The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 21, 1898, Image 2

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TWO DESPERADOES. Two 13 Year Old Negro Boys Hold Up A 7 YEAR OLD WHITE BOY In The Heart of The City And at His Father’s Gate- On Saturday night at about 8 o’clock two negro boys aged about 13 held up little Robert Wyatt. The outrage was perpetrated at the gate of the victim’s father, corner of Fourth avenue and East Second street. Robert Wyatt is the 7 year old son of Mr. Bill Wyatt. The little fellow was attacked while at his father’s front gate. His cries brought his father from across the street in time to capture one of the litt e ras cals. Mr. Wyatt threw the thief to the pavement and stamped him, then chased the other ne gro up Tower hill. The fleeing coonlet made good his escape. When Mr. Wyatt returned the negro boy he had kicked was prone on the pavement. Mr. Wyatt secured a good switch and soon revived the little vil lian and had him making a fine rate of speed out of that section of the city. DR. A J. BATTLE. Goes to Anniston. Others Ac company Him. Dr. A J. Battle has accepted tbe Presidency of the Southern Female College and Conservatory of music, at Anniston, and will take charge of the colleage at the beginning of the Septem ber term. Dr. Battle has secured the ser vices of Mrs, Gibbs Miss Dustman, Prof. Dt ggan and Prof. Thomp son, It is not kniwn whether or not Miss Griswell will accept tbe position of vocal instructor. The name of the college will propsbly be charged. Anniston ii fortui ate in secur ing the services of these well known educators and it goes with out saying Anniston will have ons» of the finest female colleges in the South. FOR SENATOR.- 42nd Dist. In the coming state election it is the privilege of Floyd county, by party precedent, to choose democratic nominee for Senator from the 42nd senatorial district. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the democratic nomination for Senator, subject to the action of the democratic primary of June the 6th. W. 11. Ennis. To Dalton. —Messrs. J. A. Beal and Hunter Smith will go up to Dalton tomorrow to make arrangements to present the beautiful opera “Zelena” Thurs day night in that city. City Court.— The criminal docket of the court was called by Judge Harris upon the organiz ation of his court this morning the castsdisposed of were, George Kenneman, gaming. Not guilty* Annie Hill uot pros, Reuoßrown, tnisdatnauer, nol guilty, Will Washington, col, stealing a $7 50 umbrella and irying to sell it for 15 cents guilty—not sentenced Sam McKenzie assault and battery —jury out. Miss Lillie B.Price the beautifu' and accomplished daughter, of Mr. C. J. Pice, after an indispos . estxiu of several days is reported ■ much Leiter today. PERSONAL APPEAL To bo Made by Ladies of Rome in Behalf ' OF STARVING CUBANS. t Contributions go Direct to Gen eral Lee. 1 The ladies in Rome, God bless I them, never slow in responding t to a call of distress, will raise a contribution for the relief of I starving Cubans. Mrs. Hudgins, Mrs. Moseley j and others will hold a meeting Wednesday forenoon and or- • ganize for a systematic canvass « of the city. > Envelopes will be left at every residence in th3 city, tbe work ■ beginning Wednesday afternoon, i On Sunday morning next, all . the ministers will have some ‘ thing to say in behalf of the starving thousands of men, wom . en and children. And on Monday the commit tee of lady canvassers will begin , collecting the envelopes and of i ferings of the people. The money will be sent di rectly to General Fitzhugh Lee, . at Havana, General Lee being a i warm personal friend of the Hudgins family. Let Romans give all they can afford. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Meeting Called.—A meeting has been called for tomorrow morning in the parlors of the Armstrong at 10 o’clock for the purpose of raising money to help the starving Cubans. Any one interested is cordially invited to help a lending hand. C O N F E I) E R A T E VETERAN. Let every Confederate Veteran in Floyd county remember that the ‘ ‘old vets” will hold an en thusiastic meeting at the court house on next Saturday morn ing at 10 o’clock. No Veteran should miss this meeting. Sons of Confederacy.—On Saturday morning, March 26th, at 10 o’clock, the Sons of the Confederate Veteran's Camp of Floyd county, will meet at the court house for permanent or ganization. Let every young man entitled to membership be on hand and do his full duty in making the Flovd cianp the , banner camp of this noble order in the state of Georgia. i Still in Market. —Mrs. C. ■ R. Garrard is still in the North ern markets culling all that is : most artistic and novel in spring millinery and notions. Herlong stay enables her to attend the latest spring openings from • which she can obtain later styles > than those on exhibition at the > first openings. All in quest of I latest styles and reasonable ■ prices will find them at Mrs. Garrard’s new store next door to the Hanks Furniture Co. Regtstrars in Session. —The board of registrars of Flovd county, viz: Messrs. W. P. , Trout, G.W. Fleetwood and C. . \V. Underwood met at the court house today to revise the regis i tratien list of Texas Valley. This becomes necessary because of the fence or no fence election which occurs in Texas Valley on March 25th. The voting 1 strength of the distiict is from 150 to 100. The registrars will I probably be in session for four days. For a good smoke try Waf ers’“Extra Good” cigars, i CONIE TOMORROW The Georgia State Gontniis siiig For The OMAHA EXHIBITION Will be In This City For Three Hours. The Georgia State Commis sion, charged with business of making a display of the state s resources at Omaha, will arrive in Rome at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon and will remain here until 6 o’clock. Mayor Sam King requests the Hustler-Commercial to invite every professional and business man and every manufacturer in Rome, to be present at 3 :30 to morrow afternoon in the Board of Trade rooms in the Armstrong to meet the commissioners. Capt. John J. Seay, chairman for the committee in the seventh congressional district, is whoop ing up a big meeting for the oc casion. Rome should not miss this excellent opportunity to advertise her banner county re sources. Go to the meeting at 3 :30 to morrow afternoon. Funeral Services. The funeral services over the remains o f Miss Eugenia Franks occurred from the Second Bap-, tist church yesterday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Rev. Mr. Gilbert conducted the services. The interment was at Myrtle Hill. OOOOOOOOOOOTQQOOOOOOOOQOOOO 000000000000000000000000000 88. F. Montgomery < ) O 227, BROAD ST. > Q SICK, ACCIDENT AND LlFt O § Insurance § Q WE NUMBER. AMONG OUR RISKS MANY OF THE Q Q VERE BEST PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. Q 0 WANTED - —We want wide-awake agents to represent mr companies in the counties of Po'k, Bartow, Floyd, qq Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, Whitfield, Catoosa and qq qq Dade. Call on or address us at our Rome otfice, qq Q <B. F. MONTGOMERY Gen’l Agt, Q Bo>»—>■ 000000000 -* OOCOOOCXDOf X WOOOODOOOOOOOOOO V Purifies Blood. jl I A POSITIVE CURE -CR I 1 8 DYSPEPSIA, KALARIA . 1 'J CHILLS >«’’ rEVER. fiRIPP. q y»> e |fj [ BILIOUSNESS. SKMEADACHE & I j CONSTIPATION L GENERAL DEBILITY. ! J J -so. zMKMF a Kestores &hi U w & OMR.UVEh g u f PRICE oO Cts. 4SPLEEI. £ b Al ALL Will Keep your “ H II ‘ Stum .ch in Ueultby J? nl J DkUQGISTS. condition. W L’ i w 11 ' u■' ii P‘ I oAfER I. CJWfe// MEDICAL CO. * I u / 49aud61 mF s If n Marion st -, N * Y - s I trai (tttiM newt "TriG ? |l| i LIVER PILLS >5 CENTS J Vurely Vegetable Vi; Uiliousiw conßtlyntL’j Pile*. Sick-Hebd icn; and : Dys-wpsia. Small Ka..v takei J $ B > r 1 F -1 * r *- J c —-r • t OCAI HAPPENINGS. Lost. —A bunch of keps. Fin der will be rewarded by leading ame at this office. First Methodist. Dr. Sul lins, of Seminary College, Cleve land, Tenn., filled the pulpit at (he First Methodist church yes ierday morning. The church was c'wded to bear the elo quent < ivine. He is one of the most ] ‘eminent educators in I’ennes ee. High School Changes. —Be ginning this morning, the Bth. rade of the Public Schools of hi-- citv. presided overby Prin cipal Montague Gammon, were convened at S o’clock instead < f 5:30. This grade will be dis missed at 1 .30 in the afternoon instead es 2 o’clock. This is the regular spring change for the upper grades. Recorders’ Court. —Record- ers’ court this morning proved to be a much smaller affair than was anticipated by many, owing to the fact that spring gghtij have opened up. r l hree mer chants were up on account of not having swept their pave ments for Sunday. The evi dence was “not trashy” enough and the cases were dismissed, Haynes Thomas , col., was fined $3 for “riding a few steps on the pavement.” Recorder Eu banks stated that this thing of riding on the pavement foreven six inches was against tbe ordi nance and must stop. He says from nowon he will fine all of fenders $5 in each case. t Fine Celery. —Fancy lettuce, radishes, spring onions and other fresh vegatables Friday and Sa - urday at Lloyd’s. J School SupoHes. ■ <<J e are pi° l,werß e BC h°ol books and school sup. ply business and we are also right in every. thin? that should be kept by an up-to-date Book- ore w | WALL pra. <<« ip < < < < »>> »>> XNo hcuse th? Stif- car. serve von better wie;vo iq. sire to invest in a new covering ter tr.e dei- cwa .; 0 | <<« your home. See our stock on hand and samp'es H. A. SMITH, | I THE OLD RFLIABLe BOOK STORE. ■ OO E& H I to go regardless of 010 ISIT F I R 111 Cl B You can get just what you want of M® M® juju zi. We have NEW Bicycles from TWELVE DOLLARS UF and they* will be sold at prices to suit the purchaser, r Pianos -- Organs and several makes of me M HI which will be sold at prices neve before known i~? Rome We also have in stock 1,000 copse POPULAR SHEET MUSIC at ioc per copy, S nd for catalog ll of this music. We also handle mandolins:. GUITARS, VIOLINS, ~ and will rent pianos or organs with purchasing privilec' ' piano-case organs are great sellers. Call and see Lheui lE. E. Forbes," S. F» DAVIS, Manager. ■ ..z.. ' ■■■—■- —— • >«• «S M ' H Best White LEGHORNS! For the very best breed and perfectly marked fowls, leave ordei ’ with J. T. Crouch & Co,, $3 p trio. Splendid cockerels only $ 1. ?? I. D. GAILLIA'W _ - - - .. Id I! 14 »IJ/F fIHHB MH Wk* woat.. Permanentlv cured bv using DR- WIiriT.HALT. S RTIEI p r icesi> surest and Ute Ix-st. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. per Ik>x. .Swindle seirt frwon meutio" th>s Pnbbciituin. j V SJME DR^WHITEHALL MEGLUMINE CO., Soutn --- at of