The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 24, 1898, Image 7

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'in ji ]WTL|ML mm of News Gathered Along The tto F OR HASTY RMDES AW I Served Hot From The Skirmishers. Thft Monitor Pur-tan has been rrd ered to proceed to Newport 5 gpazil has fmal’y refused to sell the Unin'ed Slates the torpedo l,o*tTurpy. * The Cabinet is now said to be a )IDlt in support of the President’s pol i®) • Wreckers are now blowing up he Maine with small charges of .lynamite to clear away the de !>»(*- r, . £ p. L. Sleeper, ex-Sppaker of ,he lower house of the Ohio Lag ilature, says that war is inevita ble. • T .1 Swarms of brokers in London ..retrying to sell obsolete warships 0 tie United States at Übulous prices, Two hundred and sixty-six is be total of those who perished , Q the Maine or died from injures received. Cubans attacked $ at ..San luanry Martimez and killed five .Spaiikrds, wounded four and'cap tured the others. ’ The father of Cuban General Rolau has been cfl'errW by tun Spaniards to negotiate hie son’s surrender and has rwfused . The American Rifles, a patiiot icorganization in Pennsylvania, is gathering its forces and expects to secure 100.000 men. Twelvthouoanc hungry persons are being fed -lady in Havana by the relief workers. Still the Span ish pirfs sneers at the- charity. Novo Cussona De-puty and editor of’he Mi nds Naval says th it Spu nis far better prepared Ifcf war than isgenerally suppos ed. Secret Marriage Os Selma - Girl Selma, Ala.. - March 25 —The facts ot a secret marriage in which »prominent Selma young lady figured as bride leaked out today. Miss L dtie Acker v s;tul an aunt in Birniii.ghiiin three weeks ago . and while there was married to Mr Will Watkins formerly chnf clerk io the master mechanic’s office of the Southern railway in this city. Two days after the marriag-* the bride returned to Selma and to -k up her home duties as though nothing ha<] happened. The young busbaud is expected here tomorrow to claim his bride, Catkins came here from New Albany,{Jno., two years ago. The young lady’s people are taking the news pbilosophicai Iy. ■ - A rw MO BotP? 3 ’ WOY® Svr r 2? e Th°d and results when »n,i ?, '-£ s * s taken; it, is pleasant ‘ !leshln g to the taste, and acts E? yC 3 on the Kidneys, tem it oWe l 8 ’ cleanses the sys ichPM eetl ’ dispels colds, head conat' U1 • ever 9 an d cures habitual Z t, l’ a "™- Syrup of Figs is tbe dup'pft ' n J e< ty ’ts kind ever pro eental’i^,^ 8 ? 1 ’ to ie ta ste and ac iUant; 6 tO l > ie prompt in effect/' 11 . an< tr uly beneficial in its healthv^ re .P arc d only from the most ManvL a . U n a S reea ble substances, its to all J°i \ nt M ua iities commend it Popular r' la , Ve , ma(lc if tllc most *T lar le medy known. tent F i lgS * S f ° r sa ’ ,e in 50 Iheu a GB by . all leadi °g drug not rt^al,le druggist who te. e - t ° thava lt on hand will pro wißhestoPrtiStlyn r anyone who * l »titut 0 . ' L Donot accept any UUFORNtf F/G SYRUP CO. iounn,^*^^ 0 - CAt - n. M£w wux . MOTHER! 5-5 and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that s ot “ Mother —she who watched * oyer our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. ■ ■ as ■ so assists nature Mow 8 ’;:g h pi h aee c S; , I I Expectant L. I* 3 rt fl Mother is cna- FI lij s! I] bled to look for - ■ ■■“ ■■ W war j without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement —in short, it “makes Childbirth natural and easy,” as so manyikave said. Don’t be persuaded''<to use anything but MOTHER’S FRIEND “ My wife suffered more jn ten min utes with either of her other two chil dreii than She did altogether with bei last, having previously used four bot tles of ‘Mother's Friend.’’ -It is a blessing to anyone expecting to be come a MOTHER,” says a customer. llENDtfiisoN Dale, Carmi, Illinois. Os Drnegists at St.oo, or sent, by mail on receipt of price. Write for book conrainiue testimonials and valuable information for all Mothers, free The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Lost.—A bunch of keps. Fin der will be rewarded by leaving same at tlritf-oflice.' ■ The Home) Fi itJvi.—The Home Forum meets tonight at their hall in the medical bniidWig. A large attendance is cb-sired and business oftimportance wiilAie diseased. Fell DjEad—Mys. Lizzie Johnson, aged 40y dropped dead at her home Farmville, last Monday evenit>g. Her re mains were entered- at Wesley Chapel. Rev. M. S. Williams conducted the funeral services. —Cnjhoun Times’- A SEAitCHiNir FopL.—While playing ball last Saturday, Mr. Leslie White was struck over the left eye by a foul ball. The wound was drbssed by Dr. Mc- Lain, but it will be several days before Lillie. - can use that , optic to a.iy advantage.—Cal houn Tinies. ■ TMkr.t. Blaze—At 3:30 this morning the lire department was called to a small blaze on , the roof of one of the ‘tenement | houses belonging to the Rome cotton factory, on Ave. ■ Box 13, was pulled A*ul the de-i partmeut answered ' promptly. Damage will amount to only a few dollars. Beginning to Arrive. —The , fruits of Mrs. -Charley Garrard’s indefatiguab'le search f or the prettiest goods in market, are beg nning to arrive.-Mrs. A. O. Garrard is having her millinery studio renovated and this sea son promises to eclip&J all for mer brilliant efforts. • The read i ' ■ 9 ers of The Husller-C6nimerci,a! will be kept posted'. 1 ♦ Return From Nashville. — Mrs. Sam I’. Jones and her daughters, Misses Laura and Julia, Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Mays, and the latter’s tw,o little girls, returned home Monday evening from Nashville,, where they have been spending the past two weeks. Mr. Jones has been running a very successful meet ing in the [lyckCity.—Coiyant I A mefican. I ■ ‘ Beautie l l Flowers. r—Jo 11 n T. rjvylor,.Homo’s populist, to day *e.nt to the ITustFer-Comiher cial sanctum a ten dollar boquet. The reporter is not familiar with the family name of these de lightful blossoms but knows enough about flowers to be able to say that this neck of the woods can produce nothing pret tier the boquet of flowers Mr. Taylor sent us. simmcs nu. FRANK WRIGHT FARMACIST, Rome, At Old Norton corner, opposit Masonic ’Tempi. Alcohol, wood, for burning. Balls and Bats. Benzin. Bird Seed and Cutl Fish Bone. Blank Books. Blacking and Shoe Dressing. Botls, 4 grams up to 4 liters. Brushes—Hair, Paint, Shoe, &c Call Bels. Cards, Playin ' rm’ Visiiii g Castile Soap. Vl,i • and Moild. Castor Oil, 2 gradc-s. Chalk, crayon, prepared and “Spanish Whiting.” Checkers, Dominoes, Dice. Chemicals, ful line. Cigarets and cigars. Combs, horn and rubber. Condensed Milk. 4 Cos Sirups of all kinds. Cruches and Shoulder Braces. Diamond Wall Finish. Drugs and Druggist’s sundries. Dura Bels and Indian Clubs. Fishing Tackl. Garden Seeds. Gelatin. Glycerol (glycerin.) Glue, dry and liquid. Grease Eradicator, for clothes. Gum, Chewing, all sorts. Hair Dye and Oil. Harness Oil. Harps, French and Jews. Horse, Catl and Poultry Powders Ink, Black, Red and ludelibl. Todin, Tincture of Linseed, whole, ground and oil Machine Oils, Castor, Golden &c Magnesium, Sulfate (Epsom Sat.) Marbls, Agate, China and Glass Maches. Mustache Pomade, Black and White. Mucilage. Nalthal’in Balls for moths. Nutmegs and Cloves. Oil of Turpentine, “Spirits.” Onion Sets. Paint, all colors. Paper and Envelopes. Patent Medicines, ful line. Pencils, Carbon “Led” and Slate Pens and Penholde.s. Perfumery, Cologne, Extracts, Bay Rum. Petrol at u m (Vasal in.) Pimenta (Allspice.) Pipes, Clay and Wood. Plasters, Belladonna, Capsicum. Strengthening. &c, Plaster Paris. Pocket Books and Purses. Potassium Bitartrate (Cream of Tartal) Potassium Nitrate (Saltpeter.) Potassium Bromide and lodid. Putty and Glaziers Points. Quinin, Sulphate, both! and in 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 grain capsules Rubber Balls, Bands, Combs and Syringes. Sealing Wax. Slates and Pencils. Sodium Carbonate (Sal Soda.) Sodium Borate (Borax). .Sulfur, Brimstone and Flowers. Suspensory Bandages. Syringes, glass and rubber. Tablets, Pen and Pencil. Thermometers, clinical and house. Toilet Paper. Toilet-Soaps, 5, 10, 15 and 25c. Tooth Picks, Quill and Wood. Trusses, hard rubber and leather Tiirnip Seed. Twines. Varnishes, Asfaltuin. Coach and Copal. Water Botls, rubber. White Led. Window Glass, all sizes. jtfWCut this out, paste away and read before starting to town. Low prices, but cash only. ' Old Norton Corner, opposit Ma sonic Tempi. FRfINK WRIGHT. Farinacist, Rome. Ole Norton corner, opposit Masonic tempi. WWWWmfilt AZ -r -V- AZ _ 'W- f W J ()ur entire stock of well and elegantly as- * ( sorted millinery goods is on the market at fig- J ures that defy competition. Years cf experi S ence have taught us to carry over no goods -J fro one season to another—and we donot sjM, Ther fore we have now put all of ou present season’s goods on the market. Re- * member the winter is only half gone and that * what we offer you now at such sacrifice wJ prices is all seasonable goods, having been carefully s lected for this trade. Our trimmers have no superiors. When a hat ;aes out □ our store and trimming rooms J the wearer can always feel certain that she could have secured nothing better, for the price, from any milliner anywhere. ‘ K You are cordially invited to call at your S eariiest convenience I A. O. GARRARD. * TA . *■ -W . *WW*«O**WW*l*WWW*l'** w www W w w Hr ww ww hi ml io urn * i e) (• ithebdli nils on earth» • THfY ARE THE * § f $7 KIND SAT OTHER PLACES. | S B irnou Tn nr ? nrr ''n 5? till luV Idulniy uUißrood® (• SJELLICO' <&>S COAL i We meet all compe- •* tition and defy competi tors. Our coal is as good < i as the best, and we keep sca!es j n a ppie pie or der, ® We execute’all orders promptly and.deliv er the kind of coal thatlyou buy. 5- KE HOLDER . f OFF OF,Western U.. Telegraph Co’s. Office, V O r.E ’FHINE 169- YARD ’PHONE 120