The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 11, 1898, Image 6

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THE HOSIIMHIESGUI THE HUSTLER OF ROME. Established, iswo. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established, isvft. Issued every evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL (i. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. office. Wtlkarson ;Block, Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION >aily and year »f> OC lundar, per year SI.OO Weekly (Tub RomkCookikb) pei year. SO BY CARRIER IN CITY AND BUBUI BE D»‘,y ar. I Sunday, locents per wet), Remit by bank draft, exprsjj, money order or registered letiar Add’-esa THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL, |ROME, GA. # Entered at the PoHtofllce at Rome. Ga., a* ! seconu class matter. Advertising rates and sample co. ies forth asking, BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, |ALLEN D. CANDLER, of Hall., J ForJSecretary of State,' PHIL COOK, of Lee. f ForJComptroller-General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond.! For Attorney-General. JOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merrlwether. For.Treasurer, W. M. SPEER, of Fulton, of Agriculture, O. B. STEPHENS, of Terrell. For School |('ommissioner, JJG. R. GLENN, of Bibb. The Hustler-Commercial is the only afternoon paper in Northwest Georgia. It has tin combined circulation of the old evening Hustler .of Rome and the Rome Daily Commercial, and is THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF The City of Rome The City Marshal The Sheriff of Floyd County The Ordinary of Floyd Co, The Hustler-Commercial has the confidence of the classes and the masses—because it mer its and deserves the confidence of all its readers. Now is the time to tell your neighbor to quit borrowing and enlist his name as a subscriber. Mr. G. R. Hutchens may be smart enough to go to congress but when he goes into the card wilting business, he takes a poor method to prove it. That was a terrible “accident” to the aspirations of the“smooth” politicians of Georgia when the booms of Atkinson and Berner crashed together in the head quarters of the bushwhacker’s camp in Macon last Thursday— midnight. No, Jane, dear, “it would not be right for Governor Atkinson to order the national guard t of the state of Georgia to Cuba.” Only one man can issue orders for that invasion of Cuba by American troops and Governor Atkinson is not that man. ; »■■■' The “war news” that Spencer and Bob went to the Macon Tele graph’s office for last Thursday n’ght was not of the Spanish brand, except that it was bush whacking and treacherous—the boys were trying to arrange some way by which they could force the old warrior to tie to the mine buoy they had assigned him. A VERY MEAN FLING. • Th re was never a meaner fling by one candidate at another than that made by Col. Candler in his Dalton speech last Monday when be referred to Judge Atkinson as the “Kimball House candidate.” As a matter of fact, Candler is the only candidate in the race who has his political headquarters at the Kimball House. Although the lessees tendered Judge Atkin son rooms in this hotel rent free durii.g the campaign, he declined the offer. He is occupying a room in one of the numerous office buildings in Atlanta, paying the rent out of bis own pocket. His J campaign manage ment is not in the hands of pol it cians. hut is being conducted by his brother, Hon Sam C. At k.iiaoD. and his cousin, HoiF. Har ry F. L'unwoody. So much for ihe tru h of the charge■ that “Judge Atkinson is the Kim ball House candidate.’ —Newman Herald. The people of Rome will re member that the Newman Herald is one of the papers that Col Candler so pleasantly but force fully alluded to in his Rome speech. It is edited by State Librarian Brown, and had many nice things to say about Col. Candler during the latter days of Governor Atkin son’s visit to Mexico. The Herald knows that Col. Candler’s hea iquarters is iu Gainesville. It knows that the Kimball house headquaraters are kept open by the league of Candler clubs. The Railroad Commissioner’s refusing the “rent-fiee” off-r made by the Kimball bouse les sees is about the first free thing that Judge Atkinson has refused jn this campaign. As to his pay pig his office rent out of his own pocket Col. Candler has made no ch arge to the coatray. On the other hand, C >l. Can dler has very plainly said that Spencer’s salary is coming out of the pockets of the people and is one of the leaks that ought to be stoped —that Railroad Com missioner Atkinson is either neg lecting his duty or has no duty to neglect and the $2500 a year should be cut off. As to Hon. Sam Atkinson and S< nalor Harry Duuwoody not being politicians, the joke in the statement is broad enough to make a cigar store Indian dum my smile out loud As a mean flinger, the. Newman Herald knows how to make “A Very Mean Fling. ” There aie others. (By wire) —Dear Spencer: “We have been discovered. What shall we do. Answer.” Bob. (Same date) —Friend Bob: “Do like Bill wired Joe from the Sunday bull fight. “Set steady in the boat”—until some of our scouts can find a man who will betray another letter. You have nothing to loose.” I am still Unresigned Spencer. Upon the discovery of the midnight consultation of the anti-Candler “running mates” Spencer is supposed to have wired : “Dear Bob : Remember Bill’s Mexican instructions to loe, ‘sit’steady in the boat.’ You have nothing to loose—but your voice. lam living up to Sam Jones’ advice —drawing my campaign fund from the pockets of the tax pay ers to the tune of about $8 a day, also riding over the state on the free passes of a railroad commissioner, and ad vertising my law business in my own way. Meet me in the Macon Telegraph office next Thursday—at midnight We! must arrange for a joint debate 1 think if we ha\e one our an cient friend from Hall will fall dead. We could then win—and divide the offices, etc. With deep solicitude, Spencer. ” fl BYRD’S EYE VIEW. Col. Candler is right. Either Spencer Atkinson is neglecting the duties of his office, or there are no duties attached to the of fice. If the first, Spencer is un worthy of promotion ; if the sec ond, why not stop a leak by sav ing some of that $2,500 salary. —Dalton Argus. > *u* Col. Candler calls Berner and Atkinson “running mates, and the people believe that he has correctly stated their relative positions in the campaign.— Jonesboro Enterprise. * * Pictures of Margaret Mather and Iconoclast Brann both deco rate bill boards all about this city, yet both are dead. These stage lithographs are preaching daily sermons on the transitori ness of life.—Augusta Chronicle. ♦ . * * The Macon correspondent of the Atlanta Constitution tells his paper of a conference held in this city on Thursday night be tween Judge Atkinson and Hon. R L. Berner. The conference is said to have been held in the Macon Telegraph’s office. No more appropriate place could be found for the signing of articles of agreement for a joint debate. The Telegraph’s “neutrality” entitles it to the confidence of I the two opposition candidates. But of no one else.—Macon News. * • * Will Editor Byrd please in form the public why he attacks the governor with so much ven om? The state at large may or may not have just cause to criti cise Governor Atkinson for ele vating Phill to the office of In spector of misdemeanor convict camps, bur. certain it is, that Phill ought not to condemn the executive for so doing.—Meri wether Vindicator. ’The above’is in keeping with the “line of argument” advanc ed by the “weaklies” so pleas antly' all'fided toby Col.. Candler in his Rome speech. When such a statement is advanced by Gov. Atkinson, direct, then I will un dertake to answer—not until then. As to the state’s criticism etc., I refer the partisan editor of the Vindicator, not to the al most universal commendation of the state press, but to his own complimentary notices—notices for which I was very grateful. My report went in, was approv ed by the governor and endorsed by the action of the legislature, and the reforms so terribly need ed are being worked. I tried to do my duty, and if the Vindica tor is not satisfied with the re sults, it should not have been so complimentary just after my w rk was finished. On with the the dance.- •* r l he Telegraph has been read ing lectures to the fearless pa pers exf Georgia tliat have dared to stand by brave okL- Allen D. Candler and denounce “trick sters,” “traders,” “traffickers” in the democratic party. Will the Telegraph tell us if Spencer and Bob—the anti-Candler “run ning mates” held their last mid night caucus in its office bv invitation? Will the Telegraph also tell us why its columns neg- Iscted to give an account of such a “significant” meeting? Since the Rome Tribune eaw fit to pul beh an editorial aricle from theGnfiin News headed“‘Two Questions” wi'l it kindly publish the article io The Herald urder the caption “Three Questions.” If it is crowded for space, the bill, at regular space rates, can be sent to this office and a check cover ing it will be at once mailed.— Americus Herald Spain pleads for time and all. the while is sharpening her machete. Hii d-'ome Bob dont feel called upon to write any letters to your Uncle A lien, The hande are the hands of McKinley, but the voice is the voice of Hanna, Augusta Her ald. Col, Cmiler hasnt been on the stump but ale v days. The “run ning mates” Ivive found it dut however. t Perhaps, after all, Atkinson and Berner met in the Maccu Tele graph office to arrange terms of a joint debate. Os c urse Spence and Bob “just happened” to .neet in the editorial rooms of the Macon Telegraph, last Thursday night. From 'he number of war vessels she is sendiifg in this direction, Spain evidently proposes to dictate peace at her own terms. April showers and not an Easter frost played havoc with the average woman’s hope that blooms in the spring—yester day. From r<cent reports the minority pt Muscogee democrats were exceedingly anxious about that joint debate which Burner and Atkinson were so brash in agreeing to some Weeks ago . It is a notable fact that Colonel Candler has held his own without coming off second best in any of the little newspaper tiffs that have been precipitated among the candidates.—Augusta Chronicle. In meeting in the sanctum sanctorum of the Macon Telegraph Spencer and Bob thought t' ey were holding their consultation so far out of the Democratic party that no Candler man would ever discover them. Mrs. Nobles was saved‘'because she was an idiotic old w:man.” Gus Fambles, her negro tool, was saved becau ehe was a tool of such a creature. This beautiful pair of red-handed murderers owe their escape to the cowardice of politicians. Hon. J. Pope Browu, chairman of the Candler club in Pulaski county,and member of the Central Caedler committee, was in the city yesterday mingling among his friends. Mr. Brjwn declares, that there is no doubt of his section of the state going for Candler Macon News. Two against one has nev- r been rated a fair game. Il would Oe idle to deny that this is being made on Colonel Candler, Judge Atk nson and Speaker Berner roar against each o her as sucking dov es. I'heir united strength is exer ted against Colouel Candler —Au rnsta Chronicle. There were just three hu idr«d and fifty people to hear Col. Can dler at Dalton.—Augusta Herald. And on the same date and in the same neck of the woods at Cedartown—scarcely one hurdred and fifty heard Railroad Commis sioner Atkinsjn. To say nothing of the frost that met Spenc ir in Calhoun a day or so 1 ater. Compared with other large dailies in the state;-' the Atlanta Constitution has been decid«ly more impartial in the gubernato rial contest than any of the self styled “fair and impartial”papprs, It has refl cted the real sentiment of rhe press of the state—and in doing so has shown the everwhel ming expression in favor of Allen D. Candler. The Constitution is! big enough to give the facts. To' the Journal and Telegraph belongs the role of distorting the reflec tion of public sen'iment. A big stock of Spanish soap at Frank Wright’s Farmacy. THE DANGER to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with vihich she looks for ward to the hour of woman’s severest trial is appreciated by but lew. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life’s pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe MOTHER’S FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes for ward in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way of Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations—she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain—is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously perform the high and holy dut'es now devolved upon her. Safety co life of both is assured by the use of “ Mother’s Friend,” and the time of recovery shortened. “I know one lady, the mother of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of ‘Mother’s Friend’ of me before her fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and less painful.” John G. Polhill, Macon, Ga. SI.OO PER BOTTLE at all Drug- Stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information of cere mterest to all women, will be sent to rntc any address upon application, by Vmc BRADFIELD regulator CO.. Atlanta, Ga. YE \R’S SUPPORT . GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern: Notice ie hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a year’s support to Mrs . Lizzie T Talley, the wid w of George T. Talley, deceased have filled their award, and unless good and sufficient cause is shown, the sanH will be made the judg memt of the Court at the April term, 1898, of the Court of Ordi nary, This March 7th. 1898. J -H.N P. Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. To all whom it may concern : L. A. Dean having in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Lucy Parker, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next Kin of Lucv Parker to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to L. A. Dean on Lucy Parker’s estate. Witness mv hand signature this 7th day of March 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary. NOTICE OF SALE. Agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd coun ty, will be so’d at auction at the court house dour of said county on the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 24th district r.iffi 3rd section of Floyd county, .Georgia, known and distinguished in the plan of said district and section as No. one hundred and seventy nine (179) containing one hundred ai d twenty acres more or less of said lot and lying all of said lot ex cept a small portion - sold bv J. M. Ellis, while iu life, said land joins the corporate limits of Plainville, Ga. Sold as the prop erty of James M. Eliis, late of said county, deceased. Terms one-half cash, and the remainder Dec. Ist, ’9B. J. H. Ellis, Executor of Jas. M. Ellis de ceased. Two years ago R. J. Warren, a diuggistat Pleasant Brook. NE Y . bought a small supply of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, He sums up the result as follows : “At that time the goods were unknows iu this section, today Chamberlin’s Cough Remedy is a household word.” It is the sume in hundreds of communities. Wherever the good qualit es of I Chamberlain’s Cough Retried v become known the people will have nothing else. Fur -ale by Curry-Arringtjn Co. When you want gro ceries go to Todd’s NOTICE OF DIVORCE. ' State of Georgia, FloydC o Winnie Lee Woodward ( r i)'? Willi,,m E. Woodward/ , In Floyd County Superior Cour state of Georgia. • No 21 L.i term, 1898. ’ Jul ? Io William Edward Wood ward : The defendant is hereby re quired, personally or by attor ney, to be and appear at tl next Superior court, to be ] lfcld in and for said county, O n the third Monday in July en and there to answer the plain, till s demand in an action of Li bel for Divorce, as in defauh thereof, said court will pr oCeed as to justice shall appeitain. Witness the Honorable W.M Henry, judge of said court, (hi, 14th day of Mardh, 1898. Win. E. Bey siege]', Clk Superior Court. Co., Ga. LET’E RS OF AC MINISTRATION GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern; Farris P N’xon having iu prop( .‘ form app'ied to me for permanent letters of administration on ths .estate of Dr. W. C. Nixon late of said county deceased. This ietu cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Dr. W. C Nixon to be and appear at my of fice within the time allowed by law aid show cause if.any they they can why permanent ad in in is. tration should not be granted to Farris P. Nixon on Dr. W. C Nu <>ns estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 10th dav of ebF. 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary, NOTICE OF SALE, Agreeably to an order of its court of ordinary of Floyd county will be sold at the court bouse door of said county on the first Tuesday in April next within th* legal hours of sale, the following property towit.—South haff of lot No. 177, containing 80 seres, North half lot No. 185 conta'uwj, 8(» a res, 30 acres iff lot No. 184 all in 22nd District and Third Section known as the home place vhereon the d<-oas d redded »t he time of his death, ccntainiug in ah 191) acies more or less, sold as the property of Hulbert Evan!, late of said county, deceased' r-rms of sale cash. This Bth day >f March 1898. Julius vV. Evans. Executor. YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern Notice is hereby given that tbs appraisers appointed to set apart and asdgn a year’s support to Sa rah O. Murdock the widow of Jas- M. M unlock,deceased, have fikd their award and unless good aid sufficient cause is shown the same will be made the judgem'Did 'he court at the April term. 1898, of the court of ordinary. This March 7th 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. YEARS SUPPORT. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. To ail whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given, th at the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a Buplim pntH year’s support to Mrs Georgian! M. Geo"ge, the widow of Jun' u * A George, deceased, have H • their award, and tin’ess good an sufficient cause is show, b l ' same will he made the JudgW ell of the Court at the April term 1898, of the Court of Ordinary' This March 8 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County. Georg l4 Lost, —A pair of child’s gl a8 ‘ es, with aluminum frames. Finder please return to A at this office and receive rewan BEST OF ALL • I Iff To cleanse the system in « C''' and truly beneficial manner, the Springtime comes, use true and perfect remedy, Figs. One bottle wili answer all the family and costs on y cents. Buy the genuine. factured bv tne Cassio r,l . H t Syrup Company only, aod for t>y ail druggista.