The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 01, 1898, Image 2

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THE HUSTLER-GONINIERCIAI THE HUSTLER OF ROME KHtabiigbed, 1890. THE ROME COMMERCIAL HutabllMhed. 1895. iHxued every evening, except Saturday, i Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. office, Wilkerson .Block, Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION rally and Sunday,per year l 5 0< lunday, per year ... • • fil.OO A’eekly (The Home CoUHIKR) p«i year 50 BY CARRIER IN CITY AND BUBUIBE. Df’-y and Sunday, lOcent* P or wee), Remit by bank draft. exprsH, money order or registered letlsr Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL, ROME, GA. Entered at the Postofflce at Rome, Ga., an eeconu class matter. Advertising rates and sample co, les tor th asking, BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALLEN D. CANDLER, of Hall. For Secretary of State, PHIL COOK, of Lee. For Comptroller-General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. For Attorney-General, [JOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merrlwether. For Treasurer, W. M. SPEER, of Fulton, For Commissioner of Agriculture, 0. B. STEPHENS, of Terrell. For School .Commissioner, G. R. GLENN, of Bibb. Chatham is for Candler. The Yamacraw settlement is allright. If the King of Spain had mar ried an American heiress he might not have gone broke eo soon. The war clouds have about as much to do with the rainy spell as the dogs of war do with the howl of the “jingo.” The efforts of some of the pa pers to make Mr. Candler out a railroad and corporotion candi date fall pitifully flat.- Americus Herald. • Do you remember the stately and impressive passage of the $60,000,000 National Defense Bill by the senate and house? Well that money is being in vested. At last there were thirty two candidates for the democratic nomination for rail road commissioner of Missouri. Who can blame Spencer for not resigning, down here in Georgia? With Railroad Commissioner Atkinson hurling epithets and splattering personalism over Col. Candler it would look as if the plowboy of Pigeon Roost knew a mud slinger before it went into eruption. 1— An Atlanta paper stated that one thousand people heard Rail road Commissioner Spencer At kinson speak in the Sumin rville court room. You can’t pack 300 people in that court room and the last reports say that the house v as “about half full.” Editor Perham figures it out that the Spanish flotilla will ranch Waycross in about a week and he is spending all of his spare time praying sor peace.— Americus Herald. And where, oh where, is the hero of the last Waycross war— Ginneral Northern? EITHER HORN OF THE DILEMNI. The Rome Tribune thus apos trophizes Judge Spei.cer Atkin son, the ideal candid ate for gov ernor of Georgia: “The more that Judge Spencer Atkinson comes into contact with the peo ple, the more friends and votes he will make. He is the friend of the people, and lies always stood by them and their rights. His decisions on the supreme bench were always for the peo ple in every instance.” Does the Tribune mean by this reference to the judge’s su preme judicial acts that he has been biased and partial to “the people,” or are we to infer that the corporations have never had a meritor ous case before him while on the bench? Without some sort of qualifi cation from the Tribune of its sweeping claim, one is at liberty to take either horn of the dilema. —Atlanta Commercial. A partisan cannot criticise in justice and fairness. For that reason, if for no other, The Tel egraph sets its face against per sonal partisanship in primary cont3stß. —Maeon Telegraph. That it, fine sentiment coming fiom the leading advocate of re publican sentiment among the Georgia newspapers. The Tele graph is a beauty. It packed from 800 to 1,000 people in the Hawkinsville court house to hear Railroad Commissioner Atkinson’s opening speech. The fact being, the court house will not hold 400 people and that there was room for more than 100 more than were in his audi ence. Fully ninety per cent of the newspapers of the state have en dorsed early primaries. Hera is another endorsement from the Telfair Enterprise, an Atkinson supporter: “We heartily com mend the state democratic com mittee’s action in calling pri maries for the election of dele gates to the state convention to nominate a governor and state house officers. A long contest for party nominations is very un wise, we think ; better get in trim to fight the party enemies, instead of an all summer’s fight inside party ranks.” Joint debates between Demo crats for the same office are pro ductive of no good to the party. They stir up strife and bad feel ing among the different factions of the party, and disturb Demo cratic harmony. There is nei ther wisdom nor prudenoe in a family row, and in many in stances the breaches made du ring a bitter factional fight are not healed before the general election. —Cedartown Standard. Our neighboring city up the W. &A. railroad, Calhoun, voted to issue $12,500 in water works bonds last Saturday by a very decisive majority. The vote stood 128 for bonds and only G against. That is the way to get together when it comes to ad vancing the best interests of your city.—Cartersville Con ran t. I The Atlanta Journal a few days ago was “kicking” vigor ously against June 6th being too early for the state primary, but is now ardently defending April 21st, as the date for the congressional primary in Fulton county I—Cedartown Standard. The Georgia farmer should find out from the government how much cotton will be needed for gun cotton, in the war with Spain, and then plant food crops 1 for the remainder. March c me in like a lamb and went our like—cold mutton. Wint< - ' ngers in the lap of Spring—lL,w many laps'to the mild ? Even a Spanish Armada on the Coosa, would not help dam the Etowah. ■■ ■ » —■ ..I- ■■■ The hole in the Maine is cer tainly’ large enough for the wa ter dogs of war to dive through. 'fhe Prince of Wales has taken to his bike to reduce his flesh. In the matter of falling off, his highness is getting on. President P. D. Pollock reports that tne State Educational Asso ciation will meet on Cumberland Island June 29 to July 2 inclusive There appears to be noltiing to Judge Atkinson and Senate r Berner apart if they want to have a “jint sputement ” —Albany Herald. Following the genera l trend ot the times the Rome druggists have inaugu ted a war of cut rates on patent medicines.—Sum merville News. Anyhow, joint debate or no joint debate, we all know now that Col. Candler can make a speech, and a good one, when the time is ripe and the spirit moves him, —Al- bany Herald. “Beautiful Bob” and Unre signable Spencer 1 My, my ! What a lovely pair of champion joint debaters. And yet, they don’t seem to want to meet each other. How Strange! A few’of the an-ti Candler pa pers are dividing their time about evenly between war news, pleading for fair play in the gu bernatorial contest and—abus ing their next governor, Allen D. Candler. Allen Candler’s attack on the negroes of Georgia was uncalled for and will only serve to divorce him farther from the gubernato rial chair.— Brunswick Call. Allen D. Candler made no at tack on the negroes. Let the Call quote from the speech and estab lish its statement —if it can. All that Col. Candler said about the purchasab’e vote, of black or white, was true, and is condemned by all t'onest men. Does the Call propose to defend? There is no possible way in which the administration can more clearly show its thorough belief in the accuracy of the court of inquiiy’s report as to the nature and cause of the Maine disaster than by at once giving Captain Sigsbee ti e command of another man-of-war. If the report a synopsis of which we print this morning, be correct, Captain Sigs bee is no more to blame for the loss of the ships than Secretary of the Navy Long is, and as he is an officer with a splendid record, he ought to be detail' d again for active duty at sea as soon «s ever be has had a brief rest from his recent hard work and painfu' trials. — New Orleans Times Dem ocrat. Just as we thought the vote on barrooms resulted in an over whelming victory for prohibi tion. The era of barrooms in Butts county has passed.—Jack son Student. The summer girl with her teeth of pearl, will soon begin to chatter' Cn Tyhee’s shore, where boys galore, go down to sit and—ehat her.—Madison Advertiser. Anyone who knows anything, knows that Col. Candler answer ed Kailroad Commissioner At kinson’s challenge so fully and so c unpletely that Spencer promptly went mad—lienee the mud he flings. One thing seems certain —that. Col. Cand'er will carry Flovd countv iu the June primary ov r both his opponents. The Standard man iutervi -wed several conserva tive citizens on the situation in that cuuniy, and they unhesi tatingly a.-s rl that Cand’er has by tar a majority of the Democrats of Floyd on his side —C -dartown Standard . o o o Col. Candler is a fine speaker, this cannot, be denied, hut he read his speech hi Rome because it. had been furnished to the “me-too’s’ hi advance and he wanted to stick tothi ad/anae sheets. Dalton Citizen, Now this is a fair specimin of the treatment that is being tneted out to Col. Allen D, Caulder by the auti-Candler press. The man who wrote the above knows that because of the sh inaefui tactics f misrepresentation pursued by many anti Candler papers. Col. Candler was forced to road his opening speech. The less said about this thing by the anti Cundlorites. the be l ter for i hem . o o o The International is practically the only one of the standard monthlies which is essen'iallv a traveller’s magazine. The whole makeup of the book shows this— its translations from foreign periodicals, its monthly sailing list of foreign bound steamships, the lastly and most conspicuously its “Travel Notes.” a department ful 1 of up-to-date items written in a chatty way tor the informa tion of travellers. o n o J.Sierling Morton, formerly secretary of agriculture, says, in a letter protesting against the cut ting down of evergreens for Christmas decorations, that last, year more than 20,000,000 Christ mas trees were put on th i market. o o o Einperor William, referring to the colr>r O <»f n,o (jr-rman flag, said not long ago that the black repres-nted work, the white rep resented rest und pence, and the red represented blood, which was necessary Io cement the otheJs to gfether. o o o Messrs. Hale and IL utelle hav ing given reluctant consent and— what is more important—Brother Hanna having escaped from Wall street with merely superficial in juries, we see no reason why the dogs of war should not be “sick ed” at young A 1 fonso at, once. If someone wt'l kindly cry “Havoc!” the performance can begin at once Chcago Chronicle. Dr. George Brandes, author of “London as Seen Through Scandinavian Eyes,” in tie April International, is the fore most scholar in Denmark and one of the most eminent living critics. His impressions of the literary life in London, there fore, are of no small value, and his style is delightfully brisk. Ne vton county will vote on the prohibition question May 4 Both sides are working hard to carry the county. Those of our readers who find themselves growing uncomfort ably stout and are wondering what cau be done to relieve this undesirable condition, will find encouragement in the article upoi. obesity in the February number of the Monthly Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine, We are fold here that fat people, “who are pale, soft and flabby and inclined to oedema lose weight rapidly from treatment with the extract of thyroid gland that oxidation is increased and nutrition improved” Charrin reports a reduction of forty pounds in one of his cases by this treatmeu it is not however a universal specific as in some cases it bas failed to p oduce the desired results. and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of “ Mother ” —she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our fir-t tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. H ® • j a so assists nature Q in the change tak mUlllUl 0 ing place that . the Expectant LIT 3 71 Ji Moth e r is ena £ I K l! 11 bled to look so I I ward w i t hout dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement —in short, it “makes Childbirth natural and easy,’’ as so many have said. Don't be persuaded to use anything but MOTHER’S FRIEND “ My wife suffered more in ten min utes with either of her other two chil dren than she did altogether with her last, having previously used four bot tles of * Mother's Friend.’ It is a blessing to any one expecting to be come a MOTHER,” says a customer. Henderson Dale, Carmi, Illinois. « . ■ Os Druggists at St 00, or sent, by mail on receipt of price. Write for book containin': testimonials and valuable information for all Mothers, free The Bradfield EeguHtor Co., Atlanta, Ga. EPWORTH LEAGUE Convention, Macon, Ga., April 7-th 1898. On account of the above occa sion the Southern Railway will sell tickets to Macon, Ga,, and return at tho'tate of $4.85 or one fare for the round trip. Tick ets on sale April 6th and 7th, good returning until April 11th. Special coach bearing league banners will leave Rome on reg ular train at 10:40 a. in.. April 7th, arriving at Atlanta I :10 p. m. and there attached to the “Epworth League Special” via the Soul,herd Railway, arriving at Macon 4 :0G p. m. See that your tickets read via the Southern Railway. J For tickets and full informa tion call on or write to J. N. n. ....a--.., o. i . A. Arim trong hotel. Telephone 39 RANGES. I am agent tor South ern Que en Coal or Wood Ranges. Also Insurance Safety Gas oline stoves- Call and see mvstock and get estimaes on your olumbitn«- and ' tin work- Next door to ouera house. F. HANSO N. FREE OF CHARGE TO SUIN FERS. Cut this out and take it to your druggist and get a sample bottle free of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. They do not ask you to buy before trying. This will show you the great merits of this wonderful reinedv and show’ you what can be ac complished by the regular size bottle. This is no experiment, and would be disastrous to the proprietors, did they not know it would invariably cure. Many of the best physicians are now using it in their practice with great results, and are relying cn it in most severe cases. It is guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington Co. Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and SIOO. YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY: To all whom it may corcerm: Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a j ear’s support to Mrs. Henry T. Clark, the widow of Henry T. Clark, deceased, have filled their awar' 1 , and un'ess good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the judge ment of the court at the April term, 1898, of the C >urt of Ordi nary. This March 7’h, 1898. J"HN P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia. 1 YEAR’S SUPPOR (’ GEORGIA, i'LoYD COUNTY. To ali whom it may * Notice i- hereby gi VH| , appraisers appointed u ,' 1,1 and as-ign a year’s Mrs. Lizz e T Talley, th,, 'J, d w '* George T. Talley, dee- ased i " filled th-ir nwird, and i i good n,d sufficient caus- ls ’ the sam-will be made ' * 11 ’ •nemt of the Court at ihe J A ' t rm, 1898, of the Court of .T 1 nary, This March 7th. 1898 * John p. p AV „ 'Ordinary Floyd County 0 Hl . . u er gia. LETTERS OF ADMINISTI;\ TION. To all Mhoin itmay conce ln - L. A. Dean having j n |u , ’ form applied to me for p e rn 1;t . nent letters of administration mi the estate of Lucy Parker, l atp of said county, deceased. T| n is to cite all and singular the creditors and next Kin of L hCv I arker to be and appear at my office within the time allowed In law and show cause, if ai / they can, why permanent a t |. ministration should not be granted to L. A. Dean on Lucy Parker’s estate. Witness niv hand signature this 7th day nf March 1898. } John P. Davis Ordinary. NOTICE OF S.\L|< Agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary of Fkyd coun ty, will be so’d at auction at the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale the following property to wit : All that tract or pared of land lying and being in the24th district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Georgia, known and distinguished in the plan of said district and section as No. oip hundred and seventy nine (179 containing one hundred aid I twenty acres more or less of said I lot and lying all of said lot ex- I cept a small portion sold by J. I M. Ellis, while in life, said lard I joins the corporate limits of I Plainville, Ga. Sold as the prop- I erty of James M. Eliis, late of I said countv, deceased. Terms I one-half cash, and the remaim/er I Dec. Ist. ’9B J ii. Ems, j Executor of Jas. M. Ellis de- I ceased. EPWORTH LEAGUERS. ! The Southern Railway will I sell you and your friends tickets I to Macon, Ga., and return at I one fare for the round trip, ac-l count of the state convention tol be held there April 7-lOih. | We have arranged to run spec 1 ial train Atlanta to Macon, leav-1 ing Atlanta I:3Gp. m. April 7ilJ taking up connection of traiß passing Dalton, Ga., 9 :23 a. I and Rome, Ga., 10 .40 <a. m. R "1 enables you to reach Mncouß and be assigned to your honiwß before night. For further infor-B mation call on any agent ot the® Southern railway, or write I<A-B E. Jackson, T. P. A. Ciiattai) ,l,) J ga Tenn. | YEARS bL'PPORI • I GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. ■ To ail whom it may Notice is hereby given, 1 the appraisers appointed t° apart and assign a suplii< lKnt 'W year’s support to Mrs G H ° rKl:in ß M. George, the widow ot 'l ll, ‘ ’■ A George, deceased, have ■ their award, and un'ess go ll - ■ sufficient cause is show, ■ same will be made the Jyld 1 " 'fl of the Court at the Apri ' H *fl 189 S, of the Court of Ordnr W This .March 8 1898. ■ John P. r >AVl > ■ Ordinary Floyd County, G l '^ 1 fl Wanted. —To post ' "fl books, make out your bills ‘‘"fl do your collecting. '‘ L fl work reasonably and guii | l,| e fl satisfaction. Address foi j ll ■ mation, 11. S. Shockley,hh 11 1 ’ 1 ■ (; a. _ B BEST OF ALL | To cleanse the system i" ■' and truly beneficial iiiaoit |,r - --the Springtime comes, ■ true and perfee l reinedv, * Figs. One bottle wili an ‘ w ' i | V fl all the family and costs 1 '^ [al ,fl cents. Buy the genuine. - pH fa -.lured bv tne dll " r . 1 r #fl Svrup Company only, ttt,t 0 B by ali druggints. f