The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 17, 1898, Image 4

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BEAUTIFUL XELEJW Rome's JVlatGhless Amateur at its Best, | HATS OFF, LADIES, If You Please. Splendid Photo Display by Lancaster. Zelena! Beautiful “Zelena.” Zelena the beautiful. The box office sheet indicates' that this attraction, which is to be put on by Rome’s matchless amateur talent, will be not only the social event of the season, but will prove the show-house of the past two years. The box office sheet at Trev itt’s, has already been “blacked over,” and still they come. Romans have attended amateur theatricals before, and they know a good thing when they see it. All Manager Nevin wants to do to secure a packed house is to announce a Rome amateur attraction. In the presentation of Zelena, Mrs. C. S. Sparks who is man aging the amateurs for this at traction, bids fair to eclipse all former local efforts of the kind. She requests all ladies in the audience to remove their hats upon reaching their seats. In doing this she merits the praise of every person holding seats back of the front row. She makes the request because she desires everyone in the au dience to enjoy fully all the scenic effects and pantomine scenes. One two-story hat would spoil S4O worth of pleasure and not benefit the queenly head it graced even a little bit. Following is the cast: Father Matheo, with estate heavily mortgaged—Harry Pat ton. Zelina, Zaadia, daughters of Matheo —Miss Cora Clark, Miss Will Nell Lavender. Patreo, a poor young man, who loves Zelina—Ed Wilson. Olanda, the bashful lover of Z aad ia— Will ia m McWill iam s. Captain Duront, Patreo’s wealthy rival—J. A. Beall. Stormy, a stage struck fellow —Joe Patton. Aunt Ilulda, sentimental spinster—Robt. Gwaltney. Pet’te, niece of Aunt Ilulda— Miss Julia Bayard. Rocco, the village scamp— Hunter Smith. Blabette, the village gossip— Miss Mitchell. Guideo, tramp and escaped convict—Joe Patton. CHORUS GIRLS . Misses Celeste Ayer, Florence Fouche, Sallie Walker, Emmie Wright, Mary Berry, Hattie Benjamine, Mamie Rounsaville, Emmie Williams. Sarah Simp son, Eva Camp, Berta Cross, Daisy Cheney, Lou Fleming, SOLDIER BOYS. Sergeant Walter Cothran, William McWilliams, Joe Pat n, Hunter Smith, Dudley tougruder, Sam Hardin, Jack Wyatt, Clark, Henson, Harri son, Rob Yancey, Barry Coth ran, Bennie Hale, Felton Mitch ell and Jim Smith. Bugler, aid-de-camps and oth ers. The Yellow Asters—Misses Towers, Ava Printup, Julia Dean, Nellie Printup, Lucy Wright, Mattie Hamilton and Sarah Yancey. Quartette of Small Dances— Misses Bessie Hight, Mabel Harbour, Jennie Fahy, Sallie King. Preinere Danseuesse’ Miss Zula Adkins. We have the smoothsst line of soaps in town and prices re duced ene-half. Come to see us. Curry-Arrington Co. Take The Hostler-Commercial |Worn Out? | '' Do you come to the close of 11 |> theday thoroughly exhausted? ;► i I Does this continue day after <» j [ day, possibly week after week? 11 [Perhaps you are even too ex- ] > hausted to sleep. Then some- < > thing is wrong. All these 11 things indicate that you are < [ suffering from nervous ex- < » haustion. Your nerves need | | feeding and your blood en- ; * riching. < > | Scott’s Emulsion ■• : is | of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo- I I J phosphites of Lime and Soda, | ’ ft contains just the remedies to ] > J meet these wants. The cod- < > £ liver oil gives the needed | * ft strength, enriches the blood, ] ; | feeds the nerves, and the hy- < » $ pophosphites give them tone | | ft and vioor. Be sure you get | [ J SCOTT’S Emulsion. < > ji < » AH druggists; 50c. and SI.OO. x ] * ft SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. < > YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a year’s support to Sa rah O. Murdock the widow of Jas. M. Murdock,deceased, have filed their award and unless good and sufficient cause is shown the same will be made the judgement of the court at the April term, 1898, of the court of ordinary. This March 7th 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas Wm. A.Wright executor of Mrs. Mary W. Quinn represents o the court in bis petition duly filed that he has administered Mrs Mary W. Quinn estate. This is to cite all persons concerned kindred and creditors to show cause if any they can why said administrator ■diould not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on rhe first Monday in June 1898. This March 7th 1898. John P, Davis Ordinary. NOTICE OF SALE. Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd county will be sold at the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in April next within the legal hours of sale, the following property towit.—South half of lot No. 17i, containing 80 ecres, North half lot No. 185 containing 80 a res, 80 acres cfi lot No. 184 all in 22nd District and Third Section known as the Lane place whereon the deceased resided at the time of his death, containing in all 190 acies more or less, sold as the property of Hulbert Evans, late of said county, deceased 1 Terms of sale cash. This Sth day of March, 1898, Julius W. Evans. Executor. I desire to attest to the merits of Chamberlain’s Cough Reme dy as one of the most valuable and efficient preparations on the market. It broke an exceedingly dangerous cough for me in 24 hours, and in gratitude there fore, I desire to inform you that I will never be without it and you should feel proud of the high esteem in which your Rem edies are held by people in gen eral. It is the one remedy among ten thousand. Success to it.— O.R. Downley, editor Democrat, Albion, Ind. For sale by all druggists. RANGES. I am agent iorSouth ern Queen Coal or Wood Ranges. Also Insurance Safety G-as oline stoves. Call and see mvstock and get estimaes on your Dlumbitn<y and tin work- Nevt door to ooera house. F. HAM SOM. ■OO Bi<2 3zd«E?s» t to go regardless of CIOISIT PIRIIIOIB. You can get just what you want of IE.. lit, We have A/HW Bicycles from TWELVE DOLLARS UP and they will be sold at prices to suit the purchaser. Pianos -■ Organs and several makes of . Mlffi HIDES. which will be sold at prices never before known in Rome We also have in stock i,ooo copies POPULAR SHEET MUSIC at ioc per copy, S:nd for catalogue of this music. We also handle mandolins:. GUITARS. VIOLINS, STRINGS; and will rent pianos or organs with purchasing privileges. Our piano case organs are great sellers. Call and see them. E. E, Forbes; 327 BROAD STREEr - S. P. DAVIS, Ks anajrer. ooomomooOTooooGoooooooooo o oooooooooooooooooooooooooc B a F. Montgomery < > A-« 8 227, BROAD ST. e- Q O SICK, ACCIDENT AND LIFE O 8 Insurance § Q WE NUMBER AMONG OUR RISKS MANY OF THE O §VERE BEST PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. Q Q WANTED - —We want wide-awake agents to represent q x-s >ur companies in the counties of Polk, Bartow, Floyd, X Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, Whitfield, Catoosa and G q Dade . Call on or address us at our Rome office, q O <B. F. MONTGOMERY Gen’l Agt, Q *- 000000000 -*—«*oo OOOOOOOOOOC XJOOC3OOOOOOOOOOOO /RmaTil jTSaijk V_y ffjji vO i \_J DON’T 0 ©'HAVE TO X SWEAR OFF. rggo (B r v k^\ jot) The natural way to stop tobacco ®is to get a distaste for it. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your } z > Life Away and go on suffering fazf \ J' from nervous troubles that make /W / ©strong men weak, impotent and ISJ / unable to do the right thing at I Jyij* pi' qV'&iA the right time, all because the XX/'.Cp. ■RtM blood is tobacco poisoned. f *■. vfiwl v-w3r No-To-Bac makes it easy to J KUS ®Stop this brain-weakening, nerve- fl '' V "x ruining tobacco disease. You run < _X Zuißlflk no risk for your own druggist will sell, under guarantee. * • V aNA-TA-OP guaranteed I U DAU TOBACCO CURE® ® We urge you to test No-To-Bac. Do it to-day? Over a million boxes sold in two years and 300,000 cures tell the story of merit No-To-Bac will not only kill the desire for tobacco, eliminate nicotine and steady AipSfla the nerves, but becauseofltsgreat medicinal qualities It will makeMiSM the blood pure and rich, tingling with new life and energy Gloomy W»KV j days will begone, the sunshine will be brighter, the old man in feeling VEF-TSr made young again—and happy. ®DRUCC!ST’S GUARANTEE. Zf!Bh sell No-To-Bac under absoluteguarantee to cure. Our written guar-StklMsa antee. free sample of No-To-Bac, Booklet called "Don't Tobacco Spit and.pmoke Your Life Away" mailed free. Address THE STERLING V REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., New York. 63 Ajbb vl MfUniik ftiCPIDCTQ candy cathartic cure constipation. Purely vegetable, smooth and UMvUßslKlw easy, sold by druggists every where, guaranteed to cure. OalyldQ, I \ SUM THINGS I SEE. Q Alcohol,purified wor d for lamps&c Balls, b«ts and foot balls Benzin Bird seed. Blacking and shi.e dressing. Botls and flasks, gallon to dram. Brushes, clothes, paint, and shoe Cards, 10c 15c 25c 35c and 50 Castile soap Castor oil, two grades Cha’k, “ Spanhish Whiting” Chemicals, a full line Cigarettes and cigars Clothes cleaning compound Combs, fine and coarse Condensed milk Cot sirups, all kinds Cruches f <r long and short Drugs and sundries Dum bels, large and small e-ishiog tackl Garden seeds and flower seeds Gelatin Glycerol (Glycerin) Gum, chewing, all Kinds Hair dye, oil, pomade and tonic larness oil Horse, cat! and chicken powder Indian c'ubs Ink, black blue, red and violet lodm, tincture of Maches Machine oils , castor,golden, sperm Marbles, china and glass Mustache pmde,black,brown,whit Cash! Everybody!! All The Tims!!! FRANK WRIGHT. Farmacist. '>>/ . «l» -*■» .. £ w »» II I 1 School Supolies.4 1 s ... 1 J1 I 7>> We are pioneers in the school books and school sup- 'w ms ‘ $ •<<< ply business and we are also right up-ro-da f e in every'- »» \<< thing that should be kept by an up-to-date Books ore. »>$ | | < m pm .«$ w hcuseth *St it° oar. vot; better when vo i d?- /■' <<< • • ?\) »» Bire inveit a new ter t." c oeir id walls o <<< y JUI ’ home. See our stock on hand and samp'es r/r ? | H. A. SMITH, | THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE, ,'j X<< " "" Tonig Pdrifies ™ Blood.! U '■* |j ■I / POSITIVE CURE 'CH £ j DYSPEPSIA, MALARIA /«||X 1 | ’ CHILLSPEYER. ffl, /' B jte> | lij N BILIOUSNESS. SICK-HEADACIIE ? i J] CONSTIPATIONS i GENERAL DEBILITY. |S 1 Restores g > b PRKESOCU •“I A ATAL, 4SPl!ft 5 n 1 «LI. Will Keep your U J DRUGGISTS. in Healthy ?. 0 n U kil •'/ — —, ot ’ 1 xß’ fcU-■.’■■■.— - 1 ' - < J J O'”-'- s 11 J^L I '' I zigjWsk I R£tf lirr - v 1 Daniel 'I Marioa SL ’ N ’ K J In Nos» eernlna excop*-‘7 rt Z 3 o juri" blown la »v 9.7 Wkt. ° ~ ’’ 7TTR LIVER PILLS as CENTS egetabk. WiJI cure Bilwusr-«s - ’ n<l ” _ Dysncpsia. aJ Mucilage, 4c and 12c Nafthalin (balls) for moths Non-secret medicines ut hair • N» t n ;T . Oil of lurpentine “Spirits” Paints and varnishes p.iioih, carbon ,„ d • crfumcry Mlraotl , bay Pimenta (Allspice) U Pipes, clay and wood Pla.tora, Beli.dc,C a „t|„ n , Ca ( .» l c„ m .M uslat d, Slr ., i! , lhp ■ PolaM.un. B>l.rtr.te( cream . | Potassium Nitrate (Salt P ete -j Potassium Bronnd and lodid Prepared chalk and crayon Putty and glaziers points Quinin Sulfate, bottled and i n j 2,8, 4, ands grain capsule. Rubber combs, nipls, syringe Sodium Carbonate (sal soda) Sodium Borate (Borax) Stationary, fine and cheap Suitin', flowers and roll Suspendory bandages Syringes, glass and ruber Thermometers, house Toilet paper Toilet soaps 5c 10c 15c and 25c Trusses, hard rubber and lether Turnip seids all kinds Varnishes, asphalt urn,coach,copal Water bolls White Led small can and up Window glass. Farmacist. I