The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 28, 1898, Image 4

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THE HUSTLER-CO|MERCIAL THE HUSTLER OF ROME EsUbiUbed, I*9o. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. 1895. leaned every evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL (i. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. wttice, Wilkerson ißlock. Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION >allj ami Sunday,per year >5 0C iumlay, per year SI.OO Weekly (The HomeCouiiikb) pel year W BY CARRIER IN CITY AND SUBUJ 18. Ds'.y ai.'* Sunday, lOcent* per wee>, Rpmil by bank draft. «Xff9JS. money order or registered leti w Add"»n.s THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL,. ROME, GA. bulered al the Postortlce at Rome, Un. as second clxsa matter. Acvertialue rates aud taiupie oo r .iee for tb asking. BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALLEN D. CANDLER, of Hall. For Secretary of State, PHIL COOK, of Lee. For Comptroller-Generali W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. For Attorney-General. JJOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merrlwether. For Treasurer. << • Hl • v* I\ tv, of Fulton. For Commissioner of Agriculture, O. B. STEPHENS, of Terrell. For School Commissioner, G. R. GLENN, of Bibb. The concert of the “frogs” continues. Battleships are named for stages and cruisers. The grand lodge of the Knights of Honor meets in Ma con on April 13th. Wherever two or three citizens are gathered, there will the war talk be. —Waycross Herald. The croak of the bull frog was expected—and especially as the clouds w re hanging low for said “frog.” 'The Macon Telegraph is wroth because, forsooth, Col. Candler has not called in “the leading— republican daily tn Georgia to advise with him. And now Glessner, the Doug lass con-tender and true, is leap ing onto brave old Henry Mcln tosh because he has a few opini ons of his own and dares to ex press them. Col. Candler refused to meet his opponents on the stump, at the present at any rate, and Spencer Atkinson has written him a very sharp letter for so doing. What is it to Atkinson if Mr. Candler does not meet him. Let Spencer talk all he pleases, but he need not sling any mud —Americus Herald. Fully ninety per cent of the newspapers of the state have in dorsed the early primaries Here is another endorsement from the Telfair Enterprise, and Atkinson supporter: “We heartily com mend the state democratic com mittee’s action in calling pri maries for the election of dele gates to the state convention to nominate a governor and state house officers. A long contest for party nominations is very unwise, we think ; better get in trim to tight the party enemies, instead of an ail summer’s fight inside of party rank.” THE JOURNALCAN’T BE PLEASED. It septns that the Atlanta Jour nal is» a bit hard to please. It finds the opportunity to take ex cep* ions to the pog tmn of the three candidates for the denn cratic nomina'ion for governor. Col. Candler, the Jour nal says, does not speak candidly with reference to joint debates. His letter to Judge Atkinson on on the subject, it says, was that of a trained railroad lawyer educated in the urt of special pleading rath er than of th« open, manly Geor gian the Journal has always con sidered Candler to be. Mr, Berner, according to the Journal, is hurt ing the interest of the state by his attacks upon corporations and corporate interests. He deals too much in glittering generalities, Judge Atkinson brings in extra neous matter. He insists upon talking about silver, and using figures of speech and arguments which are beneath his digni'y, in his advocacy of silver, while th* governor of Georgia has nothing whatever to do with the nation’s finances. Since the Journal is not fully satisfied wi h either of the avowed candidate, pcssib'y it will suggest a man who will fill the bi*l in every particular. How would ex-Secretary Smith suit the Journal? —Sivannah News. A SUCK FAKIR- There is a fellow going around over the country performing a slick fake. He will go into a town on Sunday and attend one °* prominent churches. When services txrp over he will fall, as if in an epi leptic fit. Os course he will be taken car 3 of at once and pinned on his coat will be found apiece of paper giving his name and stating that he was injured in a' sawmill explesion . He disap pears and nothing is heard of him until the fake is repeated elsewhere. Whoever he is he ought to be disposed of.—Schuy ler (DI). Citizen. Indications are that we will have a splendid fruit crop this* year. Plenty of peaches aud a nice crop of apples will uot only be the means''of affording a great deal of pleasure ’o those who like luscious fruits, bnt will put money in circulation at a time when the “gilded sheckles” will be badly needed.—Thomasville Times. Col. Candler's enemies call him the “letter writei” and Col. Can dler grows more popular day by day. This condition of facts has induced Railroad Commissioner Atkinson to go in to the letter writing business. From his ef forts, in writing Cel. Candler his “smart Alec” epistles it would seem that as letter, writers, there is this broad difference be tween the two gentlemen: Can dler may make a mistake in who he writes to, bt t never in what he writes, while, Atkinson makes no mistake in who he writes to but does in what he writes. No, Claude , Colonel Candler never met Emory Speer on the stump. He does not care to meet even his party associates there. —Griffin News. The above cowardly insinua tion eminates from that brilliant ex-Ohioan, Col. Douglass Gless ner, who, early in the game “poked fun” at Candler’s lost eye—an eye lost in the defense of his, Col. Candler’s, country. The people of Georgia, conver sant with democratic history, know well how Allen D. Candler led a forlorn hope against the brilliant Emory Speer—how he went on every stump in the old ninth and how by over 8000 ma jority he redeemed that grand old district to democracy. Let Douglass vapor—he’s blegadter.' You should go now and in-! sure against fire with Cothran & Co. ' DON’T The Griffin News, whose ed itor has the job of cleaning! spittoons in the governor’s office, gets off the following crushing bit of sarcasm: “Editor Blackburn promises, if the people will elect him to ■ congress, that he will extend j navigation on the Chattahoo chee from Columbus to Atlanta. As he estimates that this will only cost $2,000,000, we don’t ®ee why he doesn’t do it anyhow out of the receipts cf his paper.” The receipts of The Commer cial may not be sufficient to open the Chattahoochee to navi gation but it is enough to keep its proprietor from becoming a gratutious pensioner upon the state as is the case with the ed itor of the News —Atlanta Coin mercial. MR. STEVENS’ CAMPAIGN. Hon. O. B. Stevens, South Georgia,s candidate for com missioner of agriculture, was in Macon a few hours yesterday. Since announcing his candidacy Mr. Stevens has visited fully half of the counties of the state, and he is meeting with splendid success everywhere. He is mak ing the most vigorous campaign of any of the candidates for slate house offices, and he is rightly meeting with propoitionate suc cess. Everything indicates that Mr. Stevens will get Bibb’s six votes, and his nomination is iookml upu« by l<i.-> friends as a certainty. As The News has repeatedly slated, the people of Georgia could select no better man for splendid business ability and long experience in state affairs, but he is a practical farmer undone of the most suc cessful in Georgia. So far the Rome Tribune is the only portion of North Georgia that can be put in the Atkinson cduuin. And he is welcome to it - -Macou News. The South Georgia Home says: “The Home commends Colonel Candler for refusing to take part in a joint debate. Such discussion would become a personal wrangle between the candidates, could serve no good purpose and instead of uniting the party would tend to divide it. The outcome of such discussion over the state would be disastrous. ” ATTENTION EVERYBOD Y. This is to notify the public that Jervis & Wright, the druggist have decided to *BBll their drugs, sundries, etc,, at prices even lower than which they have been advertising to sell them. Every body who wishes to buy any thing in the drug line will do well to give them a call before buying else where. Notice their advertisement elsewhere in this paper. Instead of leaving Rome or going out of business (as some one reported) I am receiving the handsomest lot of stylish hats and bonnets ever brought to Rome. We will be pleased to show all in quest of the latest and most correct designs at low prices. Mrs. A. 0. Garrard. 307 Clark block. BEST OF ALL To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Springtime comes, use the true and perfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. One bottle wili answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents. Buy the genuine. Manu factured bv tne California Fig Syrup Company only, and for sale by all druggists. FOR RENT. I The office lately occupied by .he Rome Commercial will be or rent after April Ist. Apply to Mr.Thos. Fahy. i I | BIRD'S EYE VIEW. The Rmm Tribune must feel i v'e'rv lonesome in opposition to Col. Candler in Floyd county. I Almost everything else up ilia! I way is for him and he will carry i Flovd at the ratio of about three ! to one.—Macon News. The News places its r:ti<» en tirely too low. There are whole districts in Elovd county that will cast a unanimous vote for Col. Candler. »*» In the face of the facts, the morning pap* r, after stating that Col. Candler’s speech Was “dull” and th it it fell “flat” with the big audience Saturday, states that it has heard many people express themselves as disap pointed with Col. Candler’s ef fort. ♦ * * I have been on the street and .iinong the people qui'e a lot since that speech, and I have heard but few adverse criticisms, and they only from the uncom promising element of the small Atkinson contingent of Rome. * * * The Candler people, and that means the masses in city and county, were delighted with the entire speech, and many of the “undecided” who heard the . speech were not slow in making emphatic declarations for Col. Candler. As to the betrayal of the t Meyerhardt letter—Col. Candler handled the matter most force— r fully. He left it to the good peo . pie of Rome and of Georgia to pass upon, knowing full well that when an honorable people passed upon that ravishment of his confidence, that the cause of Candler would not suffer. * * * His treatment of this disgrace ful affair was as eloquent as his tongue was silent on the subject. Allen 1). Candler may be small in stature but he is a giant on the right side of every subject in which the interests of the people may be involved. *** Now just a word about Col. Candler’s frog story illustration. I am ready to admit that the il lustration is an old one-*-“hoary in its age,” if you please, but at the same time I contend that Col. Candler knew that the peo ple knew it was ancient. That it was timely, was evidenced by the wildly enthusiastic endorse ment the people gave it when Col. Candler gave it its local ap plication. * * * The people .of this city and county are for Col. Candler ami at the same time they under stand why the morning paper is against him and against them Hence they cheered to the echo, even an “ancient and hoary old chestnut,” wlun Col. Candler used it to illustrate the nvise and etc. QUICK TIME. Through Sleeping Car Service To Jacksonville. Tampa and FloriJa Points. The Southern railway lias re sumed its fast winter schedule between Rome, Ga., Jackson ville, Tampa and Florida points, leaving Rome 8 :20 p. m., ar riving Tampa 6:15 p. m., mak ing the quickest time between these points. This is a solid train carryin elegant day coach es and Pullman sleeping car, Rome to Jacksonville, without change ; also Pullman sleeping car Rome to Tampa, without change. Winter tourist tickets are now on sale to all principal winter resorts in Florida For information, call on J. N. Harrison, City Ticket Agent, l Armstrong hotel. Telephone No. 39. Fora good smoke ti y Wa?- ers’ “Extra Good” cigars. THE‘PLACE _ W To get your prescriptions filled is Zp- at Sp S c. A. TREVI IT. S: =-W| Ii s ’•m: ci • > * *: : Best chemicals used in compound- ing, Jr A complete line of druggist’s sun dries and toilet articles at prices as 'UH reasonable as can be found in the market. All goods delivered to any JC 'AM part of the city. JJL i to* C. A. ■ T 331 Broad st. Tel. 110. 5? I Twrnm mm w wml ’ .<<11.411 t-t.■> i i i.. .. i. a;. . i v.< .. . . ;... *a.a.aa aft a a a.» aaaa.aa aaa t a . a..... a..a a» • ;,a. aa.aa a a a A WHOLE CLUB I I ■ ■ Ma! ' e i 1 ' , ' W R B6tter i . Running hi Hbl 'L. Time | k ::.4E ■ ■■-: +L- Eqi ’ .. —*• I ~C: fc*-- 1 ••••£: _ , ;y— tTevcticHT.igJ? , i;::E I carry a full and c im.dete line of jewelry, inchi- >3 ding Di tin mds My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- nq er more ccmplete. _ =3 Ilf WEDDING PRESENTS ASPECTALTY. 11l J. K Williamson I I '"iE F-S ■ ;I;■uilhi I nwd • »-••* - ♦ »?■ t! t ttV tt • Tt • ,»••? »• • • »••» ,11 f t•t • t •• f, t-:t • t • • «::• . ... I.* 1.1. * • I <9 Lhe Preferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. I . The policies are pai-ticularly adapted for business men, and special poliworeH issued for bankers, for physicians, surgeons and dentists, aud for traveling men. lerred is an oid line stock company with assets of over '.(XXJ.fd. ■ JOHN R, THORNTON, I ! ATI—ANTA., GA. • • • o STATE MANAGER ■ SOCS I to go regardless of I OIOISIT F!R|T|C!el • You cin get just wha you want of I We have A/ EW Bicycles from I TWELVE DOLLARS UPI and they will be sold at prices to suit the purchaser. I I ’ianos -- 0 rgan J and several makes of I SMC IMK which wih be sold at prices neve® before known i i Rome I We also have in stock 1,000 copie® POPULAR SHEET MUSIC I at ioc per copy, S nd for catalogs® of this music. We also handle I MANDOLINSA I GUITARS, I VIOLINS, I and will rent pianos or organs with purchasing privileges- ■■ piano case organs are great sellers. (Jail and see them. ■ P F Pnrbpc ‘ 327 broad streET.|| S. I’ DAVIS, VLanag'er. K