The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 10, 1898, Image 5

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-WD80]«( W palled To Maktr Ylie Ing io Hoiiio Coihity. COOLER AT 2 TO 1 ,„ A Test Vote At A Mass Meeting. jMkB O.Ga.. April 7.-At a tinz of the democratic voters „ f Bu«. coot-'y h ’ ld here fo . r t "“ „rpo.eof.’l-<tl’"e " "»« « em - L.-c executive commifee, rea ction was introduced by the iri.ndsof Mr. Berner indorsi g hlol as the choice cf the demo cratic voters of this county for governor. . Very promptly, the friends of Colonel Candler moved to table the resolution ■ The chairman put the motion. an d it was laid on the table by the vote of an overwhelming majority of the meetmgof not less than two to one. This adjoins Mr. Berner’s home county, and his Iriends were coufid-nt that it wo ild send Ber ner’s delegates to the convention, particulnry as it is in Mr. Ber tlet’eh<.ngressioiial district and in his judicial circuit. The friends of Colonel Candler guy that the vote at the mass meeting is simply an indication of what the county will do and tha' in the primary of Juns 6 L the country will cast more Can dler votes than the com', ined itrsigth if the vth r two caiid dates'. PACKING THEIR GOODS. Americans in Havana Waiting for Lee to Give Word Havana, via Key West, April 7.—After many days of foolish confidence that nothing would happen,a number of people here , Americans and others, have been plunged into equally fool ish fears, turmoil and all sorts of wild rumors in advance of the message of the president to con gress. People who should know bet tir insist that war has been de clared ; others are equally sure that his holiness, the pope, has ' secured peace and honor. Bank ers with close American connec tions are packing their papers, collecting all possible debts and arranging their business for a hasty departure. hr- Taylor optician recently from Cuicsgo has decided to locate perminently in this part of Geor will make frequent visits l ?' nie ‘ Eyes examined free roili 10 » m. to 8 p. m. April. 7 " at Wootens drug store 309 Broad St, '•hl I'KRs OF ADM INISTRA TION. Floyd County : 10 all whom it may concern : ’ eo '-geW. WilliamJn Laying ll’ l;rnnc>-. a f‘ ’ ‘ 101111 applied to me Permanent letters of admin 'di°n on the estate of R W <l^TH ateof county, siiun.i *' , ” 8 ls ’f 0 c ’ te a 'l and of kin '/i* 6 cret **’ ors nexi b “' Kicl,ard«>„ to iu ,|" d , 1|, l )ear « mfoffice with i 7"' r “ ll0 "' ed and; »“ n^ 80 ' 11 “J thl! .V c«n, ilinuld admmistraiioii W Wiv'* 1 '* o ! 'a'ited to Georoe a “ oa R - *• Rid’ hand eS ‘ llte - Witness „, y 7th,1.,.? f- ?' ud 9 ’gaatur« this 11 lay Os March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary . : : PINE ' T«A.-O<i ii g 7° dßat4o3 lb nfc ver st2k tid ‘ U R °' ne before> Bran k ’ and regular 75c goods. Lloyd & C«. A b’, .. M> a l ,f k S u r ck of Spanish soap right’s Farinacy. 4” •; Ul ii VUI ! : •4 * • A x Do you come to the close of $ ;> theday thoroughly exhausted? $ a D>xs this continue day after <i 1 day, possibly week after week? # A Perhaps you are even too ex- $ R hausted to sleep. Then some- q thing Is wrong. All these T £ things indicate that you are * A suffering from nervous ex -2' haustion. Your nerves need $ 1 ;> feeding and your blood en- > $ riching. ' I - - I ; Scott’s Emulsion » y of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo- $ # phosphites of Lime and Soda, {■ contains just the remedies to * y meet these wants. The cod- S , 2 liver oil gives the needed $ . | strength, enriches the blood, » ’ll feeds the nerves, and the hy- | pophosphites give them tone <• f- and vigor. Be sure you get | SCOTT’S Emulsion. || All druggists; 50c. and ft.oo. . 1 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. I 1 DR, LOWE Is now with us and will be here some time- • Dr. Lowe has come to Rome to give us personal instruction in optics- He is thoroughly up in the business of | properly and scien jtificallv fitting spec tacles to the eye. and is here for the pur pose of teach irg us the science and not to make money off our customers. Come in and have your eyes tested. To accommodate those who may de sire to take advam- Stage of Dr- Lowe’s unquestioned skill as an optical expert, I have arranged his hours as follows: Morning nours, 10 to 12. Afternoon hours, 3to 5. No charge of any ki ad • B. F. ROARK, Jeweler. HfE no longer supply our seeds to dealt's to |’’ self again. At the same time, any i one who has bought our seeds of their I local dealer during either 1806 or ’S97 will I be sent our Manual cf “Everything br the 1 Garden ” for 1898 CDUK provided they apply by letter rKILC and give the name of the local merchant frerr whom they bought. To all others, this magnifi j cent Manuitl, every copv of which costs us ' ?0 cents to place In y or hands, u ill be sent | free on receipt of 19 cents (stamps) to cover postage. Nothing like this Manual has 1 e\ er been seen here or abroad ; it is a book l of 200 pages, contains 500 engravings of seeds and plants, mostly new, and these are supplemented by 0 full size colored plates I of the best novelties of the sear- -n, f.ully, OUR “SOUVEW” SEED IMLECTIOK I will also be sentwithout charge to all appli l cants sending 10 cis. for the Manual who will I state where they saw this advertisement. | • I’osia! Card Applications % ill Receive No Attotlcn. j j 11 . Eyes examined free by Dr. Tay lor the optician at Wootens drug store 309 Broad St. or appoint -1 merits made at your homos without charge. r • .ftorpi-.i, Floyrl'.ounty • , ’ iv Tl is iuUctuurei ruth- llu.l tin' 30 h tiA? of N >ver. b<r inyt-Ai >f our 1.8 k), on. Uieu u s.iu>! e.ght Inn ilrea hu<! ' •• vie . lioi'Ajeu I- l.uhi Wild Hi-and Mattie Ilion ■». ot the tyiuuly r ;>f b'l >yi, .v <l‘-lat’e of tn ■ igia of Ju-.<>>■• part, tt and G i.. Cl. rk i t the conn.y ot ylojd, of tl.e J second part: K Wi.inHi ill tha tie • • i.i i>a. y"fli e lirst |z part, lor and ii. eoirfdeiati n of the num of f >ie lituitired atoi fifty foliars In band ] aid at p and before the sealintr apd delivery of tliusft' f presents t):a leeolpt tvlie-eof is iiareby acknowi ? edged, hat e granted, b iued, 'sold on- veyed, and by these presents, do grant, b rgain f sell and c. nve> unto tl < -aid p.i- vrd :be hoc ; ond part his heir; and asst , , nil that inct ) or i arcel of land, situate , lying and being in ' Floyd not: y ua., 2frd dis rict and sect'on • of Fl >yd county, being a par' of land lot No. Vijinufia: s known as Fheney's addition to I East Ko»,e, and being Wes’, of the lot of ('apt. ■, R. G. Clark en the Wests, de of Gordon slVeet, > beginning at the. Northeast intersect ion of i.e --’ Hardy spring bia .ch wnli Gordon street on j the North siue of sald bratlcli and West aid? of I Gordon street !00fee.‘, meteor less, leaving a , 10ft alley between said . ■■ <! ■ 1 >' rs A. i Cheney (occupied by j<h. v • nt. > ili. nev ant ' [365] three hundred and Kix'.s-ilvo fe'd more dr ’ less to an elm tree, at or aw die jnnctmn < f I Leilardy spring branch with a d tch, ilieuce np 1 along the Northern bank of said Leilardy spring branch to the tie. im.ih . point on the ’ West sde of Gordon str et.. Said lot being in ' the shape of a triangle w ith the ba eon Gordon • stre t, this deed being made to secure certain 1 ' proniisory notes givpn this day by said Lula , ; Wilder and Mattie Thomas for money obtained j i from the said party of the sec nd part which | is the b dance of purchase money due by said | ; Lu’a Wilder and Mattie Thomas>6 Mrs. F. -L I I Tracey, Now should the said parties of the ‘ I first pay orc .use r> be paid said notes this I day given for tt.e sum of one hundred and fifty dollars accord! i g to the stipulations in said note this deed to be cancelled and marked sit ’sted oi the-ecords. Shoo’d said note not be i paid ai. maturity, then the p.rty of the second part is given the right to advertise and sell at public . utcry said property without foreclosura and make deed to the purchaser after adverti sing said property once a week for four weeks ■u the official organ ot the Sheriff of said Co., o have and to bold the sai l bargained premises cofie'herwith alland singular the ri hts, meta ! beis and appurtenances thereof, to the same ' being, belonging or'ju any wise appertaining I •■’o the only proper use, benefit and behoof of I R G. Clark, the said party of the secon , part his heirs, executors, administrators an assigns in fee simple. A 1 the said parties of the first part, their heirs, i xectnors, adminis trators and assigns, the said ba> gained premises into the said party ot the second pan his h< is, executors, administrators and assigns, against said parties ot the first part, their heirs, execn tins, administrators, assigns, and all and every person or persons shall ami will warrant ami forever defend by virtue of these presents, In witness wheteof the said parties of the first pa-1 have hereunto si t .hi ii hard and af fixed their seals tue day and year first above • written. sealed snd delivered in the [presence of Mattie Thon as R. L Morris N. P. < her ' I Flovd county ca I [L« w x Wilder . I. J. Berry. ( mark i | , ... —— Mrs. A.luveen, residing at 720 ; Heurv St.. Alien, 111., suflf red i with sciatic rheumatism for over i eight months. She doctored for it ' nearly the whole ( f this time using various remedies ' mended by friends, and was I treated by the physician's, but re ceived no relief. She then used one and a half hotties of Chamberlain Pain Balm which effected a com , ple'e cure. This is published at her request, as she wants others similarly afflicted to know what cured her. T e 25 and 50 cen ! sizes for sale by Curry Arringto B Co. Fora good smoke try War , sis’ “Extra Good” cigars. PPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. .GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY, Whereas T. A. Thrash. Admin istrator of Mrs V F Thrash, de- I ceased, represet ts tithe court in | his petition duly tiled that he has I admii.istered Mrs. V. F. Thrash > I estate. This is to cite all persons | concerned kindred and creditor- I to show cause if an ; <hev can why Laid administrator phon'd no' be I i discharged from his adrninist ■n- tion ard receive letters of dismis j sion on the first Monday in Ma’ 1898 This Feb. 7th 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary Water Ta< Notice- The Water Tax for'he quarter ; from April Ist to July let 1898 i.- now due and must b paid on ( r before the 16 of April The Boar:' of Water Commissi ners order L ; ordinances s'rictly enforced <1 ' when water has been shut off tot non payment in addition of pay ing the bill all parties will be re- I quire to pay a fee c f fifty cents ■ for turning on. Water depart- ■ ment office in city Hall Office- I hours 8. am to 12. in 2. p.mvtoo. I P m ’ J L. Moore, Sec. & Treas. . April 1. I - -X II v 1 ju ■:< (o y 1-f r.» ni. *• \ A ‘ i t»r'" | -■ '? I ■I .«'A: JV * J) -■ $ ■ M •iS. 1 -' 1 54-5,, eiryli£v<jf w »atf iA* £'a)OOߣ MAN’FCQr • MW YO7»K. V ' For sal ? by Lloyd & Co., s >le Agents. Call for free sample. 1 Annual Sales 0ver6,000,000 Boxsa | t*OB BILIOUS AND NEBVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain in tho Stomach. 1 Siddiness. Fulness after meals, fiead iche. Dizziness, Drowsiness, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. EVery sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. HF.ECHAtTB i‘ILLS, taken as direct ed, will auiekly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of tire sys tem and core wick Headnciie. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine in the World. 25c. at all Drug Stores, jr oJimis rpf' pgos, C® America’s Leading Instruments. JESSE FRENCH PIANO & ORGAN CO. Manufacturers and Dealers. No. pas Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Nashville, Tenn. Birmingham, Ala. Dallas, Texas. Montgomery, Ala. Factories: Richmond, Ind. • Write our nearest house. A a-cent stamp may *ave you many dollars. : DIETZ • No. 3 Street Lamp HAS A SHINING RECORD OF 20 YEARS. e. ’.as an effectual antidote for "outer L darkness," and Is thor- ; f oughty well made on rH scientific principles. jl pHE ~ 5 t ] ian an y gas-burning i / BafifMi \ lamp, do it cheaper and / TUBUIAR \ do it with kerosene(coal / CTRKYUMP \ Oil). \ It can be lit and regu- Al r ~"I j lated from the outside; I \ \ Sh, / / can continue in business a_ y \ 2 despite the wind; can Irl _2 *"' H and will give you entire I r-;*" - | I satisfaction, by reason k-4 j as* 8 *! y of its absolute relia- I • H J bilil y- \ / /It I* but one member of an enormous family of ] I “ light goods ” that we build, and to whom we would be glad to intro duce you by 'leans of our Catalogue, which we mail free upon applk 'tion. If you insist upon having the very best ,;oods made, your dealer wi.l give you “ Diets.** If you cannot obtain this Lamp of your dealer, we will deliver it, freight prepaid, to any part of the U.S. or Canada, upon re of its price, viz., $6.00. R. E. DIETZ CO., 60 Laight Street, New York. Established in 1840. * St. Germain Female Pills. Theonlj’ original anil genuine French Fenr’i- Regulator, ot Mine, St. Germain, Pirls. Ln surpassed as being safe, sure and reliabl“ It every case. Sold under positive guaraace< or money refunded. Gat the genuine. Price tl.oo per box by mail. Sole agents for the United Si itesani Canada. KING HARVARD CO , 157 Washington st., Chicago. Lost. A pair of child’s glar es, with aluminum frames Finder phase return to A.J.Yagei at this office and receive reward. Itroets with you whether you continue nervo-kilhng’tobAcco habit. removes the desire fur Uibacco, W nut ncrvocsdistress, exnelsnieo^- W tine, puriiieu the blood, stores lost manhood. boxe> makes vou strong j m bealtn. ys ggy 'casee cunedjfcuj and fron book. «r JB your own druggist, win E ff vouch for us. Take it witl Fl “ wiH.patiently, persistently On* kOBI k bna. st, usually cures; S boxea. S 2 5C’ rw™ guaranv'T-d tu cure, or w< r< fuxiu money Sierli«>g fcwaedyCo., Chicago, ■oaireal, Kew fork - I ir lii-n,: ther n av bring von wa.-ilu. JOHN C". i’atet-t AUo» n vb---• . I> C t,.r -> prlr-votU **“ g. - - isaJ -ax wwnwA- I he Preferred Acciden J INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK, The Preferred's policies arr particularly adaptsd for biuiness nu-n, and spneial polh i<an| ■ I Imu-4 for b-mker., lor ph-M'-ians. surgeons and dentists and for trayellng nu n The Prel l lerred Is an old line stoi company with assets of over >1&0.000.1X). JOHN R. THORNTON, ATLANTA, GA- • » • • STATE MANAGER H Best White LEGHORNS! H For the very best breed and most perfectly marked fowls, leave orders with J. T. Crouch &. Co,, $3 per trio. Splendid cockerels only $ 1. I. D. OAILLIARD. «•«>•«•••«>•••••••••••«(••■•eet i Repairing || •Don’t Walk On | ® Your Uppersi * | W. A.MU LLIN o ©•••••••<•••a•••©©••e••• - L - - ----- - Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr., Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,1898. I would not be _ .. I regard PISO’S without PISO’S CUHE FOR C 0N ‘ CURE for CON- SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any jgT lw S best Cou^h med1 ’ thing. For a bad cine on the market, Cough or Cell it is ■ ■■ having used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER. “The Best Cough Medicine.” THE ARHSTRONG HOTEL Rome, Ga Regular Si)6Cial Boarders > Ral6S Wanted- Monthly. The place to get a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. ♦a ( ff 1 -' ."" T-—TS <<« «<< I School Supplies. -I I <<« We are pioneers in the school books and school sup- Sw ply business and we are also right up-ro-date in every thing that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. | »***»**M»*MM*«:**MWR«* | II WALL PIPER, j I i Z No house in the Estate car. serve vou better when vou de- dy sire to invest in a new covenne fee tCF dear cid walls o. kW home. See our stock on hand and samples I 5 Z " H. A. SMITH, I | THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. ||