The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 11, 1898, Image 4

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I zPAIN’S fleet. I nations have small Beets of “de stroyers.” They are inexpensive boats, | when compared with the big | ( fighting machines, but experi- I ence may prove they can I do an enorm >us amount of dam > ege in a sea battle. In recent English naval maneuvers the eyes of the admiralty officials were opened to the importance of posses ing a numerous con tingent of this speedy, wicked little craft, and the British ship builders ard at present engaged in building many of an improv ed type that will shortly be add ed to her majesty’s navy. The torpedo boat destroyers possessed bySpain are Piostly of the newest type. The Furor and Terror, two destroyers built to order for the Spanish govern ment in a British shipbuilding yard, are splendid little crafts. They have a length of 220 feet, a breadth of twenty-two feet and a depth of thirteen feet and dis place 380 tons. When equipped for service they are armed with two foui teen pounder rapid fire guns, one forward, above the conning tower, and the other aft; two six-pounder guns, one in each broadside, and two auto matic machine guns, one and one-half inch in diameter. They have two torpedo tubes on the upper deck, from which torpe does can lie fired on either side. Each vessel carries four torpe j does. The great value of these small boats lies in their speediness. They can easily make twenty eight knots an hour. Seventy tons of coal will be sufficient to carry the little craft from Spain to Porto Rico or Havana, and this amount of coal they can easily carry. Seventy men usual ly comprise the crew of a de stroyer. With their rapid fire guns and their torpedoes, these small boats are threatening enough, but they are useful in more ways than one. They can take chances that would be madness for a larger craft to attempt; stealing up to an enemy,s boats under cover of darkness, and flitting around v. hen the big ships are in action awaiting the first opportunity, to discharge a torpedo at the nearest enemv, . * protecting the cruisers and bat tleships from the attack of tor pedo boats by engaging and de | stroying those dangerous crafts; running the blockade of closed ports, and acting as dispatch boats when a small fleet of ma rine messengers is needed. Their usefulness is incalculable, an 1 yet the United States navy is without them. We have some splendid torpe do boats, but Spain has nearly a score of the destroyers, which are in reality a larger torpedo boat, while we have nothing of the kind to oppose them. There is a possibility that Captain Brownson, who is now abroad on a ship purchasing expedition for the IT ited States, may be able to secure some torpedo boat destroyers from foreign ship builders, and if he can, there is no doubt that he will get them. When it is remembered that SIOO,OOO will buy a destroyer capable of steaming at dashing speed, it is not too much to hope that Captain Brownson will be able to send back a whole fleet of destroyers—say enough to give us one of the useful little boats for every one that Spain possessess. It will be money well invested. Roarks Jewelry store will be come the headqti >rters for Dr. i Lowe, the ccu'ist begining Thurs day Exam i nations free. N1 W MEDICAL DISCOVERY. A Positive Cure For Dyspep sia. This may read as though we weie putting it a 1 ittl r » strong be cause it is general y tb'Ught by he majority of people tha’ Lys pepHia in its chronic form it> incur- | able, or practically 8 \ But w» I have long air.ce shown that Dys pepsia is curable, nor ia it meh a difficu't mutter us it first appears. The trouble with Dyspeptics ia that they are continually dieting, starving themselves, or going to opposite extremes or else deiung mg the already '•ver burdened stomach with “bitters,” “after dinner pills,” etc.. which invar iably increase the difficulty even if in some cases hey do give a slight temporary relief. Such treatment of the stomach simply make malt-rs worse. Whit the stomacn wants is a r> st Now how tan the stomach becona 0 rested, recuperated and at the same time the body nourished and sustained This is the great secret a .d this is a'so the secret of the uniform' success of Smart's Dyspepsia Tab- ' 'ets. This is a compartively new remedy, but its successs and pop ularity leaves no doubt as to its merits. The tablets will digest the food mvvay. regardless of condition of stomach. The sufferer from dysepsia ac ordmg to directions is to eat an abundance of good, wholesome food tablets before and after each meal and the result will be that he food will digested no matter how bad your dyspepsia may be. because as before stated, the tab ets will digest the Rod even if the stomach is wholly inactive To il ustrate our meaning plainly, if you take 1 800 grams of meat, ggs or ordinary food and pl»ce it in a temperature of 98 degrree. md put with it one one of Stuarts Djspepsia Tablets it will digest the meat or eggs almost ns per ectly as if the meat was enclos d within the stomach. The stomach may b ever soe weak yer th se tablets willperfortn the work of digestion and th>- body and brains will be properly nourished and at the same time a radios 1 , lasting cure if dyspepsia will be <>ade be ;ause the much abused stomach vill be given, to some extent, a nuch needed rest Your druggist vill tell you that of the many emedies advertised to cure dys pesia none of them has given so complete and general satisfaction as Stuart’s Dyspep ia Tablets and not least in iu>- portaucb in these hard times is he fact they are also the cheap ■st and give the most good for the least money. A little book on cause and cure if stomach trouble sent free by iddressiug Stuart Co., Marshall Mich. RANGES. I am agent iorSouth ern Que en Coal or Wood Ranges. Also Insurance Safety G-as oline stoves • Call and see mvstock and get estimaes on your and tin work- N«vt door to onera house. F. HANSO N. A big shipment of writing tablets will arrive at Frank Whight’s Farmacy tomorrow. LIVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLES, Offers the public the finest teams, best convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. The best stock of horses and mules on sale con stantly. 306 AND 308 BROAD STREET, ROME, GEORGIA. YOUR- Spring Suits and Neckwear FROM W.H.COKER&CO FOk SENATOR 42n J, DIST. In the coining election it is the privilege of Floyd county, by party precedent, to choose democratic nominee for Senator from the 42nd senatorial district. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the democratic nomination for Senator, subject to the action of the democratic primary of June 6th. W. H. Ennis. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the legislature, subject to the democratic pri mary June 6th. J. B. Nkvin. ANNOUNCEMENT. Please announce my name as a candidate for senator from the 42nd senatorial district subject to the democratic primary to be held ou June the 6tb. Respect ully, R.T. Fouche. FOR THE LEGISLATURE, I hereby announce myself a candidate for election to the lower house of the Georgia leg islature, subject to the democrat ic primary on June 6th, next. John C. Foster. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself a candidate for a seat in the lower house of the General Assembly of Georgia, to rep-esent Floyd coun ty, my candidacy subject to the action of of the democratic prim ary of June the 6th. VV. C*. Bryan: For The Legislature To the voters of Floyd ccunty: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of representa tive in the lower house of the next General Assembly of Geor gia. my candidacy subject to |the primary of Jum 6th 98. J. Lindsay J jhnson . «■ FOR THE LEGISLATURE. EDITO RH U STL E R-CoM M E RCIA L Please kindly announce my can didacy, for membership in the lower house of the next general assembly. Subject to an approval by my countrymen at the ballot box in the primary on June 6th. proximo. Henry Walker. JL WICKERING STARR IrF uffls, W America's Leading Instruments. JESSE FRENCH PIANO & OBBAN CO. Manufacturers and Dealers. No. Olive Atroet. St. LouU, Mo. Nashville, Tenn. Birmingham, Ala. Dallas, Texas. Montgomery, Ala. Factories: Richmond, Ind. Writs our nearest house. A seemn •eve you many dollar*. r " Persistent Coughs A cough which seems to hang on in spite of all the remedies which you have applied certainly needs energetic ana sensible treatment. For twenty-five years that stand ard preparation of cod-liver oil, SCOTT'S EMULSION has proved its effectiveness in cur ing the trying affections of the throat and lungs, and this is the [ reason why: the cod-liver oil, par tially digested, strengthens and vitalizes the whole sys- J tern; the hypophosphites /ZJah act as a tonic to the mind ncrvcs ’ 1 glycerine soothes and t I heals the irritation. Can p \ you think of any combi nation so effective as this? Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the man and fiah are on the wrapper. 50c. and Sr.oo. all druggists. SCOTT & BOWN r . Chemists. Ntw York. DR. LOWE Is now with us and will be here some time- ;"Dr. Lowe has come to Rome to give us personal instruction in ootics- He is thoroughly up in the business of oroperly and scien tifically fitting spec tacles to the eye. and is here for the pur pose of teaching us the science and not to make money off our customers. Come in and have your eyes tested. To aDcommodate those who may de • sire to take . tage of Dr- Lowe’s unquestioned skill as an optical expert, I have arranged his hours as follows: Morning nours, 10 to 12. Afternoon hours, 3to 5. No charge of any B. F. ROARK, Jeweler. -X- VVE no looter supply our seeds to dealers to sell again. At the same time, any one who has bought our seeds of their local dealer during either iß<a or 1897 will be sent our Manual of “ Everything for the Garden ” for 1898 rnrr provided they apply by letter I KEL anc j give the name of the local merchant from whom they bought. To all others, this magnifi cent Manual, every copy of which costs us 30 cents to place in your hands, will be sent free on receipt of 10 cents (stamps) to cover postage. Nothing like this Manual has ever been seen here or abroad ; it is a book of 200 pages, contains S(W engravings of seeds and pla'nts, mostly new, and these are supplemented by 6 full size colored plates of the best novelties of the season, finahy, , OUR “SOUVEIiiR” SEED COLLECTION will also be sent without charge to all appli- ■ cants sending 10 ets. for the Manual whe will J state where they saw this advertisement. < Postal Card Applicaflcns Will Receive No Attention. * anteisS? < h Piactice economy < by trading with L. G, Todd. : For a good smoke try Wa” y ers’“Extra Good” cigars. f' She Preferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY. NEW YORK, The Pruferrecl'b pollckß are particular y adaptetl for biiHlneßH man, and Hnecliti issued for bankets, lor physicians, surgeons ar-il dentists, anil for traveling tnl,, ' '*■" rr» lened is an old line stock company with assets of over MSO.UOO 00. u,eu - Hie Pi, JOHN R.THORNTON, ATLANTA, GA. • • • • STATE g Best White LEGHORNS! very best breed and most S? perfectly marked fowls, leave orders Xa with J. T. Crouch & Co., $3 pertrio $$ “Spi endid cockereis only $ 1. aa I. D. CAILLIARD. »* W «« ® © • e ••©•••• • • • • • • 11 i Repairing || ®Don’t Walk On • <> Tour Uppers! • : W, A-MU LLINIX,M S a^nKi; ©••©•©•••••• • • • • ©• Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr, Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2, 1898. I would not be I regard PISO’S without PISO’S CURE FOR CON- CURE for CON- cures where!*"elsejails. * ‘E’T SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any best Cough modi- thing. For a bad £ fcjfri A | cine on the market, Cough or Cell it is ■■ ■ having used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER “The Best Cough Medicine.” THE ARHSTRONG HOTEL Rom . (ia Regular ..x.-r Special Boarders Rates Wanted- Monthln- The place to get’a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. ‘PetfHH** I ‘»*tfH<Hi»Hiii' II ll I School Supplies. L« We are pioneers ? the school books and school eup- W I»> ply business and we are also right up-ro-da f e in every W) «< thin? that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. «ft «« atskc sml .aiL.'acitai/og.ar_ afr.?<« j I BL PAPER, j W h cuse '•• th St te car. serve vou better when von de- sire to invest ir. a new covering ter tr.e rieir ?id walls o <<< yjur home. See nur st ck on hand and samp'es »>> I H. A. SMITH, I | THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. <<< >w