The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 05, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH year smoke xtra good and rebel yell eigars Iffl ffl FIRST Os I the OU MO iffl fcior John J. Seay Takes the I Oath, Swears GoJncinien, ■ CHIEF SHROPSHIRE IS RE-ELECTED. I ■'he Hustler-Commercial Made the Officia I Gazette of the City. Few Changes I Made in the Official Family. ■ocNciL Meeting, April 4, 1898. ■ 4 O'clock P. M. I Present. Hon. S. S. King May lr, and Councilmen, Thompson Kites, J, D. Turner, F. J. Kane, R. A Denny, C. W. Morris, W. 1 Goidou and Lindsay Johnson, ■inutes of meetn g of March Bth, and 31st, were read and Bnfircied. Bl’iib ti u icial scat! nmt of * the was read. jK'ihe repo:t of J. D. Hanks, Bjbirnan of Street Committee, Ba* the City Electriet railway Bii.pc.ny liad been permitted to Biild and maintain an additional trick to those already built on BtL Avenue, between Broad and trick be laid on the grade with ■e present grade of the street, and B so maintained, was read Bfore Council and adopted. ®Tbe following reports were pres Bled and addopted by the Council B the Mayor and Council of the Bty of Rome. B submit the following report Br the Fire Committee, for the Besent fiscal year. Tnere have Ben seventy fir s, with damage ■counting to about $15000.00. collected on al ove Bated losses about $12030 00. I There has been $300,00 expend- B for new boxes of the tire alarm Bstem. These are of the most BipruveJ pattern, Have also Bmpped all other boxes with the B tf .st lightning arrestors. At ■resent the alarm system is in Be: feet order, and is giving en'ire ■tisfaciion. J she Water Commissioners have ■tended water mains to the city in the 4th and stl. r<rrds in accordance'with recoin- Irendation of this council. I Tne fire department is in ex- Heit condition, and has none Fthful service during the year, [w service would be nn-r. ef hient if they had the fol owing' fqu'pments, 2500 feet of hose hpirators, coats ladders and hflr g ps for the chemical apparatus ‘r ecommend that these be ob 'f • I also reccommend that /’ 4 F; re Company be required ' back to the city the lot J oblttl ““ d fr "tn the Council. at they be reimbursed for put bylh . mon Respect fully, " . J. Gordon, Chairman. | C-ntlerneii; p]'citv , ’ 1 gl T rine DPpartment L|> der my lerni of office, L 611 Promptly a'te.nd d. Pro,- Lt 801 !ines ai ' d Work ana B ' V , eu for a H street such sewerage a* hi b THE HOME HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL been constructed. The work marked out by me has not, in every instance, been properly done, be cause the p irties in charge failed to follow grade stakes and lines. Respectfully submitted, J. T. Moore, City Engineer. To the Mayor and Council of the City of Rome. Gentlemen :—As Chairman of ‘he Public Building Committee, I beg to report that during the last fiscal year a new barn has been put up for the use of the Street Department. The ordinary repairs have been made upon all the public buildings, but no new buildings have been put up under the direction of my committee, other than that stated. During the present fiscal year, Fifth Ward Hose Company No. 4 has added to their building so that it is now in convenient shape for the use of the hose-wagon and horse, and accomodation of the driver. This action was necessary in order to make the company • fficient as a. member of the de pariment. I recommend that the hinount of money that the com pany has expended be repaid to them, and that the lot upon which the building stands be con veyed back to the city. 1 teg to call attention to the roof of the City Hall. This will need either extensive repairs or a new roof entir ly and request ex amination and attention during the early part of the coming fisca year. I also call your attention to he fire hall of No. I Hook and Ladder which is in bad condition and will need repairs or a new roof, Respectfully submitted J. D. Turner Chairman. Annual financial report of 11. listed sniith, clerk of council, for fiscal year ending March 31, 1898. Received from licenses... $17371.93 •' Really and Personalty tax ; 46321.47 “ ’• Street Tax 1370 67 •• “ State School Fund 43’4 23 “ “ Rome School 80ard.... 14f'>.58 •• “ City Marshall, Po- lice flues 12'9.63 “ “ Cemetery Department.. 462.60 “ " Water Works Coupons. 175.00 “ •• C. R. Garrard, Street Grade 5.00 “ “ H. Given, street overseer 4.5 n " “ House Rent 10.00 “ “ Sale of part of 4th Ave.. 30.00 '• “ J. D. Hanks, Chairman Street Committee 41.70 172838.71 Which has been paid to the City Treasurer, as shown by the quarterly reports. Halsted Smith Clerk of Council, City of Rome. Examined and approved. Thompson, Ch’r’m Finance Com. [Continued on 2nd page.} ROME GEORGIA, TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL 5. 1898. THAT MESSAGE. Goes From President To Congress Tomorrow. THE CABINET IS PLEASED » Consular Reports Will Not Be Submitted. Washington, April s.—■•The pres ident has completed his Cuban message and it will he presented to Congress on Wednesday. S' c retary Long, after the special cab inet meetiag authorized tins state ment. The message, which in ibelf is long, will not be accompanied by the consular reports dealing with the state ot affairs in Cuba. These will go to the committee on foreign relations of the senate for their private information and will not be made public just now. The diplomatic correspondence between the United States and Spain will not be submitted at present. The cabinet meeting lasted from 8 till after 11 o’clock and was devoted enti-ely to the care ful reading and discussion of the draft of his message . Every mem ber was present. The document was gone over point by point and met the ap proval of the cabinet in every material respect. The only changes were in a few points of verbiage. When the meeting was over and (he members discharged there was a general air of relievo satis faction on all fac-’s as 'hough the members, firmly resolved on what they deemed the proper couse of action, had set out to follow the course to its logical conclusion. The supense evid p n ly was over. Secretary Long apparently had been deputed as spokesman for the meeting and gave the above brief statement. As to the char acter of the message he refused to speak - While I can say nothing ex plict,” said he ‘'concerning the details of the message 1 mav say it is a strong explicit statement and one with which congress will be thoroughly in accord.” It was suggested that congress was pretty thoroughly in accord with the Foraker resolution, but nothing more explicit could be obtained. Ir is understood that while the consular reports on Cuba are withheld from the public for the present out of regard tor (heir authors, who are still in Cuba, their publication is not deemed essential by the cabinet. One member in discussing this point said : “They contain only information which has by this time been qi it<* thoroughly presented to the public fr< in other sources.” The United States has ample grounds of justification for a declaration of war with Spain. (a) —Spain’s diplomacy has been one of double dealing and insult. (b) —She has butchered and starved to death 409,000 pacifico in the Island of Cuba, contrary to the laws of God and human ity. (c) —She has dispatched to our shores 1G of her most for midable warships and is equip ping more to be sent against us. (d) —Her officials were privy to the act of a fiend whose fur tive touch thrilled civilization with horror, v hen the battleship Maine was sent to the bottom and 226 brave men met death. —Cincinnati Post. IL® ip (Obentbe Ir Streets will t Blossom as tbe Rose. x Zo iX Tuesday and Wednesday, sth and 6th Easter Opening LANHAM & SONS! "’REWARD”"’ As a reward for all who are so kindly waiting for our opening before buying their SPRING MILLINERY. We are going to show the most beautiful Millinery, at the most reasonable pi ices ever named on such fine goods. Our display is to be the most Up-to=Date in Style, Coloring, Mate rial,Workmanship and all that goes to make up the very best in Millinery, It has long been the custom with milliners to name high prices on their good on opening days such high prices that has become a by-word, “Opening Prices.” We are going to change all this. Going to make prices such low prices as a reward to those who are waiting, that they will gladly buy the goods and feel that we have kept our promise to make it pay them to wait. &£££sss££s&>£? Two Street Cars Chartered Remember the two days, and that we will have two Street Cars for the exclusive use of our customers, and they will be free to all the ladies who desire to attend the opening. LANHAM & ££££s££££££££<: Miss Emmerson, Our Milliner, is an artist in her line, having worked right up to the time she came to our house in the largest Millinery stores in New York city. She is, therefore, well posted on All that is New in Millinery, and if you want the best and most Stylish Millinery to be had in any city in the land, then come have her make your hats. Pine Sailors. The very latest style, all new and the $1.25 and the 1.50 kind for these two days at 98c All pattern hats marked down to reward prices. Twenty Fine Parasols, worth up to $6.00 each, Reward price 2y5 Childrens’ Parasols, Re ward price . . 49C Child’s all Silk Parasols, the SI.OO kind, Reward price .... 7 p C Ladies Kid Gloves, the kind that sells for 75 cents down to . . . 4QC IO CENTS PER WEEK! SI.OO Kid Gloves, reward price .... 6 p c 1.25 Kid Gloves, Reward P rice ; • 98c $2,00 Kid Gloves, Reward price .... | 3QC Beautiful all Silk Taffeta, Sash Ribbon, in all the new colors, 6 l / 2 inches wide, worth up to SI.OO yard, reward price Another lot of Embroid ery, just opened for this sale at reward prices. Fruit of Loom Bleached Cotton, Reward Muslin nnderwear marked d own to reward prices. Good Sea Island, yard wide Reward price All the White Goods at reward prices. Bookfold, India Linen, the 5c kind, Reward price ’ • Choice of any Percale in the house, sea island and all the newest styles at Reward prices Remember this is no fake “going outof business’’ or cost sale, but remarkably low prices for these open ing days as a reward for those who are waiting.