The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 12, 1898, Image 3

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MB T by "CHANCE.” jpencer and Bob Unmasked Themselves. the sharp practice „ un by The Montezuma Shown up oy Record. Under the »’ "Duplicity . »» The Americus (junked, ine Times-Recorder exposes a recent political confab thus. 1 <«The latest move of Senator Ber ner and Railroad Commis ioner Atkinson on the political chess board will be read with in terest in our news columns this morning. Democrats of Georgia, think of it! Two professed op posing gubernatorial candidates who stand on the Chicago plat form with records of shining lilverarenow consor.ed with the unreconstructed goldbug ed itor of a Republican paper in one breath, and the next a-howl ing and demanding that because of their party service and party fealty they should receive the Democratic nomination for gov- ernor. -Democrats of Georgia, how long will the game of Berner and Atkinson remain unmasked? TheTimes-Recorder claims the little game of two to one is now on. It is anything with them to beat Candler, even if they must get the Republicans and rene gades to do the job. “Allen D. Candler is a Demo crat tried and true, and no mug wump and Republican combi nation of Atkinson, Berner and Pendleton can defeat the brave old warrior. God forbid that such measures should desecrate Democratic principle in the Em pire State of the South.” NoTK THE QUALIFICATION. Taking up another phase of the matter, The Times-Record er says: “Senator Berner wails from the stump that he has ‘no influ ential morning daily to support him in his race.” How can ‘Handsome Bcb’thus stab his dear friend and political adviser, Editor Pendleton, of Macon’s Republican daily?” It will be noted, in justice to The Telegraph, that Mr. Berner used the qualifying adjective “influential.” JUST READ THIS, WILL YOU? Ihe Montezuma Record gives this little history ; Ihe Macon Telegraph has a regular correspondent at Monte zuiua - That correspondent is an educated gentleman, whose “ews items, as published in the elegiaph from time to time, are fair a »d impartial. On Sat urday, the 2nd inst., Mr. Ber- Q er delivered a speech at Mon tezuma. 1 he regular correspcn ent of Ib e Telegraph sent in a “°rt re Port of that speech to his Paper. The correspondent’s re port was received at the office of ‘'e Telegraph. The Telegraph 1 °ot publish its corrospon < nt ’ 8 report, but did publish a special report clipped from the ‘ uinns of the Atlanta Journal, ls Journal report was a Bor- De r boomer from beginning to » but it suited the fairness in t telegraph deals bet- er t iau its own correspondent’s e Port. And that is but a very m all sample of the methods The uses in getting up re e campaign news for its rsaders. 1 he J ournal special informs the public that there were a thousand people present and heard Mr. Berner’s speech. Gentlemen of undisputed verac ity who were present, and notic ed particularly, put the number of white men present at any where from seventy-five to one hundred and fifty. It is true that the speech.has been spoken of quite often since its delivery, but the whole business has been pronounced a most complete failure as a vote winner, from beginning to end. If a single pronounced Candler or Atkin son man has left the ranks and gone over to the Berner faction on account of Berner’s speech, this scribe has not heard of it, nor has he heard of any one else who has heard of such a flop over. “The Telegraph, we believe, should give the news reports of its own reliable correspondents the preference over clippings, on the same subject , from another paper. “It is only n few’ days since that The Telegraph, editorially stated that it could not be held responsible for the political bias of its out-of-town correspondents. The rule does not seem to work satisfactorily when dealing with its Montezuma correspondent, and explanations are in order.” The need of a good Spring Medicine is almost universal and Hood’s Sarsaparilla exactly meets this need. Be sure to get Hood’s. FREE OF CHARGE TO SUF FERS. Cut this out and take it to your druggist and get a sample bottle free of Dr. King’s New’ Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. They do not ask you to buy before trying. 'This will show’ you the great merits of this wonderful remedy and show’ you what can be ac complished by the regular size bottle. This is no experiment, and would be disastrous to the proprietors, did they not know it would invariably cure. Many of the best physicians are now using it in their practice with great results, and are relying i n it in most severe cases. It is guaranteed. Trial bottles fret at Curry-Arrington Co. Drug; Store. Regular size 50 cents' and SIOO. ’ . BAPTIST CON VE NTION. ‘Norfolk, Va., May sth-12tb. 1898. Reduced Rates Via. Southern Railway. On account of th£ meeting of the Southern Baptist convention at Norfolk, Va.. May sth-12th, 1898, the Southern Railway will sell ; tickets from alf points on its lines to Norfolk and return at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold May 2nd to 6th inclusive, limited to return fifteen days from date of sa'e, but if deposited with agent of termi nal lines at Norfolk, on or before May 16th, the return limit will be extended fifteen additional days, The Schedule via this route»is excellent and parties contempla ting attending the Southern Bap tist convention should communi cation with the nearest agent of the Southern Railway, Water Tax Notice- The Water Tax for ’he quarter from April Ist to July Ist 1898 is now due and must be paid on or before ths 16 of April The Board of Water Commissioners order all ordinances s’rictly enforced and when water has been shut off for non payment in addition of pay ing the bill all parties will be re quire to pay a fee of fifty cents for turning on. Water depart ment office in city Hall. Office I hours 8. am to 12. m 2.. p. m. to 5. I pm. J L. Moore, Sec. & Treas. April 1. Roarks Jewelry store will be come the headquarters .for Dr. Lowe, the oculist beginmg Thurs day. Examiuations free. Every day now brings us heavy ship ments of st andard and seasonable fur niture, ana v ith the coming of spring we have already received a CAR -LOAD OF BABY CARRIAGES All of them beauties and many of them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the essensial points of beauty and strength • MATTINGS. KUGrS. CARPETS i In this department we have received for the spring trade one car load of mattidg which we imported direct from Japan. Here you can find new patterns and the prettiest of designs and at remarkably low prices. Do you need a new stove in ycur kitchen? Taen call on us and you will go no where else. V/ e have the best and that means an economic stove in every sense of the word. THE MIK FURNITURE CO. 305 Broad st- Phone 52- Undertakers, Embalmers, and Fu neral Directors. E'W ■ r B-WHr |n| IW Sals Os Bicycles, Musical Instru ments, Sheet Music. From now until May 1, when we propose to move into our new store, we will sell our entire stock of above named goods at slaughtered prices. We desire to close out the en tire stock before we move. We are in a position to sell you; even if you are only half interested. Come and see our stock, es pecially our wheel stock. A hundred makes co- select from. ■ All good makes of wheels. . I r B. FO*BSS> w Everything in the drug line and a full line of druggists sun dries. Sod.” Your especial attention is called to the fact that our prescription department has been the feature of our business for years. Its well earned reputation is now a matter of pride with us. Your orders solicited. C. A TREVITT, 331 Broad. Telephone 110 i nt: •-! i:n.f tiituet: itrrrtir tr: ttq::: rt“::: tn; :::tu: n::: n!: ?*t u i::.:: nt! 11’ r, it:: I A WHOLECLUB B ■I is? jgf (si ’ i-s ;;i| Ca ’t H Make ffi I Better [| Running |i . 7 Time I carry a full and c)rn L )lo‘ u e lipe of jewelry, inclu ding Diamonds My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- Hrlß er more complete. WEDDING PRESENTS A SPECIALTY. | J. K Williamson | • LIS , -Tr * UXI-4 t w *-»-w<l-t-i 4* ti * «4- - g CATHARTIC CONSTIPATION ,Oc all I 25c 50c DRUGGISTS ___ 283. I F=» ci--, 2ScE&SSHS'2SI!i JI PJ | SyiVEif Tonic Pciufies » Blood, j I U x? POSITIVE CURE, 'OR I | DYSFEPSJA, ESURIA I I CHILIS h’ 1 tx'/ER, GRIP?, /> BIE |b “ BILIOUSNESS. M-BEJDIGHL !l I CONSTIPITIOii / 1 ■ [3 GENERAL DEBILITY. . | J h Restores g ft? m PRICE &0 as. H ATALL Will Keep your U bl DRUGCHSTS. W R 'll .ZifeO'A*. ■•/ ’ ®J I ! I SaVER ited 31* i loc£L ro - - ni 49a8a61 ISsitJ 10 Marion St, N. T. § i yf. o l 1 '-i r' “Tr»4» & j r Uak” blows la «v<wy bottle, o I r • 7ER LIVER PILLS 25 CENTS. f • t'urelv Vegetable. Vil' Biliousness constlnMi - Piles. Sick-Heaiacnc and J , Dyspepsia. Small H..y taker I ’ll n THE rtODEL LAUNDRY Is doing the best of work and guaran tees satisfaction. Prices are most reasonable. Fine work a specialty. Permanently cured by using DEL WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE. The surest and the beet. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents b-” box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. . THE DR. WHITEHAIX MEGRIMINE CO.. South Bend, Indian ,t « I