The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 17, 1898, Image 7

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fO hold primaries gxeciftiue Committee Adopts plan of Choosing Candidates. TO BE HELD JUNE 6th. — ——————— There was but one Dissenting Vote, Special to Hustler-Commercial. Atlanta, Ga., March 17. Ihe gtato Democratic Executive Committee which is now in ses sion here decided unanimously today- to hold primaries as means by which candidates for tl ie coming election of state bouse officials will be chosen. The date on which the pri maries are to be held, as fixed by the committee is June 6th. There was but one dissenting vote to the motion for prima ries. i THE COTTON MARKET. The Price Irregular But Shows no Sign of Weakening, Tlieot on market opened to day with prices practically un changed from tl e previous day During the morning an advance o.'several points was made but by closing time a net loss of 4 points had been recorded. The disturbed conditions of the count) is having a very no ticeable effect. The local market has been verv good today and the local biners state that they are re ceiving an unusually large amount of the fleecy staple for this season. Street cotton sold for 6| 6| 6f tcd.iy, A HAPPY AFFAIR. The Reception Tendered Mr. and Mrs Geo. M. Allen. As was announced in the Htis lier-Ciiiniiiercijl alr. Georga Mrs Allen, of this? city, litifc !’ i una ltice, iff Atlanta, -wihre iiiarried at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon at the home of the bride in Atlanta. I he young couple came imme diately to Rome, arriving at 8 o'clock p. In . via W. & A. They were met at the train by a num ber Os friends who escorted them w the home of Mr. M. F. Allen io the !• ourd] \\ a rd, where an ’O' >im J reception was tendered “ ‘g® number of friende '■''l been invited and the even— .'n'■ a* spent most pleasantly by all. J Mrs. Allen will go to II 1 >'■ l ping immediately, cor. 11 1 iist street and Seventh avenue, ——, democrats meet. Attend MTetiug of Executive Committee. Th ’ ~~ '— Democratic Executive on ’nnttee met in Atlanta today. iuitHa 'lumber of prominent went hn night Judgo V nu ” rn,n 8’ They were: Mose U \ ranham * Solicito I others '* •H. Ennis and “Wr f ail 4 fetoA'n''’ isitWll Cok ” LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Attention!—Hill City Cadets. You are hereby commanded to meet in your armory tonight at 8 o’clock on important business. 11. J. Stewart,Capt. Directors Meet.—The board of directors of the Young Men’s Library Association met this af ternoon at 3 o’clock in the li brary rooms. The meeting was a vory important one and much business was transacted. Police Court, —Recorder Eu banks held a short session of po lice court this morning at which several members of beaver slide “cullud” society were requested to contribute to the city fund or join the street gang. No cases o importance were tried. The Drug War: —There is a lively fight on between the drug men of Rome. I’he implements of warfare are prices and being used very carelessly. Each man is trying to uuderesell his strongest competitors and so it goes until the purchase can buy what he the drug line almost at his own figures. A Spring day.—The mud and slush on the streets has dried away rapidly today’ and this af ternoon many, pretty and stylish tournoiits were to be seen on the tho-oughfares. T he weather has been almost perfect and from the music of the birds,the warm breezes and laziness in the at mosphere, it feels as if spring was right upon us. It has been decidedly the warmest day of the season. Work Progressing.—The work of raising and otherwise remodeling the Moseley 7 build ing which was begun several days ago, is being finished by a large force of skilled workmen. The ground floor will be raised three feet, which height will bring it up to the standard grade of Broad street. The building will be a beauty when completed and will add greatly 7 to the ap pearance of that part of Broad street. GEE ! BUT AIN’T THEY HOT? AH because Frank Wright has put the prices of drugs down. So lower rhe prices of this line in Rdrue is like punching/ji hornets nest, but you stick’To me with your cash trade and I’l keep punching and the prices sh.d stay down, Frank Wright, Farmacist, at Norton’s eld corner, opposit Ma sonic Tempi. BESJ’OF ALL To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Springtime comes, use the true.and perfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. One bottle will answer for all the familyfeand costs only 50 cents. Buy the genuine. Manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Company only, and for sale hy all druggists. On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, 1 was sick with rheuma tism, and I lay in bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. The first application of it relieved me almost entirely frem the pain and the second afforded com plete relief. In a short time I was able to be up and about again.—A. T. Moreaux, Luv erne, Minn. Sold by all drug gists. HE WANTS TO KEEP WELL. Mr. Smith said today that he and his wife decided last night that when they went to house keeping they would buy thei Soothing Syrup, Castoria. Mel in’s Food, Paregoric and other Drugs from Jervis <fc Wright, the popula Druggists. Have you seen the newest fad, those plaid hose at.Coker’s. are re- : in: .'H : 7 ::: r: :i! 1 r !■;: i:;:•: •? • j •': • TF;:;; 3 t‘UHSTHTBrU!!: ‘ Hi r : i:: irrjiiWwnmmimuiiw A WHOLE CLUB I i - h’ ' Make :iii| < x 'UT Running Time I carry a full and complete line of jewelry, inclu- ding Diamonds My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- er more complete. WEDDING' PRESENTS A SPECIALTY. ||| J. K. Williamson l| •:: /g.iaUUltUlUUiuiUi.i'^l’hlii I : i 1. !'Jsi •: •..?•£ i H-f J■»* '! »'«» 'T'TI! ! ’-’L* • !"SrS-fl tt -i'i t f LJ- 4 Attorneys at Law. General Fire and Lifp”.’ Negotiated on Real Estate Insurance Agents and Brokers. Ca'l tosee ( city and county. Fire In us—Correspondence Solicited—Agents C surance at cut rates, 20 to wanted. ' 25 per cent. * «3©©©©<s©©C iom o I J SMOKE © I | Homemade | I I Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr., Jan. 10,1898.' Jan. 2,1898. I would not be I regard PISO’S without PISO’S CURE FOR CON- CURE for CON- "Taj Gusts whweal'l elsefails. SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any Jg rae H best Cou S h medi ‘ thfag. For a bad £ |=f jfl ti it M ? cine on the market, Cough or Cold beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER. “The Best Cough Medicine.” ~ _ ■ - - - wimiiimmmmumiwii X H. g S. M. Stark, S < X K- X S AUD mLMin fllLlS H X H- ►X Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave « ■ X h* feX HX • x X ►X' is Best White LEGHORNS! H X X For the very best breed and most 3H& perfectly marked fowls, leave orders t 3?3* with J. T. Crouch & Co., $3 per trio. , Splendid cockerels only $ 1. jHI , •* I. D. GAU-LIARD. 22 ! ’Why Suffer Amny? 1 I When DON’S COMPLETE PILE CURE is guaranteed j to cure you. 11 is the discovery of an eminent physician. No Knife! No Interruption of Business! H The first treatment brings immediate relief. It has I cured thousands, and will cure you. MR. T. 8. WILCOX, prominent merchant, politician * and chief of the Chattanooga Fire Department, says: I •• After years of suffering, DON’S PILE OINTMENT was rec- ommended to me. The use of one box effected a permanent cure. I I voluntarily give you this statement, hoping it will be the means of bringing your wonderful remedy to the attention, of others suf- Price SI.OO, Prepaid to any Address. DON CHEMICAL COMPANY, | CHATTANOOGA, TENN. t | VICK S SEEDS TH REE RAMBLER ROSES CRIMSON Will mako a magnificent hedge, beautiful shad, for the piazza, or a charming bed. Conitant bloomer, per fectly haidy. One plant will produce thousands of flowers. One each, only 40 centn, delivered VICV’C Warden and fIUIDV The Busy Man’s Catalogue and the Ladles' Oardener and Adriser. ! IVA Floral .. UUIUD. The on |, ons . containing full Dwcripllons and Directions for planting aud culture; so comprehensive, condensed, claaaifled and indexed that He Who Kuns May Head. Many illustrations from nature Colored plates of Sweet Peas Nasturtiums. Tuberous Begonias, Golden Day Lily. Cactus Dahlia*. Daybreak Asters. Beautifully embossed cover; 120 large pages completely filled with honest illustrations. FREE upon application. Vick’s Seeda Never Di.iippolnt. JAMEH VICKH SON’S, - Rochester, N. V. FREE! (postage) Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Muguine ™mou* e A(mioBiTT. Isa veritable mine of Informullon about Flowers, Vegetables and Fruits, and how to rrow and care for them luccessfullv. A farm house mar be brightened at a slight expense and the ground, made attractive, In.tead of bare and forbidding. Th. price of VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE Is Fifty Cents per year, but If you will return thia Coupon with .lx IWO-cent .lamps th. niajtazin. willl be mailer, to you regularly tor six mouths fer trial. Write al once to VICK PUBLISH I FKA CO.• Roche..«r, N. V. THREE RAMBLER ROSES Will make a magnificent hedge, beautiful shade for the piarta, or a charming bed. Constant bloomers, perfectly hardy. One plant will produce 1,000 flowers. Only ~iOc, delivered. Ulf V’C flsrden and fLIIIDF Th » Y ,o * l J r Man’s Catalogna and the Ladles’ Gardener and Adviser. IlblY Floral . . VUIUU, The only one containing full Descriptions and Directions for planting aud culture; so comprehensive, condensed, classified and indexed that He Who Kuns May Read. Many illustrations from nature. Colored plates of Sweet peas. Nasturtiums, Tuberous Begonias, Golden Day Lily, Cactus Dahlias, Daybreak Asters. Beautifully embossed cover; 112 large pages completely filled with huueai iliusiAivlions. FKEE upon apphcatlou. .was JAMES VICKS SONS. FREE! (po° s ug:) Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine Famous *A LI HOKIT Y, Is a veritable mine of information about Flowers, Vegetables and Fruita, and how to grow and care for them successfully. A farm house may tie brightened at a alight expense and the grounds made attractive, Instead of bare and forbidding The price of VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE is Fifty Cents per year, but If you will return this Coupon with atx two«cent stamp, the magazine will lie mailed to you regularly for its nwuUia for UI»L Write at ones to _ VICK PUBLISHING CO., Rochester, N. Y. Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE. Thu surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, Price 50 cents per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. THE DR. WHITEHALL MEGRIMINE CO., South Bend, Indian# r?REATMENT THAT CURES” Knowledge and skill are now at your service. Diseases J once pronounced incurable now treated and cured at home. Every invalid applying is guaranteed the personal attention of Dr. Cowden. The most modern, scientific and cur ative methods in the world. Thousands cured. E For three years Doctor J. M. Cowden has enjoyed the reputation of ■ having cured more people by his mild, scientific modern methods of medi- ■ cation than any other physician in the City of Washington. This is not ■ the result of accident, nor is it a popular fad, but it is altogether depend- ■ ent upon seventeen years of hard study and research. He personally con- ? ■ suits with his assistants over two hundred patients every day. He treats B only a few diseases, and the results are almost miraculous. His specialties are Nose, Bowels, Rheumatism. Throat, Blood, Skin Diseases. Lungs, Deafness, Asthma, Stomach, Consumption, Cataract. I Upon request, w’ill send a short, readable article, explaining Doctor |’ I Cowden’s theories and treatment of disease. This is of great value to & I those who are sick, and of interest to those who are well. E CONSULTATION FREE. WRITE TO HIM. i Address J. M. COWDEN, M. D., 715 13th St. N,W., Washington, DC. TH Al I UFN Dri Cowden’s words of advice to all men, young, middle-aged and old, IU HLL mtn, are worth their weight in gold, andean be had for the asking. ■y SECURED! j ■estinK books “ Invent- < >w you are swindled.” < itch or model of your ? • went and we will tell < n as to whether it is < ! probably patentable. We make a specialty < of applications rejected in other hands. < Highest references f irnished, < MARION * M/RION ? PATENT SOLICITORS A EXPERTS / Civil A Mechanical Eni Ineera Graduates of the < Polytechnic School of Engineering. Bachelors in r Applied Sciences. Laval (Jniversitv, Members I Patent Law AssoelaUon, American Water Works 2 Association, New England Water Works Assoc. Z P. Q. Surveyors Association, Assoc. Member Can.’ Society of CivU Engineers. \ ' Os-ierrva- • WABHINGTOW, D. C. > CITATION-LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA. FLOYD COUNTY, To all whom it may concern: W. A. Barnett Administrator ol Dole Adams, deceased, has io dm form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate of said deceased and said application will be heard on the first Monday in April next. This 7th dav of March. LB9B. John P. Davis, Ordinary . LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. STATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY,— George W. Thomas 1 Libel for di vs . vorce inFloyd L. P. Thomas ) Super’r Court state of Georgia, No. 33 January term 1898. To L. P. Thomas,—The defend ant is hereby required personally >.r by attorney, to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for said county on the thirl Monday in July next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s demand in an action of libel for divorce, as in default thereof said court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable W. Flen^y, Judge of said court, this 9th day of February 1898, Wm. E. Beysiegel, C. C. upa rior Court, Floyd county Ga, For a good smoke try War ers’ “Extra Good” cigars. Insure with H. D. Cothran & Co. Do not wait until after the fire. - - v