The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 24, 1898, Image 2

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“STAR CHAMBER” Jildge George Harris Cleared The Room. REPORTERS, LAWYERS J . - I, -I -*• * Forbidden Attendance And Driven From His Presence Judge George Harns, of the City court bench, sprung a perfla tion this morning when ordered the Sheriff to clear the court room and bar and guard the doors and permit n > one to euter during the hearing of the next case, Tne defendant, a Mr. John Ken edy, a young farmer had waived a jury and submitted his case to the Judge. Mr.Kenedy and one friend be sides his attorney Capt. John H. Reese, the Judge and Solicitor General Harper Hamilton and two official door keepers were the only people permitted in the court room. It is alleged that Mr. Kennedy was tried for a misdemeanor offense and found not guilty by the court. The members of the bar and the reporters for newspapers seemed to be the most surprised people about the court house. But then, they all knew Judge Harris and 1 knowing him to be so tearless and 1 level headed acquieeed without riotous demonstrations. I After the star chamber session, when the doors of the temple, of ' justice were again Hung ajar, Mr. Kenedy emerged clad in a wreath of smiles and the same cloak of inoct nee that the law so wisely 1 wraps about a defendant until the evidence >n an open trial i ruthlessly tears it away, The cases tried in open court were tne State vs. Mattie Sims, an old colored sister who was con victed of simple larceny. She was sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs or serve 4 months in county chaingang. Jim Harris and Will Harris two young sinners from Seney were charged with gaming but the evidence was so remote about an old pistol, a pocket knife and a handkerchief being the stakes, that Judge Harris directed a ver dict in one case and a “nolprosse” in the other. A victory for attor neys Joe Nunnally and Bob Chamlee. Then an old case against Mrs, C. C. Adkins alias Mrs. Spann,, was taken up, and much to grati fication of many who had been disappointed with the original turn of the Kennedy case,, they were not ordered out. Mrs. Spann was charged with keeping a naughty house. She was ably de fended by Col. Almir Davis and Judge Santa Crawford. She was convicted and sentenced to six months on the gang and 80 days in jail, the gang sentence to be suspended, upon the termina of the jail sentence, upon good be ll avior. J M. Lawrence, of Cedar Blufl’, was put on trial this afternoon. He is charged -.with having, by false representations secured about $l5O worth of goods from A. W. T*-dcastle & Co. He is prosecuted by Reese & D niny and defended by J. B. F. Lumpkin , Wright & Ewing and a so by Lawyer Carder of Center, Ala. A Kentucky editor said silver buckles on garters were becom ing fashionable anc he hoped to sea more of them. His wife sued for a divorce and the only wom an in town who had silver buck les on her garters cowhided the poor editor until he was as raw as a potato.— Summerville News. - ■ * Mr. Will W. Martin, of Atlan ta, was in the city yesterday after noon. BRILLIANT VICTORY • I Os Cubans Reported Near, Havana. ■ FIGHT FAST AfID FURIOUS Spanish Defeated by Patriot Col. Davalos. Havana, via Key West, March 24.—The Gubans are displaying great activity near Havana. Col. Davalos, who is now in command of the late general Arangueren’s forces, has proved to be a worthy successor of that dashing Cuban leader. A report has arrived’of the hot engage ment near Viajacas and Palos, a few miles from this city, ♦ be between the battalion of Gui puzocoa, led by Col Tort, in combination with four Spanish guerrilla detachments and a body of patriots under DaVales. Os course the Spanish claim a victory. Their report says that after a lively contest the Cubans abandoned their positions. But as the battle was fought so near Havana the Cubans received news concerning it at the same time that the Spanish official report came, and they say that it was one of the most brilliant victories of their army in this province. ' PURELY PERSONAL Mr. Walter Griffin went up to ' Chattanooga yesterday. Mrs. T. O. Hand continues critically ill at her home in East Rome. President Battle and Professor Duggan have returned from .Anniston. Rev. Mr. Hunicutt spent sev eral days of last week in Rome. —Summerville News. The banana peel is said to be an excellent substitute for ice— on the sidewalk. Miss Fannie Harper, of Cave Spring is the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. G. McDonald. Mrs. T. L. Cornelius and chil dren have i eturned from a visit to relatives in Cedartown. , ‘ Miss Edna Cain, who has been quite with au attack of the grippe, is slowing improving.— Mr. Chas. L. Morgenstern, advance agent for the Cora Van Tassle company, is in the city. Mr. John Ledbetter came down from Chattanooga, yester day and will spend several days ( in the <|ty. • A Maine woman caught a man • in a bear trap and not knowing what else to do with him she married him. Miss Lula Hawkins, of Rome> . is visiting in the city, the guest : of MisS Alta Rowan.—Carters ville Courant. Mr. Ed Wardlaw, of Rome, spent last Sunday in the city with relatives and friends. Courant American. Miss Ella Harper has return ed to her home in Cave Spring, ■ after a visit of several days to • her sister, Mrs. M. G. McDon i aid. Miss Florence Fouche, of Rome, will arrive in the city this week and will be the guest of Miss Marian Smith—Carters ville Courant. After a most enjoyable visit to her parents, Mayor-elect and Mrs. John J. Seay, Mrs. S. C. Harrison left yesterday for her home in South Carolina. ]S UNCONSCIOUS J ... — ; In A Ward At Tht Einergcii i eg Hospital. LITTLE JIMMIE PHILLIPS Lies White And Still, The Chan ces Against Hjin s In a, ward at the Emergency hospital, little Jimmie Phillips, the 8-year-old boy who was struck by the engine of the N. C. and St. L., pay train yester day, lies white and unconscious. An account of the accident by which the little fellow sustained fatal injuries, was published in yesterday’s Hustler-Commer cial. Late yesterday afternoon the management of the Rome cot ton factory, in the abundance of its charity, had the unconscious form moved to a ward in the Emergency hospital, guarantee ing all expenses. The mother of the boy accom panied the body ot her uncon scious son and lingers around it during the long agonizing hours. Dr. Will Johnson was seen by the Hustler-Commercial late this this afternoon. Dr. Johnson sta ted that the skull was badly fractured and that his patient, though struck at 11 :30 yester day, is still unconscious, with the chances against his recovery. The Phillips f amily is a large one and is in very needy cir cumstances. The father is almost an invalid and is out of work. The family resides on Railroad street in the tenement next to the corner house on Sth Ave., on the factory side of the railroad. The management of the Rome cotton factory is under no obli gations but has been generous in the measure of its relief. Let others respond promptly with food and raiment. Dr. R. M. Harbin, of Rome, was in the city one day last week. —Calhoun Times. The friends of Capt. P. H. Har din will regret to learn that he continues quite ill at his home in this city. Miss Adelie King, one Rome’s most attractive young ladies, is visiting Mrs. G. M. Mostellar. —Calhoun Times. Capt, J. B. Patton will leave this afternoon for Nashville on a visit of a few days. Capt, Rattan goes to renew old acquaintances, Nashvil e being his old home. Capt. M. L Troutman, Sr., tpent yesterday in the citv. Capt. Troutman says that so far as he can learu the farmers in his section of the country are solid for Allen D. Candler. Miss Annie, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Dr. and Mrs. I). W. Curry, has re turned from a delightful visit of some weeks to points in Louis iana and Arkansas. Capt. J. B. Nevin went up to Chattanooga yesterday after noon. Mrs. Nevin, his charming better half, is visiting her father, Capt. T. P. Wells, i a the Look out City. Dr. Will T. Kinney, one of the most successful young prac ticioners in the state, was here from Fouche yesterday after noon. Dr. Kinney comes to Rome but seldom, though ho has a large number of friends here . Col. Candler’s letter to Judge Atkinson will certainly do him no harm. It makes interesting reading and isn’t calculated to afford much consolation to the South Georgian. Albany Her ald. Rheumatism Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: "For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which thebest physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew wcrseuntill was un able to take my food or handle myself in any way; I was abso- Lgj'kjA* lately helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re l*eved nie so Brat I ' soon able to move V*> my right arm; before l° n g I could walk j F*’ across the room, and when I had finished one doz- n bottles was cured completely an<l am as Weil as ever. I now weigh 170.” A Real Blood Remedy* S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine—S.S.S. (guaranteedpurely vegeta table) is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else. It forces out the poison matter permanent ly. We will send to anyone our valuable A”-'*# t “T t books. Address x K X' Swift Specific \ Co., Atlanta, F' J fc; J Ga. ■ I ■■ I. , I Friday Night, By special permission of I). W. ■ Truss & Co,, Shean & Raye [ announce a special tour of 'WANG' Superb in its spectular splendor • — “The Man with an Ele phant on his Hand.” “A Pretty Girl. A Summer Night.” •‘Every Rose Must Have Its Thorn.” ‘•You Must Ask of the Man in the Moon.” Wang's Wonderful Ele phant. The Bewitching Chorus of Little Children Presented upon a more sumptuous scenic scale than ever. „ A famous company of 50 and a special orchestra. FOR SENATOR.-42nd. Dist In the coining state election it is the privilege of Floyd county, by party precedent, to choose democratic nominee for Senator from the 42nd senatorial district. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the democratic nomination for Senator, subject to the action of the democratic primary of June the 6th. W. IL Ennis. ANNOUNCEMEN T. I hereby announce myself a. candidate for the legislature subject to the democratic ] ri mary June 6th. J. B. Nevin. FOR THE LEGISLATURE I hereby announce myself a candidate for election to the lower house of the Georgia leg islature, subject to the demo cratic primary on June 6th., next. John C. Foster. »■■■■!! I. Illi ■ ■■■■■■■ I W BEST OF ALL To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, winn the Springtime comes, use the, true and perfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. One bottle will answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents. Buy the genuine., Manu factured bv tne California F g Syrup Company only, and for s ile by all druggists. Insure with H. D. Cothran &■ Co. Do not wait until after the ■ fire. W HOLE CLUB I • • • •£ 0 Ca ’t ■ Make I Better I Running I Time ■ ’■• • * • '-~. - H S’lf H , T rtf' I carry a full and c unplete line of jewelry i nc | H ding Diun nub ' My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- H "uE- er morn complete. WELDING PRESENTS A SPECIALTY H J. K Williamson I lli:; U«i ;; The Preferred Accidenl INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK, B Tin- IT .1 parth-ilai-ly adapted for businessmen, and snecial ~,r . issueil for o.ini .-rs ~»• pny.-i- ir.ns. su:ge< ns and dentists. and for traveling n ,,,J term! is an <>'<! lin< ;tock eonip.iuy with assets of over Mat),Uoo 00. 6 JOHN R, THORNTON, B ATLANTA, GA. ® ® STATE MANAGeH I 1 ■ I .gh I £ _ MS/ ■ I S MOKE @ I I Rome-made I | I MMf n !>■■. !■»>•.»»»« wm ■■ ——l II IWI ■■■■—H—————m » •VWfIKnLJWW ’"T." _ ~ i-- r r-j-.-i li i1- ~-n—wtio Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebfl Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,ifl I would not be I regard Plfl without PISO’S 7 MbWlm CURE FOR fl CURE for CUN- "'rf SUMPTION asfl SUMPTION for any Vsc 9 best Cough fl thing. For a had cineonthemafl Cough cr Cr’l it is having used isl beyond all others. 15 years. ■ Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A WESTOfI “The Best Cough Medicine.’’ I i Why Suffer Agony ? I i When DON’S COMPLETE PILE CURE is guaranteed H •tocure you. ft is the discovery of an eminent physician. IM Ko Knife! Ho lniemiption of Business! I I The first treatment brings immediate relief. It has M § cured thousands, and will cure you. B a. WILCOX, prominent merchant, politician IB the Chattanooga Fire Department, says- B sos suffering, DON’S PILE OINTMENT was rec- M me. The use oi one box effected a permanent cure. pve you this statement, hoping it will be the inea IB nr wonderful remedy to the attention of others s ' B ■ ice SI.OO, Prepaid to any Address. | CHEMICAL COMPANY, I CHATTANOOGA, TENN. fl ® 1 "|L •flfl »j ™ “’TZdM Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC ! surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, per box. Sample sent free on mention of- this publication. n j THE DR. WHITEHALL MEGRIMINE CO., South Bena, g