The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 11, 1898, Image 5

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JBNHHK SIXTH Date Jianied For CougrtiS sional Primaries UNO THE LONGEST POLE Beaching Through The Polls Gets The Plum. The executive committee of the Seventh Congressional democracy, to a ell of ‘he Hou. J. N.ol. of tin. city, met in the city court room it noon Saturday. That committee i? composed of the following named gentleman : Floyd county—W. J. Neel, ehettm.n, R< nut. 0- W. Under- W oed , ffcretary, Feme. John J. fieay, Rome, Jake C. Moore, Rome. Bartow ccunty.—W. H. Lump kin, Cartersville, J. J. Connor, C<rtersvill«- Cobb county—D. W. Flair, Marietta, E. P. Pade». Roswell. Paulding county—A. L. Bart- Mt, Brown e ville. Haralson county—A. I. Head, Tallapoosa- polk county —W. C. Bunn, Cedartown. Chattooga county—John W. Cam Su nmerville. Walker coumy—F ; W. Cope land, LaFayette. Pa p e county —J. G. Jackoway, Trenton- Ca’oosa county —R- A. Bacon, Graysville. Whitfield county. - I E. Shu mate, Dalton. Murray County —V. L. Watts,, Spring Place Gold on county—Z F. Gray Cal houn. At yesterday’s meeting the coun i ties of Paulding and Catoosa were not represented. For Floyd, Mr. Jake Moore was absent, but was represented by H n Halstad Smith! Judge Bella, of Chattooga held the proxyj of Mr. J. W Cain who was absent. Mr. Gordon Tatum held' the proxy ot Mr. Jackaway of Dade. And Mr. D. W. Blair, of Cobb h Id th * proxy of Mr E P Pa le i . Eiitor JCH ir sell was present as a me nb ir of the committee, ii - stead of Mr V L Watts, of Murray who is no longer a citizen of tie S venth district. tfter the roll call by Secretary Liiderwccd, Chairman Neel de clared the committee ready for business. Judge Bella offered the resolution wh ch appears below and which, after much discussion, was passed by .almost a unanimous vote. n EXJOYS Svrnn 7 ‘ nethod and results when and r f J® 818 ta^en > *t is pleasant X ± lllngtothetastc ’^ d acts on tbe Kidneys, tern eff , ° we^8 ' cleanses the sys- Ses ana ? lly ’ diß P elß cold8 ’ beid- CoQ ßtipation Ver^ and CUreS habitual onlv L, ?' ? yn, P °f Figs is the uuced n? ?° f itH kind ever P™- ceptablf hs Sn to o \ he Bt ? mach ’ Prompt in effects ur^'. t T UIy beneb ‘-ial in its healthy and l ared ° nly from tbe niOßt many excellent eca b ! e . Bubstance s, its to all at , i L nt commend it bl 8 ct.e it r.r G on band wd l pro- Wißh eßtot^S Uy n° r anyone who •Übsti tutu ' L Uo n °" 3CCC I ,t an y SYRUP CO. FHAIICISCO ‘ C 44. • «w rowr. I The fight was made ou the date of holding the corgteesit nal pri . mary. The committee men from Bartow and Walker counties ask ing for a separate election and a da*e in August After lull, free and ample discussion the vote was taken an t showed that only three democrats favored the separate election with later date ideas. The resolutions as passed are as follows: Resolved, that the Democratic nomination f>ro» ijr ess from the 7th Congressional district for the coming election shall be as follows: 1 A primary election shall be held in each county of the dis trict on the 6th day of June, 1898 under the same rules and regula tions provided in each county for nominations i<>r state house officers and members of the General As sembly of G'ecrgia. The qualifica tions for voters at such elec'ions shall be as prescribed in each county for said state nominations. 2 Each voter in the primary shall express his choice by direct vote for the nominee of the party for Co tigress ttp!'. and the total vote of er< h county thnll be con solidated therein, under the rules prescrib'd bv the Executive Com mittee of each county tor the consolidation as the votes for state 1 officers A total vote of each ccunty, for nominees, being thus determined, delegates shall be chosen bv the ehairman of the County Executive Democratic ccmmittee, the person receiving the largest number of votes to have the right to select such del egates to the Congressional Con vention herein after provided for, from among the friends of the person receiving the highest num votes in each county. The retun sso consolidated shall be sent to the chairman of the Dem ocratic executive committee of this district, who, when the con veution meets, shall present such returns to the convention. 3 Such convention when aesem bkd shall consolidate the votes of all the counties in the district, and tbe person receiving the high sst number of votes shall be de clared he nominee of the party for congressman for the 7th. Congressional District, and said c (invention shall elect a new Ex ecu’ive Committee for the ensuing term, and give attentive to such other business as may properly be before it. 4 The Congressional convention hereinbefore mentioned, shall oe comp'’sed of twice the number ct delegates which each county in she district is entitled to members of the house of Representatives in the G meral Assembly of Geor gia, and shall be held at Cedar town Ga. on the 16 day of June a< 12 :30 p. m. Mr. Bunn of Folk, invited th* convention to meet in Cedartown on the 16th of June and the invi tation was accepted. “notice. For the purpose of securing tax returns, I will be at the court house e ery Saturday uu’il May, 20th and every day thereafter un til June 20th. At the March meet ing of the Board of roads and rev enue they passed a resolution competing me as tax receiver t<> comply with the law' and doubb tax every one who fails to make his returns properly and that in the specified time. Dont forc° me to do this but make your re turns promptly. Respt. Il L. Foster. Tax Receiver. Floyd Cc. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. “Mystic Cure” for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in Ito 3 days. I»s action upon the system is remarkable and myste rious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefis, 75 cents. Sold by Curry- Arrington Co, Rome, Ga. Something nice for Sunday dinner is a can of Tenney’s Cali fornia fruit, go to L. G. Todd and get one. FREI mill TIIE4EMENT TO EVERYONE. Who suffers with any chronic disease of any part of the human body, such as kidney and bladder, heart, liver and stomach troubles, face and skin eruptions, disorders of the sex ual organa, sexual weakness and indifference etc. Provided application be made at once, fli or der that Its inventions, appliance.-' and never failing remedies may receive the widest poasi b'e publicity, and prove their own merlta by actual use and permanent cures. No money whatever will be received by the State Medi cal Sanitarium from imv one under its treat ment until benetlclal results are acknowledged Its remedies and appliances have been com mended by the newspapers of two continents and endorsed by the greatest doctors In the world. Where developement Is desired they accomplish it and never fall to Invigorate, upbuild and fortify. They infuse new life and energy. They per manently stop all losses which undermine tbe constitution and produce despondency. They retone, refresh and restore to manhood, regardless of age. They cure evil habits and permanently remove their effects, as well as those of excesses and overtaxed brain Work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No failure, no publicity, no deception, nodisap pointmeut. Writetoday. State Medical Sanitarium, HvanSton, Illinois. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Curry- Arrington Drug Company. Annual Sales o»er6,000,000 Boxes w FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain In the Stomach. Giddiness. Fulness after meals, Head tche. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite. Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin, Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BKECHAM'N PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregulurities of ti)e sys tem and cure sick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine in the World. 25c. at all Drug Stores, THE DANGERS OF SPRING Which arise from impurities in the blood and a depleted condi tion of this vital fluid may be entirely averted by Hood’s Sar saparilla. This great medicine cures all spring humors, boils eruptions and sores, and by en riching and vitalizing the blood, it overcomes that tired feeling and gives vitality and vigor. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick headache, billiousness and liver ills. Price 25 eents. Mrs. A. luveen, residing at 720 Henry St., Al on, 111., suff red with sciatic rheumatism for over eight mouths. She doctored for it nearly the whole of this time usi ’g various remedies recom mended , by friends, and was treated by the physiciaua, but re ceived no relief. She then used one and a half bottles of Oamberlaiu’r Pain Balm which effected a com pie e cure. This is published, at her request, as she wants others similarly effiicted to know what c.ured her. T e 25 and 50 cen' sizes for sale by Curry-Arrington Co. CITY MARTHALLS NOTICE! On, and after this date, the stock ordinance of tbe city of Rome will be enforced. This is to notify all owners of stcck, and especially of cows, that the im pounding fee will be collected in each and every case. J. B. Shropshire Ci'y Marshal. April 7-98 ts. On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, I was sick with rheuma tism, and J lay in bed until May 2lst, when I got a bottle ol Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. The first application of it relieved me almost entirely frem the pain and the second afforded com plete relief. In a short time I was able to be up and about again.—A. T. Morkaux, Luv erne, Minn. Sold by all drug gists. In the Springtime is the Painting Time We most respectfully call the at= tention of the public to the fact that we carry all the shadesand colors of the standard MIXED PAINTS turned out and put on the market by LONGMAN & HARTINEZ, JOHN I UCAS & CO, LOWE BROTHERS. The name of these firms upon a can of paint guarantees it to be the gen uine article. We also handle Collier white lead and Red Seal white lead. These brands are recognized by veterans as the best ever put on the market. OILS * AND * VANISHES Only the best grades should be used and you will waste no time or money by coming to us at once. BRUSHES—For much of your in sida painting, if you will buy mixed paints and brushes of us, you can do the work at your own convenience and suit your own taste. 6URRY=ARRINGTON 60. *< M E S. M. Stark, E ifi *** S B 2 LIMES AND GENTLMM M 8 5 55 X 55 ** «*« Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave * >-et *< hta •*< ** XT. EN & BRO., S iccessors to " ROME PHARMACY. lark Building. Jr . the entire stock of the Rome pared to supply your wants in and patent medicine line. Our al the very highest grade. of your patronage and shall en- >ur ability to please you at all pleased to have you call on as. ist’s sundries, toilet articles and ally carried in a first-class drug acco. Jr eS Come to see us. EVERYBODY Straw and Crash Hats —"FROM W. H. COKER & CO soiiiiiksjsh FRANK WRIGHI FARMACIST, Rome. At Old Norton corner, oppoaii Masonic Tempi. Alcohol, wood, for burning. Balls and Bats. Benzin. Bird Seed and Cutl Fish Bone. Blank Books. Blacking and Shoe Dressing. Botls, 4 grams up to 4 liters. Brushes—Hair, Paint, Shoe, &e Call Bels. R cards, Playing and Visiting, castile Soap, White and Motld. castor Oil, 2 grades, chalk, crayon, prepared and “Spanish Whiting.” checkers, Dominoes, Dice, chemicals, ful line, cigarets and cigars, combs, horn and rubber, condensed Milk, cos Sirups of all kinds, crticbes and Shoulder Braces. Diamond Wall Finish. Drugs and Druggist’s sundries. Dum Bels and Indian Clubs. Fishing Tackl. Garden Seeds. Gelatin. Glycerol (glycerin.) Glue, dry and liquid. Grease Eradicator, for clothes. Gum, Chewing, all sorts. Hair Dye and Oil. Harness Oil. Harps, French and Jews. Horse, Catl and Poultry Powders Ink, Black, Red and Indelibl. lodin, Tincture of Linseed, whole, ground and oil. Machine Oils, Castor, Golden &c Magnesium, Sulfate (Epsom Salt.) Marbls, Agate, China and Glass Maches. Mustache Pomade, Black and White. Mffcilage. Nalthalin Balls for moths. Nutmegs and Cloves. Oil of Turpentine, “Spirits.” Onion Sets. Paint, all colors. Paper and Envelopes. Patent Medicines, ful line. Pencils, Carbon “Led” and Slate Pens and Penholdeis. Perfumery, Cologne, Extracts, Bay Rum. Petrolatum (Vasalin.) Pimenta (Allspice.) Pipes, Clay and Wood. Plasters, Belladonna, Capsicum, Strengthening. &c. Plaster Paris. Pocket Books and Purses. Potassium Bitartrate (Cream of Tarta.) Potassium Nitrate Potassium Bromide and lodid. Putty and Glaziers Points. Quinin, Sulphate, botld and in 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 grain capsules Rubber Balls. Bands, Combs and Syringes. Sealing Wax. Slates and Pencils. Sodium Carbonate (Sal Soda.) Sodium Borate (Borax). Sulfur, Brimstone and Flowers. Suspensory Bandages. Syringes, glass and rubber. Tablets, Pen and Pencil. Thermometers, clinical and house. Toilet Paper. Toilet Soaps, 5, 10, 15 and 25c. Tooth Picks, Quill and Wood. Trusses, hard rubber and leather Turnip Seed. Twines. Varnishes, Asfaltum. Coach and Copal. Water Botls, rubber. White Led. Window Glass, all sizes. Cut this out, paste away and read before starting to town. Low prices, but cash only. Old Norton Corner, opposit Ma sonic Tempi. FRANK WRIGHT Far maeiat Rome.