The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 06, 1898, Image 3

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W EMOIIEYBYHOMEDYEING ’ BI! ' U F WEb SUITS, Dyes & ,akE Bea P i T Ik ’ JL iaMoNI’ Colors Which ASD B Not Fade-So Simple " iIL v vE x A Child Can Ise That Lye. <cccK . 8F uli.y-F or ThKM vs rb The Standard TaENTY Home Dyes. .«».<• ■■■ >•» • '“'ot >■' Y,“ r ' bi , g that is fad»d u»<l snobby "‘"’Yu !>•’• 1,0 m ” ni ‘ y , n n-e With one or two pack- Kof Diamond Dyes that cost Kt!, cents, toe old dr... one 5 ; u fashionable and beauti ’,sr .'id mad. to look b - , Tb<,u.»„d» of women will 8 Athft told from ntw ’ * ut £b have cost them only a trifle fe result of coloring over their a materials with Diamond Esmond Dyes are so simple L d easy to use that even a child |n by fol owing their plain rectiunß. get fast and beautiful Mors- They will not fade, creek, r wash out, and are the only ackage dyes that have stood the >„t of years ot use. Do not n-k our goods with imitations of the bamond. DR. LOWE 6 now with us ard till be here some lime. I Dr. Lowe has come Io Rome to give us lerscnal instruction L. optics. I He is thoroughly up L the business of ■roperly and scien ■ficallv fitting spec s' moles to the eye, and ■ here for the pur pose of teaching us Bie science and not to ■take money off our ■ustomers. Come in ■nd have your eyes Bested. ITo accommodate ■hose who may du- Rre to take advaiv |&ge of Dr- Lowe’s ■nquestio ied skill as In optical expert, I hvve arranged his tours as follows: toning nours, 10 to 2. Afternoon hours, Ho 5. No charge of kind- B - F. ROARK, Jeweler. •F. M. Taylor the Chicago la a wi | make hi® headquar 'rs at Wooten’s drug store 309 oad «t. from Thursday April 7 -unl.iy April 16, inclusive. to 3 Ev „ s filiation free. YEAR'S SUPPORT. "J 1 " 51 ' YD OUNTY. ij. tnay concern thereby glven that the raho J’ 11 Mears support tO Sa to M„‘,l . tho W ‘ doW ()f JRB - Ceaßyd ’ havo filed '“ffieieut 1 . , H "‘ I UD ’ e3S B° od aild win h 18 sh'Jwn the same Ul ' llle j' ad fl Pm, nt. of of the U ‘" April tPrm « *898,' r dii,ary - Thi9 h Jb - John P. Davie, Ordinary. PBONS ADJO’JRN Willi a Grand Banquet Last Night I|l MASONIC TEMPLE. One of Most Brilliant Affairs Ever Given by Masons. The district convention of free and accepted Masons which have been in session here for several days adjourned last night with a grand banquet in I he Masonic Temple. Following was the program : 1. Opening ceremonies. 2. Ode. 3. Prayer. 4 Reception of Grand Offi cers. 5. Ode of Welcome. G. Words of welcome by Max Meyerhardt, W. M. of Cherokee Lodge. 7. Addresses by Grand Offi cers. 8. Work in Third Degree. 9. Banquet. 10. Toasts and addresses by distinguished Masons. 11. Concluding ceremonies. '1 he banquet was one of the most brilliant affairs ever given by the Rome lodge. ‘ Most of the business transact ed yesterday was the reading of the report of 40 lodges. Over five hundred Masons from all over Georgia was in at tenda nee. Grand Master J. W. Taylor, of Luthersville, was present yester day and was greatly i leased with what he saw’. The delegates will long re member the pleasant occasion and speak in the highest terms of Rome hospitality. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Honor Roll —The Honor roll of my high school for boys, for the month of March, is as fol lows : John McConnell 97; Lind ley McClure, 9G. P. J. King, Principal. Prayer Meeting.—Rev. J. H . Eakes will conduct the pray er meeting at the First Metho dist church tonight at 7 :30 o’clock. All members are earn nestly requested to be present. F.pworth Leagers.—Quite a number of Rome members of the Epworth League, will leave to morrow’ forenoon in a special coach, over the Southern for Macon, to attend the great Ep worth League convention in that city. Arrived Last Night.—Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Lowe, of New York Citv, arrived in the city last night. Dr. Lowe is here for the purpose of giving Mr. Roark, the enterprising Rome jeweler, a thorough course in scientific optics as applied to the human eye. Will Close Sunday.—The series of meetings which has been conducted by Rev. S. 11. Dimon at the Second Methodist church, will close Sunday. The meetings have been largely at tended and 15 souls have been brought to Christ. Convicts Move. —Supt. Hack ney, of the the chaingang, mov ed all the convicts from their wiu'er quarters on the Summer ville road, this morning. They will work the Calhoun road near Pope’s Ferry, where they will camp for the summer. Second Baptist.—We are glad to speak of the great work that is being done in the Second Baptist church under the pas torage of Rev. O. P. Gilbert. He is a young man of great ability and perseverance. He is not I only constantly increasing the membership of his church, but NIW MEDICAL DISCOVERY. A Positive Cure For Dyspap sia. This may read us though we weie putting it a little strong be cause it is general y thought by t he majority of people (ha* Lys pepsia in its chronic form is incur ab e, or practically s>. But wo have long since shown that Dys pepsia is curable, nor is it such a difficu't matter as it first appears. The trouble with Dyspeptics is that they are continually dieting, starving themselves, or going to opposite i x rernes or else delung mg the already ever burdened stomach with “bitters,” “after dinner pills,” etc , which invar iably increase the difficulty even if in some cases they do give a slight temporary relief. Such treatment of the stomach simply make matters worse. What the stomach wants is a n st. Now how can tbe stomach become rested, recuperated and at the same time tbe body nourished and sustained This is the great secret and this is also the secret of the uniform success ot Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tab lets. This is a compariively new remedy, but its successs and pop ularity leaves no doubt as to its merits. The tablets will digest the food anyway, regardb ss of condition of siomacb . The sufferer from dysepsia ac cording to directions is to eat an abundance of good wholesome food tablets before and after each meal and the result will be that tbe food will digested no matter how bud your dyspepsia may be, because as before stated, tbe tab lets will digest the food oven if the stomach is wholly inactive To il lustrate our meaning plainly, if you take 1 800 grams of meat, eggs or ordinary food and pisce it in a temperature of 98 degrree, and put with it one one of Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets it will digest the meat or eggs almost as per fectly as if the meat was enclos ed within the stomach. The stomach may b ever soe weak yer these tablets willperform the work of digestion and the body and brains will be properly nourished and at the same time a radica', lasting cure of dyspepsia will be made be cause the much abused stomach will be given, to some extent, a ranch needed rest. Your druggist will tell you that of the many remedies advertised to cure dys pesia none of them has given so complete and general satisfaction as Stuart’s Dyspep aa Tablets and not hast in im portance in these hard times is the fact they are also the cheap est and give the most good for the least money. A little book on cause and cure of stomach trouble sent free by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. has organized a Baptist Young People’s Union, with 75 mem bers, it being the only one in the city. Go over and ’near the young brother, it will do you good. Dangerously lll—Mrs. Bet tie Foster, the aged aunt of Capt. John G. Foster, is dangerously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Neel, in East Rome. She is 82 years old and has been in feeble health for some time. Finger Taken Off.—Dr. W. A. Chapman, one of Cedar town’s prominent physicians, had his finger amputated by Dr. T. R. Garlington Monday. The finger was affected by blood poison. He stood the operation well and returned to his home yesterday morning. ’Two Brave Officers. —The many friends of Mr. Charley Al exander and Mr. John Huffman, regret exceedingly that these brave and faithful officers were ‘•lostinthe shuffle” last Mon day night. Officers Huffman and Alexander have served the city long and faithfully,and in being dropped from the force, leave enviable records in the archives of the department they have helped to make so effective for the city. The Hustler-Comm ercial wishes for these men the jsuccess in life that they deserve —be it whatever avocation they i undertake. I A big shipment of writing 1 tablets will arrive at Frank I Wbight’s Farmacy tomorrow. SHEWS SALES EEE iMLIIIW GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY Mill be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the l>«gal hours of sale, on the first Tuordny in April 1898, the following described property to wi': A certain let in the city cf Rome Floyd county Ga. .bounded as fol ows . Beginni ig on the Northeast corner of the lot heretofore ssld G. Jeffries on a twenty foot alley, thence along the same East fifty eight feet and eight inches to a stake in said alley, th race South six y-six feet and sev -a) inches to a stake on the Margaret Stephen line, thence West along the same fifty two feet, and eigft inches to G. Jeffries line and with the emne North to the b ginning. Levied on by virme of a fba issued from Floyd Superior court in favor of Southern Home Building and Loa l Association vs. Carrie M. Maple as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and pl°ce that tract oi parcel of land situa ted lying and being in Floyd Coun ty and in the City of Rome, lying >n the eastern side of the O >s tanau’a River, being a portion of land lot No. 286, in the 23rd. Dis trict and 3rd. Section of said County, beginning on King Street at the North ast corner of the lot known as the Pinson or Old Brick Yard lot, and running in a North erly direc'ion and al ig the west side of King Street to the South east corner of the lot known as the McGuire lot thence to the Oosta naula Riv ron a line at right angles with King Street this last mentioned line being North of the two story brick dwelling standing on the parcel of land hereby con veyed, theneedown said Oostanau la River to the Nortneast corner of tbe said Pinson or Old Brick Yard lot. thence along the Northerly bonudry line of the said Pinson or O'd Brick Yard ot beginning the said parcel of land is bounded on the NoTth by the McGuire lot, cn the South by the Pinson or Old Brick Yard lot, on the east by King Street, and on the west by the Oostsnan'a River, being the parcel of land as now enclosed, containing two acres more or less. Also that tract or parcel of laud situated, lying & being in the town of Forestville in said County of Floyd, & State of Georgia, & known in the plan of the said town as iots 165 166 167 207 Levied upon by virtue o m execution issued .from Flovd Citv Court in favor of S F Magruder, Cashier vs IV. M. Towers, as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and placi One hundred and thirty seve •’hares of the capital stock of the city Electric Railway Company of Rome, Ga. of tbe par value of On< hundred dollars per share as thi property of the Merchants Nation il Bank of R >me, Geoigia, and have served written notice of this evy on he Said City Electri Rail vay Company of Rome Ga. , by serving the same on R. A. Den iiy in person as tne Secretary o' said C nnpany, And I have als serveu written notice ot this lev >n the defendand, by serving tt" same personally on E. A. Heard he C shier ot the defendant. Levy made & notice served Marc! Dh.' 1898. Levied upon by virtue of an execution issued from Floyc Superior Court in favor of Crow Broiheis use of O. H McWilliams Survivor vs The Merchri tc National Bank of Rune Giorgis. As ths property of defendant. Also at the same ’irae and place the following part of lot of bind No. 316 in the 23rd. District & 3rd Section of Floyd Co , Ga., desig nation as let No. 24 in the Cooley farm and plat of said survey recorded in Clerks Office in Book x of deed- page 66, Levied upon by virtue of two flfaa issued from the fuetice Court of the 919. h, Dist.G M., Floyd Co. Ga. both in favoi W. H.Ennis, holder, one against Sarah Irvin & D. C. Campbell ai d the otbe agairnst D. C. Campbell as the property of D. bell the defendant] j Also at the same time and place one Incandescent Dynamo Electric machine No. 551, one Incandes cent Dynamo Electric machine No 555, one Incandescent Dyna mo Electric machine No. 552, one Incandescent D.namo Electric machine No. 554, the ; hove levied or pioperty being now in the power house of the Rome ...City E'ectric Railway Company. Also on the unexpired term or leas’ of the defendant, the Rome Electric Light Company of tbe Electric Light Plant, of the Rome Gas Light Company now usedjn fight ing the streets of th -> city of Ronu which said lease was male on thi 22nd day of April 1893, by and between tbe Rome Gas Light Co., by R. T. Coverdale, President and W. H. Adkins. Secretary, and the Rome Electric Light Ct mpa ly by •J. L. Camp, President, and J King. Secretary, to continue for the term or ten years from said date. The interest of the said de endant hereby levied upon being he unexoired part of s lid lease o* the Eiec’ric Light Plant of the Rome Gas Light Company, as above stated which said lease is recorded in ths Clerk’s office of the Superior Court of Floyd coun ty Georgia in Book “V V” page 189, Also all the incandescent line constructions, poles and wires now in the possession and use of th' Rome Ligh'iog Company in the city of Rome, Georgia, it beine two miles of p iles and wires mon >r less, property pointed cut by plaintiff s a'torney. Levied on by virtue of a fifa issued from Floyd Superior Court in favor of Arnold Broyles, as receiver of the Rome ias Light Company vs. the Rome Electrij Light Company as prin- C'pal and Jack King and John M. Vandiver as securities or Replevy Bond, as the property of the Rome Electric Light Company, one of the defendants. Also at the same time and place, one lot with improvements there on in the Fifth ward of the city of Rome Floyd county Ga ~ fronting on Coosa street 76 f eet more or less and running back 85 feet.more or less. Bounded on the East by an alley, on the North by the prop erty of Maranda Daniel, on the West by theproperty of Mrs. Mary E. Ccmer. Levi d on by virtue of threa cost fifae issued from Floyd Superior court in favor of M’. M. Moss, use of officers of Floyd Su perior court vs. Alice Richardson, is the property of the defendants Also at the same time and place the following ti act of land describ-1 ed as followa • that tract or parcel ot situated, lying and being in the 23rd District and 3rd Sec tier. of Fkyd county Ga. , being one acre more or less, off cf lot No. 124 in the forks of the Dalton ind Summerville roads, that is, that part of lot No. 124 which lies in the forks of said roads about two and one half miles from the corporate limits of the city ot Rome, also two acres of lot No. 117 in 23rd District and 3rd Sec tion said state and county and ad joining the above described one icre off of lot No. 124 and which wo acres lies between the Dalton ind Summerville roads and moro luily described in a deed by A. 0. Trimble to D. P. Phillips and H. D. AycocK. Levied on by virtura of a fifa issued from the Justice Court of the 919 District G. M., Floyd county Ga., in favor of Rome Grocery Co., vs. J. M.Jones as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place that tract or parcel of land situat ed, lying and being in the town of North Rome [formerly Forestville] Floyd county Ga., and known in the p an of said town as the South half of lot No. 190 and all of lot No. 191 Levied on bv virtue of a cost fifa issued from Floyd Supe rior Court in tavor of R . D. Van dyke for the use of officers of Floyd Superior court vb Fannie Hays, as the property of the de fendant. Also at the same timo and place, all that tract or parcel of land sit uated, lying and being in the town of North Rome, [formerly Forestville] Floyd county Ga ,and known in th) plan ot said town as lot No 183 Levied on bv vir tue of a cost fifa issued frm Fiovd Superior court in favor H' R. D - Vandyke, for u-e of officers of Floyd Superior Court, vs. Salina Heelup. aa the of the defendant Also at the same time and 1 place one dark brown horse mule named Isom, about 15years old, one spring ice wagon, a sei har ness and bridle, 1 pair of hand scales, and 1 ice hook. Levied upon by virtue of a tax fi fa is sued by V. T. Sanford, T. C., in favor of the Van Winkle Gin & Machinery Go., Transferree vs. Purity Ice Go., as the prop erty of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, these parts of lots Nos. 121 and 121 in the Goosa divis ion of the city of Rome Georgia, beginning at a point in the line of the outside edge of the north east wall of the brick building known as as the Rainey, now Wooten livery stable, and fifty feet from Broad street; thence southeast along that line and the extension thereof to East First street • thence northeast along East First street twenty feet to tbe Armstrong hotel property ; thence at right angles northeast along the line of said hotel prop erty to a point ninety feet from Broad street; thence southwest parallel with Broad street eight feet; thence at right angles and parallel with the line of said hotel property to a point fifty feet from Broad street to the be ginning point. Said property known as the /Armstrong hotel bar room property ; to satisfy two fi fas issued from the city city of Floyd county, one in fa vor of J. A. Gaboney and the other in favor of Grow Brothers ami both against J. King, as the property of the defendant. Also at tbe same time and place, one house and lot front ing on Broad street in the city of Rome Ga., twelve feet and running back the same width 50 feet. It being tbe property that was occupied on August 7th 1895 when levied on, by Asa Johnson, bounded on the southwest by the old Ramey livery stable and on the northeast by an alley, levied on as the property of J. King to satisfy a fi fa issued from the city court of Floyd [county Ga., in favor of J. A. Gaboney vs. J. King, and afi fa in favor of Crow Bros, vs, J. King, issued from the city’cburt of Floyd county, Ga ; levied on as the property of J. King. Also at the same time and place one clay bank mare about five years old named Mandy. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fifa issued from Floyd city court in favor of Jos. A. Stanley vs, G. Cicero Strange as the property of the defendant. J. P. McConnell Sheriff. -Ar IVE no longer supply ocr seeds to dealers to ’’ sell again. At the same time, any one who has bought our seeds of their local dealer during either 1896 or 1897 will be sent our Manual es “Everything for the Garden” for 1898 jdprjp provided they apply by letter 1 UK ICC and give the name of the Inca! merchant from whom they bought. To all others, this magnifi cent Manual, every copy of which costs us 30 cents to place in your hands, will be sent free on receipt of 13 cents (stamps) to cover postage. Nothing Lice this Alaauai has ever been seen here or abroad ; it is a book of 200 pages, contains S'D engravings of seeds and pla'nts, mostly new, and these are supplemented by 0 full size colored plates of the best novelties of the season, finally, OUR “SOUVENIR’’ SEED COLLECTION will also be sent without charge to all appli cants sending 10 cts.for the Manual whe will state where they saw this advertisement. Posia! Card Applications Will Receive No Attention. LET’ERSOF ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA FI OYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern: Farris P. N’xon having io proper form app'ied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Dr. W C. Nixon late of said county deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Dr. W. C. Nixon to be and appear at mv of fice within the time allowed by law and show cause if .any they they can why’ permanent adminis tration should not ho granted to Farris P. Nixon on Dr. vV. C Nix ona estate. W itness ray hand and official signature this 10th day of Fob. 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary..