The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 05, 1898, Image 3

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BEAUTIFUL silks Yhonsands of Yards of The Most BeailtifUl. third shipment COMES ——- " —— And in Spite of Rain the Sales Have Begun. I quit my “continued sto ry” on yesterday, while in the silk department, but the villian still pursued her, and today, in spite of war or rumors of war, an d though municipal adminis trations are changing and the rain is falling and the Masons j are gathering in Rome—why I propose to pick up the silk thread of my story, waste no further time in skirting about and re sume the narrative. “To have paid your respects to this department,” remarked Manager Sam Powers, as he 8 ood in front of an ocean of folded billows of silken beauty, •‘would have been easier on Saturday than it will be today, for we have this morning open ed up a shipment of the justly famous shirt waist silks, which adds scores of patternsand thou sands of yards to our big stock of silks.” And while he piled down a dozen of these beautiful patterns before me, he continued talking. Said he: “Every fashion mag azine for the past three seasons has opened up with an article, the object of which was to rele gate the shirt waist and sepa rate skirt—but all in vain. Dame fashion has not yet succeeded in routing a combination in woman’s dress that is so happy, blending economy and beauty, i comfort and dressy effects.’’ The shirt waist and separate skirt has come to stay, seems to be a verdict from womankind in t spite of the biased charge of the judgess, Ohl Lady Fashion. Recognizing this as a condi tion and not a theory,Bass Bros & (lo.,have prepared to meet the emergency. "1 his is the third shipment already this season,” said Mr. Powers, and all the time he was doubling, folding, catching to gether and otherwise arranging the blend of beautiful colors to catch and captivate my mascu line eye. Ihese new arrivals were taf fetas in fancy plaids, stripes and checks, and rangedin price from 39 cents to sl. with these the swellest development of the season is the rutiled taffeta skirt. They are 111,11 'clous creations when view ed on a fashion plate or grace Pm} gliding— they are made in Culms of every hue, though the most popular is the solid black. Jn this department I found a ‘ ?0 a most elegantly entrancing ll( ‘ ol black brocaded silks with B ,( ’s grain grounds and rich sat in figures of a conventional de sig !1 , also the same style of ground with vayadere satin stripes. 1 here can be nothing richer 11 ‘tn entire costume or a sepa latl skirt, and the money figures <qually interesting, being ,ll 'll on a rock bottom ground '* cents, and t woven up to a J1 25 stripe. Vi. Powers showed me a big 1,16 of changeable and solid col °^ s >n taffetas. In the profusion 1 hois tdie “Burnt Orange” is ■ "'“I io be the most popular, c sely followed by the Ameri- C ' l " i’cnuty, a color that came kite last season and became So popular. khandsome calling or street costumes, the most popular this season is the silk grenadines. 'These are made up in scores of combinations, in solid black, colored figuresand s'ripes, over color or black silks and trimmed with lace, ribbons dr passemen terie. (Not finding that last word in the wardrobe of my silk vocabu lary, I asked Mr. Powers to spell it for me and therefore have it right.) In making this story “to be continued” I.want to advertise you to look out for the next chapter. “Kash.” ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the legislature, subject to the democratic pri mary June 6th. J. B. Nevin. ANNOUNCEMENT- ■ Please announce my name as a candidate for senator from the 42nd senatorial district subject to the democratic primary to be held on June the 6th. Respect ully, R. T. Fouche. FOk SENATOR 42nJ, DIST- In the coming election it is the privilege of Floyd county, by party precedent, to choose democratic nominee for Senator from the 42ml senatorial district. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the democratic nomination for Senator, subject to the action of the democratic primary of June 6th. W. 11. Ennis. FOR THE LEGISLATURE, I hereby announce myself a candidate for election to the lower house of the Georgia leg islature, subject to the democrat ic primary on June 6th, next. John C. Foster. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself a candidate for a seat in the lower house of the General Assembly of Georgia, to represent Floyd coun ty, my candidacy subject to the action of of the democratic prim ary of June the 6th. W. C. Bryan: For The Legislature To the voters of Floyd county: 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of representa tive in the lower house of the next General Assembly of Geor gia. my candidacy subject to the primary of Juno 6th 98. J. Lindsay Johnson. rheumatism cured in A DAY. “Mystic Cure” for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in Ito 3 days. Ds action upon the system is remarkable and myste rious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Curry- Arrir.gton Co, Rome, Ga. mt fun iiS TO EVERYONE. Who suffers with any chronic disease of any part of the human body, such as kidney and bladder, heart, liver and stomach troubles, face and skin eruptions, disorders of the sex ual organs, sexual weakness and indifference etc. Provided spplication be made at once, in or der that its inventions, appliances and never failing remedies may receive the widest possi ble publicity, and prove their own merits by actual use and permanent cures. No money whatever will be received by the State Medi cal Sanitarium from anyone under its treat ment unti» beneficial results are acknowledged Its remedies and appliances have been com , mended by the newspapers of two continents and endorsed by the greatest doctors in the world, " here developeinent is desired they accomplish it and never fail to invigorate, upbuild and fortify. They infuse new life and energy. They per manently stop all losses which undermine the constitution and produce despondency. They retone, refresh and restore to manhood, regardless of age. They cure evil habits and permanently remove their effects, as well as those of excesses and overtaxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No failure, no publicity, no deception, no disap pointment. Write today. State Medical Sanitarium, EvanSton. Illinois. Go to J. K. Williamson for anything and everything in the jewelry line.. SUPERIOR COURT ■ Cases Set For Third Week in April. CRIMINAL BUSINESS Taken up First Judge Henry Presiding. The following cases have been set for the third week in April, Judge W. M. Henry prssiding. Monday, Tuesday find Wed nesday will be devoted to crim inal business. THURSDAY. Henson vs So., Ry, Co. State Savings Bank vs Crouch & Co. (2 cases.) Epperson vs Gibbs Loeb vs Southern R’y. Hardin,Admr vs McLeod, Clint. Clement vs Smith Louisville Coffin Co, vs Rhudy et al. FRIDAY. Cantrel & West vs Daugherty. McCall vs Bradfield. Fouche vs Washington, Clint Whieley Steel & Iron Co,, vs Merchant National Bk,Clmt Wright vs Richards, Clint. Atkinson, Gov. vs McCool. “ “ “ Riddle, et al. Montgomery & Co, vs Reeves. A NEW DEPARTURE. A Talented Optical Instructor From New York Engaged By a Leading Jeweler- In order to raise the standard of his optical business from ti e L plan of simply seßing stock glass ! es to that of tbe up-to-date optic- ■ ian, Mr. B. F. Roak has secured ■ the services of an eminent optical teacher, will ground him thcrougly in the modern field of eye testing and in the proper treatment of ordinary defec's of vision of the filling qt phys cians i prescriptions. Dr, Lowe, who will • be in Rome next Thurday Adril : 7. He has devoted the part of • twelve years to study of inper ) feet vision and has diplomas from • four of the leading colleges in United Stvtes. He will bring with AIZ/* is 1 loV? ■ .4 him from New York all the latest appliances and instruments used by experienced latter day ocular refractionists for measuring defec tive eyesight, more of which have heretofcre b‘-en in Rome, and will prove revelations, and he will devote his afternoons te testing the eyes, free of charge, of those who may call at Mr. > Roaks store. ‘ BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, • Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet , ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed •to give perfect satisfaction or ! money refunded. Price 25 cents . per box. For sale by Curry- Arrington Drug Company. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. I GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY - Whereas Thomas Holsenback execu’or ot John Holsenback, de ceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed that he has administered John Holsenback’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if anv they can why sa’d adminisirator should not he • discharged from his executorship . and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April 1898. a Thia Jan. 3rd 1898. [ John P. Davis, Ordinary. In the Springtime is the Painting Time We most respectfully call the at= tention of the public to the fact that we carry all the shades and colors of the standard MIXED PAINTS turned out and put on the market by LONGMAN & MARTINEZ, JOHN I UCAS & CO, LOWE BROTHERS. The name of these firms upon a can of paint guarantees it to be the gen= nine article. We also handle Collier white lead and Red Seal white lead. These brands are recognized by veterans as the best ever put on the market. OILS * AND * VANISHES Only the best grades should be used and you will waste no time or money by coming to us at once. BRUSHES“»=For much of your in sido painting, if you will buy mixed paints and brushes of us, you can do the work at your own convenience and suit your own taste. GURRY-ftRRINGTON GO. 2 S. M. Stark, s 04-1 7 K.- X ST £ K S LIDIFS ANO GBITLBIIM WLJ3 B -X Ms. Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave J ./.JM JU J J J J J J J J J JUiT JiFJUIT IH, P. WOOTEN & BRO., Sj Successors to ROME PHARMACY. 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. We have bought the entire stock of the Rome gtV Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in ’ the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and ol the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all times. We should be pleased to have you call on as. Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and J such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. TONSdRIAL PARLORS- LEWIS BARRETT, Artist; Only skilled men employed. Parlors recently renovated M>s courteous attention and satisfactory services guaranteed, at No 426, Broad street. SOM THIH6SI Sil. FRANK WRIGHT FARMACIST, Rome, At Old Norton corner, opposit Masonic Tempi. ■ •" 111 Alcohol, wood, for burning. Balls and Bats. Benzin. Bird Seed 'ind Cutl Fish Bone. Blank Books. Blacking and Shoe D’-essing. Botls, 4 grams up tu liters. Brushes—Hair, Paint, Shoe, &c Call Bels. R cards, Playing and Visiting, castlie Soap, White and Motld. castor Oil, 2 grades. chalk, crayon, prepared and “Spanish Whiting.” checkers, Dominoes, Dice, chemicals, ful line. cigarets and cigars, combs, born and rubber. k condensed Milk. cos Sirups <>f all kinds. iL cruclies and Shoulder Braces. Diamond Wall Finish. Drugs and Druggist’s sundries. Dum Bels and Indian Clubs. Fishing Tack J. Garden Seeds. Gelatin. Glycerol (glycerin.) Glue, dry and liquid. Grease Eradicator, for clothes. Gum, Chewing, all sorts. Hair Dye and Oil. Harness Oil. Harps, French and Jews. Horse, Catl and Poultry Powders Ink, Black, Red and Indelibl. lodin, 'Cincture of Linseed, whole, ground and oil. Machine Oils, Castor, Golden &c Magnesium, Sulfate (Epsom Salt.) Marbls, Agate, China and Glass Maches. Mustache Pomade, Black and White. I Mucilage. Nafthalin Balls for moths. Nutmegs and Cloves. Oil of Turpentine, “Spirits.” Onion Sets. Paint, all colors. Paper and Envelopes. Patent Medicines, ful line. Pencils, Carbon “Led” and Slate Pens and Penholdeis. Perfumery, Cologne, Extracts, Bay Rum. Petrolatum (Vasalin.) Pimenta (Allspice.) Pipes, Clay and Wood. Piasters, Belladonna, Capsicum, Strengthening. &c. Plaster Paris. «i Pocket Books and Purses. Potassium Bitartrate (Cream of Tarta.) I Potassium Nitrate Potassium Bromide and lodid. Putty and Glaziers Points. Quinin, Sulphate, botld and in 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 grain capsules 1 Rubber Balls, Bands, Combs and Syringes. Sealing Wax. Slatbs and Pencils. Sodium Carbonate (Sal Soda.) | Sodium Borate (Borax). Sulfur, Brimstone and Flowers. Suspensory Bandages. Syringes, glass and rubber. Tablets, Pen and Pencil. Thermometers, clinical and house. Toilet Paper. Toilet Soaps, 5, 10, 15 and 25c. I Tooth Picks, Quill and Wood. Trusses, hard rubber and leather Turnip Seed. Twines. I I Varnishes, Asfaltum. Coach and Copal. Water Botls, rubber. White Led. Window Glass, all sizes. £fiF*(’ut this out, paste away and read before starting to town. Low prices, but cash only. Old Norton Corner, opposit Ma sonic Tempi. FRANK WRIGHT- > / Farmacist, Rome. f