The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 30, 1898, Image 7

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lOSY SHANNON. IguntDll Repoitt.d and Oeaihs Recorded. sTR ing of persomals. W part of th. Moral Vlnyard h “ for Candler. ah Ga.. March 30. K'l'i-We had a heavy yesterday afternoon and Lni-’ht. Farmers are getting Eng very nicely with then I 1., several acres of corn in Lenity toady for il.e |ow. Grait: looks flourishing. Lssrs. Doyle O'HanJon. Byrd falters and others went to L r Allen D. Candler speak [turday. The votes about here I]l be for Candler. ■jfrs. Caroline Games, who has Lu ill for some time, died on Lilst. Mrs. Gaines was a de- Lt Christian, a go<d neighbor |d much esteemed wherever Lwn, and while we grieve to Le her, yet we rejoice to know Lit she was glad to leave all Lilly soirows and go to dwell ■th the Savior in whom she Led. She leaves two sons and Ldaughters to mourn her loss, |d to them we extend our ■artfelt sympathy. ■ Mrs. Win. Floyd is very ill. ■e hope she may be restored to Kr wound health. |M". N. C. Yarbrough and lias Lillian Camp spent last ■iiiday at Lindale. ■ Mr. W. B. Broom, who has Bt-n several weeks at Taylors ■le, ti t,, came home Saturday Kt returned yesterday for an ■definite slay. ■Mr. 11. E. Coulter visited his ■iiiily here Monday. ■ Miss Lstella Whitlock was lurried to Mr. Jim Walker liiiday. Mr. Walker took her ■mi a young man who was car ling her home from preaching lutday p. m., and they eloped I spite of parental objections, lie happy pair have our best fishes. l-ur. Henry Harr,son, of this lice, also persuaded a Miss pgs,of near Floyd Springs, I disregard parental authority |id cast her lot with his, last luiday, they too have our best plies. I belike the Hustler-Commer -I*l'ery much. Long may it | v “Anonymous.” THE LEGISLATURE. T C. Bryan In The I Race. 1 11 his issue will be found the Funcuneut of Hon. W. C. j^ 11 ' "h') states t hat he is in Puce for the Legislature. I '"■ C- Bryan is eo s‘ran f'Gloyd He has represeij’ed f l!c unty in t,h (J legislature for r r ®°f tour years and has a F‘"‘iiehisas clean as the IHe invites the voters of r yito closely scrutinize that More making up their IT I s dtistler-Commorcial rep r SlVp Mr- Bryen stated tha* r’ ia "d scores of ’friends had I him to outer the present L '^- Vail invites every one to I, n U P ’n the issues of I a > and questions of the IH L' ” lbs time wid be so r" u i> that he may not have L. S ' voters but I|v m te ask him about any liberty . - r >au is a -brave loyal HARRISON’S NEPHEW When Worn Out Nothing Helped Him Like PAINE’S CELERY COMPOUND K " A fe - - M I® WVSm A <ga W I kfOW iff . X J IWK ■ r • •A, Iwla -1W To be born a Harrison has been, in this country, ns with the Pitt family of Prime Minis ters in England, to turn instinct ively toward politics and a pub lic life. Two presidents of the United States, a governor of Virginia, who was also a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a member of congress for several years—all within four, genera tions, father to son, has but one parallel in this country and few abroad. Mr. John Scott Harrison, Jr., nephew of ex President Harri son, whose hard, telling cam paign work in the southwest showed the strong family gift, sends the following nppreci >live estimate of Paine’s celery com pound as an ideal restorative for the body and brain when either are excessively used: Kamas Ci'y, Mo . Jan. 28, 1898. Wells, Richardson Co. : Gentlemen—lt gives me pleas ure to say that Paine’s celery compound has proved of inesti mable benefit to me at different times, v, hen the labors incident to my work and the nervous strain following arduous work in campaigns had taxed me phys ically. With the thousands of other mental workers, who have been benefited by it, I can re commend it as a great restora tive and rebuilder. Yours truly, John Scott Harrison, Jr. ‘Paine’s celery' compound is the one means regarded suffi ciently effective by’ conscientious physicians to be relied cn in cases of debility' arising from true man and has won the reputation of being true to every rust. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. “Mystic Cure” for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in Ito 3 days. I's action upon th system is remarkable and myste rious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis appears. The fust dose greatly benefi'S, 75 cents. Sdd by Curry Arrington Co, Rome, Ga. Boarders Wanted. —By pri vate family, two or four young men. References exchanged. Address“M.” care The Hustler Commercial. For a good siuoke try Wait ers’ “Extra Good” cigars. whatever cause, and to counter act the strain of unexpected, pro longed work and excitement. It is the only 7 remedy’ prepared un der the eyes of the medical pro fession, and in strict accordance with the directions of a physi cian of acknowledged ability . No ordinary help, no well meaning but unprofessional con coction, sarsaparilla or blood purifier can do what Paine’s celery compound is able to ac complish : cure men and women of such serious diseases as; kid ney troubles, liver complaints and dyspepsia, or permanently drive away—ind there’s the pcint that no sufferer should lose sight of—permanently drive out of the system, rheumatism, neuralgia and all skin affections. Nerves and brain can be work ed out. This is the condition of thousands of exhausted nervou systems that have been almost worked to death in school, count ing rooms, factories and stores. Shaky nerves, flabby’ muscles, muddy complexions and the general appearance of weariness and pain tell the story of exhaus tion. Persistent headaches go with nervous debility. That ter rible throbbing of the heart comes from a wretched condition of the nervous system. The sure way to get back to perfect health of body and brain is to regulate and nourish the nerves by means of Paine’s cel ery’ compound. It is a searching cure tor all diseases that indicate vitiated blood. It builds up thp strength and replaces used up parts by new, vigorous tissues. GOOD THINGS TO EAT Small .*iz? Djve Hams, delic ious, tender and sweet* Fresh lot direct from the packers. Gteen Pees, Snap beans, fresh strawberries, squash, sDinacb, fancy tomatoes, headed lettuce, jsparagu®, etc. Ex ra Fancy Head Rjce. large wh.te grains; yellow Sweet po tatoes nice breakfast bacon fine cheese and havdreJs ol other good hings, Lloyd'’’. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for a seat in the lower of the Gen-Til Assembly of Georgia, so reposent Floyd coun ty, my candidacy subject to the action of of the democratic prim ary of June the 6th. W. C. Bryan: LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Motion C< ukt. —Judge Henry held motion court this afternoon in the city court room, MissMammie Whitehead, ot Rockmart, arrived in the city to day and entered the Southern Conservatory of Music. Is Dangerously lll.—The people of Rome will regret to learn that Mr. P. H. Hardin continues dangerously ill at his home on First avenue. Concert Last Night.—The concert given at the southern conservatory of music last night was largely attended and was most highly enjoyed by all. New Depots.—The O’Neill M’f’g., Co., has closed contracts with the N. C. & St. L. Ry., for the erection of two new depots at Dalton and Marietta. No Police Court. —Every thing is upusua'ly quiet in Police Cir cles No arrests were today up to three c’clock, only two cases have been tried this week. New Walk.—A new brick walk has been laid from Douglass livery stable, to Fleming’s Harness shop. cnJßroad Street. It is a great im prov, m nt. Mrs. Henry A. Smith has re turned from Anniston, where she has been at the bedside of her mother. Mrs. Jenifer NobD, who has been dangerously ill. with pneumonia, New Building.—Messrs Roun eaville A Bro., will commence the erection of a handsome brick building on the vacant lot in front cf the Armstrong, next month. The building will have three stores and have all modern improve ments. Silver Tea.—A silver tea will be given next Friday even ing at the beautiful home of Mrs. Jno. u. Printup on upper Broad street, for the benefit of Shorter College Alumnae Asso ciation, from 4to 7 and 8 to 11 o’clock. Rack From Dalton. —Last night Prof. Beall and his com pany of talented Romans, played “Zelena at Dalton, to a crowded house. After the performanice they were tendered a German, at the Dalton hotel. They all report a royal time.T hiv returned at 1:55, this morning. Mrs. Neel To Fesp nd.—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Neel left for Augusta this afternoon, to attend the meeting of the Georgia Baptist Convention which is to be held in that city for the next few days. Mrs. Neel has been notified that she has been selected to respond to the address ol welcome in the Ladies Mission Society and has accepted. It goes without saying that the response from this gifted Roman woman will be a gem . Off To C> kffrence. —Dr R B Headden the eloquent and beloved pastor of> the First Baptist church accompanied by Hon . W. J, Nee' and wifri left, this afternocn fi r Augusta where they go to repre sent the First Baptist church of Rome in the Georgia Baptist Con vention which] convenes in that city tomorrow. The young men's prayer circle will conduct the services at the First church Sun day night. Arrangements will bo made for the Sunday fjrenomi services. Two Fires.—Last night at 8 o’clock the fire department was called to a small blaze at Win. Echol’s house on Second Ave. It was extinguished before the de partment arrived. At 12 o’clock the department was again called out by a telephone alarm. A bus belonging to Gluts. Johnson was discovered on fie at the old Holmes’ stables on East Third srteet The bus was entirely de stroyed without any damage to the stable. The origin of the fire is not known. The depart ment responded promptly. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••< •Don’t Walk On • ; © Your Uppersl j : w. A.MU LLIN OSiSBBeWBiS® • eBSBBBW . ust a Moment. Please ♦ • - The Opportunity of a Life-time For Big Dividend— Paying \ Investment! / THE ALASKA GOLD PLACER MACHINE MININGCOMPANY Capital stock 15,000,000 —full paid—and non-assessable. Promises to be as good as the Beel Teleph ne, Westinghouse Air Brake, Grapho phone or Pii' nograph and other similar industrial enterprises which <re paying thousands in profits to their shareholders. This is aijindustrial rather than a Mining Company. We hav« the only Hydraulic Machine Mining System (patented)that will work in the frozen ground of the Klondike and the Northwest, where we take our machines and extract the gold from the claims of others, just as thrashing ni chines are taken into the wheat country to hresh out the farmer's wheat. One of our machines does the work of over 1,000 men each day and we save the 40% of gold that is usual ly lost by other methods, so it can readily be seen what enormous profi s we will earn in the fabulous'y rich gold mines of the Klondike and the Northwest, with which every one must be acquainted. Every prospector there isour prospector, for he must eventually come to us to have his claim worked. Therefore we believe we shall in time be payin as large dividends as the world-famous en terprisis mentioned above. Ours is a similar industrial stock which an only be had for a limited time at ths very low price of $2.50 or SIO.OO share. This is an opportunity of a life time. No ev ery day does Fortune knock atone’s.door Tee o The only svst n of Sys ten that wi I Hymu . ne Mine g| ' ' Klonai k 3 (paten’d) east. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS PRESIDENT. H. P. Tiwuley, New York Ken, L. Bradtord P ino), Sant. Fe New Mex Mat.auer ot the E<j iit»i>le,Lite Assurance So President International Mining Cong res IST VICE PRES,Hon.J N Hnston. New York Hou. John P. Hoyt Seattle, Washington Ex-Treasurer of the Unit sd States Fx-Chief Justice. Stite of wiling to ND vi 'E PRitS E. Parmly Brown,New York Geo. McLean, Manufacturer. Passaic, N. J Treas, Andrew McLean. MgPr Pass He, N. .1. J > vathan bourne, Jr,Mining Capitalists Portland Secty and Ass't Treas. I, Now York James W Vitae, • Beattie, Washington Auditor an 1 Counsel, wm R. Weeks. Now York Ch. ot Mining C>m Chamber of Cemiuesce Coi.eulti ng Engineer Wm. F. Lav. New York Leslie v. Bruce, Pro r Turf, Field, Varm. N.Y Pres Lay System Hydraulic Plaeer Mining Co Colonel A. C. Fisk New Vogk Lawrence P. Brown, New York. Tai bu sineas Ability fiua.icial standing ofiour Directors are amou the beet evidences of our success. To raise the capitol to place, severaljjlants in the Klondi e a small block cf stock is now offered to the public at the very uw rats of of 25 cents on the dollar or $2 50 for each $lO Whan this block is sold, no more will be offered at less than or $lO per share An investment of $25 to SSO in this stock should very soon return large profits—Even 100 to 1 —and thus afortune for the sa gacious inveeton. Certificates are in very attractive f orm, called “Goid-Backs” and are transferable from hand to hand. Send for illustrated Prospectus where full explanation is given of how we can earn euch enormous profits by the Lay System. Read! Reflect! Investigate! Invest! AH information cheerfully given by ths Secretary. Call or write—Alaska Gold Placer Machine Mining Co. Home offices Washington Building, No. 1 Broadway New York, N. Y. CANDY ® CATHARTIC CONSTIPATION iGc u- 1 - 25e 506 DRUGGISTS