The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 29, 1898, Image 2

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INRMUDDLE. Pops to Hold Riottier Con vention AH'D FILL THE VACANCIES Caused by Watson and Others Refusing to Run, Atlanta, Ga , March 29.—The Georgia populists are to have another convention. The refusal of Hon. Thomas E. Watson to lead the hosts in the coming campaign has caused a general upheaval all along the line, and the party generally is trying to find out “where is it at." The state ticket as it now ap pears in the official organ of the party, The People’s Party Paper, of this city, has n > head, no tail and probably very few of the nominees named by the recent convention intend to stick. This morning the following call was mailed to every mem ber of the state executive com mittee: “Atlanta, Ga., March 29, 1898. People’s Party State Campaign Headquarters: The state execu tive committee of the people’s party of Georgia is'called to meet April 13lh at 10 o’clock a. m., at the office of The People’s Par ty Paper, in Atlanta, for the pur pose of fixing i date for the call ing of a convention to nominate a governor and to transact such other business as the interests of the party demand. Every mem bor is earnestly requested to be present in person. W. 11. Peek. “Ex officio Chairman State Ex ecutive Committee. “Austin Holcomb, Secretary.” The populists are making ac tive preparations for a vigorous campaign in spite of the confu sion that Watson’s refusal has caused. Mr. Holcomb, the sec retary of the committee, said last night that there would be no trouble in getting a full attend ance of delegates. He refused to say whom he thought would be substituted in Watson’s place, but declared that the ticket would lose no strength by the altera tion of its bead. The majority of the executive committee request id Col. Peek to make arrange ments to call the second conven tion. There is no doubt that the delegates did not expect Watson to accept the nomination, but it was tendered him simply as a regard of their esteem. Then? are other vacancies on the tick et which have to be filled, and it is probable that such alterations will be made as will assure the acceptance of all those named. The convention will probably be called for the first or second week in May. The executive commit* tee will, it is understood official ly issue the convention call, ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the legislature, subject to the democratic pri mary June 6th. J. B. Nevin. ANNOUNCEMENT- Please announce my name as a candidate for senator from the 42nd senatorial district subject to the democratic primary to be held on June the 6th. Respect fully, R. T. Fouche. If it’s good to eat you’ll find it at Lloyds. | Insure before the fire with F Cothran & Co. MUD-SLINGER. back and declared that the col onel was the candidate of the politicians. He spoke of the let ters which he said he and Berner had written to the state commit tee pleading for a campaign suf ficiently long in which to expose the many outrageous traits of character which they have dis covered in Col. Candler, and he reproached the •committee for giving them only ten weeks in which to do it. He said his “venerable old friend from Hall” had seen the handwriting on the wall, and had so influenced the commit tee as to forbid a proper discus sion of the issues of the cam paign. H j expressed, however, his faith in his own election as governor, and said that if it should ever become necessary he woflld tell to the world who it was who had asked him to be come a candidate. His speech was the longest that he has delivered thus far in the campaign, and the imper sonal portions of it were very well received. SUDDEN DEATH. Miss Mamie Taylor Dies In Chattanooga. Miss Mamie Taylor, sjsler of Mr. Ch >s. T. Taylor, of Taylor Norton, died yesterday morn ing at the infirmary of Dr. Geo. West, at Chattanooga, after an illness of several days. Miss Taylor was on her way to Rome, from Kentucky; when as far as Chattanooga she was taken violently ill She was car ried to Dr. West’s infirmary and all skilled physicians Und trained nurses could do was of no avail. Miss Taylor lived with her brother in this city for some t ime. 'l'he news of her sad death will be a great shock to her many fiiends here. Miss Taylor’s remains was taken to her old home at Wash ington, Ky ~ for interment. NE W RO UT E Ttn IE ALT H. Little, fragrant, palatable tablets, in a dainty enameled metal box, just right for the vest pocket or the lady’s purse. On the tablets are stamped the let ters, “C. C. C.” Cascarets, Can dy Cathartic. Eatonelik candy andtthe little tablet at once | ur ifies and regulates the whole di gestive canal. It destroys disease germs in the mouth and throat, stops souring of undigested food in ths stomach, stirs up the liver and tones and strengthens the bowels, making them act health ily and naturally, t hey are well and widely advertised in the press, but the best advertise ment for Cascarets is their won derfully mild yet positive action, which makes a Casceret convert of everyone that tries them. We recommend them to all our readers.' I am not giving special prices on *,21 common articles (or a few days” to mislead you but hav for two months been cuting prices on 1,000 things, every thing, and am stil seling $1 Sarsaparilla Hood size at 45c $1 Celery Compound Paine size 50c 75c Wine of Cocoa 37c 75c Asthma Cure 37c Hair Vigorator, size of Hall’s sl, ’ 25c 50c Buchu 25c 50c Calasaya Bitters 17c 25c Liniment 9c 25c Cos Sirup 12c 25c Worm medicine 12c 25c Catarrh Snuf 12c 25c Corn Kiler 12c 25c Liver Powders 10c And everything els at prices a litl lower than others advertize them, Frank Wright, Farma cist, at Norton’s old corner. PUrit LY PERSONAL ■ Mr. Erank E, Shumate, of Dal ton, is here today- • Mr. Dave Shelton, of .Oreburg * Lpeut today in the city. Dr. J. C. Mull, of Shannon, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. vV . T. Grimes, went down to Cedartown, this morning on business. Detective Frank Morris, of Albany, is in the city, a guest of relatives. Mr. T. S. Burney, of Harper’s Station, spent today in the city on business. Charlie Sanford, a hustling “Knight of the grip” is in the city today on business. Miss Anna L. Whitehead, of Rockmart, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 'l'. J. Reese. CL ver Lswis Dempsey, of Ors man. is braking hands >*h his “lots’ of friends in hi city today. Miss Carie Mil’s, of Atlanta, is the charming giust of her sister. Mrs. Hugh Butler, on Frat \ venue. No, Jane, dear, the word “Puli,” on a door, is not neces sarily an abbreviation for pull ilical headquart rs. Mrs. Emma Cole and Misses Annie May Cole and Mary Lou Cleghorn, of Cartersville, are visiting friends in the city. Mr. Walter Mcuu’la, a prom inent young farmer of Coosa ville, spent today in thecityand says that every body down his i way is for Hon. Allen D. Can ■ dler for governor. ■ FUNERAL SERVICES Os Mr. Hill Conducted by Dr. Bolk this Morning. The funeral services of Mr William Smith Hill,<who died in Charleston, S. G., last Sun day, were conducted at the First Methodist church this morning at 11 o’clock, by Dr, S. R. Belk, assisted by Dr. R. B. Headden, of the First Baptist church. After the funeral services had been read by Dr Belk, the choir, composed of the following : Organist, Mrs. W. S. MeH n ry; Messrs. Harry Patton, Benj | Barker ; Misses. Rosa Plum and ( May Patton, sang that beautiful and appropriate hymn. “I would not live always.” After the read ing of the 90th Psalm and prayer the choir sang “Nearer my Ged to Thee.” Dr. Headden then delivered the funeral address. The floral offerings were beau tiful. The following gentlemen acted as pall bearers : Col. T. W Alexander, Capt. C. Rowell, Dr. Henry Battey, Capt. John 11. Reece. Maj. R. T. Fouche, Judge W. M. Henry and Col. C. M. Harper. The remains were interred in the Battey vault, at Myrtle Hill. FOk SENATOR 42n j, DIST. In the coming election it is the privilege of Floyd county, by party precedent, to choose democratic nominee for Senator from the 42nd senatorial district. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the democratic nomination for Senator, suhjeci to the action of the democratic primary of June 6th. W. 11. Ennis. FOR THE LEGISLATURE, I hereby announce myself a candidate for election to the lower house of the Georgia leg islature, subject to the democrat ic primary on June 6th, next. John C. Foster,. i The Peopki Believe What They Ft -d About Hood’s Their Faith ’ » This Medicine is Grounded cn Merit They Know It '..? t 3lutely Cures When Other Medicines Fail llood’H Sarsaparilla i-i not merely o sim ple ~>;•<ion of fersapprilla, Dock. .Sull';'. • p hi- •! " lit>lo lodide of Potassium Besides ex<. lioiit alteratives, it also con 1 Ti, . 1 grant anti-bilioua eno Hvi r retni .!;> Idundrake anti Dandelion. 1: also cor ai’ - those gn it kidney reme dies, U n U. li, Juniper Berrien, end Pipsi'SC'.'. I. Nor are those all. Other very valuable curative . " its are liarmoi iously com bined i i 'I .-jtl’rj Sar.-aparilla, arid it it> carefully prepared. under the personal slip: i> ot .ri'.’gulurly educated plysr niacijt. K :ovd th ■ f n-i ' 1.0 'biding faith the- I ■ Hood’s St ■ aparilla a ma ,er rd ” •’ V■. -i can see why Hood’s ; iriiia cur- S when other tnedieim •; totally, absolutely fail. “My little gi ! was afflicted with ■czema an ! tiff cd for seven years. Slit van, tor.,i'y phyr.ieians and tried na’iy iiift:" ... kinds of medicine with ut re: ■(. After t.xhig a few bottles of tiwid'-.r .... ■ •. :ev ar cured.” Mils. ■>'. , i Frank . . w York. , Sarsa- ’ .. 'u S parllla e Best i fact 1 ne Iru Blood Purifier, ell, Mass. take, > C -tv ’■» “it rnta. 25 cento. Sw- Ml---’ W' 'xr.e >. . js NEW YOJtKc ' T" r sale by Lloyd Co., sole Agents. Call for free sample. Annual Sales 0ver6,000,000 Boxes FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS sue’., as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Giddiness. Fulness after meals, Brud iche. Dizziness, Droiv.dness. Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costivei!>'-s, Blotches on tlio Skin. C"ld Chills, Di.- tarbed Sleep, Frightful Preams and nil Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDiCINE. liriXHAd> PIEI.S, taken as direct ed, will quickly rstore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem ais<l cure Sick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills ar© Without a Rival And hnvo the LARGEST CALE of any I’atet;! ?ti«-:lii in- 1 it. ti.e Viorld, 25c. at ill Drug Stores. General Debility and Loss of Flesh Scott’s Emulsion has been the standard remedy for nearly a quarter of a century. Physicians ••eadily admit that they obtain re sults from it that they cannot get from any other flesh-forming food. There are many other prepara- ' tions on the market that pretend to do what EMULSION does, but they fail to perform it. The pure Norwegian Cod-liver Oil oiade into a delightful cream, skill- I ally blended with the Hypophos- I chites of Lime and Soda, which such valuable tonics, makes this preparation an /T-d/ '© one checks the wasting tendency, and the ITh P at ‘ ent almostimrnediatc- L ly commences to put on fiesh and gain a strength which surprises them. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See thxt tl.e nan and fish arc on the wrapper. 50c. and $:.oo. all druggists. ; SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. New York. ' PROFESSIOHH CißOi ATTORNEYS. J. ÜBiAvITH Alli, Law Office. Z io mst First Street, lOIIE, GA. aCHAS, W, UNDERWOOD, Attornoj at Law Home, Ga. Corporation Law Only. M B EUBANKS, Atlerney a' li.w. < ffi'ci King Building. lb tue. ■ a W H ENNIS, Worreyat Law. Will Practice in al' couits Gflico, Masonic Temple, koine, Ga "W J NEEX-i, Attorney at law. Will practice in all courts, Spiciul attention given to commercial law and tin- "X miiention 1 f land titles. office tn King building, Rome. Ga. ■WALTER, HARRIS. Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Rare & Co.’s. LIftSCOMU <Sc WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Office in A-mstrong hotel building, Rome, Ga T. CRAV7FORD; Vttomey at law, Rome, Ga. Collections a pecialty• Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. DENTISTS. L A. W3LLS, D. D. S., 'ifli-e -,’ti) 1 d Broad. > Over Cantrell & Owens. I. L. PENNINGTON. D.D.S..M.D. DENTIST': Jffice, ;KV> !-‘J Broad street. Over Hanks Fur nure Co. PHYSICIANS. w. a. .ioiinson, m. n, ’hysician and Sll on. Rome. Ga. fflee in Me'licai Build. Residence, No. Oldr oad street. — .... .. ■ , . C. x' D ST, ID., ‘hysician and Snr. in. Office,’ Medical "lildlug, R ime, Ga. Office ’phone No. fid. Tj. f. hammonj. m. id.. Phj>sician and S.irueon. Office in Medical milding. Residence, N>. 4'3 .Vest First st. mice ‘phone No. fid. LUMPKIN & PRINUTP, ATTOR XE TS AT LAW, I brnie, : Georgia G neral pra 't'ce throughout North Georgia. Correspondences, '.icited. Special attention to mercantile collections. 1} DIETZ « No. 3 Street Lamp HAS A SHINING RECORD OF 20 YEARS. -T ’ s offere( i an effectual antidote (or “outer -A—* 4yy darkness,” and is Vhor- well made on *[ scientific principles. , It ’A II » light I —j D)ETZ l-H r any gas-burning / N«3.Clfllt \ Ump, do it cheaper and / TUBiiiio \ >!<' it with kerosenefcoal i j I / STRELTLAMP \ oil). 1 \ I \ It can be lit and regu- i HI \ ) lated from the outside; 1 \ / / <an continue in business ‘ q dc-.| t - the wind; can | ' 11 and will give you entire T L l\ ] satisfaction, by reason J 1 I H 1 U of its absolute relia- . vIITX Lility. ! X \ it Is but one meml>er*of an enormous family of | j “ light goods ” that we I build, and to whom we I I would be glad to intro- duce you by veans of our Catalogue, w hich we mql free upon applk tio*. If y. u insist u|-<>n having the very best goods 1 made, yoqr dealer will give you *• IHeta.” If you cannot obtain this Lamp of your dealer, we "er »ny pirt of the 'J.s. ' or Canada, upon receipt <>: its price, viz., SG.UO. R. E. DIETZ CO., i 60 Laigb.t Street, New York. Established In 1840. * RANGE’3. I am i< iSouth- ‘ ern Qru en (Joal < r 1 Wood Rang ' iTisiirance Saft; G-as , olme stove- Call and ■ see mvstock and get- i estimaes on your 1 olumbitno- and tin work- N«xt door to j ooera h - use. • /=■ HIVS DV. t (VSLSMB 1 1■ .< .m -j ,j jumiMil— »* rr **"'****'_~ Como, Wis., Hyannis. Jan. 10,1898. Jau.2. lb « I would not be . I without PISO’S -aksiww -y• CT>F*i f j Itb. CURE for CON- s ukj J I SUMPTION for any |g Beßt bVatSXJ'’ U “ K best Co ': lg ; Jfl thing. For a bad cine on ■ Cough or Cr' Jit is ™ jj av ing used >■ beyond all others. 15 years. 1 Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A WE^' }V B “The Best Cough Medicine. I -- , - ; > ’ ■ ■«?* 2 . i DR, ' I KiHO’S B I ROYAL I CF.RMETIIER I Tins pleasant and perfect remedy, H delightful to take, so refresh ii lgr i nd I exhilarating, stands in highest fa VOf I wit.i all who know it Lest, as thegre*. ■ 4St of all medical remedies for Loth I sexes, of all ages and in ail condition* ■ WHAT IT WILL DO FOR M I 3 v.'III give ycu A?FETIT r . ■ it will give you restful re.Lshing SLEEP. H Il will stiniulata yom DIGESTION, ■ It will restore your NERVOUS ENERGY H Il will put yaur KICNEYS in perfect drift. H H will purify ynur Blood, H It will change ycur weakness imo 'STRENGTH. H :l will bring you out of sickness into HEALTH. H KEW r.u-KAGi:. i .«<rr-n.E ~m H DOSES ONE SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. H MAI.i'JACTURED ONLY Br HH The Atlanta Chemical Co., Aildati, U ■ "EJIil yns 4H-PA. fi -4COH AAIIEDra** Ei wn i hh® I TO EVERT ONE. M wii.' ... part "f t h • !.i! i ; ri - . bla’Mer. 1 f.v-.' ■ is..;: . MMH .vi.h- ' <i.t ...; :ih- : l. , ■■■ ■■ .... ■A iuil <-v- :■ ■■ ■■■ .. mH ci> s ... twin a u gmw 11.- r-m- uh . . '. M||g» ~ ■■■ in.l i . . ' L . t< .... npmiili'. awl n,.- ? ii ..i . .... mhsH i. -li'i:: . . i'... r. ■ 't. ’■■ >ii ■ ■ ..|'t i i' ' ■ . mgSn HmBS >. mmss '■: !■'■. v. . . ..-1,., ■man V,’r:if to. State . . u’e :.e:. E’. anSton, tliinois. HMH St. Germain Female T’ftoily ori Iv gnlator. <•; x ir;> :i' i eiiu '' ■•vt-ry S<-i" ■ ’* rl * v r, ‘ 1 • ■ 1 ■KIIIE -1 h< >.\ >' < ’’ll t“' I S I. f- I 1.1 •, 1 | f i ..’A .a Mrasl t■( ) . L’>7 W.l'fi.!’lie Loll >l., ‘ ‘.i '. ■HHH . yaßgffiirtWSW —/.NO— .sJfet: eg TfW . I America’s I- Instruments. JESSE FRENCH PIANO &OM ■ Manufacturersand Dealers, No. Qu Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo* Nashville, Tenn. Birmingham, Dallas, Texas. Montgomery, A.a. Factories: Richmond, lad. j Write our nearest house. A 2-CCEt su-T <avc you many dollars. t THINK Al'.Ol T Yol il HI HH * fins Is The Time To Owe .V '■ TION IT Y.'l ll Y ' ' ' c Tin; ivi.rmer weather *'P' co,ne with the t niciit hs should find yen Ti" IT in r.ihusl health, your blood t ■ind yetir appetit" oo,>d. Ur v u will be in dimmer ' t [f) lUness. Purity nnd mricd ' lihiod with IL od's ■! mid thus “prepaie This medicine inaki s rii'L. oi, hl<>' (I and g: v. s vigor aiT vl,: ‘ t| Itw i l l gmr 1 v.'i J'* | >.l i ■ hi ch «lI p aii pke place. p l)9 _____— —--