The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 05, 1898, Image 4

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THE HUSTLMIJERCIAL TH z HUSTLER OF ROME- Established, 18W. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. 18U6. Issued every evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. olttce, Wilkerson |Block. Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION laily and Sunday,per year SS.OC lunitar, ] "r »ear fteekly ('ink RomeCoOHißn)per year 60 RY CARRIER IN CITY’ AND BUBUI 88. Da'iv and Sunday, locenta per wees, Remiu by bank draft, exprm, order or registered letisr Address frHE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL. / ROME, GA. eXeied al the Postofflce at Rome, Ga., ax I seconu class matter. fAi'vertiaiur rates and sample copies forth i asking, BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 I THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALLEN D. CANDLER, of Hall. For Secretary of State, PHIL COOK, of Lee. For Comptroller General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. For Attorney-General. JOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merrlwether. For.Treasurer, W. M. SPEER, of Fuiton, For’Commlssioner of Agriculture, O. B.‘STEPHENS, of Terrell. .For School (Commissioner, G. R. GLENN, of Bibb. The Hustler-Commercial is the only afternoon paper in Northwest Georgia. It has the combined circulation of the old evening Hustler of Rome and the Rome Daily Commercial, and is THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF The City of Rome 'The City M arshal The Sheriff of Floyd County The Ordinary of Floyd Co, The Hustler-Commercial has the confidence of the classes and the masses—because it mer its and deserves the confidence of all its readers. Now is the time to tell your neighbor to quit borrowing and enlist his name as a subscriber. There are 362,000 army rifles now in the government arsenals ready for use. Mayor Seay, we gieet you. Long may your waves beat on the shoie of prosperous Rome. A New Oceans poet s ys the war prophets aie about as reliable a» the weather prophetq. President McKinley wants to be a pacific, but h«’s afraid Congress will be too much of an insurgent for him. —Albany Herald. Many people think the negroes ought to be sent to whip Spain. Not right. When a fellow insults us, let the genuine American do the job. IVe want no cheap negro to do our fighting.—State of Dade 'Nea s. Col. Candler makes no mis takes in what he wiites, though sometimes he misses the mark when he thinks he is addressing a gentleman. Is the Bell Telephone Company headed fcr the poor house. Its to tal receipts for the fiscal year just closed were $5,130,844, while its expenses reached $971,170. leaving a net balance of only $4,169,675. Tjol ad to see a good (.company a iffir this way,—Columbus Eu- sun. “You cant down a laboring, man. Good evening, Chief Shrop shire. How is your enemy? Col. Candler has begunto name the leaks, now let the “frog-jour nals” croak and the balance of the anti-Candler press howl. Phil Cook is too busy these days shaking hands and getting over the state to make any speech es, but the roll is called up in At lanta he’ll be there.—Cochran Telegraph . Your,Uncle Allen forces the anti-Candler element to keep all of its war correspondent materi al at home. And these fake cor respondents are keeping their “yarn” mills grinding day and night. No city of ten times her size has so representative a city coun cil . Mayor J. J. Seay has a rigl t to feel proud of his council. And Rome feels proud of mayor and council and the officials selected by them hist night. If joint debates are so desirable, and so much ie to be gained by the party because of them, why don’t Judge Atkinson and Senator Remer get down to business. By all means let the two handsome candidates indulge in their pyro technic fights. Col Candler’s ab will make the discussions less interesting. Allen D. Candler, the brave old commoner, will win out, in spite of combinations of politi cal tricksters and all the out-put of all the yarn mills of all the anti-Candler press. Your Uncle Allen is one of the ’‘common people.” and is backed by the great masses—of whom he is the chosen leader. We believe ‘.hat Col. Candler did right in refusing to go into a joint discussion with Berner and Atkinson. There is no need of a discussion now, and it, would lead to hitter personal feelings, of which there already exists too much for the safety of all. Col, Candler will gain friends and votes by his wise decision, — Schley County News. Because Col. Candler speaks of the masses as “the great common people” and says they are for him why Railroad Commissioner Atkinson says there are no “com mon people” in Georgia, and the Macon Telegraph has to take np the abortive idea and defend what Mr. Atkinson says there in an edi torial. The anti-Candlerites are amusing in tLeir antics. The Hustler-Commercial extends sympathy to the two brave officers who were lost in the shuffle in the re-organization of Rome’s police force, last night. They have served the city faith fully, and have aright to feel i sore over their fate. But having made good officers they will make good citizens, Mark that prediction. It has been a long, hard strug gle, single-handed, and, though handicapped, The Hustler ci al has fought its way back to solid ground. We have no ha tred for those who betrayed us and well nigh done us to journ alistic death—but we do feel deeply grateful for the timely recognition accorded up by brave spirits that saw and dared lend succor. The Rev. W. H. Weaver, pastor of the U. B. Church, Dillsburg, Pa., recognizee the value so Chamberlaiu’s Cough Remedy and ■ does not hesitate to tell others about it, “I have used Chamber lain's Cough Remedy,” he says, : “and find it ai exce'lent medicine for colds, coughs and hoarsness.” So doee everyone who gives it a trial. Sold by Currv-Arriugton Co. ’ j W ;S “fG'NI v or ' Emii Zola is to get S6O,(XX) for lhefiUeen lectures he will deliv er in the United States This is an <f die crimes committed in the name of liberty 0 0 0 It’s very seldom we break out ail over in spots and cut, loose both traces, but we are feeling a litile that way now If we are for ced to what we’ll do for a certain tribe will be a God's plenty.— State of Dade News. oo o : The length of the coast line of the Uiuted States, according to 'he Coast Surv y, is 5,715 miles, embracing 2,349 miles on the At lantic ocean 1,556 on the Gulf of Mexico, and 1,810 on the Pacific ocean. o o o A Washington newspaper cor respondent. glancing over the membership of Congress, directs attention to a fact as remarkable as it is interesting Out of a total of ninety mej? in the United State Senate, mori than one-third-or thirty-two-are veterans of the civil war, which ended a full generation ago, while two of these thirty-two, who are today actively engaged in solving a new war prob lem, were participants in the struggle with Mexico more than half a century ago. The House, too, despite he lapse of time and the advancement of young men in political life has a large per centage of men who were active in the civil war. This is a record of American vigor of which the coun'ry may well be proud. ihe Light of the World OR OUR SAVIOUR IN ART” C<st over SIOO,OOO to publish. Contains nearly 200 fuli-page engravings of our Saviour, by the Great Masters It is not a life of Christ, but an exhibit of all the great Masters’ ideals of the Christ. No other book like it ever pub lished. Agents are taking from three t > twenty orders daily . The book is so beautiful that when peo pie see it they want it Published less than a year and already in its twenty-fit'h edition some editions consisting of 18,500 books. The presses are running day and night to fill orders. (It has never been sold in this territory.) A perusal ot the pict ores ot this book is lifie taking a tour among the great art ga'leries ;f Europe. The Hermitage, Prado, Uffizi, Pitt, Louvre, Vatican, Nat onal of Berlin, Belvidere and other celebrated European art gal leries, have all placed their rarest and greatest treasures at our dis posal that they might be repro duced for this superb work. “First glance at the pictures brought tears to my eyes,” says one. “Cleared $l5O first week’s work with the books,” says another. Many men and women buying aaH paying for homes from their success with t' is great work Also man or woman, of good church standing, can secure oosition of Manager h--re to do office work ard c?rrespcnding with agents in this territory. Address for full particu lars A P. T. Elder. Publisher, 186 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111.. First Floor. Two years ago R. J. Warren, a Pleasant Brook. N Y. bought a small supply of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, He sums up the result as follows : “At that time the goods were unknows in this section, today Chamberlin’s Cough Remedy is a household word.” It is the same in hundreds of communities. Wherever the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy become known the people will have nothing else. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. Roarks Jewelry store will be ' come the headquarters for Dr. I Lowe, the ocu'ist begining Thurs day. Examinations free. ST* THF MSjFR to which the Expectant Mother it exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks for ward to the hour of woman s severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life’s pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe MOM'S FFIF.IID allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes for ward in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way ot Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations—she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain—is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously perform the high and holy duties now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of “ Mother’s Fr>end, and the time of recovery shortened. “I know one lad v, the mother of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of ‘Mother’s Friend’ of me before her fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and less painful.’ John G. Polhill, Macon, Ga. SI.OO PER BOTTLE at all Drug Stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price, nnnvc Containing invaluable information of Vgr.L 0 interest to ail women, will be sent to ■ rntE any address upon application, by ■ Thc BRADFIELD R£G-TOR CO.., Sfc k i : -ci ■ -J at* :. r 1 ■ i U*' ' A W KtoVfCt'i’ <..s .Mm®, o** CO, * JiLW YORK. ' ' For sale by Lloyd & Co,, sole Agents. Call for free sample. Americans are the most inven tive people on earth. To them have been issued nearly 600 000 patents, or more than one-third of all the patents issued in the world. No discovery of modern years has been of greater benefit to mankind than Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or has done more to relieve pain and suffering. J. W. Vaugn, of Oakton, Ky., says: “I have used Chamber lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family for several years, and find it to be the best medicine I ever used for crimps in the stomach and bowels. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co, WHEN TRAVELING Whetheron pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a. bottle of Syrup of Figs, asitj acts most pleasantly and effect ually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, head aches, and other forms of sick ness. For sale in 50 ci nt bottle by all leading druggists. Mann factured by the California Fi. Syrup Company only. 4 Mrs. A. luveen, residing at 720 Henry St., Alton, 111., sulf red with sciatic rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for it nearly the whole of this time, using various remedies recom mended by friends, and was treated by the physicians, but re ceived no relief. She then used one and a half hotties of Chamberlain ’b Pain Balm which effected a com ple'e cure. This is published at her request, as she wants others similarly aillicted to know what! cured her. Ti e 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Clary Arringtuii Co. For a good smoke try War-' er ’ “Extra Good” cigars. EPWORTH LEAGUE Convention, Macon, Ga., April 7-th 1898. On account of the above occa sion the Southern Railway will sell tickets to Macon, Ga,, and return at the i ate of $4.85 or one fare for the round trip. Tick ets on sale April 6th and 7th, good returning until April 11 th. Special coach bearing league banners will leave Rome on reg ular train at 10:40 a. in., April 7th, arriving at Atlanta 1 :10 p. m. and there attached to the “Epworth League Special” via the Southerd Railway, arriving at Maeon 4 :o'> p. in. See that your tickets read via the Southern Railway. For tickets and full informa tion call on or write to J. N. Harrison, C. T. A. Armstrong hotel. Telephone 39. RANGES. I am agent iorSouth ern Qui en Coal or Wood Ranges. Also Insurance Safety Gas olme stoves - Call and see mvstock and get estirnaes on your nlumbitno’ and tin work- door to ouera h ruse- F HANSON. FREE OF CHARGE TO SUF FERS. Cut this out and take it to i your druggist and get a sample bottle free of Dr. King’s New Discovery, fur Consumption, Coughs and Colds. They do not ask you to buy before trying. 1 his will show you the great merits of this wonderful remedy and show you what can be ac complished by the regular size bottle. This is no experiment, and would bf disastrous to the proprietors, did they not know it would invariab y cure. Many of the best physicians are now using it in their practice with great results, and tire relying cn it in most severe cases. It is guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington Co. Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and SIOO. «rtjv err , i ■ i n , YEAR'S SUPPORT. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY’ : To all whom it may concerm: Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a j ear’s support to - Mrs. Henry T. Clark, the widow of Henry T. Clark, deceased, have filled their award, and un'ess good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the judge ment of the court at the April term, 1898, of the Court of Ordi nary. This March 7th, 1898. John P. Davis. Ordmtwy Floyd County, Georgia ’ 'ym vW S7 Entire time from “'“’"’‘‘"'Mav full of entertainment end amusement of the highest order. SOME OF THE FEATURES. Gorgeous Flower Parade, including hundreds of decorated vehicles, bicycles, and marching bodies of various kinds! led by Queens of May, representing all the surrounding towns. The King’s Procession and Fire men’s Parade, including, all the military and fire companies of the Central South, besides civic bodies, Two Magnificent Concerts at the Auditorium, rendered by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, a great military band, and local choruses. Coronation of the Queen of all the queens and unmasking of the King of the Festival on the last night. Two Great Bicycle Tournaments at the Chattanooga Coliseum, Firemen’s Contest and evolutions, with thrilling runs on the main streets. Grand Festival Ball, Manufacturers’, Women’s and Art Exhibits, music, street displays, etc. Railroad Excursion. A special rate of one- half fare will be made to Chattanooga during the Spring Faatival. YEAR’S SUPPORT GEi RGIA, r LoY’D COUNTY'. To all whom it may C oti Cflr ,, Xotice if hereby givtm, u' -ippraisers appointed to set « e '“‘ a year’s Mrs. T T laHey.theX; George 1. I alley, deceased A hlled their award, aiul U| , aVb good tud sufficii iit caug-18 H h n 8 the sam. will he made tie t’ I '' memt of the Court at the An*’ .tprrn, 1898, of the Court of o? ( “ nary, This March 7th. LS9B zx John p. p AVI( Ordinary Floyd County, Q 9er gi a . LETTERS OF ADministßal tion. To all whom it may concern- L. A. Dean having i n proper form applied to me for pe nna . nent letters of administration on the estate of Lucy Parker, l ate of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next kin o f Lucy Parker to be and appear at niy office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if a!l y the\ can, why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to L. A. Dean on Lucy Parker’s estate. Witness n>v hand signature this 7th day of March 1898. J John P. Davis Ordinary. NOTICE OF sale. ~ Agreeable to an order of the court oj ordinary of Floyd coun ty, will be so’d at auction at the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale the following property to wit : All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the24th district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Georgia, known and distinguished in the plan of said district and section as No. one hundred and seventy nine (179) containing one hundred aid twenty acres more or less of said lot. and lying all of said lot ex cept a small portion sold by J. M. Ellis, while in life, said lard joins the corporate limits of Plainville, Ga. Sold as the prop erty of James M. Eliis, late of said county, deceased. Terms one-half cash, and the remainder Dec. Ist, ’9B. J. H. Elias, Executor of Jas. M. Ellis de ceased. EPWORTH LEAGUERS. The Southern Railway '♦ill sell you and your friends tickets to Macon, Ga., and return at one fare for the round trip, ac count of the state convention to be held there April 7-10th. We have arranged to run spec ial tram Atlanta to Macon, leav ing Atlanta 1:30 p. m. April 7th, taking up connection of train passing Dalton, Ga., 9:23 a. m., and Rome, Ga., 10 :40 a. m/Uii ß enables you to reach Macon and be assigned to your homes before night. For further infor mation call on any agent of ibe Southern railway, or write tot. E. Jackson, T. P. A. Chattanoo ga Tenn. years SUPPORT. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. To ail whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to s*' apart and assign a suplim Hi; ‘ year’s support to Mrs Georgian l M. Georgd, the widow ot Jim ,lis A George, deceased, have 11 i tbeir award, and un’ess good an sufficient cause is show » ( ® same will be made ihe Judg’ ll '" of the Court at the April term 1898, of the Court of This March 8 1898. John P. Pavu- Ordinary Floyd County, Georg. l - Wanted.—To post > oU j books, make out your bills •>-' do your collecting. Will do tl ,e work reasonably and guarani* 6 satisfaction. Address tor inf° r mation, H. S. Shockley, Ro |l,e * G a. BEST OF ALL To cleanse the system in a S' and truly beneficial mauiwL * the Springtime, conies, true and perfeol remedy, SV Figs. One bottle wili an»we> all the family and' costs u , j cents. Buy the genuine. - |factuiedbv the Cilii° rnl ' 1 Syrup Company only, an 1 tul by all druggists- ?