The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 31, 1898, Image 3

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i Hirers mjril 1898, * " i in the city of Rome touieii""' tho first W T* AP'il »” X'ns de “' ibe<ll>r ‘’ p r ,ly f ,t l“'”l SK. t tract or parcel of land Seated, lying »»d bemg tn the U !»*” of tlie Bity Rome, in »id county, known Ldiatinquiehed tn the plan o ~J city and Division as part l of ] ot No. 153, and being all of tlio rea l estate known as the Mrs. Addie M- Holmes place on the corner of Second avenue ( for merly Howard street) and East Second (formerly Franklin)St., beingall of the front on Second avenue and extending from East Second street corner {0 the Mrs, D. M, Hood line all d comprising 132 feet; and all of the front on East Second ttreet extending from Second avenue back to what was former ly known as the Graves line, af terwards owned by Mrs. A. R. Sullivan, comprising 220 feet, pore or less, fronting on said East Second street. The lot here by conveyed being a parallelo gram of the above dimensions and including the residence, offices, rear dwelling, stables and all other buildings on said property. Also at the same tune and place one vacant lot or parcel of land located in the Fifth ward of the city of Rome Floyd county Georgia, fronting on Penning ton avenue from Cemetery St., to properly of Maranda Daniel, 505 feet, more or less, and run ningback same width 320 ft, to Harper St. Levied on by virtue of a tax fifa in favor of the may or and council of the city of Rimrs’C. M. Harper, for tax due said city for the year 1896, for the use of Mrs. A. 11. Che ney, transferee. Ahoatthe same time and place, one house and lot in the Coosa Division of the city of Rome, Floyd county Georgia, fronting on the South side of East Fourth street 125 leet, more or less and running back same width to the right of way of the Rome rail road. Bounded on the West bv property of W. J Nunnally, on the East by property of D. W. Curry and the old City Water Works property, being the place where the defendant now re sides, as the property’ of Chas. M. Harper, agent and trustee lor wife and children. Levied on by virtue of a tax fifa in favor olthe mayor and council of the c >ty of Rome vs. C. M. Harper, agent, for tax due said city for the year 1896, for the use of A' H. Cheney, transferee. J B. Shropshire, City Marshal. LEITERS OF ADMINISTRA TION, Wurgia fi,o v d county. Lo all whom in may concern, rank C. Wilkerson having in P r °p>ir form jappbed to mo for Hnaanent letters of administra tor the estate of William J. “k'-rson late of sa d county de -OHd, I hi» is t o c p e a || an( j g j u _ t ll ar the creditors and next of ln of William J. Wilkerson to be at my office within the l|n “ allowed by law and show if any they can why perma •nt administration should not ““granted ta Frank C. Wilker t) U °n William J. Wilkerson’s offi 4 "’ tnesß ,n y hand and “leial signature this 7th day of Wch 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. NOTICE. *M fl Jy' I la,uuL ll n ey 4 Seay ' 9 lhl '’ day l ’ ,S ‘ {•’UlnlHLi 1 ., C jns6 “ t All parties owing Waim B,IIX 8 tlla same wuti Mrs. Laura. tlle oatl *‘e stock, ln>oks and ‘™nsferre<l to her. ’ CHIDSEY JtSEAY. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas T. A. Thrash. Admin istrator of Mrs V. F. Thrash, de ceased, represei ta t.j the court in his petition duly tiled that he has administered Mrs. V. F. Thrash’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned kindred and creditors to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not he discharged from his administra tion at.d receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in May 1898. This Feb. 7th 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. L ET ’ E RS O F AC MINISTR ATIO N GEORGIA Fl OYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern: Farris P. N’xon having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Dr. W. C. Nixon late of said county deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Dr. W. C. Nixon to be and appear st my of fice within the time allowed by law ar.d show cause if .any they they can why permanent adminis tration should not be granted to Farris P. Nixon on Dr. W. C. Nix ons estate. Witness my baud and official signature this 10th day of Feb. 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. YEAR S SUPPORT. Georgia, Floyd County: To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apait and assign a year’s support to Mrs. Emma Nixon the, widow of W. C. Nixon, deceased, have filed their award and utiles good and suffi cient cause is shown, the same will be made the judgment of the Court at the April term, 1898, of the Court of Ordinary. This March 8, 1898, John P. Davi«>. Ordinary F.oyd County, Georgia APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas Wm. A.Wright executor of Mrs. Mary W. Qu nn represents to the court in his petition duly filed that he has administered Mrs Mary W. Quinn estate. This is to cite all persons concerned kindred and creditors to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on rhe first Monday in June IS9B Thi« March 7th 1898. John I’, Davis Ordinary. NOH E OF SALE. Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd county will be sold at the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in April next within the legal hours of sale, the following property towit.—S?utb half of lot No. 177, containing 80 ecres, North half lot No. 185 containing 80 s res, 80 acres eff lot No. 184 all in 22nd District and Third Section known as the home place whereon the deceased resided at the lime of his death, containing in all 190 acies more or less, sold as the property of Hulbert Evans, late of said county, deceased - Terms of sale cash. This Bth day of March, 1898. Julius W. Evans. Executor. CITATION-LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA. FLOYD COUNTY, To all whom it may concern: W. A. Barnett Administrator of Dole Adams, deceased, has in due form applied to the und rsigned for leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate of said deceased and said application will be heard on the first Monday in April next. This 7th dav As March, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary . Wanted —Christian man or woman to do office work and correspondence here. Salary SBOO. Apply with self addressed stamped envelope to A. T. Elder, General Manager, care Daily Hustler-CommerciaL RECEIVERS’ SALE. Morgan Mooney ) vs [ Petition for re- J. 11. Carter ; ciever, ect. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY I Under and by virtue of an or der issued from Floyd Superior Court in the a rove stated case, will be sold before tha court house door in the city of Rome, said county between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April 198 the following described prop erty belonging to the partnership business of Mooney & Carter to •vi f , —l iron safe, 1 pair platform scales, 2 bee f racks, 1 iron smoke house, 2 paper cutters, 1 counter and cash drawer. 1 pair market scales, 1 sausage pan. 3 meat blocks, 1 stew» r, 2 scrap s, 3 steak saw’s, 2 steak knives. 1 steel, me cleaver, 1 ir n meat ruck, 1 long meat rack, 1 refrigerator, 2 iron cranes, one coffee mill, 1 pair screen doors, 1 oil tank, 2 sausage mills and 1 table, 1 cash drawer, 1 sausage stufler and 1 small boiler, said property can be seen and will hednlivered at the market No. 503 Br>»»d St. Also 1 pair platform scales, 1 retie. 1 stretcher rope and hook, 1 rip saw. 1 sledge hammer, 1 fork, 1 oil can and contents 1 dozen hooks, 1 spring wagon, 3 kettles and furnace, 1 tallow press, 1 scalding press, 2j pots, 1 pick, 5 pad locks and 1 fish box. Said property can be seen and will be delivered at the slaughter pen of Mooney & Carter on the lands of Mrs. M. L. Graves in said coun ty of Floyd. Also the.ilease hold interest of said partnership of Mooney & Carter to the slaughter pen and appurtenances belonging thereto, situated upon the lands of Mrs. M.L. Graves in the 23rd District and 3rd Section of Floyd county, this March 10 1898. J. P. McConnell, receiver for Mooney vs. Carter. YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia, Floyd county. To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a supplimental year's support to L. F. George am! R. E. George, minor childrm of J. A. George, deceased, have filed , their award and unless good and suffi cient cause is shown the same will be made the judgement of the court at the April term, 1898, of the court of ordinary. This March 10th, 1898. John I’. Davis, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADM INISTRA- TION. Georgia, Floyd County : To all whom it may concern : George W. Williaman having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of admin istration on the estate of R. W. Richardson, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of R. W. Richardson to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to George W. Williaman on R. W. Rich ardson’s estate. Witness my hand add official signature this 7th day of March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary . YEAR'S SUPPORT. GEORGIA FL'YD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a year’s support to Sa rah O. Murdock the widow of Jas M. Murdock,deceased, have filed their award and unless good and sufficient cause is shown the same will be made the judgement of the court at the April term, 1898, of the ccurt of ordinary. This March 7th 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. Best New Gum Half-Price. — We bought about 40 boxes new gum consigned to E C. Wood & Co. at half price. Nevei been open ed. We will sell all kinds at 2 packages for 5e while it lasts, such as California Fruit, Fruit Tolu, beat Pepsin, etc, Lloyd & Co. SHEWS SALES FOE APrIL 1898. 3EORGIA FLOYD COUNTY ill be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuorduy in April 1898, the following described property to wit: A certain let in the city < f Rome Floyd county Ga. .bounded as fol ows . Beginni ig on the Northeast corner of the lot heretofore s Id G. Jeffries on a twenty foot alley, thenca along the same East fifty eight feet and eight inches to a stake in said alley, th:nce South sixty-six feet and sev.m inches to a stake on the Margaret Stephen: li"e, thence West along the same fiftytwo f(>et and eigl t inches to G. Jeffries line and with the same North to the beginning. Levied on by virtue of a fi‘a issued from Floyd Superior court in favor of Southern Home Building and Loan Association vs. Carrie M. Maple as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and pDce that tract oi parcel of land situa ted lying and being in Floyd Coun ty and in the City of Rome, lying on eastern side of the Oos tanaula River, being a portion of land lot No. 236, in the 23rd. Dis tinct and 3rd . Section of said County, beginning on King Street at the Northeast corner of the lot known as the Pinson or Old Brick Yard lot, and running m a North erly direction and al jg the west side of King Street to the South east corner of the lot known as the McGuire lot thence to the Oosta naula Riv ron a line at right angles with King Street this last mentioned line being North of the two story brick dwelling standing on the parcel of land hereby con veyed, thenee down said Oostanau la River to the Nortneast corner of the said Pinson or Old Brick Yard lot, thence along the Northerly bonudry line of the said Pinson or Old Brick Yard lotjto the'place of beginning the said parcel of land is bounded on the North by the McGuire lot, on the South by the Pinson or Old Brick Yard lot, on the east by King Street, and on the west by the Oostsnaula River, being the parcel of land as now enclosed, containing two acres more or les®. Also that tract or parcel of land situated, lying & being in the town of Forestville in said County of Floyd, & State of Georgia, & known in the plan cf the said town as iots 165 166 167 207 Levied upon by virtue of an execution issued Flovd City Court in favor of 8 F Magruder.. Cashier vs IV. M. Towers, as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place One hundred and thirty seven shares of the capital stock of the city Electric Railway Company of Rome, Ga. of the par value or One hundred dollars per share as the property of the Merchants Nation al Bank of R >me, Geoigia, and have served written notice of this levy on the Said City Electric Rail way Company of Rome Ga., by serving the same on R. A. Den ny in person as tne Secretary of said Company, And I have also served written notice of this levy on the defendand, by serving the same personally on E. A. Heard the Cashier of the defendant. Levy made & notice served March 4th. 1898. Levied upon by virtu® of an execution issued from Floyd Superior Court in favor of Cmw Brothers use of O. H McWilliams Survivor vs The Merchpi t- National Bank of R uno G iorgi.l. As ths property of defendant. Also at the same • iine and place the following part of lot. of land No. 316 m the 23rd. District & 3rd Section of Floyd Co , Ga., desig nation as lot No. 24 in the Cooley farm and plat of said survey, recorded in Clerks Office in Book, x of deed- page 66, Levied upon by virtue of two flfas issued from the Justice Court of the 919th, Dist.G M., Floyd Co. Ga. both in favor W. H.Ennis, holder, one against Sarah Irvin & D. C. Campbell and the otbe agairnst D. C. Campbell as the property of D. bell the defendant Also at the same time and place, one Incandescent Dynamo Electric machine No. 551, one Incandes cent Dynimc E ectric machine Nx 555, one Incandescent Dyna mo Electric machine No. 552, one Incandescent D namo Electric machine No. 554, the above levied or property being now in the power house of the Rome E’ectric Railway Company. Also on the unexpired term or lease of the defendant, the Rome Electric Light Company of the Electric Light Plant, of the Rome Gas Light Company now usedjin light ing the streets of ths city of Rome which said lease was made on the 22nd day of April 1893. by and between the Rome Gas Light Co., by R. T. Coverdale, President and W. H. Adkins. Secretary, and the Rome Electric Light Company by .1. L. Camp, President, and J. King. Secretary, to continue for the term of ten years from said date. The interest of the said de endant hereby levied upon being he ur.expired part of said lease of the Electric Light Plant of the Rome Gas Light Company, as above stated which said lease is recorded in the Clerk's office of the Superior Court of Floyd coun ty Georgia in Book “V Vl’ page 189, Also all the incandescent line constructions, poles and wires now in the possession and use of th*' Rome Lighting Company in the city of Rome, Georgia, it being two miles of poles ar.d wires more or less, property pointed out by plaintiff s attorney. Levied on by virtue of a fifa issu’d from Floyd Superior Court in favor of Arnold Broyles, as receiver of the Rome tlas Light Company vs. the Rome Electrij Light Company as prin cipal and Jack King and John M. Vandiver as eecursties or Replevy Bond, as the property of the Rome Electric Light Company, one of the defendants. Also at the same time and place, one lot with improvements there on in the Fifth ward of the city of Rome Floyd county Ga., fronting on Co'<sa street 76 feet more or less and runningback 85 or less. Bounded on the East by an alley, on the North by ths prop erty of Maranda Daniel, on the West by the property of Mrs. Mary E. Ccmer. Levied on by virtue of three cost fifas issued from Floyd Superior court in favor pf W. M. Mose, use of officers of Floyd Su perior court vs. Alice Richardson, its the property of the defendants, Also at the same time and place the following t> act of laud describ ed as follows • that tract or parcel ot land situated, lying and being in the 23rd District and 3rd Sec tion of Floyd county Ga., being one acre more or less, off of lot No. 124 in the fjrks of the Dalton and Summerville roads, that is, that part of lot No. 124 which lies in the forks of said roads about two and one half miles from the corporate limits of the city ot Rome, also two acres <jf lot No. 117 in 23rd District and 3rd Sec tion said state and county and ad joining the above described one acre off of lot No. 124 and which two acres lies between the Dalton and Summerville roads and more fully described in a deed by A. C. Trimble to D. P. Phillips and H. D. Aycocß. Levied on by virture of a fifa issued from the Justice Court of the 919 District G. M., Floyd county Ga., in favor of Rome Grocery Co., vs. J. M.Jones as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place that tract or parcel of land situat ed, lying and being in the town of North Rome [ formerly Forestville] Floyd county Ga., and known in the p an of said town as the South half of lot No. 190 and all of lot No. 191 Levied on bv virtue of a c<>st fifa issued from Floyd Supe rior Court in tavor of R. D. Van dyke for the use of officers of Floyd Superior court vs. Fannie Heys, as the property of the de fendant. Also at the same time and place, aH that tract orpa’cel of land sit uated, lying and being in the town of North Rome, [formerly Forestville] Floyd county Ga ,and known in th) plan of said town as lot No 183 Levied on bv vir- j tue of a cost fifa issued from Fmvd Superior court in favor of R. D ’ Vandyke, foi Ai-e of officers of Floyd Superior Court, vs. Salina Hoslup. as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and ; place all that tract or parcel of . land, situated lying and being , in Floyd county, Ga,, and being part of what is known as the Chambers’ property ar.d accord ing to Lytle’s map of sub-divis ion to Cothransborough, fronts 83 feet and 8 inches on Broad sireet, the back line being 18 feet long, the north line being 102 feet long, the south line along alley being 121 feet and 5 inches long. Levied on by virtue of two justice court li fas issued from the justic court of the 919th dist., G. M., of Floyd Co. Ga., i'i favor of Glover <fc High, holders vs. A. F. Sudduth, as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place one dark brown horse mule named Isom, about 15years old, one spring ice wagon, a set har ness and bridle, 1 pair of hand scales, and 1 ice hook. Levied upon by virtue of a tax fi fa is sued by V. T. Sanford, T. C., in favor of the Van Winkle Gin & Machinery Co., Transferree vs. Purity Ice Co., as the prop erty of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, these parts of lots Nos. 121 and 124 in the Coosa divis ion of the city of Rome Georgia, beginning at a point in the line of the outside edge of the north east wall of the brick building known as as the Ramey, now Wooten livery stable, and fifty feet from Broad street ; thence southeast along that line and the extension thereof to East First street; theifce northeast along East First street twenty feet to the Armstrong hotel property ; thence at right angles northeast along the line of said hotel prop erty to a point ninety feet from Broad street; thence southwest parallel with Broad street eight feet; thence at right angles and parallel with the line of said hotel property to a point fifty feet from Broad street to the be ginning point. Said property known as the Armstrong hotel bar room property; to satisfy two li fas issued from the city city of Floyd county, one in fa vor of J. A. Gaboney and the other in favor of Crow Brothers and both against J. King, as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, one house and lot front ing on Broad street in the city of Rome Ga., twelve feet and running back the same width 50 feet. It being the property that was occupied on August 7th 1895 when levied on, by Asa Johnson, bounded on the southwest by the old Ramey livery stable and on the northeast by an alley, levied on as the property of J. King to satisfy a fi fa issued from the city court of Floyd county Ga., in favor of J. A. Gaboney vs. J. King, and a fi fa m favor of Crow Bros. vs. J. King, issued from the city court of Floyd county, Ga. ; levied on as the property of J. King. Also at the same time and place one clay bank mare about five years old named Mandy. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fifa issued from Floyd city court in favor of Jos. A. Stanley vs, G. Cicero Strange as the property of the defendant. J. P. McConnell Sheriff. VVE no longer supply ocr seeds to dealers to ” sell again. At the same time, any one who has bought our seeds of their local dealer during either 1896 or 1897 will be sent our Manual of “Everything for the harden ” for 1898 rnrr provided they apply by letter I IVCL, and give the name of the local merchant from whom they bought. To all others, this magnifi cent Manual, every copy of which costs us JO cents to place in your hands, will be sent free on receipt of 10 cents (stamps) to cover postage. Nothing like this Manual has ever been seen here or abroad ; it is a book of 200 pages, contains 500 engravings of seeds and plants, mostly new, and these are supplemented by 6 full size colored plates of the best novelties of the season, finally, OUR “SOUVENIR” SEED COLLECTION will also be sent without charge to all appli cants sending 10 cts. for the Manual who will state where they saw this advertisement. Postal Card Applications Will Receive No Attention. Insure before the fire with Cothran & Co. •