The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 05, 1898, Image 7

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jggaaaßggsi - BjyOß’S ADDRESS. B,YTYY... II , mo-l in'l’'> rt "" t BX«" ” eiion ’ is V ■ iI)D who r.d« or »> lk ?i™t.ndP«rou«l .Uere.t •’■ after. So tar ae my H.°' extend’, there has ”g et o’* bu ’‘ H ’ What has been done by B nil has been undone by Enough money ba. ■pended to have given us Brand re ,a,,g ' hk rs “ t X are apparent, there ■ p l a u nor system bs tl-al nor permanent. \e B 3 ntented ourselv-s with '■ rv expedients such as 3| crossings and the like |ich L the long run have been pensive than any other Bdo not make these st ate 10t6|n any spirit of unkind tici aof former administration t mention this condition as a aditiouandnot as a theory wU L has come for a radical ■_ Rome is no longer a B’*or a nursing infant but a growing city, and itheLar future the addition of of our suburbs greater reason why ■t turn ov-r a new leaf in ir city work We should decide I full, comprehensive sys ostilplan of street work sewers id thl like, and see to it that all ork Hereafter done shall be a irt jthat plan, and that every- be done in the most] Btia! and permanent anner This is true economy. In ie Bly can we obtain sa isfac ■y retenlt? from the annuel street otArations and there is no our city government that more real satisfaction to ■Bpayere than to have our ■■in provements well done a« a settled and definate lam ■>' the past year the city on streets and sewers ■o will be required for this another year. be n demonstrated that e Brices of a city engineer HBsolutely necessary to se- work on the teeth and sewers of the city, ■gineer whose time shall ■K wholly to the city and ■hall be required to map draft a permanent sys ■f sewers and grades, to di- B ie grading of the streets ■leys of the city, and the ■; of water and gas pipes. Bands of dollars have boen Bn account ol the constant B’ng of the grades of the Band in laying down and ■"? up gas and water pipes. B the grade of a street is ■ and the street macadamiz ■morrow the work so done B up to lay or repair water B pipes or to repair leaks | ch pipes, and in this way Itreets of the city are nearly B' s > at some point or anoth- Jndered impassible and dan fs. and much of the city’s Fl’ is wasted. f"i lnf orined that the last f ll before raising the grade I"' 1 Broad street notified pter commission and Gas f ail y to raise their pipes to r" n mthe grade, burying r "'l' a sufficient distance l ath lhe surface to prevent r'°’ as the work on that , "’ as g° in g on ; and that if ai 'e<l to do so they would / e allo 'vedto dig up the J tor the purpose of getting Many * ft hJ r ar «now buried as much bbl9W the 6U ’ faCe ° f Kfred’-u Br ° ad BtreOt kyi“u r T d, . h “' lhe G “ a aaa >n them at an early date and lay new ones as near lhe surface of the street as possible, for their own benefit as well as for 'h« streets of the city. The water commission should be required to conform to the or der of the city above referred to GAS AND LIGHTS. This department will require $5,- 000 or SG,OOO for the fiscal year. In my judgement it is more econo mical and safer for the city to pay for its lights, ss it has hereto fore done, than it would be to build a plant of its own. The city is not able to build a first class p'ant. Improvements are being constantly made in electric light ing. By waiting a few years the city can, if it should be then de sirable, construct a plant which would perhaps be better than any lighting system now in use. Be sides this there is a liability for damages to person who may be injured that may fall very heavily upon the city if it s ould own or operate its own plant. At present the amount of money paid out to the Ehctric Company is of vitaljbenefit to that company and to the street rail way system also, because the lightning company pays lam in formed all it receives the city to the Electrict Railway company for its power, and in purchasing lights from the electric company, the city wi'hout injury or loss at all to itself, heips to sustain bcth of these plants. FIRE DEPARTMENT We have perhaps the best vol unteer fi.-e department in the United States. The firemen should be sustained to the ex tent of the ability of the city. Whatever reasonable demands they make to keep up their houses and other machinery should be liberally responded to by the city. POLICE DEPARTMENT. The salary account of the last fiscal year, I am informed, was over $15,000. The largest part of this went to the support of the police department. It is our duty to economize in this de partment as much as we can without detriment to the service. As it is we have 15 men and of ficers on this force. In my judge ment, eight policemen and a marshal and his deputy would be sufficient. I recommend that the city purchase two horses for the use of the marshal and his deputy, and that these officers be required to look after the sanitary condition and patrol the city and its outskirts, during the time that they are on duty. As it is, our suburbs are badly in need of protection. The force thus organized would be less ex pensive and much more efficient. I further recommend that this council take under consideration the advisibility of purchasing or enlarging cur present cemetery. lam informed that there are very few lots vacant in the cem etery proper,including the Bran ham addition. A new cemetery might be purchased for the ex clusive use of the colored popu lation of the city, if they should desire it and will select the ground. If the council should see proper to adopt this plan, it is desired by our colored people, I suggest that a confer ence be had with them and a tract of land selected and pur chased for this purpose. And in that event, I recommend that thereafter no more burials be allowed in that part of the pres ent cemetery set apart for color ed persons,except in cases where colored persons are lot owners. In conclusion let all the depart ments of the city government work together in peace and har mony lor the best interests of the city. City offices were not created foi the benefit of officeholders but for the good of the people. We are the servants of the people. Let us enforce the laws and ordinances of the city fearlessly and discnarge the true s coi tided to us faithfully and honestly in all respects with no hope of reward other than that that Hows from the conscientous <b*chi'.igi of duty remembering that. “ rimes sweeps away men and kings as well as men and palaces and temples as well as places. Righteousness and its fjuitsuione are immortal,” j/’Vx Many a man who would be V wm ''.i, 1 ■’ i i i i i i z— startled at the MP \ V-1 I H bare thought .jU. —i |- sitting IwWi‘ a ktiii drinking a U / <IGSe ° f poi ’ , A Wi/ son, allows Ik himself to be ■ j A regularly and r I ’! * s' -■ "i:itic- IjHRKr *■ ’ ally poisoned dav after day e*-—accutnula ~~ dons of bile gOye £1 When the liver fails to do its regular work of filter —y ’ ns ' 'his bilious poison out of the circulation, it goes on poisoning the entire constitu / tion just as surely as if a man was drinking prussic acid Every part of the body is polluted. The digestive juices are suppressed and weak ened. The kidneys and skin are clogged with impurities and the lungs and bronchial tubes overloaded,with morbid secretion which eat away the delicate tissue, and bring about bronehitis and consumption. All the diseases caused by this subtle pro cess of bilious poisoning are cured by the marvelous alterative action of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It directly in creases the liver’s natural excretive and purifying powers ; gives the digestive and blood-making organs power to manufacture an abundance of red. rich, healthy blood. It drives out all impurities, and vitalizes the circulation with the life-giving elements which restore perfect nutrition, solid mus cular power, and healthy nerve-force. " In August 1895, I was taken down in bed wiih a burning and severe pains in my stomach and under mv shoulders, and dizziness in my head,” writes Ira D. Herring. Esq., of Needmore, Levy Co., Fla. “ My home physician was called and he said my symptoms were more like consumption than anything else. I lingered in this way seven months trying different kinds of medicine. Noth ing that I ate would digest, and 1 had great dis tt ess in my stomach. 1 was persuaded to try some of Dr Pierce's remedies or to see what he thought ®f my case. I wrote him and received an answer stating that my suffering was from indigestion and torpid liver, and advising me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The first bottle gave pleasing results I have taken four bottles of the Golden Medical Discovery’ and three small vials of the ‘ Pie:; ant Pellets.’ lam able to do my work and eat what I could not before I took these medicines.” Every day now brings us heavy ship ments of standard and seasonable fur= niture, and with the coming of spring we have already received a CAIMAJAI) OK BABY CAIRRIAIGKES All of them beauties and many of them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the essensial points of beauty and strength • MATTING-S. HTJGFS. < CARPETS In this department we have received for the spring trade one car load of mattidg which we imported direct from Japan. Here you can find new patterns and the prettiest of designs and at remarkably low prices. -STOVES- Do you need a new stove in ycur kitchen? Then call on us and you will go no where else. W e have the best and that means an economic stove in every sense of the word. THE HANKS MITE CO. 305 Broad st- Phone 52- Undertakers, Embalmers, and Fu neral Directors. THE nODEL LAUNDRY’S will tell you something in tomorrow’s issue- Be sure you see it. HACKED TO PIECES Maddened bg JealQilsy He Uses a Botcher Knife. ON HIS SWEET-HEART, With Fatal Result, Then Made Good His Escape- Ahrut 8.3 G, Saturday night, Charley Marshall, a negro desper ado, cut a”d mortally wounded I’utt Harwick, at Cedar Bluff. Marshall had been showing the negress attention for ,-ome time, but she did not return his affiections, and when he found she had been shoning another negro more attention than she had him he got enraged went to her house with a butcher knife and proceeded o hash her anatomy to pieces to such an extent that it took 159 stitches to sew up the wounds. When ihe doctors got through with the job she loooked more like a “crazy quilt than a humau being. He then made good his escape and has not been apprehended by the officers. The negro is supposed to be niding in the vicinity of Rome. The woman Is in a dangerous condition and will probably die from the effects of wounds. If it’s good to eat you’ll find it at Lloyds. Keep Everything in the drug line and a full line of druggists sun dries. Sed. Your especial attention is called to the fact that our prescription department has been the feature of our business for years. Its well earned reputation is now a matter of pride with us. Your orders solicited. I C. /%. TREVITT, 331 Broad. Telephone 110- —U ■ gs i HI:: ’•; pi; i : ip; g;; ffi: i 1-I i U:' it: B I A WHOLE CLUB ||) ||| Ca ’t 1 ■ I'. Running Ti me ■ U’h ‘ ~ SB! xiS I carry a full and complete line of jewelry, iuclu- Mfi ding Diatn mds . Ek My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- ijii er more complete. WEDI) ING PRESEN FS A S PEC IA LT Y. fl J K Williamson 1 ii«t u fl I OO Bicycle 4 to go regardless of 010 ISIT PI Rlll Ol B. You can get just what you want of BL BL, FOBBES. * *. ' * * We have NEW Bicycles from TWELVE DOLLARS UP and they will be sold at prices to suit the purchaser. Pianos -- Organs and several makes of SEW MACHINES. 5 which will be sold at prices never before known i i Rome We also have in stock 1,000 copies POPULAR SHEETMUSIC at ioc per copy, s:nd for catalogue of this music. We also handle j MANDOLINS.! GUITARS. VIOLINS. STRINGS; and will rent pianos or organs with purchasing privileges. Our piano case organs are great sellers. Call and see them. F E Forbes' 327 BROAD ST| * EET - I - 4 ' 1 T +++^.< .4. ++++++ 4. +^.+++++++++++ SEx, DAVIS, Managfer. LIVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLES, Offers the public the finest teams, best convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. The best stock of horses and mules on sale con stantly. 306 AHQi 308 BRQADI STREET. ROME. GEORGIA*