The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 28, 1898, Image 2

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SMASH WINS In Cortes Electior-Jfo Change of Policy Now DISTURBANCE IN BIL3OR. Administration of Span ish Mat ters by Sagasta Indorsed. Madrid, March 28.—The elec tions for the popular branch of the coi t?s have passed off, <n the whole quietly. The indications are that the government of Senor Sagasta will have an enormous majority, (stimated nt 300 of thc4 32 seats in the congress. Disorders are apprehended at Bilboa, where lhe polling caus'd great excit-tw-iit. The military judge of Bilboa is sued a Warrant fur the ararst of t' rre socialist municipal council ors- Oi.e of them was taken into custody, but the other tw<> esca ped . The elections m the capital v.ert without ehpecial i> blent. The elected deputies include five liberal®, one independent and and two conservatives, Despite great precautions at Bil boa there was much disorder. A body of 100 m'ners tried to com mit acts of of violence. It is re ported that a socialist has beaten a cons rvative candidate tliare. All the other provinces are re ported calm. M. Patenotre, the French am bassador had a conference with Senor Gtrllon, the foreign Minister, today, to which much importance is attached. ELECTION GOES ON IN CUBA. Havana, March 28.—The election of deputies to the cartes has been in progress today. The Orden Publico Guards, armed with rilles have stood ready 7 to prevent any disorders and the polling, up to the time this di‘- patch was lilt'd (before noon) was peaceful. The city generally is quiet. Last night the theaters were full and today the churches are thronged Election day in Havana has been more quiet than many cticn days in New York, Chicago and other large American cities. Th< government took admirable pre cautions in the nature of a police guard, proved tfliclive. There were a good deal of apprehension among seme of the Americans, owing to the distribution of a rh eatening circu ar, but it’ was recognized that this emanated from irrispnnsil’h quarters and its SSJyM® cßs’i s<\ Mr® jaA&ik W? OIVK S 12IVJOY® Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who -•lay not have it on hand will pro ci.e it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. Ks. NLWVOUcAT. threats’* ere disregarded by all, except the very nervous. It is toe soon to give the result of the elections but claim® are made that 'he government ticket including twenty autonomis’s and ten conservatives, have be« n el ected. .be vote in the city has been v> r.y light. The United States coast survey “learner Bi.che, which left Key West last evening, arrived a' noon today. She brought Captain Chad wick, who, with Lietenan) Com mander Wainwright, now cn the Fern wi'i act as a board of survey to determine the final disposition of the wreck of the Maine so far as the United Pt-.'ea is concerned. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Sprained Foot. —Yesterday morning while crossing the street in front of the Armstrong, Mr. Frank Carver slipped and fell, badly spraining his left foot. The injury was quite pain ful. Tax' Collector’s Notice.- From now on I will only be in my office at the court house on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Oth er days 1 will be in the country giving the people a chance to register.V. T. Sanford, T. C. Traveled Over The World —An old valise ‘'which had seen better days,” attracted a good deal of attention at the Arm strong last night. It was covered with tags of different hotels all over the world, It had about SO tags on it. Fingers Taken Off. —James Cary the young man, who had his hand badly mashed a few days ago, at Jones. Mill, had two fingers amputated this morning by Dr. L. P. Hammvnd. They were so badly mashed it was impossible to save them. Help for Cuba. — I'he ladies’ relief committees are busy going from house'to house collecting contributions put in the envel opes that were distributed throughout ‘he city last week. They are meeting with much encouragement and Rome, as usual, will liberally respond to the call for help from the help less. If you are not seen by 7 one cf these good ladies send in your contribution to Kev. C. B. Hudg ins, at St. Peter’s Episcopal church r ctory, East First Sc., corner Fourth avenue, and he will promptly forward it to our Consul General Fitzhugh Lee, at Havana, Cuba. I am not giving special prices on *,21 common articles for a few days” to mislead you but hav for two months been cuting prices on 1,000 things, every thing, and am stil seling $1 Sarsaparilla Hood size at 45c $1 Celery Compound Paine size 50c 75c Wine of Cocoa 37c 75c Asthma Cure 37c Hair Vigorator, size of Hall’s sl, 25c 50c Bucliu 25c 50e Calasaya Bitters 17c 25c Liniment 9c 25c Cos Sirup 12c 25c Worm medicine 12c 25c Catarrh Snuf 12c 25c Corn Kiler 12c 25c Liver Powders 10c And everything els at prices a litl lower than others advertize them, Frank Wright, Farma cist, at Norton’s old corner. A man e'anda nocha.iceof le ing elected to the mayorship of a city unieec he enjoys the the confi dence and esteem of hi® neighbors. Geo. W. Murphey i® th) p.pular mayor of Swanton*, Ohio, and un der date of Jan. If, 189(5 he writes a* follows. “This is to certify to our application of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy My family and, neighbors have tested it. and we I know it is an excelent rema ly for I coughs and colds—George W I Humphrey.” Sold by all Dro"-- MR. EDWARDS DEAD Passes Away in Rockmart Last Saturday. Saturday night Rev. .1. 11. Eakes, received a telegram con veying the sad intelligence of che death of Rev J. T. Edwards, pastor of the First Methodist church at Rock mart. Mr. Edwards was one of the best known ministers in the North Georgia conference, hav ing preached over 40 tears. He was 70 years o'd and in very feeble health and lire death was not unexpected. Rev. J. H. Eakes conducted the funeral services at Rockmart yesterday. SPAIN WILL NOT YIELD. Madrid Correspondent Asserts That War is Inevitable. Berlin, March 28. —The Madrid correspondent of the Berliner Tageblatt says : •‘Spain will not only refuse to allow American interference in assisting the suffering Cubans, but will decline to pay indemnity unless it is shown unmistakably that the Spanish authorities were responsible for the Maine explosion. If President McKin ley demands these two things, war is unavoidable. 'Die Rome correspondent of The Berliner Tageblatt tele graphs: “The Marquis Viseonti Ve nosta, the Italian foreign min ister, says the Cuban situation has grown worse but that out side of Austria, which morally supports Spain for dynastic reason, no European power is inclined to show practical sympathy for Spam. “Riciotti says that if the United Stateswill defray their expenses he will engage to send 40,000 Garibaldians to Cuba.” FOk SENATOR 42n i, DIST. In the coming election it is the privilege of Floyd county, by party precedent, to choose democratic nominee for Senator from the 42nd senatorial district. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the democratic nomination for Senat >r, subject to the action of the democratic primary of June 6th. W. 11. Ennis. FOR THE LEGISLATURE, I hereby announce myself a candidate for election to the lower house of the Georgia leg islature, subject to the democrat ic j rimary on June 6tb, next. John C. Foster ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the legislature, subject to the democratic pri mary J une 6th. J. B. Nevin. ANNOUNCEMENT Please announce my name as a candidate for senator from the 42nd senatorial district subject to the democratic primary to be held on June the 6th. Respect fully, R. T. Fouche. DIFFICULTIES REMOVED * “Uy father, my brother and myself were all troubled wiih loss of appetite and took Hood's Sar saparilla with great benefit, I have suff r» d for years with eruption®, but since iakn g Hood’s Sarsapar 11a I have hud no trouble of tins kind. It has also cured me of in digestion.” Ernest N. Jenningl Bogart, Georgia. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigjs io.i, heaad&che. * : . r r rm,jd / i t.; ‘V .Ji lIIC/M Fiinuij it H; ke Inwardly slid D.' Uu.'ged Trotbk f 'f. . H ' -pepsie anti knputi GLsd Thor 7,7 ' >rr i ’ IL’-o;! s Sarsa* Cures. T1,,-:?' i,. J in” r in impure blood. Dlm-:, ..i d •uii; riii ■' arc ■nrely com ju<, (i ii. v. b ,<■ !'i. threaten- ing mpLuiii. ttead :bb: '■ (Ji!' uni, M I’snouri. “C. I. Hood "■ •, ■■■o'lt, Mass.: “<L-ut.'i’.i.i ll 'y trouLies began with nez '■ tai .width would last me for two or days. The doctors prcuoiii.i.ed rr.y t 'oiibk’ d\ 'pepsin, but they aid Trot in • i., and advised id f 100 lon. At Ihe age of 65 a . i.- .1 on spine, which .i'a; Very Painful but did no! I : . '. he doctor thou : l .:. . ' ' ' .■. ■ acted. It ‘in '■■■'. hi > ; a.,','d a great deal. . • v could de noth!:’ I® . an to iise in . : much about <.: 0 a ilia and •hoe l.t Iv. i ■ t ■ re I had lini. h ’ ( ;lc I was much .elie. I. I a. .. . 1 ii 1 cf Hood’s Jarsay Ji, i.. ■' ?2 Lollies 1 ..•at* c.ii ;r- ’y well, have goo • ; i.:' i ii 1 I owe my ife to : voi; ■ • in ’ . . !). l-’oiiE. Ls ■ <'••-'>■• .. . tin* i •' ■ ■’ ' t oil I’uriSer. ■ >lu bj U! _- - -' ; • . i t : I r > ■ ■ & YORK. 7 For sale by Lloyd & Co,, sole Agents Call f< r free sample. Annual Sales 0ver6,000,000 Eoxes t’OK BILIOUS AND HLBVOUS DISORDERS sw-li as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, aiddin' ss. Fulness after meals.. Head ache. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of It ' it, Loss of Appetite, Costivenoss. Blotches on tho Skin. C 'ld Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and nil Nervous ami Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IM TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to to A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. HEECHAbi S P 11.1.5. taken as direct ed, will quickly r store Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure siek Headache. For a Weak Stomach I m pai red D igestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And lipro the LARGEST SALE of any Patent .Uedieinc it. the World, 25c. at all Drug Stores, i|Puny^>-1 (Children I Who would prescribe only S'j ft tonics and bitters for a weak, ® $ puny child ? Its muscles and nerves are so thoroughly ex- £ hausted t'hat they cannot be $ <whipped into activity. The ft child needs food ; a bleed ft making, nerve-strengthening- iV $ and muscle-building food. m ft « I Scott’s Emulsion I $ of Cod-Liver OH is all of this, £ 1' and you still have a tonic in $ ft the hypophosphites of lime I and soda to act with the food. For thin and delicate children u there is no remedy superior $ to it in the world. It means growth, strength, plumpness ■£; and comfort to them. Be sure you get SCOTT’S Emulsion, w SOC. and SI.OO, all druggists. PMOIM tim ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM Law Office, 2'lo Kist Firs' Street, . lOME, GA. .CHAS, W, UNDERWOOD, Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. Corporation Law Only. M B EUBANKS, Attorney at law. < ttlc. King Building. R> me, a w n Emms, attorney at Ltw Will Practice in al! courts office, Masonic Temple, koine, Ga, 'W J- NEEL, Attorney at law. Will practice in all courts, special attention given to commercial law and the examination cf land titles. office in King building, Rome, Ga. V7ALTER MA.R,:R,IS. Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co. ’s. LIPSCOMB <Sc WILLI NOU AM Commercial Lawyers. Gffice in Armstrong hotel building, Rome, Ga J. CRAWFORD. Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collections a I specially Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J. A. 'WILLS, D. D. 5., Oflice 2R) l-’J Broad. > Over Cantrell & Owens. 1 J. L PENNINGTON. D D.S..M D. LKNTIST': Office, 305 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS. ’ I W. A. JOHNSON, M. D, Physician and Su:.:e n. Rome. Ga. slice in j Medical Building. ..asideuce, No. OBroad street. C. HA.AZCIJLT > .<, NZE. ID., I Physician and Surgton. Office,J Medical Building, Rome, Ga. ’phoae No. 62. T_. F>. FI A.IkILIOINTO. Nd ID , Physician and Surgeon. Office in Medical : building. Risiden p, N>. 413 West First st, Office 'phone No. 62. LUMPKIN & PRLNUTP, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rome, : : : : Georgia. G neral practice throughout North Georgia. Correspondence s-.liciled. Special attention to mercantile collections. : " ’ ’ " "■ DIETZ < No. 3 Street Lamp HAS A SHINING RECORD OF 20 YEARS. It is offered as an effectual antidote for “outer L«m ■■ darkness,’’ and is thor- /ji oughly well made on I f'q Y | scientific print iples. •_ It will ■ more light 1 oitiz i * l,a " : "' y e“- b “ n < in e i I / H’l ClO" \ lamp, do it cheaper and / Tuai’tiß \ <l<> it with kerosene(voal / STRUT LAMP \ oil). I \ It cun be lit and nl f ] j lated from the outside; \ \ / / can continue in business \ despite the wind; can ; . . -ZZp I and will give you entire J 1 satisfaction, by reason I <-f its absolute relia- L |T , bility. \ / x it In but one member of an enormous family of “ light goods ” that we build, and to whom we I 1 would be glad to intro- duce you by ''eans of our Catalogue, which we mail free upon appK tion. If you insist up >n having the very l>est to 7 oods ' made, your dealer will give you “ Diets. n If you cannot obtain this Lamp of your dealer, we will deliver it, freight prepaid, to any part of the ’J.S. or Canada, upon receipt of its price, viz., S6.UO. R. E. DIETZ CO., 60 Laight Street, New York. Established in 1840. * V— I± .i. RANGES. I am agent iorSontli ern Queen Coal or Wood Ranges. Also Insurance Safe tv Gas olme stove-. Calland see mvstock and get estimaes on your nlumbitno- and tin 1 work- door to o oera h f h am 3 D v. (p^wpJ Como, Wls„ HyanA Mjl Jan. 10,1898. Jan ’ ■ I would not bo f P ,”™ s&onM CURE for CON- ka gureswhereall else fails. HF - in .i. SUMPTION for any B , b . est nn C ffniß thing. For a bad ■ Cough or C? dit is ■ having u - e IM beyond all others. y ea ' Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J- WEbf B “The Best Cough DR. KING'S W ROYAL ** GERMETUER This piewant and perfect remed ■ delightful to take. so ref reshin ■'.* exhilarating, stands in highest f a? witn all who know it best, as •tst of all medical remedies fo r sexes, of all ages and in all WHAT rr WILL DO FOR YOU Swill give you APPETIT r . ft will give you restful rc.Lshing SLEEP. It will stimulate youi DIGESTION. It will restore your NERVOUS ENERGY It will put your KiONEYS in perfect orw,. It will purify ynur Blood, It will change your weakness into STRENGTH. « will bring you out of sickness into HEALTH, SEW PACKAGE, LARGI. BOTTLR DOSES ONE SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, MANUFACTUHED ONLY B- Vhe Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, U '•BITB FOfl 48-PAGm 300 K. lUt, ifiti min isiinii TO EVERYONE. I . Who snffers with any chronic disusenf J I part of the human body, such as 1 bladder, heart, liver and stornarli ti'iiiiS face and skill eruptions, disorders of t'hesfl nal organs, sexual weakness and etc, ■ Provided spplication be in ide Notice in«H der that Its inventions, appliance-and nJB j failing remedies may receive the widest™® I ble publicity, ami prove their own menu® | actual use and permaueiit cures. Nomn® 1 whatever will be received by the State M® I cal Sanitarium from anyone under its in® inent until beneficial results areaeltn.wWj® Its remedies and appliances have !>e*ac.® mended by the newsp ipersof two cmtioei® and endorsed by the greatest doctors it fl world. Where developeni-nt is desiredtfl accomplish it and never fail t<> :uvig.,tfl 1 upbuild and fortify. ■ They infuse new life and energy. Tberjfl maneutly stop all losses which umimiifl the constitution and produce despomleafl Tuoy retone, refresh and res: iremnm fl regardless of age They car- “vil ' permanently remove their filers. a-«>,ifl : those of excesses and overtaxi d nniiti ! nciirastlienia or nervous exhausiot. failure, no publicity, no dteeptiou n j poinuneut. Write today. ■ State Medical SanltariJ EvanSton, Illinois. B ■ St. Germain ] I Female Pi® 1 The only original and genuine Frio. ') Regulator, of Mme, St Gernumi ? • • surpassed as being safe, sim- ■ . ■very ca-e Sold 11 d r v. • 1 ei-v re.’u 110 I. G-i, lii c' ii 1 hi :er box ti, mio. S P I'll't -lS 1 esaml < I Lit rd 1.. Ki v 1 ill) . Im Washington st., (llnc.igo. M ad -AND* M TWi fiBS.I IV America’s Leidal A Instruments, JESSE FRENCH PIANO & ORGAN ■ Manufacturers and Dealers. No. <>a> Olive Street, St. Loui», Mo.M Nashville, Tenn, Birmingham, Dallas, Texas. Montgomery,AM Factories: Richmond, Ind. Write our nearest house. A i ’Cent stamp <ave you many dollars. ■ ITIINK ABOI’T YUI’H BEAM j This Is The Time To Give A fl TION To Y. UR I’ll YsICAI, CTM'>fl The warmer weather which M come with the approiichii g months should find von in rob Ist health, your bb’" l ' l isl and your nppetit/' good. O' you will be in dung' r ot illness. Purify mid enrich IM blood with Hood’s Sarsiip™ »nd thus “prv|>iire f ,,r This medicine makes bl<>'d and gives vig">' a "'’ Itwi I guard you f >a i ch ii g -®' 'Vhich W‘ I ake place. fl