The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 08, 1898, Image 4

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J GHIGKAMAUSfI ■ lias Baen flamed Rs R l| Rendezvous For Troops ■department decided ® ■Jpon This Movement On Yes terday. Chickamauga Park was yeeter <l lav named as th*' rendezvous for . Mm 3 ()()() United States troops which ilvill be -ei.t there for the purpose ||)f maneuvering. It. is claimed that It in only a military movement Ijind for the purpose of maneuver* H ng the fuops. h Despite the fact that the troops be sent to Chickamauga park, ‘ 'WJeneral Graham, acting under m- Jlstructions previously received, will I continue to inspect suitable land near McPherson for the encamp /I nient of a large body of troops. The sending of a large number )f soldiers to Chickamauga park appear-* to be for the purpose of getting them in the southern por tion of the country where they llcan be sent to Cuba or to the coast deities. The troops which have b«en jordered to move are mostly ne gro regiments, and these it i* : thought will t>e the first to ‘be sent 1 to Cuba in case of war. I It is under food that in event Hos war none of the troops wi'l ‘be | stopped in Chickamauga park, but jwiil be sent on to the places they are to be stationed, or to Cuba it I need be. The naming of a rendezvous for the troops has been. expected foi | some time since it. was known | that the government desired to have II troops in the southern states where they could bi* dispatched n ! a short time to forts on the coast I where they could be used in case of h< siilitn s. Chickamauga park, where tin troops v. ill gather, is filteen mile* < from Chattanm ga and is in thr slate of Georgia . It is one of the i most beautiful parks in the south and covers quite an extensive area ! of land. Il is under the care of the I government and is admirably fit- I ted for the encampment of a large ! body of troop. A river of excellent water i winds through the park and ■ there will be no trouble on this I score. The place is considered a I very healthy one and the troops I will be made comfortable in ev- I ery way. (The decision of war de- I partment to maneuver the troops . and have them gather at Chica ll mauga park is the result,, it is believed, of the developments in the Cuban situation in the past I few days. The government has ! been making inquiries and in ! E vestigating for several days and General Graham and Col. Ball have been conducting these. ' Gen. Graham will today inspect ; some laud near Fort McPherson, but whether this means that 4 troops are to brought to this city (■ is not known. Whether the rendezvous at !Chicamauga parks was decided on instead of the 'reserve camp which has been spoken of is not known. The rendevous is for the 1 purpose of instructing the troops •I and for maneuvering them, I while a reserve camp would be I for the purpose of holding them in readiness to go to the front. —Constitution. / On the morning <<f Feb. 20, I 1895, 1 was sick with rheuma tism, and 1 lay in bed until May i 21st, when I g>t a bottle ol Chamber]ain’s Pain Balm. The first application of it relieved me almost entirely fremthe pain | and tha second Afforded com plete relief. In a short time 1 was able to be up and about again. —A. T. Morkaux, Luv erne, Minn. Sold by all drug I Consumption ] t Will SCOTT’S EMULSION f £ cure consumption ? Yes and v O no. Will it cure every case? y 0 No. What cases will it cure I $ then ? Those in their earlier « stages, especially in young - €• people. We make no exag- f gerated claims, but we have I I® positive evidence that the •« early use of V Scout’s Emulsion J V of Cod-liver oil with Hypo- t phosphites of Lime and Soda £•• in these cases results in a « } i positive cure to a large num- $ ! > ber. In advanced cases, how- $ >! ever, where a cure is impossi i [ ble, this well-known remedy ® < ■ should be relied upon to pro- £ j > long life surprisingly. 1 I 50c. and fi.oo, all druggists. U i > SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. DR. LOWE Is now with us ard will be here some time- ’Dr. Lowe has come to Rome to give us nersonal instruction in ootics- He is thoroughly up in the business of oroperly and scien tifically fitting spec tacles to the eye. and is here for the pur pose of teaching us the science and not tc make money off our customers. Come in and have your eyes tested. To accommodate those who may de sire to take advan cage of Dr- Lowe’s unquestioned skill as an optical expert, I have arranged his hours as follows: Morning nours, 10 to 12. Afternoon hours. 3to 5. No charge of any kiad- B. F. ROARK, Jeweler. VVE no longer supply our seeds to dealers to sell again. At the same time, any one who has bought our seeds of their local dealer during either 1896 or 1897 will be sent our Manual of “Everything for the Harden ’’ for 1898 rnpp provided they apply by letter I I'LL and give the name of the local merchant from whom they bought. To all others, this magnifi cent Manual, every copy of which costs us 30 cents to place in your hands, will be sent free on receipt of 10 cents (stamps) to cover postage. Nothing like this Manual has ever been seen here or abroad ; it is a book of 200 pages, contains 500 engravings of seeds and plants, mostly new, and these are supplemented by 6 full size colored plates of the best novelties of the season, finally, OUR “SOUVENIR” SEED COLLECTION will also be sent without charge to all appli cants sending 10 cts. fw the Manual whe will state where they saw this advertisei.ient. Postil Card Applications Will Receive No Attention. The need of a good Spring Medicine is almost universal ami Hood’s Sarsaparilla exactly meets need. Be sure to get Hood’s. lost a Moment. Please j The Opportunity of a Life-time For Big jDivideno--Paying \ Investment ! / §1 THE ALASKA GOLD PLACER MACHINE MININGCC MPANY Capital stock $5,000,000 —full paid—aiidn<>n-ae es-sable. Promises to le as good at- the Beel Telephone, Westinghouse Air Brake, Grapho phone or Pio nograph and other similar industrial enterprises which ire paying thousands in profits to their shareholders. This is an. industrial rather than a Mining Company. We haw the only Hydraulic Machine Mining System (patented )that will work in tie irozen ground of the Klondike and the Northwest, where we take oui and extract the gold from the claims of others, just as thrashing machines are taken into the wheat country to hzesh outjfhe farmer’s wheat. One of our machines does the work of over 1 000 men each day and we save the 40% of gold that is usual ly lost I y other methods, so it can readily seer, what enormous profits we 'Ai l earn in the fabulous y rich gold mines of the Klondike and the Northwest, with which every one must-be acquainted. Ev ry prospector th re is cur prospector, for he must eventually come t- us to have his claim worked. Therefore we believe we shall in tim<- be payin as large dividends as the world-famous en above. Ours is a similar industrial stock which an only hi had for a limited time at th? very low price of $2.50 or $lO 00 share. This is an opportunity of a life time. No ev ery day does Fortune knock at one’s.door Tre o ' The oni, n ° mL J sy s e " - .that wil H> r. u iic Mine -K!onai k o V &No r t h (paten’d) '• east. OFFICERSAND DIRECTORS PRESIDED r H, P. Townley, New York Hen, L. Bradford P Iqcj, Sant. Fe New Mex Manager of th-i Equitable,Life Assurance So i President International Mining Cong res IsT VICE PRES,.'ion JNJ Hnston. New York Hon. John P. Hoyt Seattle, vv as hington Ex-Treasurer of the Unit sd Status ; Fx-Chief Justice, State of washingto NDvi'EPReS E Panniy Brown,New York Geo. McLean, Manufacturer, Passaic, N.J Treas, Andrew McLean, Mgf r Pusaic, x. J, Jonathan Bourne, Jr,Mining Capitalists Portland Srcty and Ass'tTroas. 1, Now York James W. Clise,’l • Seattle, Washington Auditor an I Counsel, wm R. Weeks. Now York Ch. of Mining C o,u Chamber of Commesce Consulting Engl eer, Wm. F. Lay, Now York Leslie <:. Bruoe, Pro r Turf, Field, Farm. N.Y Pres Lay System Hydraulic Placer Mining Co Colonel A. C. Fisk New Yogi- Lawrence P. Brown, New York. The buaiiujsjabi'.ity of our Directors are amo> the best evidences of our success. To raise the capitol’to place several plants in the Klondike a small block cf stock is now offered to the public at the’ very >w rats of of 25 cents on the dollar or $2 50 for each $lO \V han tins block is sold, no more will be offered at less than or $lO per share. An investment of $25 to SSO in this stock should very sooi return largs profits—Even 100 to I—and thus afortuue for the sa gaciou investor. Certificates are in very attractive f o.m, called “Gold-Backs’ and are transferab'e from hand to hand. blend for illustrated Prospectus where full explanation is given ■>f how we cm earn euch enormous profits by the Lay System, Read! Reflect I Investigate) Invest! All information cheerfully given by ths Secretary. Call or write —Alaska Gold Placer Machine M Ding Co. H ,me offices, Washington Building, No. 1 Broadway New York, N. Y. LIVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLES, Ollers the public the finest teams, best convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. The best stock of horses and mules on sale con stantly. 306 AND 308 BROAD; STREET, ROME, GEORGIA. VICK S SEEDS ™ THREE RAMBLER ROSES \A!ll make r ni^trn!flrent hrdgp. beautiful shade for the piazza, or a charming bed. Constant bloomers per fectly baidy. one plant will produce thousands of flowers. One each, only 40 rent*, delivered. VICK'S UU<i GUIDE T he Easy Man’s Catalogue and the Ladles’ Gardener and Advfaer. floral • The only one containing full Descriptions and Directions for planting and l. i," 0 cnro condensed cla«wifled and indexed that M 11 * 'l»y Krnd. Many iilurtralions from nature Coloren plates of Sweet Peas. Nasturtiums, ir*3f r i On '' *’ p £ onia ’« Golden Day Lily, Cactus Dahlias. Daybreak Asters. Beautifully embossed cover; 120 latfi“ pages completely filled with honest illustrations. FREE upon application. Vick n *eed« Never Disappoint. J A VIES VKKS SONS, - Roebeater, N. Y. FREE! (£££) Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine K; on , ' la a veritable mine nf tnformution about Flowera. Vegetables and Fruits, and how tn grow and care for them lucceaafully. A farm bouse may be brightened at a alight expense and the grounds mace attractive, instead of bare and forbidding. The price of VTCK’B ILLUBTKATtD MONTHLY MAGAZINE ia Fifty Cents per year, but if ton w>H return thia Coupon with elx IwO-cent statupo the magazine ’•rill be mailed to you regularly »r six luouLlut foi Uiat Write al onoe to VICK PUBLISHING CO- Rochee.-r. N. Y. Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE. The $ surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents < per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. 1 x THE DB. WHITEHALL MEGRIMINE CO.. South Bend. Indiaar ' rhe Preferred Accident INSURANCE EOfr/IF’ANY, NEW YORK, The Pr<‘ferred’» policies arr particular'y adapted for business men, and aneclal n iHHiied for banners, lor phy.iciuni. surgeon. Mini dentists, and tor travellug in«.ii ar « (erred is an old line stock company with assets of over b “• *“« Pr.. JOHN R.THORNTON. ATLANT A, GA. • • • • S*T ATE MANAGgf? H Best White LEGHORNS! H VW the very best breed and most perfectly marked fowls, leave orders S3' with J. T. Crouch &. Co,, $3 per trio. 7.Splendid cockerels only sl. 1. D. GAILLIARD. ** **4H»*«***«4HHNhM fSßftiWSt ••••••• «i««f« ißepaiiing |l (Don’t Walk On • ; © Your Uppers!; iW. A.MU LLINI X, M s ." l :„P” T -S: Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr, Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,1898. I would not be I regard FISC’S without PISO’S cure for CON- CURE for CON- cures wherHil Ilshus. * jM* SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any E Uac g| best Cough medl- thing. For a bad cine on the market, Cough or Ct lJ it is ■" " having used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER. “The Best Cough Medicine.” • * '■ jk ± f' r-> - • THE ARHSTRONG HOTEL Roni. . Ga KBQiilar Special Boarders Rmbs Wanted- .Iwl’OiiM Monthlu- The place to get a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. J School Supplies. M <w We are pioneers ir the school books and school sup- .?««• ply business and we are also right up-ro-da<n in every- w; that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. Ws »| | I ski PAPER. ?<<< zZ?c V L - .1 ' >?» CU9e th* St'U car. serve vou better when von d£ sire to invest ir. a new coverme fc- tr.e dev ?ic walls o: ■ ■A< y 'Uf home. See our stock on hand and aatnp'es j H. A. SMITH, '! «« THF OLD RFLPSLE BOOK STORE. | as . 11 ItaiaHmiBWMIHHBIBHI