The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 13, 1898, Image 4

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FOR A PREMIUM- A Hand Sewing Machine to The First Fifty. SPLENDID DEPARTMENT Visile I by a ;Hustler-Commer cia| Reporter. The first fifty customers who purchase S2O worth of goods will fie presented with a hand some hand sewing machine, at Bass Bros , & Go’s., store. This ofl r was first made just one week ago and already a number of these machines have been secured by patrons of this popular house. The machine is all that is ad vertised and is a handsome pre mium on the amount that must be purclias d in order to secure it. It sews well, for this deponent saw it ii> operation. The coupon plan has been adopted, and, under this system the purchaser buys his goods at regular lowest cash prices, taking a coupon tor the amount of each purchase. When the amount of your purchase equals S2O vou hand m your coupons and st cure the coveted premium. From the machine exhibition room I dropped in on Mr. Ben ton Owens, m the shoe depart ment at Bass Bros, & Co’s. Now, I pride myself that while I am not an expert in drygoods, I do know something about shoes. And, right here, let me say by way of introduction, that, while I could write a page about the Bass Bros., Co’s. shoe depart ment, I will not. I found Mr. Owens at work arranging his new stock of Ox fords, stacks and stacks of them fresh from Krippmdorf’s—in all shapes, shades, toes, heels and grades —from liner to finest. (I went in early, knowing by expe rience that unless I did so I would not get a whack at the head of the shoe department.) To a lover of fine shoes and foot comfort,"a visit to Bass’ and an hour among his Krippin dorfs is a feast of sole and an in step arc nog to perfection. No great manufacturer has so successfully studied the queenly foot of the Southern woman, hence the immense popularity from one end of the Southland to the other, of the Krippendorf shoes, Messrs. Bass Bros., & Co., know this, hence they were quick to seoure the Rome rights to this famous make. In laces and but ton, dainty yet durable, in all shades and shapes they offer you the acme of perfection in wom en and misses foot wear, when they give you just what you want, made by Krippendorf. In this department I found other mak sos ladies shoes. I also found quite an elegant line of ladies bicycle bootsand leg gins—new goods just arrived and fresh for the opening sea son. There is an immense stock of children and infant shoes, and another feature of this big shoe department is the complete line of shoe dressings carried. You name your shade and Benton Owens will do the rest; the very latest in dressing is i called “chocolate,” and is lor the late t shade in fine shoes, the ch >co ! ite . But space forbids—though in ’ desisting today, 1 promise tode- I vote a w’nol chapter to shoes in J a few days. J, Your- shoethingly. LL “KasH.” LAVENDER LEAVES. Tho waving corn was green and gold. The damask rows blown, The been and busy spinning wheel Kept up » drowsy drone, When Mistress Stundish, folding down Iler linen, white as snow, Between it laid the lavender One summer long ago. The slender spikes of grayish green. Still moist with mor.iiiv: w, Recalled a garden sw-vt with box Beyond the ocean’s blue. An English garden, quaint and old, She nevermore might know, And so she dropped a homesick tear That summer long ago. The yellow sheets grew worn and thin, And f< 11 in many a shred; Some went to bind a soldier’s wounds, And some to shroud the dead. And Mistress Standish rests her soul Where graves their shadows throw And violots blossom, planted thi re In summers long agb. But still between the royal rose And lady lily tall Springs up tin modest lavender Beside the cottage wall. The spider spreads her gossamer Across it to and fro— The ghost of linen laid to bleach Ono summer long ago. —New Euglaxd MagaaiA*. Tha Horned KwttlesiuUra. The oddest specimen of the snak* family known to the American natural ist, not taking into consideration tht two Leaded snake and other m notiosi ties of that ilk, is the horiivu rattle snake, which up to a few yc-ws ago was thought to be one of the rarest as well as one of the most poisonous of serpents. Pri«r to the time when Dr. C. Hart Merriam made the famous Death valley exploring expedition, in 1892 3, but few specimens of it, and those mostly from the western desert regions, had been col lected. The Death valley explorers say that Death valley is literally alive with them. They have horns on top of their heads and are the smallest rattlera known.—St Louis Republic. one or the most extraordinary results of the present cycling craze is the for mation in London of a “Chaperon Cy clists’ association, ” which provides companions for those who do not think it proper to ride alone. Sheen House, London, England, once the residence of the late Comte de Paris, has been rented by what promises to be the smartest bicycle club in England. Among its patrons are the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough. The Connecticut assessors are goibg to tax bicycles this year, claiming au thority under a law providing for tax ing “coaches, wagons and other car riages.” If the court sustains their con tention, it is difficult to see hdv even the baby carriages can escape being lev ted on. Hanna’s Pineapple Patch. According to a correspondent of the Washington Star, Marcus A. Hanna Owns a little pineapple patch in Dade aounty, Fla., which he loves to visit. "Mr. Halina, ” he says, "was boarding it Palm Beach, where the hotels charge a day during three months cf the year and $4 a week during the othei nine. Well, Mr. Hanna was hoard in;, there during the $6 a day season. The germ of the pineapple contagion entered bis blood, and he bought an acre of pint land from Representative Linton of Michigan, who owns a big tract of muck and pine lands along the Bicayne Bay canal. Mr. Hanna’s acre lies between the Atlantic and the Everglades, 300 miles south of Jacksonville, Uncle Mose Hawkins ’tends it and sends a monthly stop report to Mr. Hanna. Uncle Mose told the writer that he would rathe: grub an acre of hummock land with tin sun at meridian and the mosquitoes it full bloom than to write out ‘dat ’por ter Marse Hanner.’ ” The Blacksmith's Note. The sound old proverb about the shoe maker sticking to his last receives new confirmation in a stcry from The Greer Bag. An honest old blacksmith down in Texas, despairing of ever getting cash out of a delinquent debtor, agreed to take his note for the amount. The debt or wished to go to a lawyer and hav« the document drawn up, but the knight of the anvil, who had been a sheriff in days gone by, felt fullv competent to draw it up himself. This he proceeded to do, with the following result: “Ou the first day of June I promise to pay Jeems Nite the sum of eleving dollars, and if said note be not paid on the date aforesaid, then this instrument is to be null and void and of uo effect Wit-neat my baud. etc. ” LIVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLES, Offers the public the finest teams, best convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. The best stock of horses and mules on sale con stantly. 306 ANjQ 303 BROA.DJ STREET, GEORGIA. Ours is the Most Department Nursery ill th A U Sr - " - "" - " 0 " 1 11”" 1 ” low rate . We publ shone of lib wa vo | the leadingSeed,Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, “ ' & rV&k w^j Wll | mailed fr<‘# • Send for it rw, it will ) I jjff save you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every stat** and territory in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us p; trun and L-iends far near. Have hundreds of carloads of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SSSaGV, p.QSES, PLANTS. , t We send by mail postpaid. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival l satisfaction guaranteed; larger by express or freight. 44th year. 32 ‘jveenhouses. 1,000 acr THE STORRS &. HARRISON CO.. Box 528 Gainesville, < Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE. The surost and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. I THE DR. WHITEHALL MEGRIMINE CO.. South Bend, Indian FOR SENATOR 42n j, DIST - In the coining election it is the privilege of Floyd county, bv party precedent, to choose ; democratic nominee for Senator from the 12nd senatorial district. 1 hereby announce myself as a candid.ite fin- the democratic nominal ion for Senator, subject lo the ad ion of the democratic primary of ,1 une 6th. W. 11. Ennis. ANNOUNCEMENT. ■ • I’l<-i'O announce my name as a candidate for senator from the 42nd senatorial district subject to the democratic primary to be held on June the 6th. Respect ; ullv, R. T. Fouche. , ANNOUNCEMENT. —— I hereby announce myself a H candidate for the legislature, subject to the democratic pri ■ mary June 6th. J. B. Nevin. FOR THE LEGISLATURE, 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for “election to the lower house of the Georgia leg islature, subject to the democrat ic primary on June 6th, next. John C. Foster. FOR REPRESNTATIVE I hereby announce myself » candidate f or a seat in the lower house of the Gen-ril Assembly of Georgia, to rrp-osent Floyd coun ty, my candidacy subject to the action of of the democratic prim- I ary of June the 6lh. VV . C. Bryau: For The uegislatui e To the voters of Floyd ccunty: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of representa tive in the lower house of the next General Assembly of Geor gia. my can lidacy subj >ct to the primary of Ju n 6th 98. J. LiND.-AY J IHNBON. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. Edit »r Hustler-Commercial Please kindly aim Mince my can dulacy, for immbership in the lower house of the next general assembly. Subject to an approval by my couutrym m at the ballot box in the prim try on June 6th. proximo. [lenry Walker. iSTARR PWOS, ' " America’s Leading ' o Instruments. JESSE FdEk;; PIANO & ORBAN CO. Manufacturers and Dealers. N . <>2» Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Nashville, Tenn. Birmingham, Ala. Dallas, Texas, Montgomery, Ala. Factories: Richmond, Ind. Write our nea> ;t house. A 2-cent stamp may *ave you many dollars. | What Shall ? iße Done | I FOR THE DELICATE GIRL X X You have tried iron and • J other tonics. But she keeps | pale and thin. Her sallow ♦ 4 complexion worries you. Per- * • haps she has a little hacking; ? T cough also. Her head aches ; • J and she cannot study. Give her I scon’s Emulsion I T * • The oil will feed her wasting; f • body; the glycerine will soothe ® ? her cough, and the hypophos- $ T phites will give new power and 9 ± vigor to her nerves and brain. T J Never say you ** cannot i {take cod-liver oil ’’ until you i have tried Scott’s Emulsion, a You will be obliged to change < 4 your opinion at once. Children 9 • especially become very fond © T of it; and infants do not know 9 ? when it is added to their food, ? ♦ 50c. and SI.OO ; all druggists. * I SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. £ drTlowe Is now with us and will be here some time- Dr. Lowe has come to Rome to give us personal instruction in on tics- He is thoroughly up in the business of oroperly and scien bificallv fitting spec tacles to the eye. and s here for the pur pose of teaching us the science and not tc make money off our customers. Come in and have your, eyes tested. To accommodate those who may de sire to take advan tage of Dr- Lovre’s unquestioned skill as an optical expert, I have arranged • his hours as follows: Morning nours, 10 to 12. Afternoon hours. 3to 5. No charge of any kind- B. F. ROARK, Jeweler. VyE no longer supply our seeds to dealers to sell again. At the same time, any one who has bought our seeds of their local dealer during either :806 or 1897 will be sent our Manual of “Everything for the harden ” for 1898 ppep provided they apply by letter I UILL, an j g ; ve t fc e name of the local merchant from whom they bought. To all others, this magnifi cent Manual, every copy of which costs us 80 cents to place in your hands, will be sent free on receipt of 19 cents (stamps) to cover postage. Nothing like this Alanual has ever been seen here or abroad; it is a book of 200 pages, contains KO engravings of seeds and plants, mostly new, and these are supplemented by 6.fu1l size colored plates jf the best novelties of the season, finally, OUR “SOUVEHIB” SEED COLLECTION will also be sent without charge to all appli- ! cants sending 10 cts. for the Manual whe will J state where they saw this advertisement. < Postal Card Applications Will Receive No Attention. * O iMii = —j . Practice economy by trading wit h L. G.'J Todd. b The Telegraph was certainly caught in the act. bl Ihe Preferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK 1 rhe Preterred’s polich-s ato particulHr’y adaptnl for business men and » ssued for baoUeis. for pliyeii lane. nugeoUH and d<-ntibtn. and for’traveiii,» al . lerred la au old line atock company with asaeta of over MMt.uOOOo. Ine u. Th. JOHN R THORNTON, A T LANTA, GA. • • • • STATE MANAGE;:-. H Best White IEGHOBNS! a J* ESFor the very best breed and most perfectly marked fowls, leave orders t! Ml with J. T. Crouch Co., $3 par trio. 12 /Splendid cockerels on!v $ 1. It I. d.gailliard. {Repairing ji •Don’t Walk On I O Your Uppers! | — ■ -- -G-i . 4 . Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr. Jan. 10,1898. < Jan. 2,1898. • I would not be ' I regard PISO’S without PISO’S ffw -M W-JM -mwHm CURE FOR CON- ' ’ CURE for CON- "cures wioelll elsOails. * SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any Pb °B best Cough medi- thing. For a bad I=l*l3 Idi S S WKP cine on the market, Cough or Cold it is ■■ having used it for beyond all others. 15 years. ! > < Mrs C. REYNOLDS. ‘ J. A. WESTOVER “The Best Cough Medicine.” f, .j . - »>. t .. ki/ THE ARMSTRONG HOTEL Rome. Ga e Regular Special Boarders Rdus Monthly- ■ ' V ‘A The place to get’a quick, good meal. AIcCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors.; • .*• L» / *’' K , ■ *_____ I - I School Supolies. I Ve are pioneers i- the school books and school sup* «« P'y business and we are also right up-ro-da f e in every- lhat should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. Sw j 1 Will PIPER I h CU9e th' Bt’tt“ car. serve vou better when von de sire to invest ir. a new covering fcr tne dear rid walls o. r «« »>> z/zz your home. See our stock on hand and samp’es »)? I H. A. SMITH, I 1 THF OLD RFLPBLt BOOK STORE. | ?>>> >??/ I fammHißßrnamaaß