The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 28, 1898, Image 7

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toOWIfl Lleit M Til Oliir ■ Badly Wal)lltle(i Lot on the m, > s. L,«.«.<• Quie * ,n ?°'" b Tho I .'Pancake Act. I Mln Marcb 28 “ The D. Halley and tho t >r' Ihare-ultof “ shooting match I a moving train last n.gnt- ■ the regular passenger train I ftF p Mien and Southern railway Khich left ,his cit * forSUl - Lore last night, there was a lull linger list of men. women and Enldren. Among the passengers ■were Mr. J- »• Halley, of Dur- Idoiville. and Mr. William Ogles- L of Summit, both members of leillent families and young men ■who ranked among the best in the ■ land. I l t was noticed by the other Lingers that the young men ■were on bad terms with each oth- ■ „ For several minutes tn%v Ktood up m the rear platform of ■th nixing train in earnest con ■versathm. They re entered the Lraud sat for a while in the ■ enme seat, still in an angry mood. ■Finally th°y arose, each going to ■adiffstent part of the car, and ■their presence ,J a forgjtton, [I Suddenly the sharp report of a ■ pistol rang out, filling the coach ■with sulphurous smoke. A return ■ ►hot told that a fight to the death I was ■a, ami the passengers crcuch |ed in their seats and shrieked, ■ while Halley and Ogleshy took up ■ the center aisle and used it as a ■shooting range. Probably a dozen I sh de were exchanged. By tins time the train had ■ reached Summit, w hen the dead ■ body of Halley was taken on the ■ dep it pfatifor n, and Oglesby, ■ severely wounded in the arm ■ and hip, was carried tn a room ■ nt-ar by where he could be treated. I The cause of the dreadful t ragedy I c uld not be definitely ascertained, I but, it is supposed to have been I rivalry :n a domest c matter. A GOOD PROGRAM. I For The Entertainment Tomor row Night. I lhe students of the conserva tory of music will give a recital tomorrow evening, Tuesday March 29i.h, in the music hall of this institution, to begin at 8 P-*n. Ihe following program "'ill be given : ill«gro--.-,tb Sonata. Piano and Violin Mozart Mihhos Debbie Moses, Mr. Foitln. Waltz „ , . Miss Sallie Hamilton. March Miss Mary Towers. "altaes... Giese Miss Jessie Glover. IWription. ••Nonna- Garil Master Holmes Cheney Anilaite / Allegro I Haydn Clementi Miss Lucile Moses. Hungarlselie Rhapsodle” Low ‘ lln <- I. Miss Minute Smith. Fai( Minnie Scurry. nntasie, “Martha” ; u, ‘ Duvernoy Miss Louie May Weems. I -""■ ou 1-rlo—“lst Sonata, Plano J* 1 ' 11 "'’ Beethoven lud' 7 •'“tisel.omez Nellie Prlntup. !’ ()p | l“No. “ Schubert Miss Lucile McGhee. mUr ' ,C ~' Blizet Orchestra. died in s. c. II Hlh’s Remains Brought to Rome Yesterday. I|,e remains of Mr. William 1111 Hill, w ho died in South 0 l| i,t last Saturday morning x 1 uisiion ( was brought to llle yesterday and taken to the ‘■Wrong. ~, U,LS Years old and was hi Rome, having dl ‘ere at one time. p is <m uncle of Messrs Tom, ut “ and John C. Reese, of this funeral will occur toinor mur 'Hng at the First Meth- odist church. Tn e funeral ser vices will be conducted by Dr. S. R. Belk. The remains will be interred in the Battey vault on Myrtle Hill. PURELY PERSONAL If it’s good to eat you’ll Hud it at Lloyds. Mr. F. Hanson went to Cedar town this- morning. Clever Charlie Pittner spent yesterday in the city. Mr. C. H. Barker, of Dalton, spent yesterday in the city. The genuine Spanish Root Soap at Lloyd’s. Accept no imi tations. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Arming ton, of Barnesley, spent today in the city. Mr and Mrs. J. Paul Cooper have returned from a pleasant trip to Trion. Miss Scarbrough, of Summer ville, is in the city stopping at the new Central. Mis. J. A. RounsaviHe went down to Atlanta this morning to spend several days. The Cora Van Tussle, Co., arri ved in the city yesterday and are stoping at the Ntw Central. Mr. Frank E Steepe who • has b’en in the city several days went down to Cedartown this morning. Mr. M. L. Lanier, went down to Cedartown 'his morning in the interest of ths Hanson Supply Co., Mr. Dudley Thomas, of Atlan ta, spent yesterday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Thom as. Mr. L. P. Redmond, a promi nent young banker of the “Gate City,” spent yesterday in the city. Mrs, Ed Dean and Miss Sallie Si upson, have returned from a pLasant visit of several wetks to Gadsden. Mrs. Mary C. Hill, wife of Mr. W. S. Hill, deceased, of New York, is in the city stop ping at the Armstrong. Mrs. C. H. Cunyus, who has bee i qui e sick tor several weeks at her noine uii 4th Ave. is re ported some be,ter today. Miss Lula Cleghorn, of Car tersville, arrived in the city to day to attend the funeral of Mrs. W. J. S. Smith tomorrow. Mr, C E. Carpenter, the pop ular young Rome attorney, left today for Rockmart, his former home, v here he goes to attend Justice court. Mr. Max Kuttner left today on an extended visit to New York. Mr. Kuttner, while away, will visit his many old friends at, Poughkeepsie where he com pleted his business education. Mr. J. H. Donaldson, one of the wideawakest shoe drummers in the south, has arrived from a most successful trip. He says all southerners who are going to join the army are buying their own shoes. EPWORTH LEAGUERS. 'The Southern Railway will sell you and your friends tickets to Macon, Ga., and return at one fare for the round trip, ac count of the state convention to be held there April 7-10th. We have arranged to run spec ial train Atlanta to Macon, leav ing Atlanta 1:30 p. m. April 7th, taking up connection of tram passing Dalton, Ga., 9:23 a. m., and Rome, Ga., 10 :40 a. in. This enables you to reach Macon and be assigned to your homes before night For further infor mation call on any agent of the Southern railway, or write toC. E. Jackson, T. P. A. Chattanoo ga Tenn. mj 'ill# Mil Ji ilfl jddw '• JJI ihK ‘W I W Hiibilll 'lililUlU UL ■ UUi W <l3 ‘'lO* iiiih "J LIVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLES, Ollers the public the finest team«, -best convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. The best stock of horses and mules on sale con stantly. 306 AND 308 BROAD STREET, ROME, GEORGIA,. ' 1 - I ■ . M -- - 1 School Supplies. 41 $ w .. 1 We are pioneers H. the school books and school sup- ??? ply business and we are als > right up-ro-dtPe in every- 'hat B hould be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. wS < I WILL PAPER. I SbNo house th l St.v- car. serve von better when von de- 9 ire to invest ir. a new covering fee tr> dear ?i<; walis o ' <<« home. See our stock on hand and samp'es \\\\ | H. A. SMITH \xxx * ’ vxxx i| THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. |i - 1Z •MttHMHtttHHHHMNMM 2 Best White LEGHORNS’ st F° r the very best breed and most perfectly marked fowls, leave orders $$ << with J. T. Crouch & Co,, $3 pjr trio. #3* Splendid cockerels only $ 1, 3 O I. D. GAILLIARD. S* HWMMM $&«««« •••• •••••* X Hr ,*X H* H i S. M. Stark, « 'X ? 7 r«t» ■X Kff X H-. X . ' hM: | UDlfil AM GBITJIIM fAIDS | X Hl. -X =* Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave ►* X X X X X X H , r S H. P. WOOTEN & BRO., S ZX Successors to * 2 g , ROME PHARMACY. njj 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building. 5X e IKP We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants 111 the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a pare of your patronage and shill en- SB deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all eA* times We should be pleased to have you call on us. Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articlesand KS such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug store Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. Ss* Regardless Os the Moon and Its Quarters We are getting our garden seeds into the faceof the earth, all the way from lakes to gulf and from one pro tected seaboard to another, and while the mail orders are heavier than ev er before, the local trade is receiving our especial attention. THE EARLY GARDNER has got in his work but he, and the man who plants in the moon, and he who plants in the earth after last suns of March and the April showers have GOT IN THEIR WORK, is yet to be waited upon, and we are ready to wait upon him. Garden Seeds===the best, freshest and most reliable kinds, are the only goods to buy. We sell them. SPECIAL. We also make a feature of improv ed field corn, forage crops seeds, clo= ver, grasses, etc. Ask for our free illustrated cata logue. GURRy-fIRRINGTON GO. THE ARHSTRONG HOTEL. Rome. Ga. Rbijiiiar ■ r Special BM-Jirs > nates Wanted- BT —T3- ' ; Mibiij. . - 4OS V.AiJ 'The place to get a 'quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. ® YOU DON’T 0 A HAVE TO / H) SWEAR OFF. I ' ' C Q The natural wav l.\ ■ ©is to get a distaste for it. Don’t c’ y.. Tobacco Spit and Smoke You; fev"t" ] t ; Life Away and go on suffering I //* WSQiV , from nervous troubles that make Aj / ©strong men weak, impotent and jfj f '/■ Z unable to do the right thing at 1 ’ ft ’ the right time, all because the . ..j: blood is tobacco poisoned. 1/ S V* ■' J v No-To-Bac makes it easy to « ff’i -.. @ stop this brain-weakening, nerve- (1 'x XBBk' ruining tobacco disease. You , -unz \ 'Z ? , •• >4 no risk for your own drifggist MRlftrjM will sell, under guarantee. /Alin Tn DAA «HTEED jmx ANU* I If “Mb TCBACGO CURE® We urge you to test No-To-Bac. licit to-.i.iy G\ r:• million boxes ® 801(1 in two years and ;«X)al<)0 cures tell the story of imril No-To-Bac /MBx will not only kill the desire for lobac.-o, eliminati ncoi.ine and steady the nerves, out because of its great tju: iti.s fi will make MRMuWi the blood pure and rich, tingling wit h new life and energy. Gloomy ypqtlfwJ days will begone, the sunshine will be brighter, tiieold man In feeling made young again—and happy. . , . 4 ©DRUGGIST’S i^’^K jlAh sell No-To-Bac under absolutegua ran: << t ><•■>•< Ont iitt< n guar antee. free sample of No-To-Bac, Book let ca Hee ‘TI n't 'lobaeco SpitwgmnM and Smoke Your Life Away" mailed fiea. Addre- LilL STERLING ■jjgKw REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., New \ora. 60 AamahETC candyeathartic cure .-onstlpat ion. Purely vegetable, smooth and uAwUAnlu I W easy, sold by druggists everywhere, guaranteed to cure. Only 10Q» TQNSDRIAL PARLORS. LEWIS BARRETT, Artist; Only skilled men employed. Parlors recently renovated Mos. icourteous a.teniit n and satisfactory services guararteed, at Not i 42», Broad street.