The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 14, 1898, Image 2

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I BYRD’S EYE VIEW, The scene in congress yester day al'ti'rnoon must have been exceedingly interesting—to a man in ihe gallery. Mr. Blumin, of Pennsylvania, is said to have called Mr. Bartlett a liar, and Mr. Bartlett is said to have hurled a mass of dry argument (a volunin of Congressional Record) at Blumm. * * • There was pandemonium broke loose and colliding with stray fragments of hades—and if the Spanish army could have only seen the exhibition of American valor there is no ques tion but what it would have laid down its arms and exercised its legs. * Jfc * But at last the vote was rush ed through and the Repuplicans did exactly what the Democratic minority lias been trying to do for 18 months. The.closing par agranh of the news report, says : “The vote was then taken on the substitute resolutions anil they wi re defeated—l 47 to 19. “The vote was then taken on the adoption of the majority res olutions, and they were adopted —322 to 19. “The names of the Democrats as they voted for the resolutions were cheered. “The vote in adoption of t’ie resolution was 322 to 19. The negative votes were cast as follows: “Democrats: Adamson, of Georgia; Bankhead, of Alaba ma ; Brantley, of Georgia • Brew er, of Alabama; Clayton, of Al abama ; Cox, of Tennessee ; El liott, of South Carolina'; Griggs, of Georgia ; Howard, of Georgia; Lester, of Georgia; Lewis, of Georgia; Maddox, of Georgia; Strait, of South Carolina; Fate, of Georgia; Taylor, of Alabama. “Republicans: Johnson, of Indiana; Boulelie, of Maine; Loud, of California. “Populist: Simpson, of Kan sas.” The resolution and substitute are printed this afternoon, ,on another page, and after you have read them, it’s my opinion you will s iy that the Georgians votid right. *** I had the honor and the pleasure of accompanying Major Ed Almand, of the 3rd., Reg., Ga. Vols ~ last night wlien he inspect 'd Co’s, A. and 8., bet- “The enemy is coming: To the fort J f* ,r >’ our lives!” ■ When a wise man re- if'LL '\ I, ccives a plain warning I rv' z \ of <bingvr, he does not V JlOv'A'J wait to let it overtake vrlvlLlS /him; seeks every \’ j \ k means to \ w fight it off. Z# y, Disease would almost nev r -jHSfciEu er get the best of the average X matt if he was prepared to sX:,.,'"' b resist it, and took the natu ral precautions dictated by common sense. When a man's stomach and liver get up set and fai’ to do their regular wora, he can be cei.ain that something worse is bound to follow, if he doesn’t look out for himself Headaches, indigestion, biliousness and constipation are simply Nature’s warnings that the enemy of serious disease is coming to attack him The ser.sibl thing to do is to immedi ate! v fortify the -vslem with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It vitalizes and invigorates tl: • entire constitution. It help* the liver to filter out all bilious impurities. It gives the digestive and nutritive organs power to extract nourishment from the food and turn it irto tieh red. healthy blood. It creates appetite, good digestion, and solid, muscular strength. It is fir -.uperior to the mere temporary stimulus o> matt extracts. It is better than cod oil • tnulsions because it is assimi lated by the weakest stomach. " At.out fifteen years ago" writes Mr John Me- Michael, editor of the Plattsburg. (Mo.) Leader, " I was in very poor health, had no appetite, was duggish. and so lif less it seemed impossible for me t< >do anythinz that required effort. Every fall ind ring t.iis ill-health seemed to affect me par iicuiarly A friend advised me to use Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery asserting that it would restore me to perfect health and make a new man ’ of me. Finally he induced me to try the medicine. I weighed at the time about 125 lbs I used several bottles, and upon quitting it weighed 17s lbs. Since that time my weight haa varied from this to 195 pounds. A sure and permanent cure for constip*. tion is Dr. Pierce’s Pellets. One "Pellet 0 to a gentle laxative, two a mild cathartic. per known in Rome as Light Guards and Hill City Cadets. * ♦ I was very much pleased with the sturdy, business-like man ner in which the Homans went through the military ordeal. Major Almand seemed delighted with the fine showing the boys made. * * ♦ His talks at the two armories were well received by the gal lantboys he ad Iressed. His views on the gravity of the situ ation were forcefully put, dep recating war but believing that if it must come Georgians would do their full duty and honor their ancestry. • ♦ Major Ed Almand is one of the best military officers in the state —and incase of war he will be heard from on the field. 1 L . . PURELY PERSONAL Mr J, H Gltanes, of Nashville is in the city. Mr. John W. Wade, of Etowah, is here t day . B. C. Mandenhall, of Birming ham, is here today. W. Walff, of Nashville is in the city today on business. . Mr. A'mir R. Davis, spen‘ yes'erday in Atlanta on business. Mr. Will Darby returned yester day from a business trip to the •‘Gate City.” Mr. Jas. McClain, represent ing the Chattanooga Times, is in the city today. Mr. John Ingram, of Ingram Lithia Water Co., of Anniston, is in the city today. Mr Sproull Fouche, has rt turned from a several days business trip to Etna and Tecumseh. Mr and Mrs. Grace of Roan was the guest of Mr. Morgan last Sunday.—Trim Herald. Pruf. Earnest West, of Gedsden, is in the city the guest of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs, R H. West . Mrs. Abel Lloyd will leave to night for Brunswick where she goes to visit her daughter Mrs. G. W. Harper. Capt. W. A. Patton, of tb< enterprising J. J. O’Neil Co. of this city, returned to the city this morning. Mr. Peter Onsdofl arrived in the city yesterday from Cedar town and entered the Rome Business College. Mr. J. L. Seay, returned yester day afternoon from Anniston, where he has been the past week the guest of friends. Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Jamison returned yesterday from Macon accompanied by Mrs. Jamison’s cousin, Miss Fahy Ward. Miss Fahy Allison who has been the charming guest if Miss Maud Allen , for several weeks re turned to her home in Dalton yes terday. Dr. Taylor’s first engagement in Rome nears its end about eight weeks before the next Come at once and get your eyes examined free at Wooten’s drug store. Mrs. Ed Jones, ofAtlnntfi. Missee Berta Maddox, Mattie Harper ai.d Mr. Frank Jones,of Rome, arrived Saturday at Kartah, on a visit to the family of the Mr J. A. Jones. Summerville News, Col, Alf Hamilton, the entei prising president of Trion factory, arrived in the city this forenoon accompanien by Mrs . Hamilton and their two^pretry children. They will visit in Rome for a day or so. Mr. M. L. Palmer, president of the Farmer# Alliance of Georgia, returned to the city today from Atlanta. Mr. Palmer was in At lanta yesterday attending a meet ing of tbs state ex< cutive commit mitUe of the Populist party . One Large Scar Is Ail That Remains.of Great | Scrofula Sores Neighbors Could Not Boar to Look Upon Her-A Crand, Complete Cure by Hood’s Sarsaparilla After Ctliers Failed. “I was taken with neuralgia in my head and ey.g. Not long after this, a scrofula sore ai.jieared on my left cheek extending fr n my upper lip to my eye. Other sores came on my neck and on my right arm and one of my limbs. .They were very troublesome and painful and soon became great running sores. My face look'd so bad that some of my neighbors con'd not bear to look at me and advised me to. wear a bandage, but I feared this would irritate the sore and make it worse. So I Could Not Hide tho Sores. My niece, who was familiar with a case similar to mine, which had been cured by Hood’s Sarsa; irilla, urged me to try it. Finally I was persuaded to do so, and in a short time I saw it was helping me. The sores began to heal and the neu ralgia in my head was better. In a few •nun! hs the sores on my arms and limbs ill healed; those on my neck gradually liiappeared and now they are all gone. I have never hid any symptom of scrofula -itice. One large scar on my right arm is ill the sign that remains of my terrible .miction. The neuralgia is also cured.” Jus. J. M. If .' ch, Etna, New Hampshire. '■T? /r ’ T ' SSFS3“ raOud b parllla s the best—ln ' • t the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's are the only pills to take I lOUd & a ‘ with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Sfe SALES FOP MAY 1898, 3EORGIA FLOYD COUNTY Mill be sold before the court house door io the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ca. between the Lgal hours of sale, nn the first Tuesday in May 1898, the following described property to wit: That trait or parcel of land sit uated. lying and being in. ih sth D strict and 4th Section of Floyd Ucunty, Ga., and being an undivided one third interest in each of the following described lots lowit. land lot No. 309 & 304 in said district & section and con- 1 taining em b 160 acres more or less, levied upon by virtue of an execution issued Irom Floyd City Court in favor of Mrs M. J. Wyatt trans, vs J. S. Wyatt at the property of the defei-daut. Also at the same time and place 25 acres of land on the north side <>f lot No. 140 in the 4th , Dis trict & 4th., S etion of Floyd county, Ga., levied upon by virtue of a fifa issued from the Justice Court of the 855. District G M . in favor of the Kennesaw Guano Co., vs. R B. Perry also levied upon by virtue of a tax fifa issued by V. T. Sanford T. C. in favor of the State and County vs said R. B. Perry tor the year 1897 as the property ot ,tbe defendant. Property pouted out by G. B. Holder levy made by W. E, Vann L. C.. Also at the same time and place tho following property towit: part of the land lot Number 301. one hundred and forty acres the north west part’of said lot in the -22nd , District and 3rd Section ot Floyd County Ga.. to satisfy tax execu tion in saver of the State and •County for the year 1897 against J. W Haney agant as the prop erty of the defendant. levy made by J. A. Junes L. C., . Also at the same time and place, the following lot of land No 316 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Ga , designated as lot No. 24 in the Cooley farm and plat of said survey, recorded in the clerk’s office in b< ok Xof deeds page 66 ; levied upon by virtue of an execution issued from thejustice eouit of the 919th distr ct G. M. Floyd comity, Ga. , in favor of Hill Flowers for the use of L.i F. Dovvdle vs Lizzie Campbell ; ns the property of the defendant. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff. NOTICE, GEORG I , Floyd County: To all whotn it may co.icern: T. Warlick haying applied for Guardianship <>f the persons and property of Elizabeth Whipple Henry Hannah Taliaferro Hen ley minor children of J. H. Hen ley late of said Csunty, deceased, notice is given flint said appplica tion will be heard at my office, at 10 o’clock A, M., on the first Monday in May next. This April 4th, 1898 ♦ 4 John P. Davis. Ordinary and ex-officic Clerk C.O. S BEST sanitary plumbing ) : 'A A ii ••i fl w . $ ' i Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. - Water $ A I Qas Fixtures ’- fleters Gas 5t °ves, M *< fl* Br iM R f Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- g fr Y * tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec-' I'' trie fixtures. I have employed Alex S. Pierce to B j’ L take charge of my shop department. S' (J He is one of the best workmen in the L W M 5 South. Repair work attended to, Tt C S P rom Ptly- & ?l I | JOHNC'CHILDS, t N * 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos. Fahy. B [g 1 5 * CACTcn 11 # * EAS IE R * ‘ s over ar| d n o>v the post-lenten g « season is on. You are most cor- g W * dially invit <to call and see the J W * very latest fads and fancies, nov- # g £ elties, and nice things in sash- $ ionable millinery. We receive ? S sd i* new goods dvery day and they > * come specially selected from the 1 B .* fashion centers. Our new flow- * ers are exceptionally pretty. ' ■;» B < 1 '■'! 1 I flm, Ao Oo Garrard ■ | # *W*W*****'WW**WWWIfWW*WW*«WWW* J /mLznv ■ ■" uu,’- hi ll ffl MEB® j I S # THFY ARE THE ♦ "X § 8 $7 KIND |AT OTHER PLACES. * j ißumedailoriiifCo£®E I