The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 06, 1898, Image 2

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a BCD'S EYc VIEW, The young man who had the job of taming wild flowers has frozen to death. *** If Col. Candler and Railroad Commissioner Atkinson can’t make it warmer in N »rth Geor gia they should order more gin ger. * * * No, Jane, dear, a torpedo boat is not pitched with tar—the government don’t even use tar as a principle ingredient in the manufacture of tarpedoes. * * * The United Stites Navy is said to be like a horse on a win dy day—because its Maine is blown up. < * * The same chill blast that froze the tender buds, was the same fierce wind that blew up all three of Rome's rivers. It blew up the street also. * * * The very latest war ambush for the innocent militiaman is: “Have vou heard about that first bill Congress passed after war was declared?” “No, what?” “Why, a bill closing public libraries..” “What’s that for?” “To protect the magazines.” Then comes vol um ns of ex plosives. and they are generally unbound in calf. *** “I was so much amused at a little 12-year-old girl a few 7 days ago,” remarked a bright woman at Mrs. Garrard’s Easier open ing this morning. “The child was one of these quaint little maidens. She observed: ‘The girls seem to be so giddy these days.’ Why, said I, what are you thinking about?’ ‘Last night I was at a party,’ she replied, •and I noticed that all the girls, when they laughed, giggled he he-he I The boys laughed too, but I didn’t hear any of them say she-she-she. They laughed much more manfully than the girls.’ ” * * * Jervis & Wright bel eve in Easter openings and are putting their up-town drug house in ap ple blossom order. If I were an artist or an artistic critic I might undertake to describe the pleas ing effects of the blending of colors, shades and figures. As I am not, I shall advise you to go see for yourself. To more fully enjoy the pleasure just take a stand at the soda fount and 100 k wv® The Roman mother who with her mantle de fended the body of her child from the ravenous birds of prey is a perfect type of motherhood in all times ' and among all peo ple. To protect her offspring from harm is the overwhelming instinct of moth erhood. Modern moth ers are coining to understand that •—the best protec kwJ S r tion they can W P’ vc their chil . =-_ a w. ll'/il dren against the preying acci dents of life is to transmit to them an abuudance of natural health and hardihood But a mother cannot confer health and strength upon her offspring unless she has it in some measure herself. Prospective mothers should know that Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a sci entific medicine, which gives perfect health and strength to the special organs con cerned in motherhood. Taken early during the expectant time, it makes the coming of baby entirely safe and nearly painless. It insures cheerfulness and recuperative energy to the mother and constitutional vigor to the child It is the only perfect and positive specific for all weaknesses and diseases of the femi nine organism. Mrs. F. E. Forgey. of Carns, Keyapaha Co., Neb., writes: " I write to you again oncerning my daugther, Mrs. D. Billings. She has taken two bottles of ' Favorite Prescription.’ She thinks the medicine did her a world of good. She was confined the 15th of February. Was sick but a short time and lias a 10 pound daughter. Got along nicely afterward. Looks good, corn pie xion look* deal, and she Bays she nrver fell ■» weß. NO MESSAGE. I f President McKinley Weak ened Today. MESSAGE TO GO MONDAY Unless the Weather Should Prevent Washington, April 6 The long promised message of President i McKinley, bearing on the Cuban situation was not sent to Con ’ gress today, but has been piom ' ised for next Monday. At that time,the weather permitting and his b ickbone not failing him, ‘ the President will make another jeffbrt. In the meantime Cubans are starving by the thousands. ■ at the improvements through a glass of delicious. * * * And while I am paying my respects to the up-town druggists 1 want to remark that one of this clever class of .hustlers told me yesterday afternoon, that he w;is preparing to bring a suit' for damage against a certain i newspaper, because the paper, for several issues, had failed to remove from its columns, a cer tain war ad. He said that he had ordered the same out of the paper repeatedly and that it was not only annoying to have it re appear, but that it damaged him in the eyes of his fellow 7 drug gists. PURELY PERSONAL Mr. J. A. Vaughn, of Chatta nooga, is hereon business. Mr. W. Chidsey went down to Alabama yesterday on busi ness. M.r J. W. Smith, of the Gate City, is registered at the Arm strong. Senator Wesley Shropshire of Summerville, was in the city today. Mr . Earle Jackson, of La Fay ette, is registered at the new Cen tral today. Mr A. W u Ledbetter returned yesterday from a business trip up the C. R. & S. Messrs J. C. Watts and J. F. Camp returned to their home in Cave Spring today. Mr. A. N. Tumblin, a popular Cave merchant, is in the city on business today. Mr. P, W. a prominent merchant, of Piedmont, is among the visitors in Rome today. Mrs W. B. Chidsey returned this morning from a pleasant visit to friends at Summerville. Mr. Rosser Thoma®, of Adairs vi le, who has been in the city several days went to Alabama today on business. Mr. W. C. Niser, a popular ex-Roman, is in the city . He is hustling business for a New Or leans cigar house. Hon. J. Watt Harris, Bartow’s gifted son and candidate for con gress from the Seventh dis‘rict was in the city last night and today. Miss Foy Murphey, returned yesterday morning from Trion where she spent several d-iys with her parents. She is attending Shorter college. Messrs C. E, Ca rpenter and J. Santie Crawford, two of the wide awake young attorneys of the ' Rome bar. are attending Po k county superior court this week. Miss Anna Foute left yesterday for Rome to resume her studies t Shorter college. Mies Fcute i has been at home tor several i weeks on account of an indisposi- i lion.—Cartersville News. Woman's Friend The Grca .’leucine that Gives Nerve Strength Hood’s Sarsaoaritia Makes th© Blood Rich r.nd Pure, Creates an [ Appetite and Restores Health, Vigor and Vitality. “I feel teat I oiisjht to write a few words in pralo of Hood s Sarsaparilla, which hes done i;. at things for me. I j was in a de'...’i*tc eonditioci and was sick at my stomach and sited. I tried I remedies highly d for female weaknesses, but tho r-T .’ncs brought on other troubles. I v. t.; co weak I i could not attend to my ht-nschold duties, and I then determined to try IL’od’s Har saparilla. Aflcr I had taken this medicine a short time I began to gain atrength. I Crow Stronger Dsy until I was ab! i to work all day without any inconvcn. neo. I have taken Hood’s Tills for constipation, and I nm better to day than I have teen for five years. Sineo taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Tills I feel rested in tho morning. I am less nervous and am sure I have richer and purer tlood. I have always been bothered with scrofula, but now I am rid of it. Before my list child was born I took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and my girl ba'*.- 7 was ’at and str. rg, whilo my other child w;.s not v. ■ 1 a d lived to i.e only two years old.” Mrs. E. F. Deal, Box 413, Missouri Valley, lowa. i r* ~ Saisa™ :•? . U pari’Sa Is the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. ;h-.< • .... Mr. J. L. Stay city editor of the Hustler C* wiP godown to Aitniston Saiurdav. where he | will be nn attendant at the Sutherland-Smiih wc-ddii g Tues day. He will rema'D several dnys before returning Mr. Sam E. Whitmire, who has been in the city several (lays went to Floyd Springs yester day before going to Washington, where he has been sent by the New York, Journal He has just returned from Cuba where he was special correspondent for that paper. A big stock of Spanish soap at Frank Wright’s Farmacy. Dr. Taylor optician recently from Chicago has decided to locate perminently in this part of Geor gia and wil I make frequent visits to Rome. Eyes examined free from 10 a m. to 3 p. m April. 7 to 16 at Wootens drug store 30!) Broad Sr, If it’s good to eat you’ll find it at Lloyds. Ey s <-xamit ed free by Dr. Tav lor the optici n at Wootens drug store 309 Br ad St. or appoint ments made at your hemes without charge. LETT E RS O F A D MINI ST RA - TION. Georgia, Floyd County : To fill whom it may concern : George W. Williaman having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of admin istration on the estate of R. W. Richardson, late of said county, deceased. T'his is to ciie all and singular the creditors and next of kin of R. W. Richardson to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to George W. Williaman on R. W. Rich ardson’s estate. Witness my hand add official signature this 7th day of March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary . APPLICATION FOR LET TERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Floyd County : Whereas L. W. Palen, ad ministrator of B. A. Connelly, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered B. A. Connelly’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they, why said administrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon day in June. 1898. This March 7th 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. Talk About Fine. Tea. — Ou j n : gh gra b g ods at 40c lb never was equalled in Rome before. Bran new -took, and regular 7ac goods. I Lloyd & C«. | T 5 » * • » * I | Easter Opening: | * On Tuesday and Wednesday, the * W ; sth and 6th of April, we will display J ? a full line of pattern hatsand bon- £ 7R ; , nets. All are cordially invited to at- * 'h s tend. Doors open at io o’clock. * ijb & m '>*• W = rtrs, A, Oo Garrard * * ? & * t * it ®to****w***« 3? G* iiir Hii/r n’d nnnrn tw •) •)Ult IP M H n*K (e I in I irn k* IIInnL Ull UiIULII •) ®) (• C 5 j '■ n * i •) Stho ncnxhron enn QQni w S S UltJ UUuIJiJ I dllldlllludll I ? *• ' •? | THEY ARe THE * S? I $7 KIND -.•i |AT OTHER PLACES. '* r » i) ®>n T'l ' P 920 (® mmiomjwZa I 0 W 4 •) . s BEST SANITARY PLUMBING "•■f A K N # » 1 : I UTS \ 1 A < Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. » Y J Gas Fixtures, J}'*" Oas Stoves, £ pj b II I ? S j- A full line of goods. All orders re -44 <J S ceive prompt attention. <;> M ‘ ; ' 7 ’ - lb j< p ? JOHNC-CHILDS. gt a : 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos. Fahy, rs a n s fe Wa s e . I—— —ll ucAmmtjih iwnwi ■