The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 29, 1898, Image 8

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HIS FIRST SPSEGH JWr. Jack Cohen's Fair Com ment on COL CANDLRRS'S EFFORT In The City Last Saturday Liked it. Mr. Jack Cohen, an avow-d Spencer At kimmn supporter makes ♦ he following fair and just crili-ism of Col. Canid rs opening speech which was d-d vered in Rome Saturday. Mr C .ht’ii reported the speech for his paper, the Atlanta Ji.urual, aud ill Monday’s Journal Ids ci mments appear as follows: “Judging by its effect’on his hear ers, Colonel Candler’s first speech was a slice ss- He spoke for more than two hours, >nd if he Old not always have the sympathy of his auditors it was plainly ap parent that he did heir perfect and undivided interest. The first hour of his speech was almost exclusively devoted to natuDal topics. V\ hat he said on these sui jects was listened to in comparai iv-silence. For, while all that he said showed his famil iarity with public questions bo n of his long experience in Washing ton, it nevertheless was neithei new nor highly entertaining. His hearers warmed up to him when ho commenced discussing state topics, His stat-ments that he was the fa'herof die present constitution of Georgia was received with un alloyed enthusiasm, and bis friends found much to cheir when he discussed the ques'ion of state taxation and the venal practices used in el ction contests in this statu in th* past twenty five years. But that portion of his speech which was its liveliest and evident ly rnosthigh'y appreciated was hie reference to his competitors. It was at his point the colonel showed the profession of a quality which hitherto neither of his op ponents has developed. He has the keenest sense of the ridiculous and a vein of humor in his com position at least 18 karats fine. He was genuinely funny in language and manner, and the way in which his friends howled with delight, the questions tiny asked, and his quick sharp fash ion of answering them all go to show that before the end of this campaign he will bring many a hearty laugh from both friend and toe. Humor is the colonel’s long Mi rw ®MB ONE) SSlSrjOY® Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effect tally, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthyand agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who .a«>v not have it on Land will pro ci..e it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FMNGISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. Kr. Al£W YOHK. N.T. suit. It is notsai 1 in derrogatioir. of other parts of his speech, but a fact which seemed to me ap parent was that he never corti p’etely established the circuit ol sympathy and appreciation through his audience until lit commenced to make fun of his two and to tackh those editors whom he declared had treated him unfairly. A very large portion of Col Candler’s hearers were farmers and old soldiers. They had ail the choice seats before the ci tv folks thought the time to go to the courthouse had arrived. It is a matter of serious doubt whetlter there were a dozen anti Candler men in the audience They were all for Candler before he spoke. They were still for Candler after lie had spoken. Asa speech, neither the colonel nor bis enthusiastic friends have cause to regret his first effort. Had he been twice as eloquent or twice as forceful, he could not have done himself more good. Whatever men may think of the subject matter of his remarks 1 think few will deny-that it was admirable in tone, and unusually -killful in conception. '1 he effect of Col. Candler’s speecli on an audience less in sympathy with him than the one in Rome, would have been considerably marred by his con stant reference •to his manu script. Stopping to consultone’s notes takes the edge of a speech, more or less, and my own judg ment, and that of many of the colonel’s friends, is that he would be more effective if he threw his manuscript into a waste basket and hereafter spoke his unbridled thoughts. Col, Candler has none of the “graces” of the modern orator He is, however, a fluent, earnest talker, who sometimes approach es the eloquent and will not fail to be effective or impressive. When the colonel had con cluded, his friends were of the opinion that he had nothing to fear from joint debates, and many of his admirers said on the trip back to Atlanta, that they believed he would shortly meet his opponents EASTER OPENING-. On Tuesday and w ednesday, sth and 6th of April we will display a full line of Pattern Hats and Bonnets. All are cor dially invited to at tend- Doors open at 10 o’clock Mrs. A. Q. Garrard- I desire to attest to the merits of Chamberlain’s Cough Reme dy as one of the most valuable and efficient preparations on the market. It broke an exceedingly dangerous cough for me in 24 hours, and in gratitude there fore, I desire to inform you that I will never be without it and you should feel proud of the high esteem in which your Rem edies are held by people in gen eral. It is the one remedy’ among ten thousand. Success to it.— O.R. Downley, editor Democrat, Albion,. Ind. For sale by all i druggists. WANTED By Old Established House—High Grade Mau or Wo man of good Church standing, to act as Manager here and do office work and correspondence at th*ir heme. Business already built up. and established here. Salary S9OO. Enclose eelf-addreesed stamped envelope for our terms to A. P. Eder. General Manager. Box— cire I) div Hust'er Comnar ial A PROMINENT MINUTER SPEAKS. From a personal test and h thorough cutside observation. I i am pronared to recc mimend Chen ey’s a* a positive remedy for cough? md colds, croup, etc R-v. Henrv Buchanan. | Jonesboro, Gs. SUMMER HOMES’ FOLDER. Mr. W. A. Turk General Pas senger agent of the Southern rail way is collecting information for Summer Homes’ Folder for the ensuing summer, giving the names of proprietors, post office address's, or at near what sta tion, conveyance used, number of guests, terms per day, week ind month. This information will be printed in an attractive form and a large edition publish ed, distributed by the various agents of this immense system throughout all sections of the country. Persons contemplating taking boarders for the ensuing summer are requested to apply to the nearest railroad agent for blank to be filled out giving the above information, and forward at once to W. A. Turk, Genera] Passenger Agent, Washington, D C., so that it may reach him not later than April Ist. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. .To all whom it may concern : L. A. Dean having in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Lucy Parker, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular tin •reditors and next Kin of Lucx Parker to be and appear at my office within the time allowed b\ law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent ad ministration should not b< granted to L. A. Dean on Lucy Parker’s estate. Witness my hand signature this 7th day ol March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. NOTICE OF SALE. Agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd coun ty, will be su'd at auction at the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: All that tract or pared of land lying and being in the 24th district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Georgia, known and distinguished in the plan of said district and section as No. one hundred and seventy nine (179) containing one hundred ai d twenty acres more or less of said lot and lying all of said lot ex cept a small portion sold by J. M. Ellis, while in life, said laud joins the corporate limits of Plainville, Ga. Sold as the prop erty of Janies M. Eliis, late of said county, deceased. Terms one-half cash, and the remainder Dec. Ist, ’9B. J. 11. Ellis, Executor of'JJas. M. Ellis de ceased. EP W 0 RTII LE AGUE RS. The Southern Railway will sell you and your friends tickets Ito Macon, Ga., and return at one fare for the round trip, ac count of the state convention to be held there April 7-10th. We have arranged to run spec ial tram Atlanta to Macon, leav ing Atlanta 1:30p. m. April 7th, taking up connection of tram passing Dalton, Ga., 9 :23 a. m., and Rome, Ga., 10 :40 a. in. This enables you to reach Macon and be assigned to your homes before night.. For further infor mation call on any agent of the Southern railway, or write toC. E. Jackson, T. P. A. Chattanoo ga Tenn. I) IF FIC ULT IE S 11E MOV EI) “My fath'r, my brother and mysell wire al I troubled with loss <»f appa'ite and took Hood’s Sar saparilla with great benefit, 1 hav stiff r d for )eu rs «i I h • i upt mn* but i-ince aku-g iL-'d’s Sana [ar Ila I have had no tiouble of this kind It has also cu~ed im> of ir digestion. ” Ernest N. Jennings B< gart, Georgia. Hood's Pl's are easy Io fake, easv io npi rate. Cure mdig sio i, heaadache. Bottled Up! Whether in the form of pill powdei or liquid, the doctor’s prescription fol , blood diseases is always the same— mercury or potash. These drugs bottle > up the poison aud dry it up in the system, but they also dry up the marrow ' in the bones at the same time. The suppleness aud elasticity of the joints give way to a stiffness, the rack ing pains of rheumatism. The form gradually bends, the bones ache, while 1 decrepitude and helplessness preina . turely take possession of the body, aud ; it is but a short step to a pair ol • I crutches. Then comes falling ol ; the hair and decay of the bones, —aeon- i iition truly horrible. 1 t’PO’VSH? Contagious Blood Poison—-the curse d mankind—is the , ijP most horrible of all JKk-ij * s diseases, and has al- I ways baffled the -O, ™doctors. Their pot ff' 1 ‘ (lash and mercury ‘siff'fh fl bottle up the poison, ' ■ but it always breaks . forth again attack- L’>-XcV’ MbG'ing some delicate frequently ■Kftvu i!« *•;’:. the mouth and jSny- V | <!■; throat, filling them t pj. '•!, -with eating sores. HW. 1 Isl I 1 4 •’ '■ S.S.S., is the onl; ' © VI 14 known cure for this j,* *•’’ J disease. It is guar- anteed purely vege table, and one thousand dollars reward is offered for proof to the contrary. II never fails to cure Contagions Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, Cancer, or any other disease of the blood. If you have a blood disease, take a remedy which will not injure you. Beware of mercury; don’t do violence to your system. Don’t get bottled up I Our books sent free to ary address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga. ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer? cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured. The College procured 92 POSITIONS TEE PAST YEAR. It supplies schools and colleges with competent teachers of Pen manship and principals of commer cial departments; sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ 1 its graduates at Stenography o? Bookkeeping. Address all letten to the Principal, 11. 8. Shockley, Rome, Ga. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY- Whereas Thomas Helsenback execu'or ot John Holsenback, de ceased , represents to the court in his petition duly filed that he has administered John Holseuback’t i estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from ms executorship and receive letters of dismission •on the first Monday in April 1898. i This Jan. 3rd 1898 John P. Davis, Ordinary. YEARS bUt’PORl’. ' GEORGIA, FLiDD OOUNTr. To ail whom it may concern Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a suplimental I year’s support to Mrs Georgiana M. George, the widow of Junius ’ A George, deceased, have fl eci b tteir award, and im’ees good ano . sufficient cause is show , t,h» same will be made ihe Juiigmen ’of the Court at the Apri term 1898, of the Court of Ordin ry. . This March 8 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary F oyd County, G orgia i BUCKLEN ’S A RNIC ASA LV E ’ The Best Salve in the world ’ for Cuts, Bruises, Sores Uh-ers, i Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ; ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Il is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money’ refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Curry Arrington Drug Company. Lost, —A pair of child’s glass es, with aluminum frames Kinder ob-ase rsr-irn to I J.Y ige it tins office and r e ive rewur I. BES O’ ALL To ch-'; i’S' 1 the syin i age. tie aud trulv beuefiaial m.-i.,m r, s. io-i, the Spri gtitm comes, us th, true raid pei'le'.', 1-iU dv. S • up <>■ Figs. One l>uttl - will an-wer tor | all the family and costs cn \ 10 cents. Buy th' - genuine. Manu factured bv tna Ci it r >ia F-r ' Syrup Company ooly, ai.d tor s;<:e by uh <1 ’ nggirfts. REGARDLESS ] OF COST AND I conseqdercel Mb to an [lesanl lj| ORdGSI I No eld stock to work off on tJ public. Come and be convinctcß mi— BWOtixS?*,. Prices Lower Than Evil J ERA IS & WRIGHTI Uptown Druggists. I OQPpQCQOQi DQOQQOQCaX XX X I oocooouoooooooooocxxxyococoa 88. p. Montgomery | |1 8 ->8 227, BROAD ST. e<- I SICK, ACCIDENT AND LlFb, I 8 Insurance I Q WE NUMBER AMONG OUR RI9KS MANY OF THE | Q VERE BEST PEOPLE OF I'HE CI JY AX'!) C'OILNI Y. Q t ( WAN PED - —We want wide-awake ngen’s t > represent b 1 companies in the counties of Po'k, Bartow. F <>vd, q Chattooga, Gordon. W.tlk -r, 'Ahi field, Cat'Osa and 0 Dade. Call on or address us at our Rome otfiee, O B - F - MONTGOMERY Gen’l Agt, > O' • - CXDOOOOOOO -* OCX):JOOOOOO( )UOOOOCX)OOOOOOC'C( | ! Iw 1 < | SMOKE © j | Rome-made ! I ! €QQQQ@eeeoeOOeOOeQeOOOO&^ : VICK 5 SEEDS ™ THREE RAMBLER ROSES Will make a magnificent hedge. beautiful shade for the piazza, or a charming bpd. Const* c( |. f««11 v hatdy. One plant will produce thousands of flowers. One each, only 40 cent** u A<lri* er ' ™’C Garden and f JHT)P The Busy Man's Catalogue and the Ladies' 'anting** l4 0 Hora! . . UUiJu. The onh one containing full Descriptions and Diiections for I culture; so comptebensive, condensed clarified and indexed that ro Kasturtion”; lie Who II hum liny Head. Many illustrations from nature Colored plates of Sweet r - ni hossed cover* Tuberous Begonias, Golden Day Lily, ( actus Dahlias, Daybreak Asters. Beautifully e 120 l uge pages completely filled with honest illustrations FR EE upon application- Y. Vtck-H See.l.s yiever Disappoint. JAMES VICKS S<>yiS, - Rochester, FREE! (SS) Vick's Illustrited Hoothlj Magazine Isa veritable mine of Information about Flowers, Vegetables and Fruits, and how to grow andl car lntteft dof luccessfnllv. A farm house may be brightener! at a slight expense and the grounds made ~c r year, but ‘ bare aid forbidding The price of VICK 8 ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINB la Fifty yn > v,’d ic t urn t hl< Coupon with six IwO-cent stnrnps the magazine will be ro ®' __i.,«,eri ’ ’ bl -ix u < atiafvi trial. Write al oacew VICK FCBLISHIfUS <XK>