The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 13, 1898, Image 3

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■ GOIWMIBSIONBRS gate Filll Rep° rt of Tiieir Work. CITY'S WATER WORKS, «71 I p lp ,s, Reservoirsand Other Data of Interest. To the Honorable Mayor and Council of Rome. ' Gentlemen: —Our last annu d report made one year ago, gave a 1 statement of the man ,2ement of the Water Depart ment from April Ist, 1896 to April Ist 1897. For the year from April Ist, 1897 to April Ist, 1898, we beg 10 report as follows: For the pumping station we have made many improvements, renewals aud betterments, and at this time it is in good condition, in cluding all machinery therein connected. The reservoir has been emptied and thoroughly acrubbed, made perfectly clean and white-washed. The pipeline 11 in good order and has less leakage than at any time prior to this date. The extention of this pipe line has added an addi tional number of consumers,and the placing of tire hydrants has given fire protection to a large amount of property not hereto fore protected. At our meeting in October last an order was passed instructing the Secretary to notify all con sumers that on and after Janua ry let, 1898, the ordinance re quiring payment in advance for quarterage would be strictly en forced. This has been done and has resulted in great good to the department. Ooll«ewd from April 1,1897 to April 1. >»* $13525.89 Collretrt fr m April 1,1896 to April Amount in f*vor of April 1, $3062.21 Os the old debt, or floating debi, which was turned over to Us,to pay, we have paid for this current year, including interest, ♦2941.16. there remains to be paid of this old debt and interest, up to V rll let, only $1312.69. The amount of bonds issued in in aettlement >f the old, or floating debt, was $17,500 00 •nd none have been issued since thut date. The interest of these bonds is W per annum, payable April !»», and October Ist, of each year. «MCUL statement. J a i 7 .. .. l.t Qr to July 1, 2511.55 o*l, ■< •. 2DC “ “Octi, 2271.99 Jin. 3rd “ 11298 4365.43 4th •• •• April 1 1898 4376.98 Talaj 1 113712.6 7 msBURSBD. Oil AOniut coal 875.00 o* *coonnt aalarlea 2333.10 * ‘*’£7 ° tenUo ‘ l p,pe »“•- 2246,91 Xtl!“ -p ! pe •*>■* “rt4 n PPe,,, *- n<l 22 Mfl H„ , “ *155.13 Main St. aS AOfiaii' . “ 672.12 21:.-:: H ist St. Ji’S Wft 3 4in." 3rd Ava. 7 m .. “ ,th AVO.E. I*l 756.18 * ,W Ore hydrants 156. 15 3228<07 •• ® ~aJr- Pn ,n P «tn ana reservoir 703.00 ®»penae Acct, labor etc 1052 21 hand April 1,1898 “ ,p, $13712 67 >e pumpage for the year has B*llollß per day. •‘'•Hctfullp ,üb ( n itt .a, Ooeworlb, chairman. - D. Moore, L ( F, Dgvis. -• -J Moore, Secretary. PATRICK DONAHOE H 1 " • * . 'I • ‘ ' 4 .... Other Members of the Family as Warm u Advise Use of PAINE’S CELERY COMPOUND ■ j , Ad //// Av/// t' / z a uA Vx <Z * * ‘ '/g Ik// Few men in this country who have lived to “clear the eight barred gate which not many come in sight of, and fewer go over,” have enjoyed more of the blessings of a long, active, well spent life than Patrick A. Dona hoe, the founder of the Boston Pilot. In every city, village and hamlet throughout the several states and territories of the Un ion, where the Irish-American people have settled, the name of Patrick Donahoe is spoken with respect, admiration and affec tion. More than half a century ago Mr. Donahoe established the Pilot. In 1870 he engaged John Boyle O’Reilly, who was its brilliant editor for twenty years. To every good cause and to every charity lie has been a gen erous subscriber. Scarcely a Catholic church in New England that has not been a recipient of bis bounty. Mr. Donahoe is now eighty six. The following open letter, sent to Wells, Richardson & Co., is, in fact, addressed to the thous ands of friends all over the land, in whose hearts and homes Pat rick Donahoe has found so large a place. I recently suffered from pros tration brought on by a protract ed illness of a very trying char acter, and at the suggestion of friends who were believers in your remedy (Paine’s celery compound) I was induced to give it a trial. I am happy to say that the result was most satis factory , and 1 felt its good effect immediately. Hence lam able to recommeed its use in cases RANGES. I am agent iorSouth em Qut en Coal or Wood Ranges, Also Insurance Safety G-as oline stove? • Call and see mvstock and get estimaes on your nlumbitn 0 ' and tin work- N«Tft door to ooera house. F. ■ like mine, where tMb nervous system, from any cause, is run dowi\and needs a reliable tonic. I a~i happy to state that two members of my family have used Paine’s celery compound with the most gratifying results. My daughter-in-law, Mrs. P. M. Donahoe, has received the most pronounced results from its use, whilst my son, J. Frank Dona hoe, the organist of tlie Cathe dral, is loud iu its praise, having found it a great help in Regain ing his’strengt.h from overwork in his profession. Yes, I believe in Paine’s cel ery compound. Patrick Donahoe. Three-fourths of all the aches, pains and disabilities that aged persons suffer from arise plainly from retarded circulation. The blood stream gets choked with an accumulation of waste mat ter that declares its presence in twinges of rheumatism, lumbaga neuralgia and inability to sleep. All these unnatural conditions can be corrected and permanent ly done away with by vigorously cleansing the blood and regulat ing the tardy circulation. Paine’s celery compound is pre-eminent ly capable of doing this beyond any other remedy. There is nothing vacue about the sort of “good health” that is promised by Paine’s celery compound and vouched for by men and women who have used it. It means, among other things, firmer nerves, completer diges tion, sweeter breath and more regular bodily functions. Paine’s celery compound secures these where other remedies fail, be cause Paine’s celery compound is VICK S SEEDS r"u.ow THREE RAMBLER ROSES CRIMSON Will make a mairniflcent hedpe. beautiful nhade for the piazza, or a charming bed. Conitant bloomm per fectly hardy. One plant will produce thousands of Bowers. One each, only 40 rents, delivered. VirV’C Garden and f lllhP The Busy Man's Catalogue and the Ladles’ Gardener sad Adviser. lILIX 0 Floral . . VIUIUD. T | ie oulv one containing full Descriptions and DiracUona for planting and culture; so comprehensive, condensed, cla.Mifled and indexed that -a He Who kuns Muy Rend. Many illustrations from nature Coloren plates of Sweet Peas NaaturUurns. Tuberous Begonias, Golden Day Lily, Cactus Dahlias, Daybreak Asters. Beautifully embossed cevsr; UV.'OTT m«pp:u.. h ° C,, JA.M I^ l0 VI(-KS * P - P R. T. FREE! (£.£) Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine la a nritabl. mln* of Information .bout Flowara. Vofetablw, and Fralta, and how to arow and car. far Uwe* mcreaafuHr. A farm bouae may ba brlahtanad ata alGht a i pane, and tha a roan da madaatttaaiira. tartrad es ETrtTnd "orblddlnr Th. prlca as Vict'i lU.OWK.Ad VONTBLT MJl.alm la Fifty Caaja par ya». bwt.M you will retar- Ala Cowp.B with Iw ata nwutha foa Utah. WnwataMaW VBCM. FVBLIbHIKU CO. taabaa^f, R. V. the discovery of a great physi cian. who knew all that the school and text books could teach him, but more than that, he knew sick men and women, as few physicians in any age have known them. Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., of the Dartmouth medical school, was able to drive out disease from the system, because he khew where the disease was lodged and how to help the excretory organs, instead of confusing them so’as in uiy illogical reme dies do in their effort to cleanse the blood. Paine’s celery com pound encourages and strength ens the kidneys, and enables them to cleanse the blood of its waste, poisonous matters that are the direct cause of drewnsi ness, listlessness, melancholia, blood diseases, wasting sickness es, headaches and that general “run down” condition that opens the door to definite organic diseases of the heart, kidneys or stomach, especially when a per son is advanced in years and no longer possessed of the abundant energy that characterizes youth alone. Paine’s celery compound makes the blood a bright red color, increases its volume in the arteries and quickens its circula tion, and enables a nerve-tired person to sleep eight or nine hours at a stretch. Every man or woman whose nervous strength is at all overtaxed, or whose life is a busy one in many directions, will feel the invigor ating, vitalizing effect of Paine’s celery compound, and see his or her health mend from the first use of this greatest of all known invigorators and remedies. WOW CONVERT The Lee Coiloty Joilrnal flow For Candler. if ' HOTSHOT FOR ATKINSON Gives Forceful Reasons For Change of Front. In common with a number of papers in the state, the Journal hm a number of times spoken of Judge Spencer Atkinson as an ex cellent gentleman. In making these comments we were guided by the remarks of those who had knotv n him and had spoken of h>m in the highest terms. After making his canvas and writing a few Etters we are con strained to change our opinion ot the man and givH it a* our best judgment that he is utterly unfit to be governor ot the great state of Georgia His letter ; n reply to the courteous note of Col • Cand ler, in which he made a bitter per sonal attack unon that brave, hon est and gallant soldier, shows to what a depth a designing politi cian can stoop. It m«y have been that at one time Judge Atkinson was a good man. but the continued associa tions with that gang of political marplots down at Brunswick led by Jake Beach and others of his ilk, has corrupted him completely and has made him utterly unfit to fill the governor’s chair. Contrasted with him is that excellent gentleman, who never loses his temper, who believes in wisdom, justice and moderation, a man of the people, who knows the people’s wants and the peo ple’s needs. Col, Candler is not tied up with a gang of corrupt place hunters, but is the candidate of the people agair st the gang w';o want to control. Governor Atkinson has made a good governor, but the people are not willing that he name bis suc cessor and Atkinson, together with his running mate, Berner, will be buried under an avalanche off votes. Here's to Col. Candler, the noblest Roman of them all, and may he be elected by a hundred thousand majority.—Leo County Journal. WHEN TRAVELING Whether on pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effect ually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, head- 1 aches, and other forms of sick ness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Company only. $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for $i J. A. GAMMON fi COMPANY for everyone in Rome to come » —— in and see the magnificent stock > yb?/? on men’s and boy’s clothing, Ml vk. bicycle anil golf suits, is what . we are doing, but we are lius tling while we wait. We w’ill show you the finest stock of J. IMI clothing, made from the newest styles and patterns in fabricks, perfect fitting and handsome, to be found in Georgia, and they are above competition in values for the price. The greatest line of n:gligee shirts ever shown i t Rome. J. A. GAHM.ON & CO. r APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION . GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas Win. A. Wright executor of Mrs. Mary W. Quinn represents to the court in his petition duly filed that he has administered M rs. Mary W. Quinn estate. This is to cite all persons concerned kindred and creditors to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on »he first Monday in June 1898. This March 7th 1898. John P,‘Davis Ordinary. PPLICATION FOR LEITER S OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas T. A. Thrash. Admin istrator of Mrs V F. Thrash, de ceased, represet ts tj the court in his petition duly filed that he has administered Mrs. V. F. Thrash’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned kindred and creditors to show cause if any they can why -aid administrator should not he discharged from his administra tion aid receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in May 1898 This Feb. 7th 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION, GEORGIA FLO V D COUNTY. To all whom in may concern. Frank C. Wilkerson having in proper form to me for permanent letters of administra tion on the estate of William J. Wilkerson late of said county de ceased. This is to cite all and sin - gular the and next of kin of William J. Wilkerson to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause if any they can why perma nent administration should not be granted ta Frank C. Wilker son on William J. Wilkerson’s esta e. Witness my hand and official signature this 7th day of March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. St. Germain Female Pills. The only original and genuine French Female Regulator, ot Mme, St. Germain, Paris. Un surpassed as being safe, sure and reliable in every case. Sold under positive guarantee or money refunded. Get the genuine. Pric. II.IXI per box by mail. Sole agents for the United Statesand Canada. KING HARVARD CO , 157 WasLirngton st., Chicago. NOTICE. For the purpose of securing tax returns, I will be at the court house every Saturday until May, 20th and every day thereafter un til June 20th. At the March meet ing of the Board of roads and rev enue they passed a resolution compelling me as tax receiver to comply with the law and double tax every one who fails to make his returns properly and that in the specified time. Dont fore 9 me to do this but make your re turns promptly. Respt. R. L. Foster. Tax Receiver. Floyd Co. For a good smoke try War era’ “Extra Good’’cigars.