The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 11, 1898, Image 3

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Does the frequent and continued absence ot Radroad Conimisuioner Atkinson from the office mean that two railroad commissioners can satisfactorily discharge the duties’-Aujusta Chronicles. 0 o o Judge Emory Speer is crying for war Didn't he get enough of the fight when he went up against yoU r Uncle Alien severs! years ago?—Georg a Cracker. 0 0 0 Spain’s hull fighters madei money last year. Mazzantina in 60 fights killed 168 bulls, and made 89GOOO pesetas, Revert’s BCore was 71 fights, 160 hulls, and and 276,000 pesetas, while Guer eita,with 76 fights and 147 bulls aiaugtered, earned 456.000 pesetas or $91,000. 0 0 0 If Col Candler could get away with Judge Atkinson as easily on the stump as in letter writing, the Judge need not be so solicitious about his engaging in a “series of joint debates over the state. Bneua Vista Patriot. o o o Jing McKinley could have kept us out of this war if he had man aged properly. He has bungled from the start. The fellow at our elbow sugges's that a man who has to tote Mark Hanna would be very likely to bungle and stumble, too —Waycross Herald. 000 A new service uniform has been selected for the army, to be worn in warm weather. It is of canvas, and is said to be nearly impevious to rain. The color Is a gray-brown closely resembling the color of dead grass and leaves. Leggings are to be worn with the canvass suits The colors of the cuff and chevroi e will designate the branch of the service. A light felt hat will go with the uniform The new suits will pro!ably not make so pret'y a show on parade of the o.d regulation colors, but they were designed for business rather than ornament. 000 Here is a story illustrating what is a notable fact, that, as a rule, men are always cool and self-possessed on the gallows. A murderer, while amending to the dea h-trap, was offered a cigar by a man in the crowd He accepted it, when another man shouted; "Don’t you want a match, pard ner?” ‘“No thanks,'’ was the reply, as the sheriff was adjusting the black cap, “I’ll light it when I get there 1” ITALIAN SHIP May Carry Away Spanish Min ister And Staff, V’ushingtou, April 9—The Ital ian warship Amerigo Vaspucci, said to bs en route up the Potomac has not been reported as entering the river, and naval officers do not now her de s' is thought cwt-ver that she is coming to car r.v <‘way the Spanish .Minister and •ttuihes with the records and otlnr property of the legation *'' t Sunday. She may go to "It.more, steaming directly up ’he Chespeake, instead of entering ’he Potomac, more desertions Rochelle. N Y April 9—A yin this place has received a *' ter from a member of tha United “tee cruiser San Franciseo, in -‘ch be stated that a number of vhilp ot ’he ship deserted English waters wcrJV ritei ’hat d- sertions of tho 'r ° e Beeni 'ng intention to iunc ll '2 te d States Goy ernment u,lX rr lh ” °' , 1 J' e "<■'<! ot a good Spring ' is •>■»<>« universal m 8 Sarsaparilla exactly UM’, lh a " eed ' B “ Sule to get THETIME FOR RENEWAL All the iia t tire is renew ed in the r;T ” / spring-time. ■< J) The sky takes w on a fresher c °l°’'» the ' T fees don ’ \' I Easter i i garments, ev- erything seems glad and happy. It seems a«pity that at such a beautiful season so disagreeable a malady as the so-called “spring fever” should unfit a great many people to enjoy the unaccustomed sunshine and freshness that prevails. What is I spring fever? It is that sluggish ness and irritability which every one takes a spring tonic 'for. “Bad blood,’, some people call it. A great deal of “blood medi cine” is sold in the spring of the year. The blood, the vigor, the health must be’rehcwed with the trees and flowers and grass. The princial difficulty is, which of the numerous spring tonics is the best? Which will cure per manently and remove quickly all the disagreeable symptoms? uead what Mrs. Adlin Adams, Crafton, Ky., says of Pe-ru-na: ‘I was about to give up all hopes when I concluded to* take Pe-ru na. I believe it is the best med icine in the world. I can't speak too highly of it.” A book containing several hundred letters similar to the one from which this is an ex tract, will be sent free to any address by the Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Co lumbus, Ohio. Water Tax Notice The Water Tax for 'he quarter from April Ist to July Ist 1898 is now due and must be paid on or before the 16 of April The Board of Water Commissioners order all ordinances strictly enforced and when water has been shut off for non payment in addition of pay ing the bill all parties will be re quire to pay a fee of fifty cents for turning on Water depart- l ment office in citv Hall. Office hours 8. am to 12. m 2. p. in. to 5. ' pm. J L. Moore, Sec. & Treas. April 1. FREE OF CHARGE TO SUF FERS. Cut this out and take it to your druggist and get a sample bottle free of Dr. King’s New Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. They do not ask you to buy before trying. This will show you the great merits of this wonderful remedy and show you what can be ac complished by the regular size bottle. This is no experiment, and would be disastrous to the proprietors, did they not know it would invariably cure. Many of the best physicians are now using it in their practice with great results, and are relying cn it in most severe cases; It is guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Curry-ArrTijgton Co. Drug Store. Regular” size 50 cents and SIOO. BAPTIST CONVENTION. Norfolk, Va., May sih-12lh, 1898. Reduced Rates Via. Southern Railway. On account of the meeting of the Southern Baptist convention at Norfolk, Va.. May sth-12th, 1898, the Soul hern Railway will sell tickets from all points on its lines 'o Norfolk and.return st rate of one fare for the round trip. ■ Tickets will be sold May 2nd to 6tb mc'usive, limited to return fifteen days from date of sa e, but if deposited with agent of termi nal lines at Norfolk, on or before May 16th, the return limit will be extended fifteen additional da The Schedule via this excellent and parties contempla ting attending the Southern Bap tist convention should communi cation with the nearest agent of the Southern Railway, Every day now brings us heavy ship ments of standard and seasonable fur niture, and w ith the coming of spring we have already received a CAR-LOAD OF BABY CARRIAGES All of them beauties and many of Them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the essensial points of beau-,y and strength • MATTINGS, K UGrSS, CARPETS In this department we have received for the spring trade one car load, of mattidg which we imported direct from Japan. Here you can find new patterns and the prettiest, of designs and at remarkably low prices. STOVES- Do you need a new stove in your kitchen? Then call on us and you will go no where else. V/ e have the best and that means an economic stove in every sense of the word. THE ■$ RIRNITBRE CO, 305 Broad st- Phone 52- Undertakers, Embalmers, and Fu= neral Directors. 118 Os Bicycles,- Musical -Instru ments, Sheet Music. From now until May.l, when we propose to move into our new store,, we will sail - our entire stock of above named goods at slaughtered prices. We desire to close out the en-. tire stock before we move. We are in a position to sell you; even if you are only half interested. Come and see our stock, es pecially our wheel stock. A Tundred makes co select from. AH good makes of wheels. .E. B. FORBBB. Everything in the drug tin and a full line of druggists sun dries. “■Vlu-F-F Serf-” Your especial attention is callee to the fact that our prescripts department has been the featun of our business for years. Its well earned reputation is now t matter of pride with us. Yom orders solicited. C. /% 331 Broad. Telephone 11C ’l* '* i • • *"*■ ■• 4 4 I 444444•44»«•» 44*«•.4 . . » » ><• »**■ .• * *-» -4. *.».**. 44. • 44.- 4.4 • 4 4•* »« * Ft i - I I A W HOLE CLUB | „ < '’-■■a - *l-4.4. * iuil VFT IS Ca ’t s ' - N?r-xs* M ake = I Ao r; s Better bi! i \ .!.. // setter g Running A , Time Oil U till E ' - ■ * 9E . . I carry a full and c )tn jlete line of jewelry, iuclu- = i tn; E ding Diamonds l-ti My stock / of silver notions and novelties wus nev er more complete. W EDDING P RESENTS AS PE CIA LTY. I J K Williamson l| :;: H HtH: i:::::::: I:;::::::::::::::::::::: Tq-tb -f/t • i t tcMaH •«»»••» f??t •» j ••• t .r» »» • • t-» , i jt• t- • • 14-r»rt ••?•••»->• 4 ? »• sa-tnW- m-®*» it • _ .. _ -j, CANDY M X- CATHARTIC roujccDUw CONSTIPATION 10c ALL 25c 50c DRUGGISTS fir=E~c=!.-JSj SS S™ Tonic Purifies ™ Blood. I? Hl 1 , 1 - a in in A POSITIVE CUiIE OR s fi ffl DYSPEPSIA, KAURIA 1 II CKLIS / tEVER, GRIP?, P'J'A If; { BILIOUSNESS, SICMERMGHL / 1 fii n I I GENERAL DEMkHY. /> -, . W/* h i s , PRK t6O Cts. isw «Oj h EGOISTS. 8 p “] W z B' '■ J y pF”' .-‘ i; 4 SaVER MiO IP n '®L co f s [0 Mari <® St., N. Y. j n I Non# gerreta* ocert 'Tni* J x' y L •? M-i” tlowa la «very botUe. o , J F ’I»R LIVER PILLS 25 CENTS. |j Purely Vegetable Vil re Diliousress . .r.srb'nti • • Piles. Sick Heaaaon; and ] ! Dyspepsia. Smail Ka.y tak<-i I II ' J THE MODEL LAUNDRY Is doing the best of work and guaran tees satisfaction. Prices are most reasonable. Fine work a specialty. _— _ . Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE. The surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. THE DR. WHITIGIAi.L MEGRIMINE CO.. South Bond, Indian#,