The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 28, 1898, Image 8

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JUDGE BRANHAM ft Call For The Beloved Rome Jurist STAYED THE ftUDIENCE This Was to Be Expected in Rome. His Remarks- One of the moat graceful com pliments ev r paid a Roman by a Rome audience was witnessed on Saturday when, utter Col. Can dler had finished a speech of an hour and a half and the audience was leaving the court room, r shout went up for “Bramham,” “Branham,” “Branham,” the tn tire audience resumed seats just quitted. Judge Branham certainly ap preciated the compliment, and while reluctantly he rose, it wa« not because he regretted hav ing to respond but because he doubtless felt that his people, the people who love him and whotu he loves were indulgent to him at too heavy a personal comfort, However he made them a talks one that the y cheered frequently. To accomodate those who did not hear him and also those who did ano who would like to have the same for a scrap-book and also because the speech makes “power ful good readi’u” we. publish it below; SPEECH FROM JUDGE BRANHAM. “Mr. Chairman—l am not seek ing any office and I never expect to enter a contest, for any office. As I was coming into the court room this morning I met a gentle man from the Fiat Woods who handed me this little box, saying ‘I want you to give it to Govern or Gaudier. It contains the left hind foot of a rabbit which I killed yesterday in a graveyard at Flat Woods. ’ I won’t make you a t-peech, but I will tell you a little thing that occurred some time ago. Y< u know there has been a gc cd deal said about the Meyerhardt letter. About that time Col. Candler was writing to me to en list my support in his candi dacy for governor. The first letter 1 received from him embarrassed me a little, because Joe Terrelll, who is km to Dave Hamilton and myself had then said he was going to run. It is a fact that the uncles of our grandfathers met way back yonder in 1836 in the Seminole war in Florida and that made us kin. I undertook to evade the question by making a humonous reply to Col, Candler. In a Igw days Mr. Terrell said he would not run for governor, but w?uld run for attorney general. Then I got another letter from Colonel Candler asking me to sup port him. In my second letter to him I was as candid »s he has been here today, and as he always is with the people. I told him I had commit’ed niyslf to Mr Jen kins, of Eatonton, where 1 as well as all other good people were born and raised. “But in a day or two Jenkins said be was not going to run. Then I got imother letter from Mr. Ca: dler and I took my pen to reply. I had been using the typewriter before, and I said to him: I will do everything I can to elect you governor, and I am go ing to keep mv word. Just about that time this Mey erhardt letter came out. I knew he was not talking about me. becanso he was writing tc me at the same time enlisting my support and it didn’t affect me in the least. You see, If 1 had gone to Judge A'kin son, a man 1 like very much, or to Mr, Berner, a very brilliant man, Mr. Candlei would have known I made a mere pretext of that letter for changing front and I would have lost the respect of him and eve-y honest man faini - iur with the correrespondence be ■wern him and myself. You all know me. John Black was a member of the state Com mittee. W hen he died some one I don't know who. had ms put m his place. I bad never been in politics, but I went tc the meet ing of the state democrat ic execu tive committee the other day just to see what they were going to do and I will tell you "hat they did. They talked for two hours and three quarters over the date as to whether the primary should be in July or the 6th of June, and as Candler has said, there were two factions only—those who favor him were on one side and those who favored Judge Atkinson and Mr. Berner were on the other I was with those who favored Col onel Candler. You could not tell the other side apart. You could not fell whether tney were twins or not. They showed no difference in that committee. “I had a very hard chair and it was very warm—they had the heat on the registers in the Kim ball—but I stayed there to see it through. I had no opportuni ty to speak whatever and never opened my mouth. But I will tell you what I thought. The speeches made on that occasion were very poor. We have not got a candidate running against a candidate of another party, but are trying to select a standard bearer. “I will say trying to select one of our three boys. Now, you know a wise fattier will stop a quarrel in his own family as quickly as possible. Stop the quarrel in the family at once. My idea was we ought to stop this fuss in the family as quick ly as possible, and for that rea son I favored an early date for the primary. “Now I don’t think it is ad visable for us to have joint de bates between ourselves, I don’t think it advisable for three dem ocrats to dispute questions which are personal be ween them selves. After we have nominat ed acannidate and there is an opponent in the field, then is the time for some speaking. I can only say in conclusion that I not only hope Col. Candler will be elected governor, but I am perfectly satisfied he will be.” the Light of the World OR OUR SAVIOUR IN ART” over SIOO,OOO to publish. Contains nearly 200 fuli-page engravings of our Saviour, by the Great Masters. It is not a life of Christ, but an exhibit of all the great Masters’ ideals of the Christ. No other book like it ever pub lished. Agents are taking from three to twenty orders daily . The book is so beautiful that when peo pie see it they wajit it. Published lees than a year and already in its twenty-fifth edition some editions consisting of 18,500 books. The presses are running day and night to fill orders. (It has never been sold in this territory.) A perusal of h-* pict urea ol ’his bcok is lifie taking a tour among the great art ga’leries of Europe. The Hermitage, Prado, Uffizi, Pitt, Louvre, Vatican, Nat ional of Berlin, Belvidere and other celebrated European art gal leries, have all placed their rarest and greatest, treasures at our dis posal that they might be repro duced for thia superb work. “First glance at the pictures brought tears to my eyes,” says one. “Cleared $l5O first week’s work with the books,” says another. Many men and women buying and paying for homes from their success with this great work Also man or woman, of good church standing, can secure position of Manager here to do office work ard corresponding with agents iq this territory. Address for full particu lars A. P. T. Elder. Publisher, 186 ■Michigan Ave., Chicago, ll|.. First Floor. MR. fIiEX WHITE The Eloquent Planter Os Vans Valley. JVIftDE ft BIG HIT |n His Introduction Os Col. Ca ndler, On Saturday. Mr. Alex White, the big planter of Vans Vai'ey made the hit of bis life in his speech introducing Col. Candler to the big audience at the (hurt house, Saturday. Mr. White has the happy fac ulty of forcefully saving things and while he would promptly and emphatically enter a disclaimer were be charged with being an or ator, at the same time it is a well established fact that twhen rises to talk every body listens and hi frequent intervals ev»-ry bod) cheers heartily the sentiment In utters and the style of his de livery. He was in hise'ement on Satur day when he rose to introduce ton irb'iidly audience Georgia’s next Governor, tl at brave old Com missioner, Allen D. Candler— And Alex Whhe measured uj fully to the occasion. His speech, which was delivered ex temporaneous, appears below. It was most enthusiastically re ceived. But here is the speech : “Fellow Citizens—As a tiller ot i,hn soil, a- a plain country farmer I make no mistake when I indorse to you this mm as the next gov ernor of Georgia—.me who sym pathizes with you one woo fuels for you, an dknows that you bear the burdens of his country .Some times it iswell —and it is such times as these—to look for and t<> find a man who is willing to serve his country simply for his country good. We people of the country were tired long ago with colonels who never heard a gun fire, with officers who never smelled powder and lawyers and professional pol iticians who monopolize our offi ces. And today we indorse a man who has always served his country for his ct untry’e good. Sometimes in the history of the world, it seems that in the trans migration of souls the pint that permeated Washington and Jef ferson and the true men of the past, springs up a gain, and we find a man who comes to the front, who comes loyally, who comes true to every instinct that makes a true man and a good man and is willing to serve us without looking forward to another place or another office—as a simple countryman. I have no hesitancy in introducing to you and indors ing to you this mini for this place and entertaining these sentiments, I shall not make a long talk. It is not necessary. I shall simply sum up what you all want in one single sentence and indorse, be lieving every word of it, I will say that I will introduce to you God’s noblest work as the next Governor of Georgia—an h<>nest mau —the Hon. Allen D. Candler, the “one eyed plowboy if pigeon roost,” Os th : s gem. which the Atlanta Constitution’s reporlei; took and published vertatim, that paper adds the following comment: “No mere earnest words were ever spoken than those with which Chairman White introduced Col onel Candler, and when the latter bowed his response there was an outbreak of applause that lasted for several minutes. When it ended the colonel gracefully ex pressed his appreciation of the kind references made to him as well as for the hearty reception that had been given him ever since he left bis train.” Lost.—A bunch of keps. Fin der will be rewarded by leaving same at this office. Insure before the fire with Cothran & Co. Rheumatism Is a blood disease and only a blood rstne .dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: “For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent I medicines but they did not seem to : reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un able to take my food I or h an dl e myself in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re jfrjk lieved me no that I soon able to move V"* .Swfriffir my right arm; before long I could walk across the room, and when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as ever. 1 now weigh 170.” A Real Blood Remedy* S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine—S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegeta table') is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else. It forces out the poison matter permanent ly. We will send to anvone /Ok /Ox our valuabJe books. Address wx. \*y Swift Specific k '©k Co., Atlanta, ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured. The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST YEAR. It supplies schools and colleges with competent teachers of Pen manship and principals of commer cial departments; sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for iq cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ I its graduates at Stenography oi Bookkeeping. Address all letters to the Principal, IL 8. Shockley, Rome, Ga. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY Whereas Thomas Hclsenback execu’or of John Holsenback, de ceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed that he has administered John Holseuback’s I estate. This is to cite all persons | concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not be dischatged from his executorship and receive letters of dismission ion the first Monday in April 1898. This Jan. 3rd 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. YEARS SUPPORT. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTr. To ail whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign u suplimencal year’s support to Mrs Georgiana M. George, the widow of Junius A George, deceased. have filed their award, and un'ess good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the Judgment of the Court at the April term 1898, of the Court of Ordinary, ‘Tliis March 8 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, . Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Curry- Arrington Drug Company. Lost. A pair of child’s glasc es, with aluminum frames. Finder phase return to A. J.Yager at this office and rec ive reward. Wanted—Christian man or woman to do office woik and correspondence here. Salary SBOO. Apply with self addressed stamped envelope to A. <. Eider, ’ General Manager, care Daily' Hustler-Commercial. I he Preferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW York i The Preferreds policies are particularly adapted for business inen and I is-ued for bankeiH. tor physicians, sui ueous and dentists, »■„, for’tiaveH.. " ,al rerred is an <> d line stock company with assets of over !4.i(i,000.0u. 1 ® U1 » u. Ti h . JOHN R.THORNTON ATLANTA, GA. • • • • STATE Mana’- a REGARDLESS OF COST AND CONSEQUENCES We Have an Elegant Li DRUGS; Sellins sa-fc PHENOMENAL PRICES No old stock to work off on th public. Come and be convince! Trices Lower Than live JERVIS & WRIGHI Uptown Druggists. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOa'AOOOt ioooqc qOOOOCXDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC 08. F. Montgomery ( | O ->8 227, BROAD ST. 8*- SICK, ACCIDENT AND LlFt | Insurance 0 WE NUMBER AMONG OUR RISKS MANY OF THE VERE BEST PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. WANTED' —We want wide-awake agents to represent r q >ur companies in the counties of Po’k. Bartow, Floyd, q Chattooga, Gordon, Walk-r, Whitfield, Cat vosa and Q Dade. Call on or address ns at. our Rome office, ) B. F. MONTGOMERY GenY Agt, QQ »ifri > 000000000 ** ~~~~‘ OOOOOOOOCYX JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt I A I © I S MOKE © | Romemade I £ •