The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 05, 1898, Image 5

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coni iIE up ihmdusui. Is Handles tlie City's Affairs In a {toner That Shows Familiariry. OUTLINES A MOST VIGOROUS POLICY. " * Street Work, Including Sewerage, Water Works, Fire Department, Schools, Ev ery Department Handled. To The City Council of Rome. Gentlemen: In accordance ' wiffi the time honored custom, II fuhmit for your consideration h UIV views in relation to some ufl< taemost important matters con-j jiected with the administration of , the affairs of the city. The. wei- , fare of the city depends entirely , upon your wisdom and discretion. , I have no doubt I Will have the earnest, faithful and honest co operand! of every member of the city council in promoting the in terest o* the city duiing our term of office, and that all differences of vitwe or feeling will be buried in the desixe to di-charge duties as honest and faithful public ser vants and that we will work Ij gethei harmoniously for the com mon weal. The Financial department of tire city is of prime importance. iL’pon it rests the burden of car lying into effect every plan for the city’s good II should be our ef fort to be as economical as we can consistent with the city’s needs, t>nd while we should prac tice strict economy in the admin istration of all the affairs off the city, we should at the same time provide ample means to do what ever the best interest of the com m inity n quires, The estimated income of the city from all sources, with a tax rate i.f 1 per cent f or the fiscal year, beginning April 1, 1898,1 is approximately $75,000, We cannot s. end more than this sum in the administration of all the affairs of the city for the year. How shall we expend this sum so as to best subserve all the departments of the city? Iwo items of expenditure are fixed charges, the sinking fund, which requires an investment "f $5,000 per annum, and the interest on the city’s debt, $14.- 414.4 G. 1 his ieduces the avail able income of the city for other Imposes to $55,595 54. Out of lllls last named sum all the de- P' l ' -mi nts of the city must be supported. water works. , [t is absolutely essential to the 1)1 uhh of the people of the city that the splendid water works • tl ui, which we have, should be providednvith a filter. lam ’'■formed that it will take from J lO ' 000 t 0 $15,000, to put in a class filterer. The water ' "'mission cannot provide this ■ ll f‘ 0111 their own resources, ecause they are obliged to pro lue ‘or the interest on their out "'g bonded indebtedness, men/ 1 necessar y improve thi i- S ’i a "d f° r th’ B reas on I 11. m ' ' <>ity CoUllc ’l should aid •'•l/moo a " ! ' |,| "'" l ’ ra,ioll ra : ’ - Ihe board can saleofV' 111 .’ 11 amou,,t b y the their i ‘ )oltlon °f the bonds in act /. lands autll onzed by the iu Ups* 11 * I ’® board, passed That act authorized an issue of $27,500 of 5 per cent, 10 year bonds, for the purpose of retir ing the debt contracted in the construction of that portion of the water works lying outside of the city limits. The commis sion has issued only $17,500 of these bonds. I am informed that they have cashed SO,OOO of them and that they have paid that amount of the debts referred to in money. Ii is the opinion of competent attorneys that the water com mission had the right to do this, and that they became the ownir of that amount of these bonds, and that they may sell them for the purpose of reimbursing them selves for the money so expend ed by them. This would enable that board to raise, say SG,OOO in money to buy a filter, which added to the amount that in my judgement should be raised by the city and paid over to the board, would make the sum of SII,OOO. If the filter should cost as much as $15,000, the water board could easily build one du ring the year, and could legally obtain credit for the balance of the fund necessary to be expend ed for this purpose. Nothing is |so essential to the health of the city as an ample supply of pure, clean water. I have no doubt that a good filterer would in crease the income of the water works largely, more than the amount of interest that will ac crue upon the whole amount of money necessary to be expended for this purpose. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. I have obtained from the super intendent aud trustees of the public schools the following in formation: The number of white children now in attendance is 925, of colored children 536. The schools are provided with a super intendent at a salary of $1,600. The white school is provided with one principal at $1 000, the seven th grade, with two teachers, at a salary of SSO per month for nine months, the sixth grade with two teachers with a salary of $45 per month for nine mouths, the other grades with thirteen teachers at a of S4O per month for nine months. The co ored school is provided with a principal at a salary of S3OO per annum and with seven teachers at a salary of S3O per month for nine months. The colored school building is in adequate to seat all the chile ren applying for seats in that school and it became necessary at the opening of the present term to hold successive sessions in two of the rooms of that building and to have part of two grades taught after regular school hours and After the rooms had been vacated by the children first applying " for seats. This required the principal and Mr. Simuel to reuiuin after school hours and teach these children. Fur this extra service they have been paid $75 The »g --gregare of the salaries paid to sup- j erinlendent and teachers of the public schoo's f> r the year ending the first day of April 1898 is sl2- 817 47. In addition to t hi’ there was paid for year for superinten dent’s brick office $612 50 insur ance $237. 50 coal $B5l 92. rent of old court house $l4O other miscel laneous items 534 24. Aggiegating for the year $1,606.75 making a total i ggre-gata of ex pended by the trustees in salaries uud incidental expense connected with the schools for their last fiscal year. There are 436 colored children within the school age, in the first ward, and 243 in the fifth ward Another building should be pro vided to relieve the overfle w now in that building, At least two good rooms should be built for that pur pose, and two additional teachers elected for the two first primary grad s. A building of the kind referred to, together witt a lot. could be provided I am informed, for about SI,OOO, and the two teachers could be had for $25 per month for nine months in the year or $450,000, in the aggregate. I cad the attention of the council to this matter that it may be well considered, and that whatever is best way be done, to relieve the overflow in the colored public building. In my judgement it will rt quire for the maiatence of the public schools during the coining year, including the building above referred to, not less than $15,009. The public schools are the pride of the city. Ac present all teach ers are iu accord and the con duct of the schools is satisfact ory to the general public. By an act passed in December last, tne Mayor and Council are. required to levy for school purposes whatever percentage the trustees of the public schools may demand, not, exceeding one fourth of one per cent per annum. During the present year there was paid to the treasurer of the city from the state school fund the sum of $4,322,50. and we may safely ex pect that much and more, for the present year. The trustees have paid the citv treasurer the sum of $1,606.59, fees received from non resident children attending the puplic schools of the city, and it is highly probable that he will re ceive that much during the pres year from this source, so that the amount to be raised by direct tax ation, of which we appropriate $15,000 for school purposes and allow the tru tees the benefit of these two funds will be approxi mately $9,000. Continued on 7th page. PAINS IN THE CHEST. Until I began the use of Che ney’s Expectorant I suffered fre quently at night with difficult breathing and pains in the chest. I am now entirely . well and a stout believer in your medicine. Robt. Goodman Hughes, Dah lonega, Ga. APRIL WISDOM. Be sure that your blood is pure ; your appetite good your digestion perfect. To purify your blood and build up your health,take Hood’s sarsaparilla. This medicine has accomplish ed remarkable cures of all blood diseases. It is the One True Blood Purifier. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has power to make you well by purifying and enriching your blood, giving you an appetite, and nerve, mental and digestive strength. Talk About Fine Tea.—Ou nigh grade goods at 40c lb never was equalled in Rome before. Bran new stock, and regular 75c goods. I . Lloyd & C.. What is Scott’s Emulsion? It is a strengthening food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh-form ing properties. It contains Cod- Liver Oil emulsified or partially digested, combined with the well known and highly prized Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is materially ’ increased. What Will It Do? It will arrest loss of flesh and j restore to a normal condition the infant, the child and the adult. It will enrich the blood of the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. We make this statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of thousands of CcISCS* Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. 50c. and SI.OO, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Few York. Annual Sales 0ver6,000,000 Boxes FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, aiddincss, Fulness after meals, Head iche. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin, C<dd Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECH ARI'S PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plote health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Mck Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver JN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pilis are Without a Rival And hnve the LARGEST SALE Os any Patent Medicine in the World. 25c. at all Drug Stores, JE GMEMII6 jjgSSTfIRR BHR NK iW America’s Leading Instruments. JESSE FRENCH PIANO & OR6AN CO. Manufacturers and Dealers. No. 932 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Nashville, Tenn. Birmingham, Ala. Dallas, Texas. Montgomery, Ala. Factories: Richmond, Ind. Write our nearest house. A 3-ccnt stamp may save you many dollar*. * DIETZ H No. 3 Street Lamp HAS A SHINING RECORD OF 20 YEARS. T •—antidote for "outer s — pj oughly well made on rv< yS scientific principles. < 1223 ~ than any gas-burning i / OIETZ \ lamp, do it cheaper and / \ do it with kerosene(coal 1 / YUBUUUt \ / STRICT LAMP \ o »). / \ It run be lit and regu- LI I 1 I lated from the outside; i\ \ / / can continue in business I \ y; \ / j despite the wind; can p and will give you entire J I 11 satisfaction, by reason I LU L of its absolute rel»a« 1 L -L-M -—a-J J bility. vaL \ / it la but one member of x. an enormous family of ] | " light goods" that we I build, and to whom we would be glad to intro- L, duce you by ~<eans of our Catalogue, whit h we mail free upon appik tion. If y >u insist upon having the very best goods ‘ made, your dealer will give you " Diets-** If you cannot obtain this Lamp of your dealer, we will tieliver it, freight prepaid, to any part of the ’ J.S. or Canada, upon receipt of its price, viz., $6.00. R. E. DIETZ CO., 60 Laight Street, New York. Established in 1840. * St. Germain Female Pills. The only original and genuine French Female Regulator, of Mme, St. Germain, Paris. Un surpassed as being safe, sure and reliable in every case. Sold under positive guarantee or money refunded. Gat the genuine. Price, 11.00 per box by mail. Sole agents for the United State sand Canada. KI.VG HARVARD CO , 157 Washington st., Chicago. Lost, —A pair of child’s glae r es, with aluminum frames Finder ukase return to A. J.Yager at this office and receive reward. It rests with you whether you continue the nerve-killing tobacco habit. N O-TO-U removes the desire for toba<-<-o. out nervour digtreim. expels tine, purities the blot»d, Jy stores lost manhood makes you strong y in health, caaescured. Bu> and pockeH A < from book. fr JCI own druggist, who V fl vouch for us. Take it with will, path ntly, pcrsistanviy One teSESi hl MT’ ' box UdUa, 'y cures; 3 boxes. imaran’ced t<> cure, or we refunu money. UuHUc €•.. CWswu, lark. I he Preferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK, The Preferred's policies are particularly adapted for businessmen, and special policies are issued for bankers, tor physlcJans, surgeons and dentists, and for traveling men. The I re ferred is an old line stock company with assets of over M 50,000.00. JOHN R,THORNTON, ATLANTA, GA. • • • • STATE MANAGER ‘ I: Best White LEGHORNS! « F° r the very best breed and most perfectly marked fowls, leave orders S® with J. T. Crouch & Co,, $3 par trio. Splendid cockerels only $ 1. 2? 1. D. GAILLIARD. ■ .i ■ —i ■- iii r»— i Repairing -j •Don’t Walk On J f © Your Tippers!; tw.A.MULLIN Masonic T mpl Como. Wis., Hyannis, Nebr., Jan. 10,1898. * Jan. 2,1898. I would not be _ I regard PISO’S without PISO’S |£l CURE FOR CON- CURE for CON- "wres were Alt elshailS. la SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any g PBe H Cou g h medi- thing. For a bad Jlcfli Aisk d M MiRP cine on the market, Cough or Coll it is ■ ■ having used it for beyund all others. 15 years. I Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER, i “The Best Cough Medicine.” THE ARMSTRONG HOTEL , Rome. Ga. Regular t Sl)GGial Boarders Rates Wanted- Min up —— i ■->-i y; The place to get a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. II School Supplies. I We are pioneers in the school books and school sup- 0 ?’ business and we are also right up-ro-da f e in every- (<< thmj that should he kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. J *****atst***it.o.********* Is ! I WALL PAPER, j II ZIN" house ’2 the Stxte car. serve vou better when von de v>> sire to invest in a new covering fee toe dear cid walls o. v/c y-ur home. See our stock on hand and samples vsSs J H. A. SMITH, I | THF OLD RFLIA3LE BOOK STORE.