The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 04, 1898, Image 7

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LfISOjNS jM Led This Itoino at 11 ■ O’clock K MASONIC TEMPLE. n«lokjates Arrived Today, ■o Will be in Attendance. L, morning »l U <*>«* ■ istriet convention of free ■ .nd accepted Maeone, con- M i iu the Masonic lemplt. ’ft meeting wee ca.ied to Kr by Judge Mas, ■..sbipful Master of the Home K;. following officers were elected. E W. Judkins, of Caladona Ke, Senior Warden. E. I’. Bordoin, of Adairsville, Junior Warden. E p. Mann, of Shumate Treasurer. E 11. Wist, Cherokee lodge, Sffcretary. ■j.L. White, Rising lawn K^ e , Assistant Secretary. Ene following officers were ap- Kited by Worshipful Master: E W. Underwood, Senior Macon. E. A. Bradfield, Junior Dea- K. El. M. Brown, Senior Stewart. E. M. Rose, Junior Stewart. K\ M. Carwille, Tyler. ■After the work in the second Kl third degrees tomorrow Ayfening at 7 :30 o’clock, a ban— K will be given the visiting Either officers will be elected morning’s session. ■i.vl m— K I' hen —Yester d«j evening at 7 o’c ock, at the reldence of the bride’s, on upper Street. Mr. Tom Hendricks Miss Ora Kitchen, was united ties art well known and have niiuy friends who wish them mich hapmess. (‘■Liiiui METH'DIST.—Rev. Mr. Mrrintnn, a prominent diylne of tilled the pulpit at th" methodist church last night at i '3O o’clock. The pastor Dr. preached in the morning, ■r Harriagtoi is the father of Ik Hairugton Mgr. of the Oil ill here. Both services largely’ tended. B AVE \ou Tried It?—lf not you 4ight to righ away, for it’s delic ■us, will wake up your appetite Ee refer to that new relish, E’t>e Radish Mustard. Another Epi’ly just received at Lloyd’s, ■ large handsome packages at Be each. Bbti- Lie Puce—Judge John ■ Maddox hasgiven official notice V ‘^ r Urrl Boyd that he has Ecessfully p a6ge d the examin- B'on necessary to admission to f e 't Poillt - This is a high com |"n«ntioMr. Boyd, of which f* 8 well wor 'ffiy. He has w ith ■ t( le help, O i tside of his mother’s ■eaching, g a i ned this distinction. F" >b the second son of Mr. G, M. | j yd one of the firm of Veach & |°' ()t our town are known all I VI r Georgia. —Adairsvil e Ban- Iler, I Unham’s Opening—The flVbnl t wil | b 0 the grand f ter,, P e ning O s Lanham & Son’s, r'ertised else wherein this paper r/n-oumg. Messrs Lanham & F ra,p preparations—among P er 1 ing a< buve cbarter()f j ri-..„„, 10traii8port vis . tors I . lr Stores where the displays 22*; i,b delight ‘ notice. 5=5 ~ ! I T’Qa day dls- her JkS *“ d c«h>sky* sbaz . I|IE WAR IMS Boiled Down To A Few Brief Paragraphs. T|lE CLOUDS HANG LOW And The Storm May Break A Any Moment. The Spanish Minister of th Interior announces that the Un ited States has ask the Pope to mediate between the two countries and tha.t he has accepted the task but the statement is given officiae denialjiy Washington authorities. McKinley is still pursuing his policy of delay, and it is thought he will ask further time to prepare his message, but bis party men say that if the document is delayed longer than Wednesday congress will act of its own accord. Punta Gorda, Fla,, has base ot supplies in case of war, in stead of Tampa. The replies of the powers to Spains’s note, asking for their good officers in the trouble with America, has caused great de jection at Madrid. Spain’s naval vessels are said to be in bad condition, and hundreds of men are working on the vessels to pur them in fighting trim, Autonomists in Cuba have made a proposition to the insur gents for an armistice, in order J.o see if an agreement can be reached to stop hostilities. They 7 state that Spain is willing to enlarge the present scope of au tonomy. PURELY PERSONAL John 11. Hawkins of Hermtage is here today. Mr. N. H. Bass of Lavender is here today. Mr. E. A. Heard went down to Cedartown today. Squire L. P. Early of Coosa spent today in the city. Clever Bob Best <>f is in the city today. Mr. J. A. West, of Atlanta, is here today on business. Mr. Edward P. Wood of Atlanta is registered at the Armstrong today. Mr. C. L. Deardoff, of Dalton, is among the visitois in Rome today. Mr. A. W . Tedcastle went down to Cedartown this morning on business. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Balo have returned fre m an extensive wedding trip. Mr. Jack C. Moore is in th 0 city shaking hands with his ‘'lots” of friends to day. Mr. J. Collie Moore went down to Carrolton this morning on business. Dr. R. M, Harbin, the noted surgeon, of Rome, was iu the city on professional business Tuesday, —Adairsville Banner. Mr. C. E. traveling passenger Agt. of the Southern Ry, with headquarters in Chat tanooga is in the city today, I Dr. F. M. Taylor, ophtalmic specialist, of Chicago, arrived in the city this forenoon and, to a llustler-Commercial represen tative, stated that he proposed establishing his business in the Hili City. Dr. Taylor comes highly highly recommended and will doubtless enjoy a profitable sojourn here. . Mr. D. W. Rimpson, of Cave Spring, is here today to attend Commissioners court, Mr. L. B. Cothran, of Rock mart, the city today. . Many a tn as fwq'‘T'afGeffi who would be - " i I I i UTa startled at the NE' 1| | | | % bare thought TASS,vA i of sitting I ldo w n and KS&lk VSfrJif deliberately drinking a A ® ‘ doae of poi- son, allows j .Wwi ♦- himself to be ■ I j’-l regularly aud - ° all r poisoned t day after day ' )V accl, niula. tioiis of bile ’ n " le ’ ak . When the liver fails to Hdo its tegular work of filter- floral ’ nR bijous poison out °t the circulation, it goes on poisoning the entire cotistitu / tion just as surely as if a man was drinking prussic acid. Every part of the body is polluted. The digestive juices are suppressed and weak ened. The kidneys and skin are clogged with impurities and the lungs and bronchial tubes overloaded with morbid secretion which eat away the delicate tissue, and bring about bronchitis and consumption. All the diseases cans d by 'his subtle pro cess of bilious poison;i. i are cured by the marvelous alterative aeiio’i of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Disq • It dir ctly in creases the liver’s u ,'.u al ' xeretive and purifying powers ; gives the digestive and blood-making organs power to manufacture an abundance of red. rich, healthy blood. It drives out all impurities, and vitalizes the circulation with the life-giving elements which restore perfect nutrition, solid mus cular power, and healthy nerve-force. “In August 1895, I was taken down in bed with a burning and severe pains in my stomach and under my shoulders, and dizzinc: s in my head," writes Ira I>. Herring. Esq., of Needmore, Levy Co.. Fla. “ My home physician was called and he said ray symptoms were more like consumption than anything else. I lingered in this way seven months trying different kinds of medicine. Noth ing that I ate would digest, anti 1 had great nis tr-ssin mystomach. I was persuaded to *ry.some of Dr. Pierce's remedies or to see what he thought es my case. I wrote him and received an answer stating that my suffering was from indicostion and torpid liver, and advising me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical ilisc.a ry. The first bottle gave pleasing, results. I have taken foui bottles of the 'Golden Medical-Discovery' and three small vials of the ’ Pleasant Pellets.' lam able to do my work and eat what I could uot before I took these medicines." A NEW DEPARTURE. A Talented Optical Instructor From New York Engaged By a Leading Jeweler- In order to raise the standard of his optical business from the plan of simply selling stock glass es to that of the up-to-date optic ian, Mr. B. F. Roak has secured the services of an eminent optical teacher, will ground him thcrougly in th§ modern field of eye testing and in the proper treatment of ordinary de^c' B °f vision of the tiding ot phys cians prescriptions. Dr, Lowe, who will be in Rome next Thurday Adril 7. He has devoted the part of twelve years to study of inper fect vision and has diplomas from four of the leading colleges in United Stvtes. He will bring with him from New York all the latmt appliances and instruments used by experienced latter day ocular refractionists for measuring defec tive eyesight, more of which have heretofcre been iu Rome, and will prove revelations, and he will devote his afternoons te testing the eyes, free of charge, of those who may call at Mr. Roaks store. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunced. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Curry- Arrington Drug Company. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FUYD COUNTY- Whereas Thomas Holsenback execu'or o John Holsenback, de ceased , reiresents to the court in his petltim duly filed that he has administered John Holsenback’e estate, dins is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, io show tause if any they can why said administrator should not be discha';ed from his executorship and receive letters of dismission on the irst Monday in April 1898. This J; 11 - 3rd 1898. John I’. Davis, Ordinary. Wanted —Christian man or worn» to do office work and correspondence here. Salary SBOO Apply with self addressed staifped envelope to A. P. Elder, Geieral Manager, care Daily Htftler-Commercial. In the Springtime is the Painting Time We most respectfully call the at tention of the public to the fact that we carry all the shades and colors of the standard MIXED PAINTS turned out and put on the market by LONGMAN & MARTINEZ, JOHN I UCAS & CO, LOWE BROTHERS. The name of these firms upon a can of paint guarantees it to be the gen uine aruicle. We also handle Collier white lead and Red Seal white lead. These brands are recognized by veterans as the best ever put on the market. OILS * AND * VANISHES Only the best grades should be used and you will waste no time or money by coming to us at once. BRUSHES—=For much of your in sida painting, if you will buy mixed paints and brushes of us, you can do the work at your own convenience and suit your own taste. GURRY-fIRRINGTON 60. 2 S. M. Stark, I X S LIDIEJ MB GBmiM fIILIB s A..r Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave IS S' IH. P. WOOTEN & BRO., g Successors to ROME PHARMACY. 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and ol the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all times. We should be pleased to have you call on as. Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articlesand such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug gp store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. TONSQRIAL PARLORS- LEWIS BARRETT, Artist; Only skilled men employed. Parlors recently renovated Mos courteous attention and satisfactory services guaranteed, at No [42d, Broad street. SUMnUHGSJJEL FRANK WRIGHT FARMACIST, Rome, At Old Norton corner, opposit Masonic Tempi. Alcohol, wood, for burning. Balls and Bats. Benzin. Bird Seed and Cull Fish Bone. Blank Books. Blacking and Shoe Dressing. Botls, 4 grams up to 4 liters. Brushes—Hair, Paint, Shoe, &c Call Bels. R cards, Playing and Visiting, castlie Soap, White and Motld. castor Oil, 2 grades, chalk, crayon, prepared and “Spanish Whiting.” checkers, Dominoes, Dice, chemicals, ful line, cigarets and cigars, combs, horn and rubber, condensed Milk, cos Sirups of all kinds, ‘cruches and Shoulder Braces. Diamond Wall Finish. Drugs and Druggist’s sundries. Dum Bels and Indian Clubs. Fishing Tackl. Garden Seeds. Gelatin. Glycerol (glycerin.) Glue, dry and liquid. Grease Eradicator, for clothes. Gum, Chewing, all sorts. Hair Dye and Oil. Harness Oil. Harps, French and Jews. Horse, Catl and Poultry Powders Ink, Black, Red and Indelibl. lodin, Tincture of Linseed, whole, ground and oil. Machine Oils, Castor, Golden <fcc Magnesium, Sulfate (Epsom Salt.) Marbls, Agate, China and Glass Maches. Mustache Pomade, Black and White. Mucilage. Naithalin Balls for moths. Nutmegs and Cloves. Oil of Turpentine, “Spirits.” Onion Sets. Paint, all colors. Paper and Envelopes. Patent Medicines, ful line. Pencils, Carbon “Led” and Slate Pens and Penholdeis. Perfumery, Cologne, Extracts, Bay Rum. Petrolatum (Vasalin.) Pimenta (Allspice.) Pipes, Clay and Wood. Plasters, Belladonna, Capsicum, Strengthening. &c. Plaster Paris. Pocket Books and Purses. Potassium Bitartrate (Cream of Tarta.) Potassium Nitrate Potassium Bromide and lodid. Putty and Glaziers Points. Quinin, Sulphate, botld and in 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 grain capsules Rubber Balls. Bands, Combs and Syringes. Sealing Wax. Slates and Pencils. Sodium Carbonate (Sal Soda.) Sodium Borate (Borax). Sulfur, Brimstone and Flowers. Suspensory Bandages. Syringes, glass and rubber. Tablets, Pen and Pencil. Thermometers, clinical and house. Toilet Paper. Toilet Soaps, 5, 10, 15 and 25c. Tooth Picks, Quill and Wood. Trusses, hard rubber and leather Turnip Seed. Twines. Varnishes, Asfaltum. Coach and Copal. Water Botls, rubber. White Led. Window Glass, all sizes. fjW*Cut this out, paste away and read before starting to town. Low prices, but cash only. Old Norton Corner, oppogit Ma sonic Tempi. FRftNK WRIGHT, FuiMcist, Rome,