The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 24, 1898, Image 8

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RACING WATERS Damage Done by The Ohio River COUNTS TO MILLIONS. Washes on Railroads Cause Bad Wrecks. Cincinnati, 0., March 24—A peculiar and remarkable Hood is filling the banks of the Ohoi riv er. It is peculiar from the fact that from Wheeling to Cairo no tributary on the left bank of the river makes tfie slightest contri bution to this great freshet. Hail the inpour of waters from streams on the left bank been equal to that of those on the right the Hood would have equaled that of 1884, and per hape surpassed it. As already shown in Associa ted Press dispatches, the stage of water at Pittsburg is phenom enal. There has been steady rain here since last Saturday, during whicn time 2.46 inches have fal len at this point. News from cen tral points in Indiana and from Springfield, Troy, Urbana and Zanesville, 0., indicate a fall of from 21 to 4| inches at these places with one half the precipi tation within the last thirty six hours. Nearly all railroads in central and southern Ohio are either crippled or totally disabled lor the present. This is because of washouts, dangerous and de stroyed bridges and the like. All over Ohio and Indiana, except perhaps in the extreme northorn parts, railroad traffic is demoral ized. The Muskeegon, Hocking, Scioto and the two Miami rivers in Ohio seem likely to break the record from source to mouth for high stages of water an 1 for damage and destruction. Re ports from Indiana indicate that the same may be said of rivers and streams in that state . Last night at Cincinnati a drizzling rain was falling and the clouds were threatening. The stage of the river at 9 o’clock last night was forty-seven feel and six inches, a rise of nine inches in three hours. It will be over 50 feet high by night and without further rains will probably reach fifty-five feet. Indianapolis, Ind., March 24. —The reports coming in today from all over the state concern ing the damage done by the floods will send the aggregate loss into the hundreds of thou sands. Perhaps the figures may reach $1,000,000,000. Houses and crops have been washed away. Train wrecks have been re ported from different parts of the state and railroad traffic in and out of the city is demoral ized. At Shelbyville last night the river levee broke and the resi dence portion of the city was flooded, causing considerable loss. Martinsville and Columbus are isolated, from the rest of the state for the time being, and from many other points came tales of great woe. RANGES. I am agent tor South ern Queen Coal or Wood Ranges. Also Insurance Safety G-as oline stove?- Call and see mvstock and get estimaes on your and tin work- N«xt aoor to on era h ouse- F. HAMSO N. SPRING OPTING i Manager Marvin Preparing For Next Sunday . SUMMER STREET BARS j Will Be Put On, the Weather Permitting. , With a splendid force of skilled j artizana at work renovating the summer cars and constructing new ones, the scene about the City Electric Co’s power bouse is an animated one. k Yesterday afternoon an enter prising Hustler-Commercial re porter invaded those precincts held sacred sgainst all other class of loafers and procee led or. an im promptu and informal tour of iu ! spection. Manager Marvin, as the uewt paper management has said be fore, is the right man at the right place. This was clearly demon strated by the clock-like manner in which the work of building and reconstruction was being pushed. New trucks have been ordered for some of the cars while aU of the summer cars are being renovated remodeled and rebuilt. Mr. Haivey Wood, the painter is dressing out the cars as fast as they are turned over to him from the shop department. Will W. F. Kane the most ar tistic sign painter in 17 states ih doing the lettering and numbering to the Queen’s taste. Manager Marvin says that, the weather permitting and no unfore seen accident h j will run the open cars and begin the summer service on Sunday. The cars in their Easter dresses of paint look clear out of sight. A FINE OPERA. “Wang” is On For Friday Night. “Wang” in all its royal mag nificence, absolutely new and accurate costumes and scenery, is coming next Friday evening at the opera house for one night only. “Wang” is now on its final cour, and this engagement will positively be the farewell visit of the famous opera in our city. The part of “Wang” the regent ' of Siam, could hardly be better 1 filled than by J. W. Kingsley, who achieved great success in 1 that part last season. Ten of the prettiest girls in “Wang” introduce a chorus of banjos that arouses great en thusiasm nightly. These clever ■ girls iepresent the daughters of 1 the French consul at Bangkok, • Siam, and that their banjos are ’ twanged for the entertainment s of a number of envoys from the I Icing of Burmah. These who intend going should ■ secure seats at once as they are f going rapidly. Prices $1.50, i $1.25 and 50c to gallery. Don’t miss the treat of the season. I YEAR'S SUPPORT. 1 Georgia, Floyd County : To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a-year’s support to Mary 'l'. Wade, the widow of J. L. Wade, deceased, have filed their award, and unless good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the judgment of the court at the April term, 1898, of the court of ordinary. This March 7th 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. ‘ - Boarders Wanted.—By pri vate family, two or four young men. References exchanged. Address“M.” care The Hustler 'Commercial. i IP Jli IOSSI OSS 1 Oj mad We are determined to make prices that will please all. Read these sample prices, which will convince you that v’e want your trade and mean to get it: OUR REGULAR PRICE. PRICE. Allen Sarsaparilla 50 LOO The largest bottle and best blood purifier on the mar- 1 ket-every bottle guaran teed- Hoods Sarsaparilla 67 1.00 B. B- B. 67 100 ' S. s. s. 67 1.00 Pinkham’s Compound 67 1.00 King’s New Discovery 35 - 50 King’s New Discovery 65 100 Allan’s Celery Comoound 65 1.00 Peruna ‘ 67 1 .00 Bradfield’s Regulator • 67 1-00 Mother’s Friend 67 1.00 Papilfion Cough Cure 35 1.00 Papillion Catarrh Cure 35 1.00 Wine of Car cl ui 65 1.00 Wampole’s Cod Liver Oil 67 1.00 Cheney’s Expectant 15 25 Thacher’s V/ orm Syrup 13 25 Warner’s Safe Cure 83 125 Blue Liniment 10 25 Tutt’s Pills, 2 for 25 15 25, Th edfOrel’s Black Draught 2 for 25 . 15 25 Come to see us- Satisfaction guaranteed in every case. (Try a bottle of our Bug-I- Cide-) JERVIS & WRIGHT, Uptown Druggists. OOOOTOCXDOOOOOOOmOCXDQOOCOQO o OTOOOOOCXDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO B. p. Montgomery | £ Q 227, BROAD ST. ‘R O SICK, ACCIDENT AND LlFb O § Insurance | O WE NUMBER AMONG OUR RISKS MANY OF THE Q VERB BEST PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. Q g WANTED:—We want wide-awake agents to represent Ss >ur companies in the counties of Polk, Bartow, Floyd, 8 Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, Whitfield, Catoosa and Dade. Call on or address us at our Rome office, O ( .B. F. MONTGOMERY Genl Agt, Q . QQ>»> >OOOOOOOOO ■* —<«*oo 000000000 X 0000000000000000 £ | S/veh Tonig Pi'hifibs ™ Blood. | If A POSITIVE CURE Z ~GR ft DYSPEPSIA, HILIBIA I B I vHiLLj a 5 FE7EE, GRIP?. / “ { BILIOUSNESS. SUMEMACHE I ji coNsripanoN<«’ ? 01 fe GENERAL DEBILITY. L’ fl «ertor~ g I |n PIIKE6OCU I n' 1 will Keep your J L DRUOO.STS. A S “"SXF""“’ | ffl JI T I®* - -O n 1 ’ • / ■ ■ ■' K - 'dll Maicon St, N. Y. g nl f 7 gesali* »««r* “Tr*d» S I G kev “ , ‘ n ' <'■ . LIVER PIuLS aj CENTS. Purely Vegetable. V•! -n re Iluiousneps natipnti Piles. [ Dys-K.-nsi > Small * I Jy HSrNO ts-11-3 c=!£=» ' W 1((A * 1 LIVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLES Offers the public the finest teams, best convev ances and most polite and courteous drivers The best stock of horses and mules on sale con stantly. 306 ANO 308 BROAD' STREET, ROME, GEORg;< I Sctaol Supolies, 4 <<« BFe P* ollPerB * n< the school books and school sup. B «« Ply business and we are also right up-ro-da f H in every, thin? that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. | I *K**M*»*JMt****»SE*XXX« | i ill PIPES. «<< bouse ’n th? St ite car. serve vou better when von de- || i !>>> sire to invest in a new covering rcr tr.e dear :id walls o «< your home. See our stock on hand and sainp'es | H. A. SMITH. I THE OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. I »>> » ‘ • «« a Best White LEGHORNS! | i M For the very best breed and most $2 perfectly marked fowls, leave orders M with J. T. Crouch & Co,, $3 par trio. #j| Splendid cockerels only $ 1. ®* I. D. GAILLIARD. |3 • —•- - """'' ■■ ■■■ ■— ___ P e R. ar, .T e J t 1 in the U« 8« low rates. We publishone of f/jS the leadine Seed, Plant and Tree Catalogues issued which will be mailed free. Send for it now, it will i W save you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patron. and friends Grand near. Have hundreds of carloads of— ? . FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS., We send by mail postpaid. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Ete. Safe arrival to satisfaction guaranteed; larger by express or freight. 44th year. 3s greenhouses. I,ooosent. i THE STORRS & HARRISON CO., Box 528 Painesville, 0 •* kN g S. Al Stark, : Hi kN ..<♦< * § LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S TIILIR = ® Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave 5 w ■ . ‘ k« * tm-i k* ii»- k* Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, Price 50 ce per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. , THE DR. WHITEHALL MEGRIMINE CO., South Bend, Indian TONSORIAL PARLORS- LEWIS BARRETT, Artist; Only skilled men employed. Parlors recently renovated M‘S courteous attention and satisfactory services guaranteed, at 420, Broad street.