The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 01, 1898, Image 3

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f-p PROUD I “' I , g are Some Starving IMi KUbans. I jRRROWING INCIDENTS ReC ltalof Spain’s Terrible Cru elty at Sagua- Ferll an<lina, Ela., April 1— T | ie barkentine, Jennie Swe<- BeVi Capt.S. S. Hudson, arriv ed in this port direct from Sagua la Grand, Cuba, where it •entfrom Philadelphia with a t , go of coal. Capt. Hudson 11S11 ded a slip of paper to your ref resentative, on which was Wille n: -Help asked for 29,000 per sons. Helped 19,950 persons. Supplies given in Santa (Jara Province. "Walter B. Baker, '•L’nited States Consul.” Capt. Hudson said this mem orandum was taken off the Con sulate books by the Consul himself. He said : “I am sorry now that I did not try to get more information, and possibly I might have used it in some way to help those poor, miserable, starving peo ple.” “Women and children, old men,dirty and in rags, with bony limbs, were at the Consu late. Consul Biker would take their names and where their huts were situated, and would send one of bis men to see them ” HELP THE PROUD. While Capt. Hudson was there the Consul received a pri vate letter from an American with a check for SI,OOO inclosed, with a short letter, telling the Consul jf the desperate state of affairs which existed among the better class of people, who were too proud 11 beg. but who were sorely in need. The writer asked that the Consul have these peo ple looked up and use the $ 1,000 to help them. Capt. Hudson said the Span ish soldiers looked as poor and as bad as the starving people, “id he said he i., sure that 10 of Me Sun’s soldiers could lick such Spaniards as are seen Jn nd around Sagua. R hING RACING WATERS- C ° a f-eet Ordered To Hurry ToThe Gulf. vjj .o, Tk e » K y-. March 31. today ordered bv t i u ik n r secretary of •bhazirl’ The’ '.'’ r n,,l ’° aUdat Os the IT , i *" a ’^ or the use „ ll,e “""'iiS u tP Brav „ K , v w «Bt. The «•„ „ ’ oheved ♦. y or< * r was Purchased at Pitiu “ 'it i ittsburg. for the hH 1,,Ul Ue<l “ P Wttiti,1 R ouch Water t 0 subside. En MupX * x a ) B w' rr, . ed the days. " warships for several fllStead of 1 • caving Rome or the ]>. i ani receiving lot » f to Koine llll<!ts ev er brought, show J’- ewillho Pleased to iln oL" lquestof the Prices. ’ 6Ct deß 'g' ,s at low 307 A ' ° Garrar d. Glark block. Lost a.. ■■ ?’ «Kh 05 Cl ’ ll,rß « la9C - F,nd «r olel al “ ,n,nu, n frames. office Ja' to A J and rec. ive reward. &MOQKE MAW CQ, • NEW YORK. For sale by Lloyd & Co,, sole Agents. Call for free sample. Annual Sales 0ver6,000,000 Boxes FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS ?uch as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, SiddiiK'SS, Fulness after meats, Head lehe. Dizziness, Drowsiness, Flushings jf Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costiveness, Blotches on the Skin, Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and al! Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to Le A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. Ikr.lA'H ASI'M PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly r store Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obst ructions or irregularities of the sys tem situl cure Sick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are WSthoiH a Rival And hnvft the LARGEST SALE Os any Patent Medicine in the World. 25e. at ill Drug Stores. DIETZ H No. 3 Street Lamp HAS A SHINING RECORD OF 20 YEARS. <5 antidote for “outer - , t darkness," and is thor- X ? (/ \ ought)* well made on rW V'T I scientific principles. - I u « i»i vive more lii’ht I | I - * than any gas burning I MosCLMf \ lamp, do it cheaper and / "mu” \ do it with kerosenefcoal / STRICT LAMP \ ‘>»D. I I \ It can be lit and Al F | I latcd from the outside; \ \ / / <an continue in business i p despite the wind; can - —-~V I and *'*l* K ,ve you entire I i satisfaction, by reason I *-4 y <»f its absolute relia- I L-LAZ J bility. \ / it but one member of x. / an enormous family of “ light goods ” that we build, and to whom we I would be glad to intro* di ice you by leans of our C atalog'ic. whi h we m il free upon applk tion. Jf you insist upon having the very best goods mad •, your <1 tier wi 1 give you ** IHetn.** If you < annot obtain this I .amp of your dealer, we will it, freight prepaid, to any part of the’J.S. or Cana la, up .1. r. < <pt • ; ns price, viz., $6.00. R. E. DIETZ CO., 60 Laight Street, New York. Established In 1840. * THINK ABOUTYOUR HEALTH I'hih Is The Time To Give Atten tion To Your Physical Condition The wanner weather which will come with the approaching spring months should find you strong and in robust health, your blood pun and your appetite good. Otherwisi you will be in danger of serious illness. Purify and enrich y<ui blood with Hood’s Sarsaparilla and thus “prepare for spring.’ This medicine makes rich, red blo/'d and gives vigor and vitality. It wiil guard you against danger om the changes which will soon ake place. GHIGKERING Tjff mt Iw America’s Leading Sp- Instruments, JESSE FRENCH PIANO & ORGAN CO. Manufacturers and Dealers. No. paa oii V e Street, St. Louis, Mo. Nashville, T>nn. Birmingham, Ala, Dallas, Texat. Montgomery, Ala, Factories: Kichraond, Ind. Write our nearest house. A 2-CCDt stamp msv •avc you many St. Germain Female Pills. I hn only’rt'igjna] and genuine French Female Regulator, of Mine, St. Germain. Paris. Un surpassed .tr- being safe and reliable in every case. Sold undei »sitive gitarante«‘ or money refunded. (Jet the genuine. Price, it I ,oX mail Sole agents for the Canada. KING HARVARD tai, 1.57 Washington At., Ckucago, 'OM/e IVIeo-t Every cut on the price of every article of war now at the front among the druggists of Rome. “IXluff Sod.’’ Your especial attention is called to the fact that our prescription depar inent has been the feature of our business for years. Its well earned reputation is now a matter of pride with us. Your orders solicited. c. 331 Broad, Telephone 110- ! A WHOLE CLUB I 11 « . C-' Can’t fc 4 - v _- Make JiiE /Cao iv/ake xg I- 1 / J Better | Running Time —-1.-HO.-r,- COPVK.U««.|,., ’ I carry a full and complete line of jewelry, iucln- •i’E ding Dinn mda L- My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- iHB or more complete. U WEDDING PRESENTS A SPECIALTY. hj {] J. K Williamson il : ; • • ’HuilUUi lUHUIUUIHiIHIbIIihi|UdiU!iUUUUiHIHjUHjUiauIiIUUUIUUUtIIUUUiIIUiIIUUII|UUJUUIIIIHIItvnnnw ft [|| : i g:;; : :«r»Hii;aiuiiiiiiHlhiiiui;;iiu‘.Hi;D:;Hiiiiii ■ OO Bicycle to go regardless of 010 IS IT Y>l cin get just what you want of E. E. We have N£\A/ Bicycles from TWELVE DOLLARS UP and they will be sold at prices to suit the purchaser. Pianos -- Organs and several makes of MIK WHIMS, which will be sold at prices never before known H Rome We also have in stock 1,000 copies POPULAR SHEET MUSIC at ioc per copy, S?nd for catalogue of this music. We also handle mandolins:. GUITARS, VIOLINS, STRINGS; aad will rent pianos or organs with purchasing privileges. Our piano case organs are great sellers. Call and see them. E. E. Forbes,’ 327 BROAD STREET - ++ ++ + + + S. U I)AVIS, Nfanayer. LIVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLES, Offers the public the finest teams, best convey ances and most, polite and courteous drivers. The best slock of horses and mules on sale con stantly. * I 306 AHO) 303 BROAD STREET, ROME, GEORGIA. , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••€ : Repairing •Don’t Walk On J | Your Uppers! S |W.A.MULLINiX,M BXPe°T‘Sji| 8 XPe°T‘Sji| •••••••••••••••••/••••••A* ■-■ I , .ust aMonißiil. Please I ■ The Opportunity of a Life-time For Big Dividend— Paying \ Investment ! X THE ALASKA GOLD PLACER MACHINE MININGCOMPANY Capital stock $5,000,000 —full paid—aiidnon-assessable.Promises to be as good ae the Bkkl Teleph ne, Westinghouse Air Brake, Grapho phone or Phonograph and otlx r similar industrial enterprises which .re paying thousands in profits to their shareholders. This is ai)|industrial rather than a Mining Company. We hav« he only Hydraulic Machine. Mining System (patented)that will work in the frozen ground of the Klondike and the Northwest, where we take our machines and extract th“ gold from the claims of others, just as thrashing m chinos are taken into the wheat country to bresh out the farmer’s wheat. One of our machines does the work of over 1,000 men each day and we save tlie 40% of gold that is usual ly lost by other methods, so it, can readily he seen what enormous profits we will earn in the fabulous'y rich gold mines of the Klondike and the Northwest, with which every one must be acquainted. Every prospector th re is our prospector, for he must eventually come to us to have his claim Worked. Therefore we believe we shall in time be pay in as large dividends as the world-famous en terprises mentioned above. Ours is a similar industrial stock which an only be hid for a limits 1 tiini at th j very low price of $2.50 or $lO 00 share. This is an opportunity of a life time. No ev ery day does Fortune knock atone’s.door T peo The only 3VSt ” Os SySten Hyr' r: u_ Wl . i ; vvo r k i r ne Mine Klonoi k 6 , ' & North (patend) - I '* east. OFFICERS AND DIREC TORS PRESIDENT. H. P. Townley, New York Hen, L. Bradford P.hica, Sant. Fe New Mex Manager of the Equitable,Life Assurance So President International Mining Cong-ea IST VICE PRES,(ion.J N Hinton, New York Hon. John P. Hoyt Soatt'e, Washington Ex-Treasurer of the Unit ad States Fx-Chief Justice, State of ND VI E PRk3 E. t’armly Brown,Now York Geo. Me .ean, Manufacturer, Passaic, N.J Treas, Andrew McLean, Mgf'r Pais lie, x. J, Jonathan Bourne, Jr,Mining Capitalists Portland Secty and Ass‘t Troas. 1, New York James W. Clise, Seattle, Washington Auditor an 1 Counsel, wm R Weeks New York Ch. of Mintag C',m C hau-ber of Commesee Consulting Engineer Win. F. Lav, New York Leslie c. Bruce, Pro r Turf, Field. J ar.n NY Pres Lay System Hydraulic Placer Mining Co Colonel A. O. Fisk New Voirk Lawrence P. Brown, New York. R The bmiii us Ability finaaciaUetauding ohour Directors are ainou the beet evidences of our success. To raise the capitol to place severaL'platits in the Klondike a small block of stock is now offered to the public at the very •>w rate of of 25 cents on the dollar or $2 50 for each $lO Whan this bLick is sold, no more will be offered at less than or $lO per share. An investment of $25 to SSO in this stock should very soon return largs profits—Even 100 to I—and thus afortune for the sa gacious inveeton. Certificates are in very attractive form, called “Gold-Back s ” and are transferable from hand to hand. Send tor illashated Prospectus where full explanation is given of how we can earn euch enormous profits by the Lay System. Read I Reflect! Investigate! Invest! All information cheerfully given by ths Secretary. Call or write—Alaska Gold Placer Machine Mining Co. Home offices Washington Building, No. 1 Broadway New York, N. Y. CANDY K CATHARTIC VVdcoield CURE CONSTIPATION 25c DRUGGIST'S