The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 12, 1898, Image 6

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THE KSILIB-CWWGWL THE HUSTLER OF ROME- Established, two. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Establibhed. isvfi. lasued every evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL (i BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. office, Wilkjraon .Block, Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION iaily and Sunday,per year $6 Ot Sunday, per year <l.ot> Weekly (Thk Rome Courier) pel year 50 BY CARRIER IN CITY AND BUBU IBi Ds>‘ y ar.-iSunday, lucent s per weel, Remit by bunk draft, exprsu. money order or registered letlsr Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL. ROME, GA. Entered at the Postofllce at Koine, G»-, a« aecona class matter. 1 ' X Advertising rates and sample co, lessor lb asking, BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, [ALLEN D. CANDLER, of Hall.. I ForJSecretary of State,; PH IL COOK, of Lee. ' For.Comptroller-General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond.| For Attorney-General, JOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merriwether. For.Treasurer, W. M. SPEER, of Fulton, of Agriculture, t O -B.tSTEPHENSJ aadof Terrell. For School (Commissioner, J.G. R. GLENN, | of Bibb. (The Hustler-Commercial iij the only afternoon paper in Northwest Georgia. It has th combined circulation of the old evening Hustler of Rome and the Rome Daily Commercial and is THE OFFICIAL UAZETTE OF 'The City of Rome The City Marshal 1 The Sheriff of Floyd County The Ordinary of Floyd Co, THE IIUSTLER-COMMERCIAI has the confidence of the classes and the masses—because it mer its and deserves the confidenc* 1 of all its readers. Now is the time to tell youi neighbor to quit borrowing and enlist his name as a subscriber Well Mr. President, what are you driving at? The war muddle deepens—on with the rnixtry. J Whitcomb Riley the Amer ican poet is heading south. McKinley is short on backbone and long on “discussion.” Which side does McKinley pro pose to whin, Spain or Cuba? ' - - Spain is to have her own sweet way. Let th» butcheries proceed. And now the question is. “What do the powers mean to do about it!” A fair field and no favors and you can never down a laboring man. . , V- McKinleyites who want topraiae the president now have an additi onal “ poor h-xcuse.” Some of the members of the local military are eager for war aud— there are others. You Uncle Allen sits steady in the boat and is riding the crest ol the wave. He will be the only gubernatorial candidate to make the landing on March the 1 6th. Mark that prediction, THE GAME WILL NOT WORK. ' “People of Georgia believe in fairness. It is not fair for two, candidates to combine against one. And yet that is being done. A supporter of Atkinson for gov ernor in Elberton said a few days ago that he would see to it that ' there would be no Atkinson tickets voted if Berner had a < show to carry the county, no Berner tickets were cast if At kinson had the best chance of defeating Candler. In Elbert county we believe , Candler will double the combine vote of bcth his opponents, but l in some close counties the friends of the two Dromios may be able by similiar methods to defeat the champion of lower taxes, the exponent of honest politics and clean methods, and ' a believer in a fair fight.”—El berton Tribune. ___________ i STAND BY THE OLD SOLDIER Despite a morbid sentiment 1 existing in some quarters antag- 1 oulstic to any further recogni- 1 tion of the claims of the old con federate veterans, it is not reas onable to believe that the time lias yet arrived when the people of Georgia will defeat a man simply because he is a veteran If he is capable and worthy, can there be any good reason why the old soldier should be relegated. Is he to be proscribed now becuuse he has a few grey hairSj a scar here and there, and i record for loyalty and courage in the days of his county’s need? Surely we can accord him fair treatment, at least, and refrain from assailing him on the sple score that the war is over.— Jonesboro Enterprise. MISS FIELD'S HISTORY ADOPTED. The board of education of Lampkin county has unani mously' adopted Miss A. L. Field’s grammar history of the United States for use in the common schools. The course was adopted after careful examina tion of all the other school his tories. It is an honest conpli menl to the author, who is a native of Dahlonega and an up to-date teacher, occupying a prominent place in the faculty of the Agnes Scott institute.— Times Recorder. Perhaps when General Lee re turns to Havana, Blanco will not be “too busv to see him.” June 7 next has been sat apart in WiscTnsin as a special hol iday. It will be the fifteenth an niversary of the founding of the State. Here is an item for the thirsty . ‘The wine cellars at the Crystal palace, including the accommoda tion for bottle beer, are over a mile in length.—Macon News, April 9, 1864, Gen. Robert'* E- evacuated Appomattox, April 9, 1898, Gen. Fitzhugh Lee eV acuted Havana. Three of the four great American wars have be gun in April. Judge Atkinson and Senator Berner are yearning so intensely for joint debates it is a wonder that they don’t arrange one or two between themselves.—Jones boro Enteiprise. As a historical sketch McKin ley’s message was down to date — but the good Lord deliver I American honor frr m th? debauch- j ing influences of a McKinley as a history maker. Gen. Lee made good hie asser tions that ho would leave Cuba ' with the American flag flying and 1 the band at the head of the pro * cession. It is superfluous to add 1 that Lee brought up the rear of, < the column, — News. j< The Spaniards are a long ways ahead ot McKinley in" diplomacy, but Huy can’t beat him in hypocri sy and duplicity, thinks the Way. cross Herald. o o o Cain’s impudent question, “Am I iny brother’s keeper?” is being made to do extra duty by the pei.ce-at-any-price party of the United Slates, And the question is as easily answered now as it was when Cain originated it, says the Sparta Ishmaehte. o o o Most of those who profess to have been turned away from Col onel Candler by that Rome letter would have opposed him had it never been written. We suspect, indeed, that this resentment of his language is largely due to the fact that they are conscious of in tending to practice upon him tricks and manners shrewd enough doubtless.but not at all ingenious, —Augusta Chronicle, coo According to the State Auditor of North Carolina more money was paid to the employes of the State Senate at its late session than was paid to the Senators themselves. One of the State papers says that even the latter were overpaid. 000 A novel illustration of the dif ference between old time and modern muhods for the care of the insane wiU be a feature of the International Health Exposi tion to be held in New York this morth. In one of two booths placed side by side will be shown the strait-jacket and other appar atus used in making the patient helpbss. The other booth will re present a room in one us the State Hospitals, furnished for the com fort, protection and kindly care of a violent pa i mt. 000 The first duel know to have taken place upon Ameaican soil occurred in 1630, when Edward Doty and Edward Leister, ser vants of a New England colonist named Hopkins, fought over spine trifling matter with swords Neither was seriously injured, but both were severely punished by the provincial authorities for participating in the affair. 000 La j Union Constitucional, a Havana paper, tells its readeis that the Americans are “a people who have come into possesssion of an extensive ter ritory through extermination of the aborigines,” and that “they are industrious because of lack of charitable feeling, for all starve in the United States who become penniless.” The sneer abojut the “exterminotion of the aborigines,” conning from a Spaniard in Cuba, seems to be another case of the pot calling the kettle black. • oo Owing to the prejudice of the Chinese against railroads, great difficulty has been experienced in the laying out of the line be tween 1\ king and Hankow, The route is very circuitous, and the surveyors spent several months in locating and driving the nec essary stakes. When they at tempted to go nver the line a second time for the purpose of making certain changes they found that every one of the stakes had been carefully remov ed and every other land mark obliterated. The governor of the province thereupon issued an edict prohibiting further inter ference with the surveyors under penalty of death, and two-thirds of the work had to be done over) again. ' ‘ THE HONOR OF SPAIN.” Krom the Lowlands risiUKjh'gb as the wi ius go Willing by, Comes a c am ir and a knell That of Alva ti-rce doth tell; Loud ’he peaceful burghers groan, f aint the Felemiah maidens groan, Fire ami sword, and tears, and pain, Mark the honor of old Spain. From the Inqulsii ion’s tack, Down the bigot's bloody tiaok, Countless ghosts that shriek and quake Tell of knife and cord ano stake. Darkest hour that laud e'er knew. In His i ame tney racked and slew; By the blazing stake so plain Read the honor of old Spain. On the burning soil they lie. Gasping things that sob and die; Forms that scarce a shadow cast, Men fr< m whom we shrink aghast, Mothers, babes, In living death Struggling for the tieeiog breath, In starvation's awful train, Great.the honor of old Spain I —Cleveland Plain Dealer. POINTED PARAGRAPHS Wheelmen toil and they also j spin—yarns. The average fish story is a ro mance of real life. Writers cramp may affect either the wrist or stomach . False teeth are iuver perfect unless they appear imperfect. It makes a man feel cheap when a woman calls him dear in public. It is often hard to bring a girl of the period to a full stop. Boils are not considered fashion able but they are always swell affairs. More than a fair profit is re alized on the articles sold at a church fair. After a girl marries she begins to lose interest in cur) papers and love stories. Some politicians, like corkscrews, are more or leas crooked, but they have a strong pull. The telephone girl has a speak ing acquaintance with a great many people tha’ she don’t reccg nize. There are a million reasons why a man can love an heiress and each one ot them the siz > of a dollar. Mankind is divided into two classes—those who earn a living without getting it and those who get a 1 ving without earning it.— Chicago News. Major Joseph B. Cumming, of Augusta, Ga., said in the course of an address recently delivered at Savannah that he was at a loss to understand the mad passkn of the Souinern people to be called colonel. “It is a form of mild dementia.” he asserted, “sinking to the grade of imbecility and idiocy. It baffles explanation.” It is evident that Major Cumming does not contemplate participation in the politics of his State. REDUCED RATES. On account of the Qiiadrenqi al General Conference of the M. E. church, South, at Baltimore, Md., May 4th-28th. 1898, the Southern railway will sell tick ets from all points on its line to Baltimore and return at greatly reduced rates. Tickets wiU be sold May 2nd 3rd an 1 4th with final limit May 31st, 1898. The schedule accommodations via the Southern railway are most excellent and parties con templating attending this meet ing and desiring rates, sleeping car reservations, etc, should com municate at once with nearest agent of the Southern railway. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. “Mystic Cure” for Rheumatism anc Neuralgia radically cures in Ito 3 days. I's action upon the system is remarkable and myste rious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by Curry Arrington Co, Rome, Ga. Wanteu—Christian man or woman to do office work and correspondence here. Salary SBOO. Apply with self addressed stamped envelope to A. x'. Elder, General Manager, care Daily Hustler-Cominercial. Woman's Diseases Are as peculiar as m.-wy unavoidable, and cannot be discuss- ; y ?d or treated as we do those to which ” the entire human fßPferT ) family are subject, ) . Menstruation sus tains such import- if ant relations to her vgK.' I 'Mo health, that when/W/• *•- Suppressed, Irregu- fl ; L A lar or Painful, 1 l\ she soon becomes j y languid, nervous '** aud irritable, the bloom leaves her cheek and very grave complica tions arise unless Regularity and Vigor are restored to these organs. Bradfield’s ’’ o a ne Tt£. T"’ f most noted V CITIHIC physicians __ of the South, Regulator sort prevail more extensively than in any other section, and has never failed to correct disordered Men struation. It restores health and strength to the suffering woman. “We have for the past thirty years handled Bradfield’s Female Regulator, both at wbole >ale and retail, an ' in no instance has it failed to give satisfactica. We sell more of it than all other similar remedies combined.” Lamar, Rankin 4 Lamar, Atlanta, Macon and Albany, Ga. The Bradficlo Regulator Co., Atlanta, Oa. fold by all Druggists at SI.OO per Bottle. YEAR’S SUPPORT . GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern! Notice ip hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to” set apart and assign a year’s support to Mrs . Lizzie T Talley, the wid. wol George T . Talley, deceased have filled their award, and unless good tnd sufficient cause is shown, the sam-Y will be made the judg memt of the Court at the April term, 1898, of the Court of Ordi nary, This March 7th, 1898. J hn P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County, Geergia LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. To all whom it may concern : L. A. Dean having in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Lucy Parker, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular ’the creditors and next Kin of Lucv Parker to be and appear at ini office within the time allowed b\ law and show cause, if au\ they can, why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to L. A. Dean on Lucy Parker’s estate. Witness my hand signature this 7th day ol March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. NOTICE OF SALE. Agreeable to an order ’of the court of ordinary of Floyd coun ty, will be so’d at auction at the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 24th district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Georgia, known and distinguished in the plan of said district and section as No. one hundred and seventy nine (179) containing one hundred ai d twenty acres more or less of said lot and lying all of said lot ex cept a small portion sold by J. M. Ellis, while in life, said land joins the corporate limits of Plainville, Ga. Sold as the prop erty of James M. Eliis, late of said county, deceased. Terms one-half cash, and the remainder Dec. Ist, ’9B. J. H. Ellis, Executor of Jas. M. Ellis de ceased. Two years ago R. J. Warren, a druggist at Pleasant Brook. NE Y. bought a small supply of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. He sums up the result as follows : “At that time the goods were unknows in this section, today Chamberlin’s Cough Remedy is a household word.” It is the s »me in hundreds of communities. Wherever the good qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy become known the people will have nothing else. Fur mle by Curry-Arrington Co. When you want gro ceries go to r odd’s NOTICE UF DIVORCE State of Georgia, Floyd Co Winnie Lee Woodward c r-t vs \ . LI M William E. Woodward / In EloydCounty Sup eriorC ' state of Georgia. No2l " r ‘ term, 1898. , J To William Edward Wool ward : The defendant i 8 h erebv rp quired, personally or by attOr ney, tobe and appear at o' next Superior court, tobe to in and for said county, on t| third Monday in July ’ next> and there to answer the pl ain . till’s demand in an action of Li bel for Divorce, as in d fc(ai] . thereof, said court will p roce(!d as to justice shall appeitai n . W itness the Honorable W M Henry, judge of said court, 14th day of Mardh, 1898. Wm. E. Beysiegel’, Clk Superior Court. Floyd Co., G a . LET’ERS OF ACMINISTRaTIOS GEORGIA Fl uYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concert; Fanis I. Nixon having io propel form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on ihs estate of Dr. W. C. Nixon l#Uof said county deceased. This itfto cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Dr. W, C Nixon to be and appear at my of. fice within the time allowed by law and show cause if .any they they can why’ permanent adminij’. tratimi should not ho granted to Farris P. Nix m on Dr. W. C. Nn one estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 10th dav ol ebF. 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary, NUTICE OF SALE, Agreeably to an order of tbi court of ordinary of Floyd county will be sold at the court bouse I door of said county on the fint I Tuesday in April next within ths I legal hours of sale, the following I property towit.—South bilf ol ■ lot No. 177, containing tO ecree, | North half lot No. 185 couteiuitij I 80 a res, 30 acres efl ht No. Ift I all in 22nd District and Third I Seethen known as the homb place I whereon the (iec» as d resided at B the time of his death, ccntaining I in all 190 acies more or less, sold I as the propertv of Hulbert Evani, I late of said county, deceaeyd’ B Terms of sale cash. This,Blh itaj■ of March, 1898. Julius vV. Evsh.B Executor. | YEAR’S SUPPORT. f GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. | To all whom it may concern. H Notice is hereby given that appraisers appointed to set apart® and assign a year’s support toSi'B rah O. Murdock the widow of hi H M. Murdock,deceased, have their award and unless good sufficient cause is shown thesstwH will be made the judgein’D 1 °'B the court at the April term, of the ccurt of ordinary. March 7th 1898. John P. Davi-. ■ Ordinary I YEARS SUPPORT. I GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. ■ To ail whom it may couccr-B Notice is hereby given, t'W the appraisers appointed to apart and assign a BuplioQ el)l, ‘H year’s support to Mrs Georgia ll ■ M. George, the widow of dui l IB A George, deceased, have **■ their award, and unless good*' H sufficient cause is sbowi’i ■ same will be made the Jydg® f ■ of the Court at the April ter '■ 1898, of the Court of Ordinal'■ This March 8 1898. ■ John P. D* vlt ' ■ Ordinary Flovd County. G? 0^1 ■ Lost, —A pair of child’* B es, with aluminum lr " ' B Finder please return to A-J- . ■ at this office and receive re fft BEST OF ALL | To cleanse the system in ' B and truly beneficial mau» er | (|]I B the Springtime conies, ü ße ■ true and perfect remedy. Figs, One bottfe will S alt the family and costs or t ■ cents. Buy the geiium®- LyS factured bv the aafl Syrup Company only, BDt l g by all druggist#- |