The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 31, 1898, Image 5

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"SMNDPfI’S HUT" gn'l Sill Bill Hlnison Prom Criticism. TH E PEOPLE ARE TIRED I O fThe Constant Cry of “Dig nity” And Time. TV following puce ° f sarcasm I ,n p»?»r«h« cdltor I fcbtU lh« '’•«"* ° f ‘ h ° BeP ' t '' ~ He.i, party for y*»«. th. I fw lii.g «>.>••■>« tl,e ra " k “ n<l hl " I of that Rt n concerning dilatory I action of the McKinley adnnnis- ! regarding Caban affairs. I Tbt Leader says: | u\Ve stand now in Jthe awful I shadow of one of the most t ragic I events that has happened in onr I history, yet we stand wi*b poise, 1 w ith the self-possession of a peo -1 p]e who understand their might BU d can abide in the developments j of thne.”-Ben Harrison. i J An alarm is given. The neigh- II bor's house is on fire! Uncle I ■ Sam rushes to the rescue! He I hears the cries of the .children I within. He is informed by the I parents at the gab: “You can’t I come in. Those are our children.” I Un le Sum returns to his house | pms on his Chinese laundried I shirt, paper collar and long-tailed ■ coat, and stands with poise on II the front steps. Above the crack- K Hug fir..- and noise of falling walls I he hours the cries of the children I in tie ir last anguish. “He stands in dignity, knowing hie strength, I and awaiting development <f E tim--.” H the n marks of Ben Harrison B ar* an insult to the common ties M ofliunauity which make men I akin I Cu'nii Ims been made a vast pri - ■ j on, fili'ni with non-ci mbatants. B ni'n, 'Vn'm'ii and children . Spa n is waging i war ot extermination B by B'arvation. Daily men are B f und mad in the market places H Kit-re (hey have crawled to pick ■ up a cast oil leaf of decayed ■ v gelation. A half mi lion of H puce ul people have been starved ■ to death. ■ The American people are not B standing with poise and a starched K shirt They are human . They are I standing in sorrow and humiliate n I that the great cup ain, wh< m B they chose, has not carried out the I written order given at St. ’ Louis I which reads; I ‘‘The govern ment of Spain | having lost control of Cuba, we I bdmve the United States should I ac ively use its influence and give ■ Independence to the island.” I Y l° p^cs I B pisrxs eatjoy© B 0 i tho method and results when K 1 * > U P *e 8 i‘S taken: it is pleasant B m refreshing to the taste, and acts B ? ent } yet promptly on the Kidneys, ■ >'er and Bowels, cleanses the sys- H a effect " all y, dispels colds, head- B c and fevers and cures habitual B ? Btl P a ti°n. Syrup of Figs is the H . • reineily of its kind ever pro- B U l , ' eas * ll ” to the taste and ac- ■ TPhmle to the stomach, prompt in B t ‘ lt; tion and truly beneficial in its B v „ e ! l . s 'l’ rt T Kire d o’dy from the most BJ a - Van d agreeable substances, its B. a exce H en t dualities commend it ■ nA? J an<l llilve raa(ie it the most B P°P u lar remedy known. B t\ U P P igs is for sale in 50 B ®tnt bottles by all leading drug- B Any reliable druggist who B ’ have it on Land will pro- K »i t U P rorn Ptly for any one who | to not at:ee i )t an y • CALIFORNIA F/G SYRUP CO. I m SAU CAL. ■ Uuity/ue, nr. HLW HOM. Hl. THE GBJVERRL3 Wen Who Have fiommandad The U 8, Armies. ARE ONLY 21 OF THEM In These Days of War Talk This is Interesting, Now that the air is full of war talk, and tho people are specially interested in military matters, it muy be interesting information to have a list of the men who. have been at the head of United S'aUe army from the days of George Washington. Here is the record: 1 George Washington, 1775-83, soldie.. 2 Major General Henry Knox 1783 84. soldier. 8 Captain John Daughters, 1784, s c. Idier. 4 Lieutenant Colonel Joshia Harman, 1784-91, soldier, 5 Major General Arthur St. Clair. 1791-92 soldier, 6 Major General Anthony Wayne, 179-296, soldier. 7 Brigadier General James Wilkinson, 1795 98, soldier. 8 Lieutenant General George Washington, 1768-99, soldier. 9 Major General Alexander Hamilton 1790 1800. soldier. 10 Brigadier General James Wilkinson, 18(0-1812, soldier, 11 Major (in eral Henry Dear born 1812-15, soldier 12 Major General Jacob Brown, 1815-28, soldier. 13 Alexander Macomb, 1828- 1841, soldier, 14 Major General Winfield Scott, 1841-61, soldier, 15 Major General George B, McLellan. 18G1-62, U. S. M. A. 16 M>ij«>r Jeneral Henry W. Helleck, 18G2-G4, U, S. M. A- 17 General U. 8, Grant, 1864- 69, U. S. M. A. 18 General W. T. Sherman, 1869 83. U. S. M. A ly General Phi ip H. Sheridan, 1883-88, U. S. M. A. 20 Lieutenant General John M. Schofield, 1888 95, U. S. M. A. 21 Major General Nelson A. Miles, 1895, soldier. U. S. M. A: U. S. Military Academy. It will be noted in this that the rank us LfPi.cml ( '.t» < hoilt Quality n g word) bus b en conferred on hut four men in t’ e history of <he army —Washington, Grant She!man and Sln ridan. This is the highest possible rank, created by special law ami conferred only on the acting commander in chief of the srmies. Lieutenant general is the next rank. This was held before the late war only by Wash ington and Scott, and later was conferred on Grunt, Sherman and Sheridan, and more recently Schofield. Next in order ciimer the mujoi general. His command m time of pe. ce is that of a department and in time of war of a division or something higher. The brigadier general, as his name unplies is in command of a brigade which may consist of Infantry cavalry artil lery or mixid an lis composed of two or more regiments. WANTED by Old EstabLsl . d House —High Grade Manor Wo man of good Church standing, to act as Manager here and do office work and correspondence at th dr heme. Business already built up. and established hero. Salary S9OO. Enclose self-addressed stumped envelope for our terms to A. P. E der. General Manager, Box — cure Doily HusUer Commercial A PROMINENT MINISTER SPEAKS. From a personal test and a thorough outside observation, 1 am prepare 1 to recc.>mmend Chen ey’s as a positive remedy for coughs md colds, croup, etc Rmv. Henrv Buchanan. Jonesboro, Ua. Insure before the fire wit i Cothran A Co. 1 he Preferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Tlx- I ’i.rtTr.'irs policies particularly lulapted for l-usineux mrtn, and special policies are i-.sue.l for banners, lor ph\. lelans. snreeons and dentists, and for traveling men. The I’ic lerred is an old Hue stock company With assets of over M.tO.(i<)U.i>o. JOHN R.THORNTON. ATLANTA, GA_ O a • • STATE MANAGER ’ XX X XXX XXX $ X X X X X $ XXX J i X X J X J x X X XX J >w olk B ! ISc ioo Siipo IBS. I t r M ' We are pinimors i” the school books anti school sup- »>> <<« . . . ( ply busines-i ami we .-ire also right up-ro-da f e in every- tliing that -1)0,1 <1 be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. «« » » » » II I I J U/AII DIDLD I i # Wft All 1 ■ bJy ’* n Lli <«< , I 1 Nq house u; th * StiU- car. serve vou better when von d? «<< sire to invest ir. a new covering rcr tee cteir rid walls o. wr your home. Seo our stock on hand and samp'es | H. A. SMITH, I |> THE OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. I .-Vk. < r A - X.*X X*v. ~ •■,. .J. , 4 , .4. .4. ,4. ,4, <• it Best Willie LEGHORNS! B. XX Fop the very best breed and most perfectly marked fowls, leave orders with J. T. Crouch &. Co,, $3 pertrio. Splendid cockerels only $ 1. S 1. D. GAILLIARD. XX (HI » K ■*»*! K 1 S. M Stark, I X K X K X K 3 LIOIEHBD ra)3 5 •X He X X *X K S Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave 3 X >4 X Xf x nr >* <5 A .4 s ®B„j 4 «, .aa ® :»■» ® ® ® ® ® 5 H, P. W OOTEN& BRO., S? | Successors to ?* fl 9 ' " ROME PHARMACY. 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. gr Jm , T1 ,JS» We have bought tho entire stock of the Rome (Si Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in tl ' ,e piescription and patent medicine line. Our c jBB stock’is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en deavor to the best of our ability toplease you at all JL. times. Wo should be pleased to have you call on us. J "5 Uidl lined druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and W such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug store. Cigars and tobacco. iM Come to see us. W S y ▲eU MH DEL ▼A ‘ I ronnanonllv cred by n,in R DR WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURK Tho , mrosl .ml the bert. Sol.) by druggists on aw»ltn« guarantee. Price Menu box. Bend, Indio. - Regardless Os the Moon = ■ and its Quarters We are getting our garden seeds, into the faceof the earth, all the way from lakes to gulf and fro n one pro tected seaboard toanother, and while the mail orders are heavier than ev= er before, the local trade is receiving our especial attention. THE EARLY GARDNER has got in his work but he, and the man who plants in the moon, and he who plants in the earth after last suns of March and the April showers have GOT IN THEIR WORK, is yet to be waited upon, md we are ready to wait upon him. Garden Seeds===the best, freshest and most reliable kinds, are the only goods to buy. We sell them. SPECIAL ‘ We also make a feature of improv ed field corn, forage crops seeds, clo ver, grasses, etc. Ask for our free illustrated cata= logue. coSSfe. Como, W is., . Hyannis; Nebr., Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,1898. I would not be I regard PISO’S without piso’s cure for con- CURE for CON- SUMPTION for any gj ßeßt ' U3C 3 ljest Cough medi- thing. For a bad cine on the market, Cough or C?M it is ■“ “ having used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER. “The Best Cough Medicine.” ’ ... 1 p I e] I N si “i I Why Suffer Agony? ; When DON’S COMPLETE PILE CURE is guaranteed j to cure you. It is the discovery of an eminent physician. No Knife I No Interruption of Business! I The first treatment brings immediate relief. It has cured thousands, and will cure you. MR. T. S. WILCOX, prominent merchant, politician I and chief of the Chattanooga Fire Department, says: I •* After years of suffering, DON’S PILE OI N I'M EN P was rec- I, ommended to nit*. The use ot one liox effected a permanent cure. I I voluntarily give you this statement, hoping it will be the means ■ of bringing your wonderful remedy to the attention of others suf fering with piles.*' N | I Price SI.OO, Prepaid to any Address. DON CH EMICAL COMPANY, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. U ■ ■<iw«nn* * unp , i»" | r]a~'^-; r ■TbIi p l •]I ■ — —..——• - - —~— TONSORIAL PARLORS. ,f ' ‘LEWIS BA .i’TT, Ait Ist; Only skilled men employed. Parlors recently renovated Mos. courteous attention and satisfactory services guaranteed, at N>t 426, Broad street.