The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 31, 1898, Image 7

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I RINGING LETTER In hi Mrs. J- Lindsau John- ■ SB n's Gifted Pen. Le defends CKTH n LICS 1.,., Shows wh.r«. in w«. ■ TM y are Always ■at I This morning's Constitution Is this ringing letter from Mrs. ■ Lindsay Johnson. It clearly | ■ nd forceful!}’ explains itself. ■She says: ■ what would catholics eo? I Editor Constitution— 111 case L war, Catholics would do what ■heyhive always done—their ■ Strange, with the number of ■Roman Catholic divines and ■nenof affairs in the South, so ■erious a question should have ■been propounded and sent, with ■ request for a response, to a ■roman. ■ However, with the faith of my ■Father in my heart and the ■blood of Spain in my veins, I ■fear not to answer. i‘ Incase of war the Spanish ■Catholics will man the Spanish ■guns. The American Catholics ■will stand fire under the stars ■and stripes. ! And why should they not? * Who has a better right to love ■the United States than her ■ Roman Catholic children? Was she not discovered by an ■ltalian Catholic through money ■furnished by a Spanish Catho ■ic? Was not a Roman Catholic ■anner the first that waved on ■he shores of America? When ■ontention arose between the ■French and English i.i regard to ■oundnnes, which terminated in ■he French and Indian war, did Kot the English speaking Cath ■lics, under the English Hag, ■fight the French speaking Cath ■olics of Canada? It is a point of view, not re ■ligion, which decides upon which ■ tide a man will light. 'The inili- ■ tary registers, even in the New ■England states, show that du lling the revolution the Catholics |f°ught side by side with the Pu- ■ rit.ui for the liberty of their ■ common country. During the heated discussion previous to Hie late civil war who spoke onger and louder for peace than Archbishop Hughes, of New 1 ork ? But when the conflict coin fenced were the Catholics on fithei side proved recreants? ho atood "Pon a prominent Linthe face of the entire confederate force during a fierce a dl f and gave absolution to 1118 d ying flock? A Roman Cath piiest from Notre Dame, 1 hat convent alone twenty- s i x sisters to the hoß P‘tal to administer to the •uffering. by have masses for the dead eeil said in so many Roman ' lO i* churches since the : aiUe disaster? h is to be s Posed simply because there were uiany Roman Catholics found iiu' V' g,ave 011 board that f fattd boat. the ,)e an injustice to thpv ,neriCan l ,e °p |e to think ‘Ultiim n 6 ° lle3 " ho ask these their Cat| q l’^ 110 " 3 in rega, <1 tO C ‘ lt , olic compatriots, and i* 0,11,111 Catholic papers «x lK OU ) ,n ? 8 haVe forso,ne time “do, 116 identit E of these paH tlUg Th —es.” these Wl ..? Ussariesof England mas j\„.„ . " Ig aa members of the C r,Can P'oteelire Assoeia- Only a short time ago, when we were at peace with the world, they were much exorcised over the fact that there were a num ber of Roman Catholics, or in other words, Irishmen, in the Uniled States Army and navy, fearing, as they said, in case of war the Catholics would betray the United States. Now the time for action has arrived and it behooves them to relieve the dangerous Catholics and put themselves in the so called ti aitor’s places and we will hear less of the American Protective Association. All the sneers and insinuations are not intended for the American Cath olic, but for the Irish Catholic, who they hate politically and religiously; than whom Ameri ca has no more loving or faith ful subjects. All honest minded people, whether Protestant or Catholic, will admit that Cuba is certain ly the property of Spain, acquir ed by the right of discovery, and that the United states would only acquire her honestly by buying her, as she did Alaska. All honest people will again ad mit that the battleseip Maine was the property of the United States, therefore not to he de stroyed by Spain unless pur chased by her. Now if the United States asks the freedom of Cuba as the in demnity for her battleship and the request is refused, those who doubt the patriotism and love of humanity of the American Cath olic will have an opportunity to try their own if they undertake to show half the heroism or do half the Irish and American Catholics will be called on to do, both on land and on sea. America has never called them in vain, and she never will. Mils. J. Lindsay Johnson. Rome, (la., March 30, 1898. HERN SCHOOL Election Held By The Trustees Yesterday. K At a meeting of the board < f trustees of Hirn School at Cave Spring yesterday, Mr.E. R. King was reelected presidf nt and Mr. T, Alexander re-el* cted Secretary. These g.-nt lenien have served the hoard 'i.r the-past 15 years. P« s master Whoolar, of Cave Spring, was elected treasurer. The election of a principal and teachers was deferred until April 27th. This will give the present incumbents tune to determine if th : y desire to remain another year. In the meantime other teachers may file their aplicatious. RIDING RAC N 3 WATERS. Coal Fleet Ordered To Hurry To The Gulf. Louisville, Ky., March 31. The government coal fleet that was tied up just below the city on Saturday, bound for the gulf was today ordered by the secretary of the navy to proceed at once and at ail hazards. The coal is for the me of the United S ates ravy at Kev West. The “hurry” order was obeyed with such alacrity that part us the crew g >t left I ere. The fleet carri*d nearly two million bushel-of coal which was purchased at Pittsburg. Thu fleet had tied up waiting for the high water to subside. En ough coal was carried by the fleet 'o supply 200 warships for several days. Instead of leaving Rome or going out of business (as some one reported) I am receiving the handsomest lot of stylish hats and bonnets ever brought to Rome. We will be pleased to show all in quest of the latest j and most correct designs at low I prices. Mrs. A. O. Garrard. 307 Clark block. IVleet Every cut on the price of every article of war now at the front among the druggists of Rome. Your especial attention is called to the fact that our prescription depar ment has been the feature of our- business for years. Its well earned reputation is now a matter of pride with us. Your orders solicited. C. A, T'KEVI'TIT, 331 Broad. Telephone 110 r: *.: t::::::: 1,4 «... t i ... 4 - .r * ■».... »..»: JI ***’ ’ * 1 ‘ J, *L * 111 ’ ’l’* I ’ 1 ’ . . ■ AWHOLE CLUB I' lit® iiiil . M Ig .... r> Ca t :::| . ' :.r Make |» || •- ; : Better It h >- Running U / Time ■ / - • -r. S 3 ."trig fc*-... I carry a lull and c implete line of ji'welry, mclu- Ht'ig ding Diatn >n is My stock of silver notions and novelties was nov or more complete. E::: WEDDING PRESENTS A SPECIALTY. 1;; r |! J. K Williamson I •;: i:: i-*. »->-• »■ »>t ••»*.• t •» t■ •-r• • • < 800 EB i to go regardless of 010 IS IT FI R I HOI E. . You cm get just what you want of IL LiL We have A/H’vV Bicycles from TWELVE DOLLARS UP and they will be sold at prices to suit the purchaser. Pianos - Organs and several makes of SEWING MACHINES. which will be sold at prices never before known i 1 Rome We also have in stock 1,000 copies POPULAR SHEET MUSIC at ioc per copy, s?nd for catalogue of this music. We also handle mandolins: GUITARS. VIOLINS. STRINGS; and will rent pianos or organs with purchasing privileges. Our piano case organs are great sellers. Call and see them. F F Forbes 327 broad street. H L)AVIS f NT ciiuttrer. W ww 'OTo S w ® ® ■“ • 'i* l 1 *» 11 LIVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLES, Ollers the public the finest teams, best convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. The best stock of horses and mules on sale co*i stantly. I g | 306 AUDI 308 BROAD STREIT, ROMS, GEORGIA. ’a® © e o•a > c o : ® € 1 ® ... < ?Repai r ing .|| •Don’t J • O YonrXTppersll |W.A.MULLIN'X , Masonic T mpl J Just a Moment Please The Opportunity of a Life-time For Big Dividena--Paying \ Investment! X THE ALASKA GOLD PLACER MACHINE MININGCOMPANY Capital stoc'< 13 (KX> 000 — f ull p: id—audnon-assossable Promisee to he as good as the Beel'l elepii ne, Wii-tingii use Air Brake, Grapho ’ phone or I’ll nograph and otlp r similar indnl-.trial enterprises which hre paying thousands in profits to their shar< holders. This ie ai\industrial rather thu• a ?dtiling Company. We have he only Hydr.iulic Mtichit.e Mining S; 1 -tn (pa'umted)that will work in the frozen gr nmd of the Klondike and the Northwest, where we *ake mu macliinef and <x-ract '1 gold from the claims of others, just as tlirashiug m chims are i L n ii?i.> the wheat country to hre-h out the f irm l .' s n’i it. (>n >' machines does *he work of over 1 .(MX) inen prc.’i d.ty and • . < ;i . 10% of gold that is usual ly by other! 'ds, S' ir < .n i he seer, what enormous profi « w will earn in the tabuL-us yri gold mines of the Klondike and the Northwest, with which every one must be acquainted. Ev ry prospector th re is cur pr .-.peetor, for he must eventually come to-us to have his claim Worked. Therefore we believe we shall iu time ba paym as large dividends as the world-famous on mentioned above. Ours is a similar industrial stock which ui only bi hil for a li n til tens at th' v-ry low price of $2.50 or $lO 00 share. Thi sis an opportunity of a life time. No ev ery day does Foit int knock at one’s.door Tra o The omy svst nos ■ j Sy s ten 5 . /'4 th it M/il Hv< r u • r ru -.. • vv o-k ’r lie Mi’-e .uu i MwuKloncTKD &. North (pat'en’d) east • OFFICE RS»A N1) DI REC TORS PRESIDENT 11. P. Tjw iley, New Y.i k !Io i. L. Brjdf >r.l P inoj, SanU Ee New Mex 'fat.axer of th», Eq iitable.Life Vsiurp. ic •So w Prasv.lent International Mining Copg-ea IST VICE I'RES, Il on J N Unto'. New York Hon. Tohn P. IDyt Seatt'e, Washington Ex-Treasnrer of li Unit 3<l Siatos Fx-.’hief tuitioe. Stile >f wohing o ND vt ’E I’RkS E P.irn'y Br.>wn,N-w York Got. Mi: 'lan ifactuer, Passaic, N.J Treas, A'drew Wcfiti. 'lr Pusib:, x f, Juchin »urn, fr, vl; ni.ig Capitalists Portland Secty and Ass't Traas. I. N,w Y >rk James W. Clise, Seattle, Washington Auditor an 1 Counsel, wm R W ■ 'as N,w Y rk Ch. of Mini ig C”« ' h urber of (’oniAiesca (’ar suiting Engineer Wm. E Lav, \‘>vV>< f. Mtio Brnca, P-o r yiirf, Eield, ’■arm. N.Y Pres Lat System Hydruitic P. ie tMnl ig Co C>l>,u A. C. isk New Y"gk .Lawrence P. Brown, New York. F i> busin »3s Ability financial standing of-our Directors are amon he best evidences of our success. To rai-,e the capital to place several plants in the Klondi e a small block cf stock is nDw offered to the public at the very iw rats of of 25 cents on the dollar or $2 59 for each $lO Whan tnis block is add, no more will b.i offered at less than •r $lO per share . An investment of $25 to SSO in Hiis stock should very soon return largt profits—Even *1(X) to I—.nd thus afortune for the sa gacious inveeton. Certificates are in very attractive f »riii, called “Gold-Bucks” ■md are tra sferab’e from hand to hand. Fend tor. illu-'raied Prospciliis wliei - " full explanation is given d how we car earn euch enor nous profits by the Lay System, Read! Reflect! Investigate! Invest! All information cheerfully given by ths Secretary. Call or write—Alaska Gold Piaeer Machine Mmmg Co. Hone offices, Washington Building, No. 1 BroaJway New York, N. Y. < .fMWMHBbaMnKMBMRJWM.'Ut* . J.->K « „• ■ CANDY JF CATHARTIC Fa/® DIA CURB. CONSTIPATION ioc all 25c 50c DRUGGISTS 2f«.