 0 0 l"Ur Uncln U , t Sa ’ nUe ha ® n ° W drink,. trai|1 >>'g table. He U t , ,! i' ’ Wel of hl ood for break supp.r'' ,' 0U dynamite, and for hail ß . p U 10-penny 100-t on ' exerc,se he swings he s ‘le in" ” aUd fil n * B nolveß smokes „ 11 “ lariue mines -and r ‘ngfieM p' COtt u n tor P e does.— s Eczema All Her Life. Mr. E. D. Jenkins, of Lithonia, Ga., ■ays that his daughter, Ida, inherited a severe case of Eczema, which the usual mwcury and potash remedies failed to relieve. Year by year she was treated with various medicines, external appli cations and internal remedies, without result. Her sufferings were intense, and her condition grew steadily worse. All the so-called blood remedies did not Bseem to reach the dis ease at all until S. S.S. was given, when an improvement was at once noticed. The medicine was continuecd with fav orable results, and now she is cured sound and well, her skin is perfectly clear and pure and she has been saved from what threat ened to blight her life forever. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable} cure* Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu matism, or any other blood trouble. It is a real blocd remedy and always cures even after all else fails. A Real Blood Remedy. Take a blood remedy for a blood disease; a tonic won’t cure it. Our books on blood and skin diseases jfIKR mailed free to any address. Swift Specific EeA? Co., Atlanta, Ga. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY- Whereas Thomas Holsenback execu’or of John Holsenback, de ceased , represents to the court in his petition duly filed that he has administered John Holsenback’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, io show cause if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from his executorship and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April 1898. This Jan. 3rd 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. RECEIVERS’ SALE. Morgan Mooney ) vs .- Petition for re- J. H. Carter ) ciever, ect. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY ; Under and by virtue of an or der issued from Floyd Superior Court in the aoove stated case, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, said county between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April 1898 the following described prop erty belonging to the .partnership business of Mooney & Carter to .vi', —1 iron safe, 1 pair platform scales, 2 beef racks, 1 iron smoke house, 2 paper cutters, 1 counter and cash drawer, 1 pair market scales, 1 sausage pan. 3 meat blocks, 1 stewer, 2 scrapes, 3 steak saws, 2 steak knives, 1 steel, me cleaver, 1 iron meat rack, 1 long meat rack, 1 refrigerator, 2 iron cranes, one coffee mill, 1 pair screen doors, 1 oil tank, 2 sausage mills and 1 table, 1 cash drawer, 1 sausage stufler and 1 small boiler, said property can be seen and will bedelivered at the market No. 503 Broad St. Also 1 pair platform scales, 1 rtfle. 1 stretcher rope and hook, 1 rip saw. 1 sledge hammer, 1 fork, 1 oil can and contents 1 dczen hooks, 1 spring wagon, 3 kettles and furnace, 1 tallow press, 1 scalding press, 2 pots, 1 pick, 5 pad locks and 1 fish box. Said property can be seen and will be delivered at the slaughter pen of Mooney & Carter on the lands of Mrs. M. L. Graves in said coun ty of Floyd. Also the ilease hold interest of said partnership of Mooney At Carter to the slaughter pen and appurtenances belonging thereto, situated upon the lands of Mrs. M. L. Graves in the 23rd District and 3rd Section of Floyd county, this March 10 1898. J. P. McConnell, receiver for Mooney vs. Carter. NOW IS THE TIME- Gome right along with your cash and take advantage of the low prices, Curry-Ar rington Co. For a good smoke fy War era’ “Extra Good” cigars. THE BIRTH PLACE - Everybody knows that Frank Wright is the druggist who is puling prices down and wil keep them down, not “for a few days” but forever if you wil stick to him. Trade elswhere and you kil the goose that is laying the golden eg, and prices go back up. Farmacyat Norton’s old cor ner, opposit Masonic Tempi. DIFFICULTIES REMOVED “My father, my brother and myself were all troubled with loss of appetite and took Hood’s Sar saparilla with great benefit, I have suffered for years with eruptions, but since takmg Hood’s Sarsapar 11a I have had no trouble of this kind. It hus also cired me of in digestion.” Ernest N. Jennings, Bogart, Georgia. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easv to operate, Cure indigestion, beaadache. FOR CASH. We will for a few days make big reduc tion. in prices. Same prices to all. No un derhand work for us- Curry-Arrington Co. FOR RENT. The office lately occupied by he Rome Commercial will be or rent after April Ist. Apply to Mr. Thos. Fahy. With toilet soap down two and three cakes for a nickle the Curry Arrington Co are prepared to bluff every tramp that head this way. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. J, BRANHAM, Law Office, 200 Rise First. Street, LOME, GA. k GHF\B, W, UNDERWOOD, Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. Corporation Law Only. M B EUBANKS, Attorney at’aw. OfliceKLtg Building. Rome, t.a. W if ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. ■W J. NEEL, Attorney at law. Will practice in all courts. Special attention given to commercial law and the examination cf land titles. office in King building, Rome, Ga. WA.LTBB HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.’s. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office 2to 1-2 Broad. * Over Cantrell & Owens. J. L PENNINGTON. D .D.S.,M D. DENTIST: Office, 305 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS. AV. A. JOHNSON, M. L>. Physician and Surgeon. Rome, Ga- Office in Medical Building. Residence, No. Broad street, C HAMILTON, KI ID - Physician and Surgeon. Office, Medical Building, Rome, Ga. Office ’phone No. 62. L- B HAMMOND. KI- EL- Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medical buildtug. Residence, No. 403 West First st. Office 'phone No. 62. LUMPKIN & PRINUTP, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rome, : : : : Georgia. General practice throughout North Georgia. Correspondence solicited. Special attention to mercantile collections. Jervis & Wngbt, the uptown druggist, have no old stale stuff to offer you, but their stock is clean and fresh and they will do as much tor your in their way of service, prices, etc., as any one- Bear tlm in mind and you will be glad ot it. They allow uo one to undersell them. Insure with 11. D. Cothran & Co. Do not wait until after the fire. IRIE Will TREITMINT TO EVERYONE. Who suffers with any chronic disease of any part of the human body, such as kidney and bladder, heart, liver and stomach troubles, lace and skin eruptions, disorders of the sex ual organa, sexual weakness and indifference etc. Provided application be made at once. In or der that Its inventions, appliances and never tailing remedies may receive the widest possi ble publicity, and prove their own merits by actual use and permanent cures No money whatever will be received by the State Medi cal Sanitarium from anyone under Its treat ment until beneficial results are acknowledged Its remedies, and appliances have been com mended by the newspapers of two continents and endorsed by the greatest doctors in the World. Where developeiiu-nt is desired they accomplish it and never fall to invigorate, upbuild and fortify. They infuse new life and energy. They per manently stop all losses which undermine the constitution and produce despondency. Ttiuy retone, refresh and restore to manhood, regardless of age. They cure evil habits and permanentlyremove their effects, as well as those of excesses and overtaxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No failure, no publicity, no deception, no disap pointment. Write today. State Medical Sanitarium, EvanSton, Illinois. St. Germain Female Pills. The only original find genuine French Female Regulator,of Mme, St. Germain. Paris. Un surpassed as being safe, sure and reliable in every case. Sold under positive guarantee or money refunded. Get the genuine. Price, *l.llO per box by mail. Sole agents for the United Statesand Canada. KING HARVARD CO , 157 Washington st., Chicago. DR. KINO’S W ROYAL CERMETUER This pleasant and perfect remedy, so delightful to take, so refreshing and exhilarating, stands in highest favor with all who know it best, as the great, est of all medical remedies for both sexes, of all ages and in all conditions. WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOH. 1 will give you APPETITE. hwill give you restful SLEEP. It will stimulate your DIGESTION, h will restore your NERVOUS ENERGY, (twill put your KIDNEYS in perfect orlffi. It will purify your Blood. It will change your weakness Into STRENGTH, n will bring you out of sickness into HEALTH. KEW PACKAGE, LARGA JUTTLE, low DOSES ONE DOuIAK SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY The Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Ga. '•’BITZ VOR M-PAGS SOOK. MAILED TB** ' Beware of Imitations •tyuCt- | JOHN DUNCAN’S SONS, AMHTB, NEW YORK. ♦ AND STARR twt men. ll America*. Leading . Instruments. JESSE FRENCH PIANO & ORGAN CO. Manufacturers and Dealers. No. pa. Olive Street, St. LouU, Me. Nashville, Tenn. Birmingham, Ala. Dallas, Texas. Montgomery, Ala. Factories: Richmond, Ind. Write our nearest house. A.-ccntstamp mej eave you many dollars. DR. The Royal is the highest grade baking powder kaown. Actual teats show it goes oao tbird further than any other brand. RBI ilO &AKIHO POWDER Absolutely Pure THE PLACE j-J To get your prescriptions filled is 3? at s?* —q. a. TREVITT. gS The Prescripiio Druggist. 3* Best chemicals used in coinpounff- ing, A complete line of druggist’s sun dries and toilet articles at prices as -jfci reasonable as can be found in the u w market. All goods delivered to any part of the city. 5 c. A. IREVITT 2; 331 Broad st. Tel. 110. 5l KlonflikeSale. Golden Bargains. Thia week special prices prevail. First sale of the season. All our new stoc« at prices that please the money-saving buyers. Dress Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Shoes, etc!, selected for actual value and sold at the lowest possible prices. No advances on anything. The tariff man did not stuff our buyer with higher prices. This season will go dow A in history as one that every pur chaser has made every effort to get the most for his money, and you will find, on investigating our stock, that we have secured the best goods at the lowest price yet named, and it is saving to you to buy your goods of us. F. J. KANE & CO., 248 BROAD ST,, ROME,GA. «[ Kill OFFER ONE UNE OF OU IMJIES’ SHOES IT SI.SO -SS4«- 51.50 That has no equal in the United States. Lrgb or Billions, Plain or Fancy. Pairs and a Leader.? Gome and See Them. ALADDIN IN THE CAVE was never dazzled with such an o vVp array of gems, of all colors and varieties, as we are showing in our exquisite stock of jewels for Christmas gifts. They are set si * n f° rras au d shapes wrought by WKtjl skillful designers, and diamond, • rub y> sapphire, emeralds, opal, ft 0| pearl or—-it combined w’th the Za most beautiful effect in orna ments for either ladies or gen tiemen. Our stock of fine watch es is unrivalled. J. K- WILLIAMSON. ROME. GA. AGENTi BrS H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., S - Successors to JJG 2J PHARMACY. J? 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building. T e have bought the entire stock of the Rome lacy and are prepared to supply your wants in ug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our is complete and of the very highest grade. Te solicit a part of your patronage and shall en r to the best of our ability to please you at all We should be pleased to have you call on us. ull line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articlesand hings as are usually carried in a first-class drug Cigars and tobacco. oibe to see us.