The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 01, 1898, Image 5

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Hbih-forsiikek pylon Splendidly MiBS Van Tassel!. manourneen L, be The Bill Tonight—A ■ Matinee Tomorrow I Miss Cora Van Tassell, in ■teah the Forsaken,” last night, Bored the hit of the week for ■ er popular company. The Imu.c ■as large and decidedly appre ciative. I The attraction has been put Lin Rome before, but never so forcefully, though the companies I playing it were one-righ t regu [ lar-price troupes. Miss Van Tas sell was well supported, every member of the cast proving to be an artist. Tonight she will beasoubrette again, playing the leading part in “Kathleen Mavourneen” one of the prettiest and most mirth provoking little comedies ever placed before the footlights. The house will doubtless be packed this evening, as the weather man has decided to treat the “little electric battery” kindlier for the remainder of the week. If you want to lass and lats a lot, just go to Nevin’s and see Pete Raymond out Irish the Irish in bis support of the star. Tomorrow afternoon the only matinee of the week will be put on The doors will open at 2 :30 and there will be no reserved seats. The admission will be only 10 and 30 cents. The attraction is “A Fair Southerner” and as it was putonTuesday night and not seen by many ladies, owing to the downpour of rain that evening, every lady in the city can easily count on enjoying the matinee. “A Fair South erner” as played by Miss Van Tassell is a rattling good attrac tion. Tomorrow night Miss Van Tassell will closq her engage-' ihentin this city by playing “lhe New Hidden Hand.” Af ter making hosts of friends and admirers who will always In glad to have her return here, •he and here troupe will leave for Anniston on Sunday. five ships. Reported Sold To U. S. By Denmark Washington, April I.—Dvn “9rk is reported to have sold io e tni'ed States two cruisers and three torpedo boat destroyers. Ix million dollars is reported to be lheprice paid. Danish Island. "••hington, April 1 —lt is W,d ,llat '“'gotiatious have been for the ceding to th L,ll Jcd Stans of the Danish Is •"ds-St. Croix, St John and st. rhonm-i,, the W(?at li)dieß lllfi 'uillioi dollars « ua the price. rush orders. For A Hundred Tons Os Ar. mor Plate. for tcv> U F—A rush order . 1,0118 inch st, el armor tod HFr ' V d Uarnegie’s as noon 8ti P uUtion * that it of th ♦ Bhlpped b y midnight. One « atertengine on the Peun all tr. 't been bcuitd, and night aCkß * illba cleared by mid hjk *‘ K / BOVT F,ne Tea.-Ou a goods at 400 lb never ,^ aa ' l6d lu Home before. Bran ° Ck ’ and regular 75c goods. Lloyd «& Ce. SOLDIERS’ HOME. in a state ready for occupancy the Ist, of August, and urged the immediate action of the Daughters of the Confederacy in the matter. Before any question could arise as to how the Daughters of the Confederacy would maintain the home, Mrs. Clement A. Ev ans arose and expressed her de sire to give $lO for the first year of the home’s maintenance, and also to furnish one room. She accompanied the proposition with an eloquent appeal, sug gesting that she hoped to be one of a hundred women who would volunteer to give $lO for the first year. Mrs. Rounsaville, in behalf of the Rome Chapter of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy, contrib uted SSOO, tho amount raised by that chapter in the interest of purchasing and maintaining the home. Mrs Rounsaville fur ther assured the ladies that ev ery chapter in the state would come forward and do its part in the noble work. Mrs. Jefferson spoke of the new life the support of the home would inspire in the hearts of the Daughters of the Confederacy, and anticipated in her remarks that the next legislature would do their part toward the main tenance of the home. When there was a momentary lull in the enthusiastic proceedings of the meeting, Mrs. Plane arose and in but a few impressive remarks brought tears to the eyes nf all who lieaid her. No woman in the state is a greater friend to the old soldier, and no one woman has done more in the interestof the home. As she expressed her happiness in seeing accomplished at last what had. been worked for so long her voice trembled with emotion and those around her, old and young, seemed touched by every word she uttered. SHUT DOWN. Six Hundred Men Thrown Out of Emyloymont- Hartford City Ind., April 1— employed in the win dow glues factory received orders Iron, headquarteiß < f union, ht Pittsburg, to go out at noon today The shut-down results in 6(\) men being thrown out of work, unless President Burns, of the blowers and gatherers can supply their places from his union . CONDEMNED. When an innocent man is condemned sot any crime he doesn’t lose hope His law yers appeal from one court to another. r JAt-A They are bound to U? Caf save him, if he can be saved. It is the T same way with a y7tw>-4 (food doctor when his patient seems N Jym condemned to death I / -MH by disease. | ;;jßgS| But doctors make jSfbk'' - SgsS mistakes some times, they lose // '/ heart too soon. / // / After they have // / tried everything /i they know and the patient is . /ts no better, they ; think there is /'-t kSs®?® nothing more to /■- be done. They / don't always S get at the root 'ur J of the disease. a | They frequently JlvtL give a patient up to die of con sumption, and are afterwards surprised to see him get strong and well again. Mrs. W B. Duncan, of Arlington, Phelps Co., Mo., writes: "My husband took tour bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery when he was (as he thought) almost into consumption, and we w ere very thankful that such a medicine could be found I wish all persons troubled with cough would take it Long may the ' Golden Medical Discovery ’ and ‘ Favorite Prescription ’ be made. I shall always recommend and praise these medicines." All Ittng and bronchial diseases are cured by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, because it supplies the system with healthy blood. It puts the vital forces into action and fills the circulation with the life-giving red corpuscles which builds up solid, mus cular flesh and healthy nerve-force. As a medical author, Dr. Pierce bolds an eminent place in his profession. His great thousand-page illustrated book, ‘‘The Peo ple’s Common Sense Medical Adviser” is one of the standard medical works of the English language. Nearly 700,000 copies were sold at $1.50 each. A paper bound copy will be sent absolutely free for the cost of mailing only, si one-cent stamps; or, cloth-bound tor 31 stamps. World’s Dis pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. l he Preferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY. NEW YORK. The Preferred’s policies are particularly adapted for business men, and special policies are Issued for baiikeis. lor plivel. lans. surgeons and dentists, sod for traveling men. The Pre terred is an old line stock company With assets of over MMi.ootl.ou. JOHN R. THORNTON. ATLANTA, GA- • • • • STATE MANAGED I Sctal Supplies, d I We arc pioti<>ors r the school books and school sup* business and wo are also right up-ro-da*e in every- ww . thin’ that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. «<< I i I i WILL PAPER. ™.No house ip. th i Stite car. serve vou better when von de «« sire to invest ir. a new covering ter tee deir sid walls o. z/zz your home. See our stock on hand and samp'es '?/' I H. A. SMITH, $ THE OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. | \\\\ <• ssss 4 S Best White LEGHORNS! :: For very best breed and most perfectly marked fowls, leave orders ?{?# with J. T* Crouch & Co,, $3 per trio. ## Splendid cockerels only $ 1. •* I. D.GAILLIARD. St mutiuiuiuiiiHimnuii • X X i ** £ S. M. Stark, g •X 1 7 1 r* X K X X ? LIOIBS 1W SSSMIffi fllU ’ X . Hk X *5 Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave *♦ •-*-S * -X .X IX .X X •x x ;S H, P. WOOTEN & BIRO., S' Successors to ’■CZ <£ ROME PHARMACY. 55 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building. > jjg We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our JL’ stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall eu deavor to the best of our ability toplease you at all times. We should be pleased to have you call on ns. Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and 'TWi such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug store. Cigars and tobacco. jZX Come to see us. »•' bOK ' WlS?VffiffiSx UdUM I Regardless Os the Moon and Its Quarters We are getting Our garden seeds into the face of the earth, all the way from lakes to gulf and from one pro tected seaboard toanother, and while the mail orders are heavier than ev er before, the local trade is receiving our especial attention. THE EARLY GARDNER has got in his work but he, and the man who plants in the moon, and he who plants in the earth after last suns of March and the April showers have GOT IN THEIR WORK. is yet to be waited upon, md we are ready to wait upon him. Garden Seeds===the best, freshest and most reliable kinds, are the only goods to buy. We sell them. SPECIAL. We also make a feature of improv ed field corn, forage crops seeds, clo= ver, grasses, etc. Ask for our free illustrated cata= logue. GURRy=ARRINGTON GO. Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr., Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,1898. I would not be I regard PISO’S without PISO’S llIRa-jvi-» -jmCURE FOR CON CURE for CON- whir Fall *ist fails. SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any J 3 tte9t S e Uae best Cough medi- thing. For a bad ciue on the market, Cough or Cold it is 101 having used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER. “The Best Cough Medicine.” I Why Suffer Agony ? When DON’S COMPLETE PILE CURE is guaranteed to cure you. It is the discovery of an eminent physician. No Knife I No Interruption of Business I The first treatment brings immediate relief. It has cured thousands, and will cure you. MR. T. 8. WILCOX, prominent merchant, politician and chief of the Chattanooga Fire Department, says: •• After years of suffering, DON’S PILE OI NTMENT was rec ommended to me. The use of one box effected a permanent cure. I voluntarily give you this statement, hoping it will be the means of bringing your wonderful remedy to the attention of others suf fering with piles.’' Price SI.OO, Prepaid to any Address. DON CH EMICAL COMPANY, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. j TONSORIAL PARLORS- LEWIS BARRETT, Artist; Only skilled men employed. Parlors recently renovated Mos. courteous attention and satisfactory services guaranteed, at Not 426, Broad street.