The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 30, 1898, Image 6

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TWO WIVES Has lie. Yet is Not Gilllty of Bigamy. RACIER PECULIAR CASE in Which a South Bethany, Ind. Man Must Be Remarried. C ’lninl tir, Ind., March 80, — J irnes W. Mil er, of South Beth any, who came to this ci'y about two mon'bs ago, surrendered him self and pleaded guilty of bigamy, was acquitted in the Circuit Court here Saturday afternoon. Miller acknowledged that he was married to Charlotte Wyman in September, 1895, in Belmont County, 0.. separating soon after ward and coming to South Beth any. A few months lat rhe was notified by his brother in Belmont Couty that his wife whom he had left had secured a divorce. Mil'er then c >urted and mar ried Miss Nettie Griffin at South Bethany on the first anniversary of his first marriage. About a year later a babe was born to them. Soon after it developed that the first wife had secured n divorce, Mr. and Mrs, Miller then separated until the matter was lawfully settled. The Court ex in&jated Mr. Mil ler from all criminal intent, but ruled that his marriage to Miss Griffin was illegal and Moid and that if he desired to continue liv ing with his second wife he would have to secure a divorce from his former wife, procure another marriage license and have thesac oud marriage ceremony perform ed. BUYING MULES FCR SPAIN. . t Two Government Agsnts The Market In Kansas City. Kansas Ci'y, Mo., March 29 Senor Julian Azcue, an agent of the Spanish government from Havana, and Antoneo Mareslre, of St Lonis, are in the Kansas City market purchasing mules for the Spanish army. They have practically cleaned the market of muter, having pur chased GOO. to be delivered on tl e wharf of New Orleans April sth. Another Spanish contractor t-e c ired four carloads of mules here last week. BACON FOR DEFENSES. He Urges Congress To Have Savannah Taken Care Os. Washington, March 29.—The resolution which Senator Bacon introduced in the senate this morning in design to facilitate the work of cost defenses at Sav annah. The law provides that there shall be no money spent on for tifications until a clear title to the land is secured, ahd the con sent of the legislature is obtain ed. Senator Bacon’s resolution provides for the suspension of this law clause where the con sent of the owner has been se cured. This is purely 7 an emer gency 7 matter to enable the war department to go ahead with certain plans for fortifications when the legislature is not in session. The resolution has been referred to the senate military committee. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. “Mystic Cu ?’ for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 t<> 3 days. I'B action upon the system 13 remarkable and myste rious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefi s, 75 cents. S >ld by Curry- Arrington Co, Rome, Ga. THE PROBLEM SOLVED. THE NEW MEDICAL DISCOV ERY TESTED. Results gs the .e.tin Various Fi RMs of Dyspepsia. Chronic indigestion or dyspep sia, while a very common trouble, has for some time been looked up < n by able physicians as a ser.ouv thing, and that no time should be ost in treating it properly at the start, because recent researches have shown that the most serious, fatal and incurable diseases have their origin in simple dyspepsia or indigestion. Diabetes is simply one form of indigestion, the sugar and starchy • food not being assimilated by the digestive organs . In Bright’s dis ease the albumen is not properly ' assimilated. While consumption and dyspep- j sia are twin diseases, and it is be-; yond question that dyspepsia i makfs a fertile soil for the seeds of consumption. But the tr üb'e has been to find a remedy that could be depended upon to cure dyspepsia, as it ie notoriously obstinate and difficult to cure. This has been the question that has puzzled physicians and dys peptics alike, until the question was solved three years ago by the appearance of a new dyspepsia cure in the medical world known as Stuart’s Dyspepsia 'Tablets, which it was claimed was as a certain, reliable cure for every form of stomach trouble. Physicians, however, would not accept such statements without first giving the new remedy many tests and carefully observing re sults. For three years the remedy has been thoroughly tested in every section of the country and with surprising and satisfactory results, Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets can be hones iy claimed to boa specif ic, a radical lasting cure for indi ges'ion in the various forms of ac id dyspepsia or sour stomach, gas or wind on stomach, too much bile, I undue fullness or pressure after eating and similar symptoms re sulting fiom disordered digestion. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets were not placed before the public until this three years’ trial left no doubt as to their value and they have re cently b> en placed in the trade and can be found on sale at all drugeists at the nomil al price of 50 c-nts per package. No extravagant claims are made for the remedy. It will not cure rheumatism, pneumonia, typhoid fever, nor anything but just what it is claimed to nure, and that is every form of stomach trouble. No dieting ie necessary, good wholesome food and plenty ot it and you may rest assured that Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets will di gest it. Druggists claim for it that it is a pleasure to peommend it to dyspeptics, because it gives such universal satisfaction. Little book on stomach diseases sent free by addressing Sluar« Co., Marshall, Mich. APPLICATION FOIt LET- TERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Floyd County : Whereas L. W. Palen, ad ministrator of B. A. Connelly, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered B. A. Connelly’s estate. Tips is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they c.<n, why said administrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon day in June. 1898. This March 7th 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. Boarders Wanted —By pri vate family 7 , two or four young men. References exchanged. Address“M.” care The Hustler Commercial. The genuine Spanish IlooJ Soj,p at Lloyd’s. Accept no imi tations. * ST REF T ATTRACTIONS N'»t the least of the sights of fend by Chattanooga luring her Spring F stival May 8, 4 and 5 will be the side attractions such as the manufacturers’exhibit, t> <• Wi>mau’s display and the hand eomely decorated buildings. The streets will be brilliant with ga> colors, j iy< us crowds and ibe various attractions always atten dant upon such events. Music will be furnished by several fine band aixl there will hardly be a mirute in which some form of amusement will not tie furnished the public . Le-ides, there are so many points of interest around Chattanooga that a week cou'd be profitably and pleasantly spent in visiting th mis there were nothing going on in the town itself. Comlenisol Schedule in Effect January 16, 1S!>8. STATIONS. |_No. id |No 14 ~No 8 Ev~cimt.taiioogu ....... 8 00um 0 lupin 10.00 pm Ar Dalton 9.23 am 7 J’l'pni r.MOam Ar Home 10.40anu «...:> , 1.40: in Ar Atlanta I.loam 10., ::i 5.0 >um Lv Atlanta 4.20 pm 10 5 >prn 5 20am Ar Macon 7. lupin I 05am 8 Klam Ai Everett 6.25 am 3.25 pm Ar .lick-am' tile . ... 8 Ilium 9.25 pm Lv Jesup ’ Vol am &50pm Ar Jacksonville I.oopm 10.15 pm Lv Everett 6.55 am 3.3optn Ar Brunswick 7.55am| 43>;>m No. 8 carries Pullin an Sleeping Car Cbalta- Dooga to Atlanta. No. 10 carries Pullman Union Sleeping Car Chattan oga to Atlanta No. it carries Pullman Drawing Room Buffet Sleeping Car Chatu.nooga to Jacksonville and Atlanta to Brunswick ■ lll< >NS No 7 No. 9 No i i Lv Atlanta 750 am 2.2opmi 5.30 am Ar Rome 10.15 am; 4.451)111, 7.37 am Ar Dalton 11.3.5 am; 5.51pml 8.38 am Ar I hattanooga I.UOpiii 7 .’"pm 9 5 lain L- Chattanooga 7.soptn 10.00 am Ai Burgin I 4 i .p m Ar Lexington 4.30 am 5.00 pm Ar Louisville 7.27 am; 7.30 pm Ar Ctneinnat 1 ;. 720 am 7.30 pm Lv Chattanooga.... 1.25 pm 1.15 am 125 pm Ar . 6.55 pm 6 4iiau>; 6.55, in No 7 cartie Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Chattano ga. No 9 carries Pullman Union Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati and Pullman Sleeping Cai Chattanooga io Louisville No. 13 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati without change stations. No. 6. No. 12 . No. 16. Lv Chattanooga 10.00am' 4. Ithim 6.20 pm A- Knoxville I 15pm 8.05 am 9.50 pm Ar Morristown 2.41 pm 9.50 am 10.55 pm Ar Hot Springs 11.46 am 12.23 am Ar Asheville 1.15 pm 1.39 am Ar Salisbury 6 40pm 6.00 am Ar Greensboro 9.52 pm 8.50 am Ar Raleigh 7.10 am 11.45 um Ar Norfolk 5.25 pm Ar Wa bington...,. 6 42am 9.25 pm Ar New Y0rk...... ... 12.43pm1 §■ 23am No 12 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to New York via Asheville and Sal isbury to Richmond, arriving Richmond 6.00 a.m. No. 16 is solid train Chattanooga to .Norfolk, will! Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Raleigh without change. Close connections made at Norfolk with steamers for Baltimore. New York and Boston. Pullman Sleeping Car Salisbury to New York via W|kshingfton» STATIONS. No. ISISoTa" Lv i lhat tanooga 6 20pm 1 LOOa m Ar Knoxville . 9.50 pm 1.15 ink Ar Morristown 1201 am 2.44 pm Ar Bristol .. s.ooam| 5.15 pm Ar Washington. 11.25 pm 7 4'; m Ar New York 6.25am 1 1.20 pm No. 6 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Washington and Cbattanvoga to New York without change. No 16 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Knoxville and Knoxville to Hr! tol. ST ATI ■'NS. | Na 10 Lv R0me....................... 7777777. 10.4 s m Ar Anniston LOOpra Ar Birmingham lO.Oopm Ar Seim’ 5.35 pm Ar Meridian 9.50 pm Ar New Orleans .... &3uum Ar Jackson • . .’ 9.45 am Ar Vicksburg .. . 11.35 am Ar Shryveport 7.20 pm ♦No.~l&'| 5M0.~9 I itNo7l~6 jgNo. 19 i.lspm 5.00 pm Lv Rome... ar 110.00 am 9?§dam O-'JOpm 7.lspm|Ar Gad den ar! 6.35am] 7 i;.an’ 6.30 pm 1 7.30 pm Ar Atlanta l'/| 6.15 am; 7.00 am + Daily except Sunday $ Sunday only. F S. GANNON. 3dv P & g m .Washington, D.Q J M. CULP. Trat Mgr., Wa-hington. D C. VV. A TURK, G. P A, Washington, D C. C. A. BENSCOTER, A.G.P.A.,Chattanooga,Tenl LIBEL FOR DIVORCE STATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY,—- George W. Thomas j Libel for di vs vorce in Floyd L. I’. Thomas ) Saper’r Court State of Georgia, No. 83 Januar 77 term 1898. To L. P. Thomas, —The defend ant is hereby required personally cr by attorney, to be and appear at the next Superior Court to he held in and for said county on the thir 1 Monday in July next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s demmd in an action of libel for divorce, as in default thereof sa d court will proceed as to justice shall appertuin. Witness the Honorable \V M • Hen’y, Judge of said court, this 9th day of February 1898, Win. E. Beysiegel, C. C. Supe rior Court, Floyd county Ga, On the morning vs Feb. 20, 1895, 1 was sick with rheuma tism, and I lay in bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. The first application of it relieved me almost entirely fre in the pain and the second afforded com plete relief. In a short time I was able to be up and about again.—A. T. Moreaux, Luv erne, Minn. Sold by ail drug gists. For a good smoke try War era’ “Extra Good” cigars. 5.'- . - ■ , : , ; * Easter Opening: * J On Tuesday and Wednesday, the & sth and 6th of April, we will display 5 a full line of pattern hats and bon= 2 < nets. AH are cordially invited to at- X; J tend. Doors open atioo’clock. . 'J W- * -I B pi x it' B « filrso Ao Oo Garrard | 1 it J 7 or ar ■ .Ml ■ wiv» •" —iw.w ■ r ■wA .. :m- .w ■ .« Mr ■■ m - inwrc-mi —it - wwn r ■ tvn - - S''®''®''©''®'®"®' @ 'o * e) • (• sfctelii’ifsoiiwlli* I ■ (0 « : 2» THFY ARE THE ♦ 2 | $7 KIND 2AT OTHER PLACES. ; |Burnev iJELLICO' X I M W W W fl H Bb H We meet all compa- T tition and defy compete tr?* tors ’ Our coal is as good J $ .iiiilL as the best, and wj keep ' our scales in apple pie or 2 > der, '- . v We execute’all.orders promptly andjdeliv- er the kind of coal buy. S E J I OLDER f i? f OFFiOE,Western U., Telegraph Co’s. Office. # V 3ICE ’F HCNb 169- Y/ RD ’P JONE 120