The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 17, 1898, Image 6

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THE HUSTLER-CONIMERCIAL THE HUSTLER OF ROME ( Established. IHWO. , THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established, 1895. Issued every evening, except Saturday. 1 Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. Ortlce, Wllkers.m {Block. ' Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION Dally and Sunday,per year ( Stindar, i «w vear sl.<W Weekly (Tub RomkCoumkk) per year W BY UA.BRIER IN OiTY AND Sl'BUl BE. D»*iy and Sunday, lOcents per weel, Remit by bank draft. exprsis, money order or registered letter Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL, ROME, GA. Entered at the Postofflce at Rome, Ga., as second class matter. Advertising rate* and sample ooplea forth asking. RUSIN ESS OFFICE PHONE 85 THE STATE TICKET- For Governor, ALLEN D. CANDLER, of Hall. For Secretary of State, PHIL COOK, of Lee. For Comptroller-General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. For Attorney-General. [JOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merrlwether. ' For Treasurer, W. M. SPEER, of Fulton, For Commissioner of Agriculture, 0. B. STEPHENS, of Terrell. For School Commissioner, G. R. GLENN, of Bibb. Today is St. Patrick’s day all day. Atlanta Masons are to build a $40,000 temple. The Greenvdla News is calling on the colonels to enlist. The governors of the six New England states are to dine to gether in Boston on Tuesday, March 22. As we have said before, Col. Candler may make a mistake in who he writes to but never in what he writes. Senator Proctor was gratified to find a patriotic spirit existing throughout the south. What oth er spirit did he expect to find here? Allen D. Candler will give the howlers all they want when he opens bis campaign in Rome, on Saturday week. Mark that prediction. The anti-Candler papers are hard run for ammunition. They con tinue to harp on the Candler let ter.,—throwing political boomer age even if they get knocked down every Hing. Now, how about Col. Candler’s position? He has not sought to emphasize any particular iact or fiature that pertains to the polit ical conditions in Georgia, but speaks witn marked and honest conservatism about all. There is such a pronounced ring of honesty in the utterances of Allen D. Candler that the people are dis posed to trust him . IHis hostility is of the laudable sort—it is against wrong. No interest; and no private individuals can sufferer with such a broad-minded man at the helm of state. So honest ?s Col. Candler that he has never been able to acquire the diploma tic language of the evader who believes with Talley and that •‘words are made to conceal ideas That which the courtly cal! a | faul is a positive virtue with Col. * Candler —bespeaks out the honest convictions of his heart.—Har mony Grove Echo. WAYCROSS WANDERERS. ’The revival of the spirit of the curfew law has taken a very sen sible and a very much needed turn in Georgia. The subject has been under discussion for some time among the female population of the enlightened metropolis of Waycross, and the result is the demand that the bell shall ring for the coming home of married men rather than of children. The ladies had been engaged in a discussion of the law to clear the streets of children, who made the night hideous with their yells. The movement had gained considerable headway, when our esteemed contempor ary, Col. A. P. Perham of the Waycross Herald, suggested that there was more need of cor ralling the fathers of the fami lies than of chasing down the little children. This suggestion, we are told, took at once, and in several social gatherings where the ladies had been brought to gether in great numbers they have talked the matter over. We are further informed that the strong influence of Captain John P. Triplett, a bachelor, has been given to the movement. He declares that, though he has never entered the marriage state, he feels for those of Ins lady fiiends who have and he believes that they are entitled to the aid of the law in making their hus bands stay home at night. Those married men of Waycross who are known as bon vivants were at first inclined to laugh at the proposition, but it has been agi tated until now the very serious ness with which their wives have taken it up causes them great trepidation. And well it may. For years Waycross has been a prohibi tion stronghold. The demon rum has been dislodged from the public mart there and has en sconced himself behind the clos ed and barred doors of iniqui tous private club. It is due to an overzeal of attending these clubs nightly that Waycross husbands have found themselves in their present domestic pickle. Generally speaking, there is no more reason for the absence of the family’s head from the domestic hearth after nightfall than there is for the straying of the children. Indeed, juvenility requires much more outdoor ex ercise at night than does matur ed uncertain masculinity, espec ially the masculinity that is 'bound by connubial ties. There fore, we shall watch the Way cross experiment with unusual interest. If it proves a success, we shall look for it to spread all over the country and stand as a monument to the wisdom of those hardy pioneers in the great cause of the emancipation of woman.—St. Louis Republic. Charles Rctter, a Chicago cigar dealer, two weeks ago gave a lot tery ticket to his friend Joseph Dost as a birthday present. Sat urday Dost was notified thet his ticket had drawn $15,000. and when Rotter heard the news he fell dead. Alabama has a senator iu the person of John T. Morgan who was tbe first to plead for the rec ognition of tbe Cuban insurgents, and this as early as 1894. When Mr. McKinley takes this step he will be following the policy out lined by Senator Morgan when the rebellion was in its infancy and before hundreds of thousands of innocent women men and children had been murdered and starved to death by Spanish bru tality.—Birmingham Age-Herald. Five hundred Chippewa Indians want to volunteer to fight Spain. They want to avenge the murder of their forefathers, THOUSAND MILLION MORE. The sum of $50,000,000, appro* priated for defense by the Nation al Government, out of money at the time in the treasury, is a por tent iom blow against the ambition of any impoverished nation, like Spain, to make war upon us. But the fifty millions make scarcely a drop in the bucket of resources ready at hand for the United states to pour from in case war bhould come. A thousand million cou’ti be had tomorrow if the people’s representatives in congress and in the administration should de cide that they were needed. And still another five hundred million could be added to those without the nations’s interest bearing debt equalling what it was at the close of the civil war. Then it was $2,881,000,000. Today the Amer ican gcveriiment'pays interest on less than.sßso, The civil war debt, remember, was incurred by a part of the Unin ted States when engaged in the most dossal struggle of mod ern times with the other part. Today we have to offer tor war expenditures the solid credit of the forty-five states of the Union, as firmly bound together, thank God, and as resolute iu the sup port of the republic’s interests and honor as the thirteen colonies which first gave it life and inde pendence. “We’re all coming, Uncle Sam uel, with a thousand million more,” is the motto of 1898. What a glorious closing if the nineteenth century!—New York Sun. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Birds of a feather occasionally get on the same bat. Every time a man conceals a fault he adds to his collection. The trouble with the crank is that he will only turn one way. A man is cut of spirits when there isn’t a drop left in the house. All men are equal tbe day they are born and the day they are buried. It is surprising how little people know when they are on the wit ness stand. It is better to be fired by the divine spark of love than by tbe girl’s father. But few people injured by the accidental discharge of their du ty. Authors, as a rule, sleep very little, bnt they provide lots of slumber for others. The woman who is proof against flattery has the whole world at her command. The world seems a narrow place when we try to avoid an enemy, bnt wide and vast when looking for a friend. A woman has wonderful self control if she never buys any thing at a bargain sale that she dosn’t really want. W E.Spencer, the journal clerk of the Senate, who has just died has been continuously in the em ploy of the government since 1861 He has held the position of jour nal clerk for twenty-six years and was regarded throughout the country as one of the greatest authorities on parliamentary law. Bishop Whipple, in a recent in terview concerning his work, said that seme years ago he was hold ing a meeting out in the Indian country and things were badly scattered about the house where he was staying. He was going to the village to bo’d services and asked the chief if the thii gs would be safe in his absence. “Perfectly,” replied the chief; “There is net a white man in a hundred miles of here.” No reputable paper has under taken to deny that the Atlanta Constitution's poll of the weekly press, co the gubernatorial aitut— ( lion, is correct. I \ ? A BYRD S EYE VIEW. President Underwood, of the Floyd County Candler Club, tells me that the railroads run ning into Rome will in all prob ability give a one fare rate for round trip, to all people who desire to come to Rome on the 26th, when Col Candler opens his campaign by a speech at the court house. * * This is liberal on the part of the roads. They will bring hun dreds of people here from ad joining counties. »*» Dr. R. P. Cox has moved his residence from East Fourth St., to the Bones mansion in East Rome, recently occupied by Dr. Henry Battey. * * ♦ Phil Byrd says the Atkinsons will be placed in a position to swap jobs.—Augusta Herald. Didn’t say it —Said they were skirmishing to get into positions so that they can swap jobs. »*• The Americus Herald signifi cantly remarks that Spain never heard of Coxey. * * * A Georgia editor has received a letter, saying: “Please don’t stop the Spanish war. I’ve got about forty pairs of crutches that I want to sell (at cost.) Augusta Herald. The above is a compliment to Dr. Frank Wright, one of The Hustler-Commercial’s livest advertisers. *** An odd tombstone has been placed in a cemetery in Lincoln, Neb. It marks the grave of James Jacobs, a butcher, who died in 1891. The deceased was of roving disposition, so his fa ther had a valise modeled in marble and placed on the grave. The inscription, in addition to the name, date of birth and death is, “Here is where he stopned last.” * * * What’s the Macon Telegraph got to do with the gubernatorial situation, anyhow? There are no Republican candidates in the field. *** With a hundred weekly papers in Georgia advocating the cause of the people’s leader, Allen D. Candler, last night’s Atlanta Journal has not one Candle' quotation—and yet the Journal poses as non-partizan and pure ly impartial. Rats! * * * Mr. E. T. McGhee, general manager of the big Rome Guano Co. , tells me that while the cot ton planters have bought only about one-half as much fertilizer this year as they did last, his company’s big plant has sold its output just the same. * * * The other half has been ship ped to the wheat fields of North Georgia and Tennessee. To me, these indications point to splen did results. With a good wheat crop and a decreased cotton acreage, the farmers of this sec tion will be enabled to read the riot act to all the rest of the world. Allen D. Candler’s opening speech in Rome will disappoint none of his friends. If it is a “written speech” it will probably not be handled by some of the anti-Candler papers who have undertaken to manipulate some of bis “written letters.” The burnt child dreads the fire. ; _ ! The John J. Seay ticket pro poses with the help of hold over aldermen to give Rome a business administration. Non watch ’em lamb in and do it. The entrance to the Savannah harbor is to be strongly fortified by a submarine mine. There has just been received there fr >m the government a large number of submarine torpeoes apd shells for submarine mines. These have been hastily sent to rort Pulaski, several. miles below the city and at the of the harbor The Griffin News has got its bearings in lhe Gubernatorial campaign and has settled on Ber ner as its choich. Is there any significance in this when taken in connection v. i i h the fact that Ed itor Gleesner belongs to the ’pos sum supper guild?—Albany Her ald. The Macon Telegraph, in its efl'oitsto keep populists from returning to the democratic par ty, forgets that its man Atkin son swallowed the Ocala plat form, subtreasury, government ownership of railroads and all, back in ’92 and then failed to carrv his home county in the primaries. Why don’t Spencer resign, anyhow? James Whitcomb Riley, the poet, says: “I ain continually haunted by the fear that my trunk will be lost, so I go about the country with a grip. In case there is ever a fearful railway accident and among the debris is a valise with an arm attached to it firmly, they may bury it, without further identification, as the fragments of the Hoosier poet,” Will his “corn” be in the shock? FOR A FEW DAYS- Sweeping Reduc tions on many articles in the drug line will be me de. Prices same to all • A child or servant can secure as low a price as the expert trader. Curry-Arring ton Co. YEARS bUPPORi'. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTy. To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a supliinental year’s eupport to Mrs Georgiana M. George, the widow of Junius A George, deceased, have filed tbeir award, and un'ess good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the Judgment of the Court at the April term. 1898, of the Court of Ordinary, This March 8 1898 . John P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia. QUICK TIME. Through Sleeping Car Service To Jacksonville. Tampa and Florida Points. The Southern railway has re sumed its fast winter schedule between Rome, Ga., Jackson ville, Tampa and Florida points, leaving Rome 8 :20 p. m., ar riving Tampa 6 :15 p. m., mak ing the quickest time between these points. This is a solid train carryin elegant day coach es and Pullman sleeping car, Rome to Jacksonville, without change ; also Pullman sleeping car Rome to Tampa, without change. Winter tourist tickets are now on sale to all principal winter resorts in Florida. For information, call on J. N. Harrison, City Ticket Agent, Armstrong hotel. Telephone No. 39. AT THE FIRST METHODIST. Rev, C. C. Cary will preach at the First Methodist church this evening at 7:30 p. in. Rev . Mr. Cary i< a fine preacher, ana a treat is in store all who attend. 'lbis will be the opening sermon of the Rome dis trict preacher’s meeting. The services will continue each day until Sunday, the public cordially invited to attend. Woman’s Friend The Great Medicine th., Lives Nerve Strength Hood’s Sarsaparilla Mak^ s Eidod Rich and Pure, Cr catea ’ Apputr'.j and Restores Health Vigor and Vitality. ’ “I feel that 1 ought to write a f words in praise of Hood’s S:ir.,aparilj7 which has done great things f or lIIC ’ was in a delicate condition and w» 8 81c u at my stomach and constij .u t 1. it's remedies highly recommend, i for weaknesses, but tho medicines brought on other troubles. I was so weak I could not attend to my household duties and 1 then determined to try Hood's Bar’ sapariila. After I had taken this medicine a short tiro. I began to gain Btr-ngth. [ Crow Stronger Each Day until I v.or able to work all day vithoat any incon- nkneo. I have taken Hood’, Pills for cor s tlpation, and I am better to day than I have been for five year, Since taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pill 1 fnl rested in the morning. I am less nervous and am sure I have richer and purer blood. I have always been bothered with scrofula, bnt now! am ri ’ of it. I store my last child was born I took K j.d’s Sarsaparilla, and my girl baby was fat and strong, while my other < .:!<! v as not well and lived to l" ■ ■■ ■’ years old.” fdns. ]’ p Dba l, Box 419, M1 sbou ',j'_ ’ MrtsvrPtt Sarsa -3L parilla Is the best in fact the One True Biood Purifier. Hood’s Pills ? u Tiy pn^S tal ?S THE COMING WOMAN. Who goes to the club while her husband tends the baby, as well as the good old-fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times get run down in health. They will 'be troubled with loss of appe tite, headaches, sleeplessness,. ! fainting or dizzy spells, lhe I most wonderful remedy for these women is Electric Bitters. Thousands of sufferers from Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, rise up and call it blessed. It. is the medicine for women. Female complaints and Nervous; troubles of all kinds are soon re lieved by the use of Electric; Bitters. Delicate women should keep this remedy on hand to build up the system. Only 50c. per bottle. For sale by Curry- Arrington Co’s., Drug Store. SLEEPING CAR Rome to St, Louis, via South ern railway, without change. The Southern rail way, in con nection with the Queen and Crescent route, operates daily a through sleeping car line be tween Jacksonville and St. Louis via Louisville. This sleeper passes Home at 7:27 am., and arrives St. Louis 6 :55 the next morning. This will afford excellent ac commodations to partfes eu route to all points west and northwest also to Florida. For further information call on or address J. N. Harrison, C. P. and T. A., Armstrong ho tel. Telephone 39. CHEAP RATES. Half rates to Birmingham, New Orleans and Mobile, ac count Mardi Gras Carnivals, February 22nd, 1898. On account of the above oc casion the Southern Railway will sell tickets to each of the above points, February 16th to 21st, at the rate of one fare for the round trip, tickets good re turning until March stli, 1898. For tickets and full informa tion, call on or write to J. N. Harrison, city ticket agent, Armstrong hotel. Telephone. 39. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Ijnsrg] Trade Ma” 115 Designs k Ff n v<’’ ’ Copyrights &'■ Anyone sending a sketch and descriptto l 'J ll ®' quickly ascertain c.ur opinion free wliet n« r invention is probably patentable. £ onil I I ,’ <4Ul ni tions strictly confident ial. Handbook on [ ‘ . sent free. Oldest agency for securing p»ttei / a Patents taken through Munn & Co. rtcci tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I‘ an;e * t * culation of any scientific journal. I .’L year ; four months, SI. Sold by all newsdoi MUNN &Co. 36, ”" a "'Newark Branch Office. «25 F St.. Washington. U G. You should go now aud in sure against fire with Cotlira’ 1 & Co. Smoke Warters * ‘Extra (Joo 1 best smoke on the market.