The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 12, 1898, Image 2

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COUNCIL WORK. ft Liuely Meeting Held Last Night. ONE MEM3LR ABSENT. Action on City Printer Deferred One Week. Present, Hon. John J. Seay, mayor, and Councilmen D. B. Hamilton, Jr., C. W. Morris, A. B. McArver, J. D. 3 timer, W. T. Jones, Walter Harris, '1 J. Reese, F. I. Kane and B. 'I Haynes. The clerk read the minutes of the meeting of April 4th inst., and before said minutes were confirmed, Councilman 1). B. Hamilton, Jr., presented thQ fol lowing statement to the council: Rome, Ga., April 7, 1898. W. A. Knowles, Esq , Editor Rome Tribune. This is to certify that I voted for the Tribune for city printer at the meeting of the council held last Monday night. W. T. Jones, F. J. Kane, B. T. Haynes, 1). B. Hamilton, Jr T. J. Reese. Also a telegram as follows : W. A. Knowles, I unquestionably voted fir Tribune for city printer Monday last. R. A. Denny. Councilman Turner then stated that lie had counted the ballots for city printer at tlm last meeting of council, and that they were five and five and de manded that any statement upon ’ the subject be upon affidavit : Councilman Harris then made! the point upon the investigation | of the subject by the council was out of order. Upon the point or dered, the Mayor ruled as fol lows : It appears that on the /first Monday in April there was an election held by the mayor and council of the city of Rome for certain officials of the city for the ensuing term. This election was by a ballot of the members of the council. Certain results were declared by the mayor up on the report of the tellers. Upon the question as to whethi r the council can investigate the re port of the tellers and thus re move the officers thus declared elected, I rule that it is not a question for the decision of the council. After the voters have voted and the managers of an election have declared the result, the latter have no power to re consider the matter. Ifobjection is made before the officer elected takes his seat, a contest as pro videel by law is the remedy. If the officer has taken his seat, the remedy is by a writ of quo war ranto before the judge of the su perior court. I do not decide as to the merits of the claim of error, but merely decide that af ter the council has declared the result of a ballot, and the officer has entered into the duties of his office, that the council can not reopen the question. A plain remedy is provided|in the courts, and I might add that for the council to act it would be pass ing upon a question as to wheth er or not it was guilty of a fraud or an error ; and I believe the law does not contemplate . any one having authority to sit upon his own case. Upon motion of Councilman Hamilton, the minutes of April 4th were confirmed except the paragraph as to the election of city printer. Messrs. K A. I) an, J. L, Bass and C. E. Woodruff ap peared before the council in be half of the Rome Lighting (lom . pany, and submitted figures with reference to contract for I lighting for the ensuing year, I pun motion of Councilman Kane, further time was granted the gas and light committee to investigate and negotiate with reference to a contract for light ing tlio streets of the city' for the coming year. The notice of Hoskinson it Harris, attorneys for A. Dough erty. with reference to a judg ment against the city for dam ages, was referred to the finance committee with power to act. It having been reported to thS mayor that there was a ne gro in Rome by the name of 'Phomas Ray recently arrived from Cleveland, Tenn., and that while in Cleveland he had been exposed to smallpox, it was or de ed that the report together with necessary precautions for the protection of the community be referred to the health com mitee with power to act. It was further ordered that the city physician and sanitary inspector' be placed under the di reel ion of the health committee in this emergency. Tha bonds of city officials were fixed at the same amounts as given by them during the last term. The financial statement of the clerk was read. Ordered that no bills be pre sented to the council by the clerk, until the same are approv ed by the mayor or chairman of ;iie committee ordering the bill. Council Adjourned. • II ALSTEh Sm ITIT, Clerk of Council. PURELY PERSONAL Mr. O H. Jones of Chulio, sp> nt rhe day in the cety. Judg'- Henry Powers, cf Lindale pent the cay in the city. Col. D B. H<imilton is attend in superior court at Cedartown. Prof. C. 11. Hartman, of Sub ligna, spent the day in the city. Judge W. C. Hammond, cf Armuchee, spent the day in the city. Deputy Sheriff Jim Johnson did a few hours of .actual work today. Mr. Fred Hanson of the Hanson Supply Co. has returned from Cedartown. County commissioner A. B. Mc- Carver, of Coosa, spent the day in the city. Mr. G. H, Albea, one of the in fluential citizt ns of Cave spring is the city today. Miss Mattie V Davis, a charm ing young lady of Leesburg, Ala., is at the Armstrong. After a quick I usiness trip to Savannah Senator W, H. Enire has returned to the Hill City. Mr. M. C. Smitherman of Chattanooga., is among the Look out City’s Rome visitors today. Mr. H. M. Robinson, one of tin cleverset of Atlanta’s enterprising citizens is at the Armstrong today. Capt. Cleghorn, the popular mtrehant and leading citizen of Summerville, was in the city to day. Rev Tom Oaens, pastor Bar tow county, and Uncle of Messrs. Jo« and Benton Owens, is in the city. Hon . W C. Bryan one of the wide awake candidates for legis lative honors was in the city yi s terday afternoon. • Hom \V ilham Clifton, acconipa lied try his wife and Miss Cain, arrivid in thf city this Morning —Atlanta Commeicia.L Hon. W. 11. Ennis, the next Senator from the 42nd Senato rial district, spent the day in the Northern part of the county. 1 SCROFULA s It is Foul flood’s Advertise r| ment 1 >■ • But It is C - n Cured by Hood’s i i Sarsaparilla. [ [ Yes, Scrofula, if anything, may becalled theudvi-rtiai i. nt of foul blood. It is the ' ! scour ,e of t lie v>orld —offensive, painful, 1 debilitating, h.ubborn and well nigh unendurable. ( " | Out,war •n; - Oeations do not cure, they ‘ , only . c ti'.culty to new quarters. I Er.iollier' i i; palliate, they cannot , a!.-oli: b th evil. There is but one sure way out, and that i:i to eliminate the _ ' taint fr-j.n (.!<;■ f lood. i Tiier” • or.c niedy that can effect this, ’ and it is the c-.ily one that, so far as we . know, has .t invariably succeeded < ,en where th l , .vystenr’hts been poisoned by long pears of taint, and the ravages to be repaired are • -en.endous. That remedy is Hood's !•>. ar '.la. Read this: “My daughter was afflicted with im - pure blood. There were running sores p ill over her body and they caused her much .h'c. W< tried medicines that I were reeo:n.-.icnded as blood purifiers, but could net ;*oe that they did any good. A friend told ; about Jlood’s Sars«pa -1 villa and I big; i giving the girl this med . icine. The rv-i-lt was t hat she was piz factiy cured after taking a few bottles. Lhe has La 1 no symptoms of scrofula tores since that time.” MAKiKTTA M. Smith, South Midd'eboro, Mass. - Sarsa parilla the b ’ ' • - the Gun True ?>! »<; I Purifier. •<: . ii;»” : ID- <>’m; I ib:<; »; » substitute. ' ’ M ‘t’iin'iioiisly witl * »it ; »•< -fl’s Siirsaparill.t Mr. Arthur Sullivan has bought the beautiful residence of Mr. A . \V. TedcastU, in East Rome Mrs. Kelly, of Knoxvil eis the i guest of her son Mr H. Kelly .the 1 popular young Rome merchant. Mr. John C. Hollman, of New York, a popular knight of tbe ;gr p, with mmy Rome friends is | in the city today. Miss May ami Fannie York, two of the prettiest young ladies of Rockmart are guests of their ’brother, Mr. Ned York. Mr. Henry Harper, one of the brave old vets of the last uupleai aiitmss says that Le has a good canteen that he will lend to any t soldier boy vho desires to go to the front. CUBAN THANKS Returned to Generous Romans Through Rector Hudgins. The foil”wing letter received by Rev. C. B Hudgins explains it-elf: “The Central Cuban Relief Committee appointed by the ’ president of the United States. New York, April 7, 1898. Rev. C. B. Hudgins, 1 Rome, Ga. 1 Rev. and Dear Sir; —I have yonr favor of the sth instant en closing check for $162,00, being v amount collected by some good women of ycur town, toward the relief of the suffering Cubans, same to be used by the Red Cross Society, for which please accept thanks, kit.d ly conveying the ip pr.ciation of the committee to the ■ ■ donors f >r their generous response !to the uee’s of that unfortunate o'people The amount will Le used s in the work of relief .among the destitute in the island of Cuba. (Signed,) Very truly yours, Char. A. Shrieven. Treas.“ A Rovival Os Religion: e The First Methodist church is g now in the midst of its annual . services. This church has been r notrd for its sweeping revivals. I These annual meetings have been helpful to Rome in many ways The First church is now making an earnest effort to help the people. The earnest pastor deserves r ' the sympn 'iv and cooperation of all good people. His church will i od< uht stand by him to a man 3 in this effort. We commend the meeting to every body. The prescription files cf the j Rome Drug Co., ar at Frank Wright’s Farmacy, and wil be | (‘‘trefiilly refiled when needed, if ymir fysician does not object. Hose, Garden -iose.- i Full sine of best grade Hose sold at low prices by The Hanson Sup ply Company. W'^ 1 * W- ■ ' ' r.'T < S BEST SANITARY PLUMBING <4 N * e jf ■ Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. b* ll’ A * Gas Fixtures, Gas St °ves, . | e rw x rb. K S Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- t* <4 - y < tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec ;i ® trie fixtures. |ft> M p * ~ L « I have employed Alex S. Pierce to L § take charge of my shop department, t U * He is one of the best workmen in the S m * South. Repair work attended to 'B .d s f promp " y - I W I j JOHNOCTILDS. t ,vjl NJ ❖ K» T( * 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos. Fahy. B * - r ******S****S*S*SSSJ Bfc - | I EASTER J * * ,s over and now the post-lenten * ?? « season is on. You are most cor- * * dially invited to call and see the * * very latest fads and fancies, nov- £ W W * elties, and nice things in sash- f W * ionable millinery. We receive * new goods dvery day and they fy come specially selected from the | 1 £ fashion centers. Our new flow- -S S * ers are exceptionally pretty. | W # I Hrs, A, O. Garrard i i * - * it ® ‘9'99'999999999999 In Niii 01 Sifi • | 5 the best JsPaa Is on eail h * I g* THEY ARE THE ♦ Wg | $7 KIND |AT OTHER PLACES. * g ißinei Tailoring to •Broad @ |