The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 31, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH year smoke xtra good and rebel jell eigars I® MD FMIIGK jill Spain Sonu of Their Kist Powerful Ships. ANOTHER SPANISH FLEET Steaming Towards The Threat ened War Center. Madrid, March 3L-While the situation here is outwardly o f the calmest description, the actual position of affairs is re garded as critical by both the ['lilted States legation and the Spanish government. The Uni t d States minister, General Stewart L. Woodford, is work ing energetically for Spain’s, peace until the first gun is fired., j. is known the Spanish gov ernment admits the desirability or necessity of complying with the dunands of the I nited States, and it is only in the dis-) inclination of the ministers to put this willingness into con-' Crete form that the danger lies. [ If a conference \v;i.-> to be held with British, German or French diplomats the matter would be settled without question. The point which General Woodford is now pressing is that in the interest of humanity hostilities in Cuba must cease immediately. No date was fixed either in the first or in the pres ent note, but the United States is now dwelling on the meaning of the w-,rd “immediately” and insisting that Spain accept its general interpretation. The public generally is taking little interest in the situation, but there is a general disinclina tion to believe that war is likely. A dispatch from Barcelona says that the armed yacht Giral da, purchased by the Spanish government from Harry McCid mont, the English race horse owner, after the vessel had been ejected by the I nited States, is now being fitted up as a dispatch boat. hl Pais says- four warships been obtained by Spain in Blind fold. ». *'■ '.m has *right to "go 4- in J" 1 life and }'*■'■’ She has 1\ N y&daMMKlili *-?ht to shut '/yes to tie A \ [y facts of her \n yrW3SBWjp Jjrt l bei,i K A 'he const , Xrx iii-Af 1 W,l ° drasf through life weigher Us., 50,11 * torturing, dragging weak I, , se * se their six are not doin’, lU a? , dutv ,0 themselves. They are not m '- rt " s which enlightened sei apabi’ leul Os be, “S we!l antl 3tron « 't>-ci il complaint? from which so " lieu sutler are not tie- e'Sary. Dr >ril< ’ Hfr-cripdcv positively the most severe and obstinate hanlnzard ntedie;f.». It is not It is a scientific etnedyde Si f,r [ tl:ic ‘ , ted and 'Xpert*, iced spe •k Jl ‘ ol l e I >U! po ,e of curing tb< h-nf • A eS of w """ ”■ -ii women have beet, ktictjj;-'’ er T ct Health by this wonderful 111 nia ’ty instances thev <1 r Z! y e T 1111 ’ iS Hopeless by phy ■|"'l.f.imily doetots. _ >ot . h y°>* r ' Golden Medical Dis ,,, I'rescvintion ’ for chronic the nt-rns ami bladder," writes of Park Rapids, Hubbard Co., ihvi,.,,/' "d stomach liouble which wai S'-ir-ire'.i TT./Tj 1 Have been cured of all. I - ikln,? tuld ,u,s ery for lour years pre . k’d v, '‘’ rtr, a t"‘<-nt. lait began to feel ytect at once." S ' ihfV tHousand ■ page illustrated t *Mvi., er i, ° o,, le’s Common Sense Med ■ , c ' ,l1 t dns information of price- v ..,° women. A paper-bound copy o a,, solntely free on receipt of 21 A-l-b n P’to pav the cost of mailing i* I "‘atil,., 'T/ grid’s dispensary. Medical i H'fT.tlo, N.Y. For a handsome u copy send 31 stamps. TIIE ROME IIISTLEI l-COMMERCIA L France, ami that negotiations ‘ are pending for the purchase of several torpedo boats in Gnat Britian. El Pais also says orders ’ have been issued to mobilize all the Spanish warships, and the itorp'do boat Halco is to sail im mediately from Carthegea for I Cadiz, where a second torpedo 'squadron is being prepared. Mil itary engineers, according to El Pais, are starting for the Canary islands and the Balearic islands ,' are being fortified. Italy, it is said by El Pais, has decided to sell the armored ; cruiser Guiseppe Garibaldi, of (‘>,840 tons and well armored, a 1 sister ship of the Varez, to Spain. Two regiments, according to El Pais, are going to the Canary { : islands to strengthen the Span ; ish garrison there. The Armstrong’s Spanish ■agent, a Spaniard in touch with 1 the government and commercial I , people in Spain, has expressed the belief that unless the powers intercede there will be war. He added : “If the United States offered ■ money for our clearing out of ' Cuba, we could no’ accept; but I if the proposition emanated from I another power, it is not unlikely that it would be accepted.” This view of the case is echoed by a portion of the Spanish press, which advises Sp.tinto wash her hands of Cuba. Senor Ortiz de Sarato, a prom inent former carlist deputy who has just been defeated at Vit toria, expresses the opinion that there won hl be no war, say ing: “We have neither ships sailors, soldiers, plans nor mon ey, and the government knows it. It will struggle to the last end,then cave in.” Senor Sarato, who was recent ly at Cadiz, says the Spanish warships, Polaice and Carlos V, whicn the government announc ed read}’ for sea, cannot possibly be made ready sooner than in two months. MORE WA RS 111 PS COM 1 NG. .Washington, March 31.—A matter that caused a great deal of excitement around the corri dors and among the officials was the information that had been received from United States Minister Woodford at Madrid of the departure westward of a formidable Spanish fleet of three vessels. Naturally there was a disposition to criticise the action of Spain in this particular in view of the many peace protes tations that have been made by that country, and such action was regarded as anything but a friendly move. HER DREAM CAME TRUE- A Women Dreamed That Her Son Was To Meet An Accident. Pittsburg, Pa., March 31 James, the G-year-old son o' James and Mary Leedy, of Thirty four and Charlotte streets, fell from a third story window today and was instantly killed. The li‘- tle fellow was kept from schoo by his mother because’last night she dreamed that some dreadfu' accident was about to happen him She believes in dreams am thought by ket ping him at horn he wculd be out of danger. Nm she says that if she had sent, hii to school he would not have iallei from the window’. The genuine Spanish Iloo' So.*p at Lloyd’s. Accept no imi | tations. ROME GEORGIA, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 31. 1898. THE BOLTERS Gather Strength from Repub lican Ranks. FIERY SPEECHES MADE Rupture of g. o. p. is Openly Threatened. W shington, March 31.—The IL publicans of the house in favor of prompt and energrtic action in the Cuban mattt* r and who met Tuesdap night in connference held am thor meeting after the house adj urned last night. Tuesday night’s mee'ing forty-six mem bers were present. Last night they •< were reinforced by S'xty-nine, making, a total of 115. T his constitutes considerable more than a majority of the re publican membership of the house and the members present to night say that 'hey by no means roprisent the fn 1 strength of those who will be satisfied will nothing short of the complete in dependence ot Cuba . Many of the radica's favor arm- M intervention and a few believe the blowing up ot the Maine is a casus belli. The speeches at tonight’s meeting, while vigorous and yielding nothing, wore never theless in favor of giving the president an opportunity to ma ture his plans and of completing t e negotiations in which he is now engaged. Many of the leaders in the movemen' saw ‘.he president to day, and all he asked wa? a brief delay. Action by congress be fore the pending nog >r.ations are completed, he told them, would embarrass him and might result in a complete rupture. The leaders explained this sit uation to be conference. They counseled acquiesence in tLe president's desires, A rupture with the administration was greatly t> be deplored and should they argued, only come as a’art r sort. They informed the confernence ihat the president had said the negotiations now in progress would either fai’ or be successful by the end of the week. He said he believed they would be successful. He did not indicate their ua'ure,they saiu, and pointed out that it would be manifestly ruinous for the details to be madi public at this time. They said further that the president inform ed them that he would in the event of the failure of the negotiations, place the whole subject before congress and share with it th> responsibility for what might follow. Mr Adams of Pennsylvania, the ranking member of the foreign tffairs committee of the house in the absence of Mr. Hitt, whois ill explain’d 'hat the sentiment of the committee was strongly against tny further delay, althougn he himself was a conservative. But he said the committee was willing to defer to the wishes of the president a<’d no action would be taken at the mee'ing tomorrow. On Monday however if a satisfac tory solution had not been pre viouslv reached action wonld he had. All the members present profes sed ignorance of the details of the oresidsnt’s negotiations, althcugl -evernl said the nrcsideut assured them if successful he thought they v’-ni<! h” satisfactory While these different reports were made to the conference they were unofficial and the conferenc* '..(•itied at last to app mt a com nitlee o eleven to wait 'jpou the iresiden' tomorrow and explai heir views of the situa ion, th 1 Icoinrnittee to report at a meeting *to be is* I J toaiorrow night S£> it A Bv Easter R .MiMMr Preparation I “ uaa fi at We are working a full force on full time a i, d will have the prettiest display of EASTER ♦ MILLINERY. *. * • to be seen in Rome. Our opening days will be TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, APRILS AND - Come over and see our Great Display, For month the management of our millinery de= partment has been investigating every acceptable au thority on the all absorbing subject of the Easter bon net. FOR BIG OPENING. We hope every lady in and around Rome will call and see perhaps the most artistic and stylish millinery that will be shown in the city. Every department in seven s'ores invites and bids you come to the feast of EASTER 11 BEAUTY LANHAM'S IO CENTS PER WEEK!