The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 13, 1898, Image 7

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po TROOPS. L 25rt Regiment U. 8- B. I 500 Strong L PUSS THROUGH ROME L e O’clock Tomorrow Morn | ing Bound South. I a ponderous engine and a L ‘train of coaches making a Inecial military train, conveying I 500 negro troop and 20 musi liatis will pass through Rome |t 6 o’clock in the morning. | The soldiers are the men of ■he2sth, regiment of the I mted Itates RegWa/' army and the Eestination is the fortifications Knibe coast at Key West. ■ * ’ —T- II BURD’S EYE VIEW, I The New York Journal’s sug- Ltionthat SIIO,OOO be taken Ks the fifty million emergency appropriation and be used to Karchase for Mark Hanna those Kates so that McKinley can be Kresident himself is a good one, Khinks the Chattanooga News. I It would be money well expend ed.. * * 4 Captain Sigsbee, speaking in She spirit of a hero and a patri |Dt, as the nation believes him to ■be. expresses the opinion that ■’delay in br.nging matters to a ■crisis” with Spain was operat ing as an advantage to that coun try rather than this. “Personal- ’ By," the captain added, he was Beady for the conflict.” This is ■he opinion of an overwhelming ■rnjority ol the American peo ■le today. I I I Says the Valdosta Times : ’ ■'Mr. Maddox, of this state, ■ants every congressman to get ■oady to fight before asking oth ■r men to do so Mr. Maddox ■vidently wants to see the war ■clouds dissipated.” ■ It nas been several days since ■Railroad Commissioner Atkin-! ■•on called upon his “venerable ■friend from Hall” to mention ■# y leaks. Water Tax Notice. The Water Tax for 'he quarter ■from April Ist to July Ist 1898 is ■now due and must b« paid on or ■ the 16 of April The Board °f W ater Commissioners order all I ordinances strictly enforced and I when water has been shut off for “ () n payment in addition of pay ing the bill all parties will be re qmre to pay a fee <f fifty cents turning on. Water depart ment office in city Hall. Office 8. am to 12.m2. p.m.toS. a/hu Moore ’ Sec - & Treas - CURED IN A day. an -M yßt ‘ C Cure ” for Rheumatism Neuralgia radicaHy cure 9 i() ’ days. It ß act i Ol) upon the non ruuidr k al) le and inyste and t j removeß ttt °nce the cause e disease immediately dis beneffis"’7S he firßt , dußft g r « atl y Ar i. , Ceutß - S old by Curry- Arr ‘Lgton Co. Rome, Ga. Y A’ J .nodd" l ? rh “ P 8 ‘ he u T u,Bcity - MX* t “ c • MoDon “ ld - Th iew art Cos.. stores, be given'? U1 Httle B'tOVe 8 ' tOVe i 8 to 4i n Httle ,he a >tici?of e f P lacuita to be the contes^T be cooked L ° Ut tor t,ie Cerip? n you war »t gro to rodd’s local mppenincs. A Prize Winner. —Mr. Frans J. Willingham, one of the great Singer Sewing Machine Cu’s hus tlers has won SBS in prizes offered by the Singer people for the test selling record for the first quarter of 1898., Frank is a hustler from taw. He competed with hundreds of canvassers and won first money very easily, A Strange Fowl —Mr. Joe Mc- Caffrey, on yesterday afternoon captured a very strange lojking •wamp bird. The fowl wa« on the brink of a small branch which Rows 'hrough the rear b-ts of the McCaffrey property . The grace ful little “beast” is on exhibition in the window of Taylor & Nortons down-town drug house New Uniforms —The new uni forms for the Rome police force will probably arrive in the city about May bt, The contract for the uniforms was let yesterday afternoon, being awarded to the big clothing house of J. R. Wat ters & Son., that firm having file the lowest ai d most acceptable bid. t * A “Deestrick Skulk.—The ladies of the Episcopal church are arranging to have a “Dee strick Skule” on about the 29th of this month . It will be for the joint benefit of the St. Peter’s Episcopal church build ing fund and the Young Men’s Library. The "Deestrick Skule” has been given here before and furnished no end of fun. The public will take great interest in the “Skule,” and upon its production a crowded house will probably greet it. Judge Treadaway’s Over coat. —Last night at about 7 :30 o’clock a negro sneak thief, finding the front door of Judge E. P. Treadaway’s residence un locked, entered and secured the judge’s overcoat, which hung on the hat rack in the hall. Judge Treadaway lives at No. 30G on East Second St. As he neared the front gate from Third Ave., he saw a man standing at the front gate. This individual prov ed to be a sentinel, he gave the alarm and he and the other thief eocaj ed, carrying the judge’s fine overcoat. ( Hard at Work.—ln justice to City Electrician C. B. Seay, The Hustler Commercial dc zires to state that Mr. Seay has been hard at work for several days putting the fire alarm sys tem of the city in working order- When Mr. Seay took charge of the alarm system yesterday one week ago, he found it in bad shape; he says the alarm bell having rung in continually all of the night previous. This, he says, was evidently caused by high wind and swinging wire. Mr. Seay has been working hard ever since to get the system in perfect working order. Two years ago R. J. Warren, a druggist'at Pleasant Brook. NG Y. bought a small supply of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, He sums up the result as follows : “At that time the goods were unknows in this section, today Chamberlin's Cough Remedy is a household word.” It is the same in hundreds of communities. Wherever the good qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy become - known the people will have nothing else- For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. WANTED by Old Established House —High Grade Man or Wo man of good Church standing, to act as Manager here and do office work and correspondence at thair home. Business already built up, and established here. Salary S9OO. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope for our terms to A. I • Elder. General Manager, Box— 'care Daily Hust'er Commercial. FURNITTBE Every day now brings us heavy ship ments of standard and seasonable iur niture, and vrith the coming of spring we have already received a OF BABY CARRIAGES All of them beauties and many of them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the essensial points of beau»,y and strength • M A.TTIN G-S, HUGHS, CARPKTS In this department we have received for the spring trade one car load of mattidg which we imported direct from Japan. Here you can find new patterns and the prettiest of designs and at remarkably low prices. STOVES- Do you need a new stove in your kitch-n? Taen call on us and you will go no where else. V e have the best and that means an economic stove in every sense of the word. THE HANKS FURNITURE C 8 305 Broad st- Phone 52- Undertakers, Embalmers, and Fu [neral Directors. jj RTE S’ 11V M Os Bicycles, Musical Instru ments, Sheet Music. From now until May 1, when we propose to move into our new store, we will sell our entire stock of above named goods at slaughtered prices. We desire to close out the en tire stock before we move. We are in a position to sell you; even if you are only half interested. Come and see our stock, es. pecially our wheel stock. A hundred makes to select from. All good makes of wheels. lie 'is. F ©■■■■. We BCeor- Everything in the drug line and a full line of druggists sun dries. miurr So«j.” Your especial attention is called to the fact that our prescription department has been the feature of our business for years. Its well earned reputation is now a matter of pride with us. Your orders solicited. C. 7% HTRO/I' ■ I", 331 Broad. Telephone 110 I A WHOLE CLUB ■ h ill . ft I Ca ’t i| pH Make Is B| JX I Z -" CJK Time hi I I- .; = H COO»»IC«*. ’ I carry a full and c xnjlete line of jewelry, iuclu- TjJ = ding Diamonds jS It j - ° L My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- :::: e or more complete. WEDDING PRESENTS A SPECIALTY. || J. K Williamson | tt;i i= . » Ju'-I U i ..i, .-*'* '' ‘ 1 | Lit! liilj ■■ ■. . 'L-- ' 3 ’ CANDY ® CATHARTIC vcvdcauU CURE CONSTIPATION ,Oc ALL 25c 50c DRUGGISTS 1— gffl. J- ■ I ■ f I • / ————— l ■ j Saves; Tonic Puhuies « Blood. j t Ij POSITIVE CURE 'QR fl jn DYSPEPSIA, ESURIA li[ U CHILLS ii? tLn'ER. (HUPP, ?8 j] Hl BILIOUSNESS. SICK-HEMACHE I h JI CONSTIPATION i‘ -t , P CENERAL DEBILITY. | J Restores g I ]1 PRIC ESO Cts. DDKn ’ Ll?Efi ? n H & SPLEEN. * 11 U AT ALu Will Keep your J 1 DRUGGISTS. in Healthy X n | Condition. W il 4 ' I 1 ’' i SAVER raXli fl ® DICiL «• - n ■I 49 and 51 f f il Marion St, N.Y. - n " hbwa 18 * vw 7 tctUs - “ * VER LIVER PILLS 35 CENTS. * r j Purely Vegetable ViU ;I rc Biliousness. constlpati?2. Piles. Sick Heaiacn; and n Dys->epsia. j Small taker o _ [fl t- 3 e=^=il=^=l THE nODEL LAUNDRY Is doing the best of work and guaran tees satisfaction. Prices are most reasonable. Fine work a specialty. • • Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE. The surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. THE DR. WHITEHALL MEGIUMINE CO.. South Bend, IndUur