The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 21, 1898, Image 4

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IHI HIISW-GOM. THE HUSTLER OF ROME EHtablinbed, 18WO. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established, 18W>. Issued every evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL Q. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. ottloe. Wilkerson (Block, ( Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION Daily and Sunday,per year °C Sunday, per year •I- 00 Weekly (Thb RombCocmibb) per year 50 BY CARRIER IN OITY AND LVBUIEP. DCy and Sunday, locents per weei, Remit by Lank draft, exprsii, money order or registered letter Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL. ROME, GA. Entered at the Postortice at Rome, Ga., as second claes matter. Aevertlriug rates and sample oo r ies forth fMking, BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALLEN D. CANDLER, of Hall. For Secretary of State, PHIL COOK, of L e. (For Comptroller-General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. For Attorney-General. ’JOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merriwether. For Treasurer, W. M. SPEER, of Fulton, For Commissioner of Agriculture. O. B. STEPHENS, of Terrell. For School Commissioner, G. R. GLENN, of Bibb. Why not give Cuba a liberty cap for an Easter bonnet? When Spain runs against Un cle Sam’s flag staff she will see lots of stars. With Hawaii over 2,000 miles away this government will go too far when it annexes it. < Spain’s national debt, inclu ding arrears and defaulted payments, is over two billion dollars. Incase of war and McKinley decides to raise a negro army of invasion, will he make a color ed colonel out of Mark Hanna? The dogs of war when let slip will get a tough bone if they have to dine on a Spanish jaw bone. Hon. Allen D. Candler will open his campaign in Rome March 26th, Saturday. No doubt a large number of our citizens will go over to hear him. — Adairsville Banner. Just byway of exploiting our capabilities as a prophet, The Chronicle predicts the nomina tion of Allen D. Candler for governor of Georgia by the pri maries on June 6th.—Augusta Chronicle . “ ■ • The anti-Candler speakers are hoarse from screeching their ob jections to an early primary. They blame Col. Candler for this alleged injustice, when in fact they should be visiting their anathemas upon Governor Atkinson, for had the governor hastened home from Mevico his men could have been in the field earlier. The orator who can’t present his views to the people in three months is not much of a hustler From now until the 6th of June will give ample time for the wrangle and for the orator to «locute.—Americus Times-Re corder. I The Griffin News closes a three-quarter column tirade against Col. Candler by asking this question: “But if Col. Candler dare not meet his own party opponents, what will he do in case he should be nominated and have to meet Tom Watson? Col. Candler has answered fully, bravely, and to the satis faction of every man who has the good of the Democratic par ty at heart—no matter waich side of Mason and Dixon’s he was born. The Griffin News is the daily paper that, early after W. Y. Atkinson’s return from his Sun day bull fights, made slighting remarks about Allen D. Can dler having but one eye. The state committee which convened in Atlanta Thursday was a live exponent of the Dem ocratic party. The committee on resolutions as follows : Bov kin Wright, chaiiman; O. 11. P. Bloodworth, A. A. Lawrence, Richard Hobbs, D. N. C. Burk halter, R. M. Martin, S. P. Maddox and Milton P. Reese, rendered a majority report de claring that it was the sense of the committee that no joint de bates between Democrats be held during the campaign. They said th a joint debates create differences in the party. —Amer- icus Times-Recorder. The Macon Telegraph’s report of Judge Atkinson’s opening speech in Hawkinsville Satur day, says that from 800 to 1,000 people heard the railroad com missioner speak in the court house. The Hustler-Cemmercial can prove by every man in Hawkinsville that a half of the least number mentioned can’t find standing room in said court room. And yet the Telegraph proposes to be ‘ ‘fair and impar tial.” The friends of the two stump speakers, who, backed by the scheming politicians, are oppos ing our leader, /Vilen D. Candler, for governor, are howling “fraud” and “snap judgement” because of an eerly primary. And yet these “champion stump speakers”were on the stump be fore Col. Candler. Consistency is a stranger to this gang of beautiful howlers. The people of Georgia are not exceptions to the rule. They ad mire eloquence. This is as true now as it was in the cam paign when Allen D. Candler snowed Emory Speer, under in the old Ninth, bringing that district back to Democracy. Enjoying eloquence is one thing, choosing public servants is an other. The people will elect Candler. Mark that prediction. The Herald does not approve of the joint debate in a party primary campaign. It is a means ot accentuating differences and fomenting strife rather than settling issues or convincing and converting voters.—Albany Herald. The stump-speaking politi ticians, shrewd though they be, will have to “draw” their own crowds. Your Uncle Allen will tote his own skillet—He Has al ways given the people a good show. He will continue to do so. Let the schemers rave. Were it not for the Passaic and the Jekyl Island Club, Brunswick would be at the mer cy of the enemy.—Waycross Herald. While the Spaniard is blow ing the bottom out of American ironclads, Americans are blow ing the tops off of schooners. Another Bock, please. A MUD'S EYE VIEW, Bro. Byrd, of The Hustler- Commercial, says his motto is the very best paper ha can gel out every day in the week, .and he is living up to it, too. The wonderful improvement in The Hustler of Rome is a credit to Rome—Adairsville Banner. * * * This joke is going the rounds ; have you heard it? If Missouri should steal Mississippi’s New .Jersey, what would Delaware Alaska? Alaska. *** Listen for this “Buckeye” bark to blow up.: There is a dog near Hartford Station, Ohio, that is in a precarious condition, lie swallowed six sticks of dynamite, and they have tied him out in the woods to await developments. * ■* Frank Chase,of Waterville, Maine, some years ago invented a machine simplifying the man ufacture of shoes. A New En gland company purchased his invention for SIOO,OOO cash and gave him $2,500 for life, provid ed he would do no more invent ing, In a recent interview he bitterly regrets having made that contract. * * * King Humbert, of Italy, is i the only reigning monarch of I Europe who was ever wounded in natlle. At Custozza, where; the Italians were defeated by the Austrians under Archduke Albert, the brave young prince threw himself again and again into the thick of the fight and ' I tried by personal bravery to re trieve the lost day, until an ug ly wound from a sabre laid him senseless and he was borne from the field by his soldiers. YEAR’S SUPPORT, Georgia, Ft/, yd County : To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a year’s support to Mary T. Wade, the widow of J. L. Wade, deceased, have filed their award, and unless good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the judgment of the court at the April term, 1898, of the court of ordinary. This March 7th 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. .. ■ .. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Curry- Arrington Drug Company. BESI\OF ALL To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Springtime comes, use the true and perfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. One bottle will answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents. Buy the genuine. Manu factured by tne California Fig Syrup Company only, and for sale by all druggists. Best New Gum Half-Price.— We bought about 40 boxes new gum consiguea to E C. Wood & Co. at half price. Nevei been open- 1 ed. We will sell all kinds at 2 I packages foroe while it lasts, such as California Fruit, Fruit Tolu, best Pepsin, etc. Lloyd & Co, Jervis & Wright, the uptown druggist, have no old stale stuff to offer you, but their stock is clean and fresh and tlwy will do as much for your in their way of service, prices, etc., as any one. Bear this in mind and you will be glad of it. They allow uo one to ! undersell them. Insure with 11. D. Cothran Co. Do not wait until after the fire. I O 71J ' ' ’ z A’ '' i S i J ..i > drsapamia Cures Permanently Cures Scrofula, which is one of the worst af flictions of the human race, and comes from impure blood. Eczema, c most offensive and uncomfort r.ble affection of the skin, also .rtie to impure blood. £ Jt Rheum, i torment to the flesh, a dis i ’ ’.rement to the body, and a .rain on the system, also due io vitiated blood. Pimples, which so disfigure the skin, and make the human face divine riiything but a thing of beauty, i 'it which ere Nature’s adver t ■ ol foul blood. Oaturrh, which very often comes from a chronic affection of the circula tion, is a constant offense to one’s self and all his friends. Rheumatism, which all authorities now attri bute to various acidities in the blood, which this great blood purifier of the age, Hood’s Sar saparilla, corrects. r; 9 d *3 Sarsaparilla I •> sold b ; ;.!1 druggists. SI; six for $5. Pre ] ’.irecl only by C. J. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. ■ • —*— I L-'irPc DitSc ar ’’th“ I>< st. after-dinner l . o 1 pills, aid digestion. 25c. slepplng car - Romo to St, Louis, via South ern railway, without change. The Southern railway, in con nection with the Queen and Crescent route, operates daily a 'through sleeping car line be tween Jacksonville and St. Louis via Louisville. This sleeper passes Koine at 7 :27 am., and arrives St. Louis 6 :55 the next morning. This will afford excellent ac commodations to partfes eri route to all points west and northwest 1 also to Florida. For further information call on or address J. N. Harrison, i C. P. and T. A., Armstrong ho lei. Telephone 39. QUICK TIME. Through Sleeping Car Service To Jacksonville. Tampa and Florida Points. The Southern railway has re sumed its fast winter schedule between Rome, Ga., Jackson ville, Tampa and Florida points, leaving Rome 8 :20 p. m., ar riving Tampa 6:15 p. m., mak ing the quickest time between these points. This is a solid train carryin elegant day coach es and Pullman sleeping car, Rome to Jacksonville, without change ; also Pullman sleeping car Rome to Tampa, without change. Winter tourist tickets I are now on sale to all principal winter resorts in Florida. I For information, call on J. N. Harrison, City Ticket Agent, Armstrong hotel. Telephone No. 39. CHEAP RATES. Half rates to Birmingham, New Orleans and Mobile, ac count Mardi Gras Carnivals, February 22nd, 1898. On account of the above oc casion the Southern Railway will sell tickets to each of the above points, February 16th to 21st, at the rate of one fare for the round trip, tickets good re turning until March sth, 1898. For tickets and full informa tion, call on or write to J. N. Harrison, city ticket agent, Armstrong hotel. Telephone 39. THE COMING WOMAN. Who goes to the club while her husband tends the baby, as well as the good old-fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times get run down in health. They will be troubled with loss of appe tite, headaches, sleeplessness, fainting or dizzy spells. The most wonderful remedy for these women is Electric Bitters. Thousands of sufferers from Lame Back ami Weak Kidneys rise up and call it blessed. It is the medicine for women. Female complaints and Nervous troubles of all kinds are soon re lieved by the use of Electric Bitters. Delicate women should keep this remedy on hand to build up the system. Only 50c. . per bottle. For sale by Curry ' Arrington Co’s., Drug Store. Regardless Os the Moon and Its Quarters We are getting our garden s s into the face of the earth, all the y from lakes to gulf and from one ? ■ > tected seaboard to another, and w ; e the mail orders are heavier tha? er before, the local trade is receivi v our especial attention. THE EARLY GARDi has got in his work but he, an;' i' e man who plants in the moon, and he who plants in the earth after ] t suns of March and the April show have GOT IN THEIR WORK, is yet to be waited upon, ind we ve ready to wait upon him. Garden Seeds===the best, freshest and r st reliable kinds, are the only goock .0 buy. We sell them. SPECIAL. We also make a feature of nr pi -.y. ed field corn, forage crops seeds,.c o ver, grasses, etc. Ask for our free illustrated ca:a= logue. GURRY-ARRINGTON 3C THEARfISTRONG H€ Rome. Ga Regular ■ ; Simla Bjaito , Warned- '' ■' '' ' ' - - < 2®-- ~.V7. . ■- • .a:..' . • ■• ,‘.. - .. —” 'I'll? place to got a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG,. Proprietors. xffiksS-B. ;-«•*: : ; B •• ...<U« v X X ft YOU C PfY 'X HAVE TO X.X-> N ’ ft SWEAR OFF. XXXO r ’ _ Toe natural way to stop tobacco XF y|Fl®k is to get a distaste for it. Don’t /" Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your . L' Life Away and go on suffering f/ f) r /* •• from nervous troubles that make /‘.T / A ’X\ rflwr*. Strongmen weal:, impotent and XA I/'-7 / /iftk wnabie to do the right thing at ) ■$ / ; ' A -A f ft** ••’l the right time, all beer.u e the V •• , . T'd' X 1 'x- 1 r tr R acc ' ’ r ,’ is ' ■‘•- J It X-' - I V.-U.X No- makes It e:\3y to yl’s,,-.' elO-TO-BACS o,XY e . urge - VOU tot< .' s! bolt! Overt) million boxes r?; P'.’bl in tv.o rd 000<'ur‘ .5 tell Ui- ;,,ry of ..ierit !'<.■.T<> -a / v ■Usfil’xMi ' * not on 'y kill the closiro for toba''■<> .io i 0.. t i L. If •( 1!" I'u ¥- ' J J"'.l ''■.•••,ml to ti,.„i,, 1 . ii.-(, at„i energy bloom. < in be K , lll( . : i,. r >U n-)i..;.., will bo brighter, die old man in X...- lA ~ imide young a;.?tUn and htippy. DRUCQIST’S is :ii: i 1 ■ft / r ' < ? ‘ No-to-Bhc UiuJi r* absoluii "uunmte<‘to cure. Our wrH-U’n • ! _ k F r i antvv, free sani|)i<>(;f No-T<>-Bac, Bt. >kk‘l called -‘Don’t, Tobacco >•' ’ f V 1 ,)ur L ‘ r ° Away” nailed fret Address THE STERL!A‘ * \ ;• REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., Iv w York. : i M tIL a \up easy. • otu by to i.:-.. everywhere, truaranteed to cur- oi I J| I—w 9S ' /F"wl IQ ■ 1.1 Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC C•L p ( [)ta surest and the best. Sold by firugt'ists on a positive guarantee. 1 rice <>> per box. Sample sent free on mention o’ this publication. . THE DR. WHITEHALL MEGLUMINE CO., South Beud, man